John Kelly calls Robert E. Lee an "honorable man"

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Who cares about his motives . He took up arms against the us and killed 100,000s troops.

Who’s worse ? Bowe berghdal or Lee??

You lefties care. THat's why you keep insisting that the Civil War was about nothing BUT slavery.

So that you can vilify them, and thus any of their descendants that are not wallowing in guilt.

When it comes to Lee I don’t care?

Answer my question. Who’s worse ? LEE or Berghdal? As a bonus , throw in the Dallas cop shooter!

Lee obviously.

A man fighting to protect his homeland from invasion, who when finally defeated was able to give an honorable surrender, and live by it.

What's not to respect?
Who cares about his motives . He took up arms against the us and killed 100,000s troops.

Who’s worse ? Bowe berghdal or Lee??

You lefties care. THat's why you keep insisting that the Civil War was about nothing BUT slavery.

So that you can vilify them, and thus any of their descendants that are not wallowing in guilt.

If slavery was the deal breaker, or the deal maker, depending on how you look at it, and it was,

then it is not inaccurate to say that THE cause of the war was slavery.

It's meaningless to claim it was the "deal breaker."

What deal?
Who cares about his motives . He took up arms against the us and killed 100,000s troops.

Who’s worse ? Bowe berghdal or Lee??

You lefties care. THat's why you keep insisting that the Civil War was about nothing BUT slavery.

So that you can vilify them, and thus any of their descendants that are not wallowing in guilt.

When it comes to Lee I don’t care?

Answer my question. Who’s worse ? LEE or Berghdal? As a bonus , throw in the Dallas cop shooter!

Lee obviously.

A man fighting to protect his homeland from invasion, who when finally defeated was able to give an honorable surrender, and live by it.

What's not to respect?

That doesn't fit the narrative that all Southernors are evil.
Who cares about his motives . He took up arms against the us and killed 100,000s troops.

Who’s worse ? Bowe berghdal or Lee??

You lefties care. THat's why you keep insisting that the Civil War was about nothing BUT slavery.

So that you can vilify them, and thus any of their descendants that are not wallowing in guilt.

When it comes to Lee I don’t care?

Answer my question. Who’s worse ? LEE or Berghdal? As a bonus , throw in the Dallas cop shooter!

Berghdal is a disgusting cowardly piece of shit.
Not that I'm under the illusion that anyone here might actually take my advice, but if you want to understand the causes of the war, laid out factually, unbiased, and in gruesome detail,

read this book:

History of the Southern Confederacy
You are correct, no one here will take your moronic advice. I don't waste my time reading Lincoln cult propaganda.

Since you haven't read it, your charge is baseless and retarded.

The fact that you reccomend it is all I need to know.
Who cares about his motives . He took up arms against the us and killed 100,000s troops.

Who’s worse ? Bowe berghdal or Lee??

You lefties care. THat's why you keep insisting that the Civil War was about nothing BUT slavery.

So that you can vilify them, and thus any of their descendants that are not wallowing in guilt.

When it comes to Lee I don’t care?

Answer my question. Who’s worse ? LEE or Berghdal? As a bonus , throw in the Dallas cop shooter!

Lee obviously.

A man fighting to protect his homeland from invasion, who when finally defeated was able to give an honorable surrender, and live by it.

What's not to respect?

That doesn't fit the narrative that all Southernors are evil.

That's why they have to twist themselves all up into knots to avoid the truth.

Do they really think they are fooling anyone anymore?
Who cares about his motives . He took up arms against the us and killed 100,000s troops.

Who’s worse ? Bowe berghdal or Lee??

You lefties care. THat's why you keep insisting that the Civil War was about nothing BUT slavery.

So that you can vilify them, and thus any of their descendants that are not wallowing in guilt.

When it comes to Lee I don’t care?

Answer my question. Who’s worse ? LEE or Berghdal? As a bonus , throw in the Dallas cop shooter!

Lee obviously.

A man fighting to protect his homeland from invasion, who when finally defeated was able to give an honorable surrender, and live by it.

What's not to respect?

That doesn't fit the narrative that all Southernors are evil.

That's why they have to twist themselves all up into knots to avoid the truth.

Do they really think they are fooling anyone anymore?

The South is the last bastion of opposition to the leftwing jihad, so it and everyone who defends it has to be destroyed. There's nothing innocent about these campaigns.
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.

well, hell, what's a little treason among friends

What "treason" is that Nazi Jill?

When was Lee convicted of treason?

Oh, you're just lying, since you have not a shred of honor.
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
Robert E. Lee was an extremely honorable man, and the best tactician / general in both sides. He only fought on the side of the south for his beloved state.

The Congresswoman is a well-known Trump-hater, far less honorable than Robert E. Lee.

Kelly was right in that the left has become despicable, trampling on everything sacred in this country, even going as fas as to be willing to use dead soldiers and their families for political attacks.

Lee wasn't even in the same league with Jackson, which is why the South started losing as soon as Jackson died.
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.

So? Kelly is right, Robert E. Lee was indeed an honorable man.

You are a piece of shit, but Lee had honor.
Snowflakes don't know the meaning of the word.
Who cares about his motives . He took up arms against the us and killed 100,000s troops.

Who’s worse ? Bowe berghdal or Lee??

You lefties care. THat's why you keep insisting that the Civil War was about nothing BUT slavery.

So that you can vilify them, and thus any of their descendants that are not wallowing in guilt.

When it comes to Lee I don’t care?

Answer my question. Who’s worse ? LEE or Berghdal? As a bonus , throw in the Dallas cop shooter!

Lee obviously.

A man fighting to protect his homeland from invasion, who when finally defeated was able to give an honorable surrender, and live by it.

What's not to respect?

Not to respect ?? That whole part of killing a bunch of people and nearly destroying the country !!!
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
Robert E. Lee was an extremely honorable man, and the best tactician / general in both sides. He only fought on the side of the south for his beloved state.

The Congresswoman is a well-known Trump-hater, far less honorable than Robert E. Lee.

Kelly was right in that the left has become despicable, trampling on everything sacred in this country, even going as fas as to be willing to use dead soldiers and their families for political attacks.

Lee wasn't even in the same league with Jackson, which is why the South started losing as soon as Jackson died.
Longstreet, one of Lee's luitenant generals, was actually a better general than Lee. He realized that attacking federal troops at Gettysburg was a suicide mission. The defense always had the advantage in the Civil war. There was just no way that mass charges of men on foot into fire from rifles with a range of 500 yards could prevail. Lee won most of his battles because he was always on defense. At Gettysburg Longstreet told him they should withdraw and then take up a defensive position between the Union army and Washington DC. The Confederacy would have won the war if that that advice had been followed.
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Who cares about his motives . He took up arms against the us and killed 100,000s troops.

Who’s worse ? Bowe berghdal or Lee??

You lefties care. THat's why you keep insisting that the Civil War was about nothing BUT slavery.

So that you can vilify them, and thus any of their descendants that are not wallowing in guilt.

When it comes to Lee I don’t care?

Answer my question. Who’s worse ? LEE or Berghdal? As a bonus , throw in the Dallas cop shooter!

Lee obviously.

A man fighting to protect his homeland from invasion, who when finally defeated was able to give an honorable surrender, and live by it.

What's not to respect?

Not to respect ?? That whole part of killing a bunch of people and nearly destroying the country !!!

FDR and Truman also killed a bunch of people, dumbass. FDR also deliberatedly manuevered us into the war.
Who cares about his motives . He took up arms against the us and killed 100,000s troops.

Who’s worse ? Bowe berghdal or Lee??

You lefties care. THat's why you keep insisting that the Civil War was about nothing BUT slavery.

So that you can vilify them, and thus any of their descendants that are not wallowing in guilt.

When it comes to Lee I don’t care?

Answer my question. Who’s worse ? LEE or Berghdal? As a bonus , throw in the Dallas cop shooter!

Lee obviously.

A man fighting to protect his homeland from invasion, who when finally defeated was able to give an honorable surrender, and live by it.

What's not to respect?

Not to respect ?? That whole part of killing a bunch of people and nearly destroying the country !!!

Fortunes of war.

As understood and forgiven by the Americans of the time, including the veterans that paid the price to stop them.

Your "outrage" is not credible, nor relevant compared to their forgiveness.
so according to liberal historians, abe lincoln was a piece of shit racist because the civil war was all about money, not slavery
so according to liberal historians, robert e lee was a piece of shit racist because the civil war was about slavery, not money
they love to go both ways
Its amazing that you are so ignorant you cant comprehend two people fighting a war for two different reasons. When were you born son?
Lincoln had chosen Lee because the both of them had the same view or opinion on slavery.
That's stupid.

" Each states was like a country. Lee did not want to abandoned the state that he loved, Virginia."

No, we were the UNITED States, and though loyalty to state was stronger in the earlier years, they all recognized they were not sovereign entities.

Nope. In all authority not mandated to the federal government by the Constitution or denied to the states, the states were and now remain sovereign.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Right there. ^ Not sovereign.

And here:

U. S. Constitution Article 1 section 10:

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

^ Prohibiting States from actions that any Sovereign, independent State has the right to engage in.

To add: Supremacy Clause.

Shall I go on?

Only if you wish to further confirm your ignorance.
Is it true that Robert E. Lee killed more Americans than Hitler?
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