John Kelly calls Robert E. Lee an "honorable man"

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Look Loons...this really isn't all that trivial.
General Lee was an American hero, a total and complete badass. He had the courage to assemble and lead an Army that would wage war against the U.S. government in order to preserve the constitutional rights of American citizens. THE END.

For the record Lee was fighting for the Confederate Constitution

Avalon Project - Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861

Not entirely true...are you attempting to spin?
Most historians agree the original U.S. Constitution was pro slavery.
The ratification of the 10th in 1791 confirms it. Sorry bud.
Robert E. Lee is THEE American badass!

He lost the war for the South. More like a Southern dumbass. General Washington was the badass. He knew how to fight a superior force.

He was caught lying about the Congresswoman. He should have apologized. He has no honor.

Didn't Lee lose the war for the South by pitting his army against a better armed opponent?
Your ignorance is is your ability to lie.

Lee kicked the North's ass. In his last battle, the leader of his cavalry who was supposed to be scouting up ahead for him was out 'gallivanting' somewhere and failed to return in time to let Lee know what he was facing.

Although Blind to what lie head Lee chose to attack any way. He wanted the war to come to an end, one way or another. he knew the toll it had taken in lives on both sides. he knew if he retreated the war could go on for months...or longer as the death toll continued to rise.

One last fight for all the marbles - either way it would end there for the good of the nation.

So he was a loser. And you celebrate him for losing? Wow, man. You got problems.

Assuming you're even an American. Your profile was created right during the Russian troll ramp-up so for all we know, you could just be some Russian troll pretending to be an American in order to sow division. That's why you post what you post. It's not serious stuff, it's just an attempt to sow division among Americans.
It may be that Kelly just illustrates why the military does not educate soldiers to be elected officials. Generals have to abide by a code that defines how they act to lower ranks, higher ranks and civilian authority. I think Grant and Ike were the only two career generals elected, and only Ike mastered the office. Grant was not able to govern his own cabinet.
Look Loons...this really isn't all that trivial.
General Lee was an American hero, a total and complete badass. He had the courage to assemble and lead an Army that would wage war against the U.S. government in order to preserve the constitutional rights of American citizens. THE END.

He was Virginian hero who believed the rights of the States outweighed rights of the Federal Government. He also believed the battlefield would determine who has the greater moral position.

Still a traitor . And it’s even more disgusting that a General like Kelly is good with that .

Would Kelly take up arms against the United States ? Would he kill Americans ?

And by the way. The south was not oppressed. They had all kinds of representation . We even counted the slaves to bolster their #s. There were compromises everywhere .
Look Loons...this really isn't all that trivial.
General Lee was an American hero, a total and complete badass. He had the courage to assemble and lead an Army that would wage war against the U.S. government in order to preserve the constitutional rights of American citizens. THE END.

For the record Lee was fighting for the Confederate Constitution

Avalon Project - Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861

Not entirely true...are you attempting to spin?
Most historians agree the original U.S. Constitution was pro slavery.
The ratification of the 10th in 1791 confirms it. Sorry bud.
"pro slavery" intenet tough guy, put up support, or shut the fuck up.
If you read any books about the Civil War you would find that many Union generals were dishonorable. Some accounts describe general Sherman as deranged and possibly what we might call schizophrenic today. Can you imagine an American general declaring himself "God's terrible swift sward" and setting a city on fire? Sherman would have been hanged in the 20th century but the victors write the history books. Speaking of hanging, a relatively unknown general named "Black" Dave Hunter was instructed by Grant (was he still drinking?) to lay waste to the Shenandoah Valley. Hunter's men engaged in an orgy of pillaging, theft, barn burning from Winchester south and hanged innocent civilians (including a Christian Reverend) and shelled and burned VMI until the cowardly rabble was stopped at Lynchburg by a Confederate trick. I'm sure you can find a statue of Sherman and possibly Hunter and certainly Sheridan who was Hunter's commander somewhere. General Butler earned the name "beast" when he apparently proclaimed himself "king of New Orleans" and allowed his union rabble to rape New Orleans women at will.
Look Loons...this really isn't all that trivial.
General Lee was an American hero, a total and complete badass. He had the courage to assemble and lead an Army that would wage war against the U.S. government in order to preserve the constitutional rights of American citizens. THE END.

For the record Lee was fighting for the Confederate Constitution

Avalon Project - Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861
Yeah, but I'm not sure he thought the battlefield would determine the moral or ethical correctness of either side. He made his choice to side with slavery, knowing that slavery was immoral.

We all compromise, and in 1860 and even 1870 imo the vast maj of white citizens considered blacks to be inferior human beings who shouldn't vote. But that's pretty far from ordering runaway slaves to be stripped to the waist, females too, tied to a post and whipped.

Slavery had been around for centuries and is still may be considered immoral today by some but they have no qualms about benefiting from all those cheap goods produced in China by slaves, and they usually support the importation aka immigration of mexicans....America's new servant class...oh the hypocrisy!

Any intelligent historian or mere observer of society, government etc. understands very well that all advanced civilizations required a servant class and still do....aka....someone has to do the dirty woik. If we all had the i.q. of an einsteing who would be available to do agricultural work etc. certainlly not the negroes....they believe themselves way above menial labor now bwaaaaaaaaaaa oh the sins of liberalism....the do gooders wil do you in at every opportunity....essentialy a philosophy of national suicide.

Slavery in contemporary Africa - Wikipedia
Kelly isn't an honorable man, so it makes perfect sense that he thinks traitors are honorable.
He's a Gold Star father, you piece of shit. How dare you disrespect somone who gave his son's life for the sake of this country.
One of the incidents Lee was known for was when there was to be a beating of two free men for no other reason than being Black, Lee was called upon to stop the crime but instead told them to 'lay it on well' and then told them to rub brine in the wounds.

Lee is the perfect idol for kkk, alt right, nazi, fascists.

Thekre's also the very possibility that Kelly DOES know the truth about Lee and is just as racist as trump. We all ASSSumed him to be an honorable man himself but he's been proving otherwise.
One of the incidents Lee was known for was when there was to be a beating of two free men for no other reason than being Black, Lee was called upon to stop the crime but instead told them to 'lay it on well' and then told them to rub brine in the wounds.

Lee is the perfect idol for kkk, alt right, nazi, fascists.

Thekre's also the very possibility that Kelly DOES know the truth about Lee and is just as racist as trump. We all ASSSumed him to be an honorable man himself but he's been proving otherwise.
That sounds like a story dumbshits like you tell each other. Where's the documentation to support it?
Kelly isn't an honorable man, so it makes perfect sense that he thinks traitors are honorable.
He's a Gold Star father, you piece of shit. How dare you disrespect somone who gave his son's life for the sake of this country.


This from the swine who has repeatedly trashed John McCain.

"How dare you disrespect somone [sic] who"
served his country, suffers hears as a POW and has continued to suffer from injuries he suffered there.

See how that works?

I respect Kelly's loss but he's wrong on this.
I have never agreed with much of McCain's policies but respect what he gave up for his country.
Look. Even if you give a pass on the slave thing . There’s still that whole treason and killing 1/2 million US troops thing .

Think about that! Berghdal didn’t kill anyone , and cons want him hanging . Bill Ayers blew up a statue and they want him in prison .

LEe killed a 1/2 Milion TROOPS!
Honorable man...committing TREASON against the United States of America.

Kelly just forgot to mention that part. :rolleyes:
Secession is not treason.

It is if you don’t succeed.

So if I murder you and don't get caught, that means I didn't commit murder?

You're a special kind of stupid, ya know that?

That’s not analogous.

Now if you try to murder me, but I fend you off, you can’t be charged with murder.

Full secession never happened. Therefore, the Southern states fighters committed treason against the United States government.

What is "full secession never happened" supposed to mean? Of course it did. The Confederacy told the North to take their Union and go fuck themselves. That isn't treason. The Constitution defines treason, and secession doesn't fit the definition.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort

Did the Confederacy invade any state of the Union? Nope. Lincoln invaded the Confederate states. He's the traitor.
Idiot! They "levied war" against the US. They didn't accomplish a succession within the law or with diplomacy, they fought their own government. That is treason.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them,"
Look. Even if you give a pass on the slave thing . There’s still that whole treason and killing 1/2 million US troops thing .

Think about that! Berghdal didn’t kill anyone , and cons want him hanging . Bill Ayers blew up a statue and they want him in prison .

LEe killed a 1/2 Milion TROOPS!
260,000. But your point is correct.
Secession is not treason.

It is if you don’t succeed.

So if I murder you and don't get caught, that means I didn't commit murder?

You're a special kind of stupid, ya know that?

That’s not analogous.

Now if you try to murder me, but I fend you off, you can’t be charged with murder.

Full secession never happened. Therefore, the Southern states fighters committed treason against the United States government.

What is "full secession never happened" supposed to mean? Of course it did. The Confederacy told the North to take their Union and go fuck themselves. That isn't treason. The Constitution defines treason, and secession doesn't fit the definition.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort

Did the Confederacy invade any state of the Union? Nope. Lincoln invaded the Confederate states. He's the traitor.
Idiot! They "levied war" against the US. They didn't accomplish a succession within the law or with diplomacy, they fought their own government. That is treason.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them,"

They defended themselves against Lincoln's invasion, moron. Lincoln invaded Virginia, not the other way around.

You claim that secesion wasn't legal has no factual basis to support it. None whatsoever.

Note that it says Treason shall consist on "levying war against them. [plural]" That means making war against any state is treason. Lincoln is the only one who did that.
Look. Even if you give a pass on the slave thing . There’s still that whole treason and killing 1/2 million US troops thing .

Think about that! Berghdal didn’t kill anyone , and cons want him hanging . Bill Ayers blew up a statue and they want him in prison .

LEe killed a 1/2 Milion TROOPS!
260,000. But your point is correct.
Lincoln is the one who ordered them to their deaths, moron.
Lincoln gets good press no matter what happens. The "Great Emancipator" never emancipated anyone. As a matter of fact Lincoln said "I would free every slave to preserve the Union and I would keep every slave to preserve the Union". It turns out he did neither until 20% of the entire population was dead. Lincoln gets credit for being a great negotiator but in real life he couldn't negotiate his way to the bathroom. New Jersey outlawed slavery a mere decade before hostilities and the end of slavery was looming in the industrial revolution. Lincoln should have kissed ass and made promises and hired people who could deal with problems to keep the Union together. He could have made compromises even if he didn't he didn't intend to keep and lied and cajoled to buy time until the hot heads cooled off but he let the Union fall apart while depending on fantasies hatched by clueless underlings that declared the War would barely last the summer. Generations of Americans grew up with sore knuckles if they dared to criticize the Lincoln propaganda and fiction has morphed into truth. Lincoln's negligence and ego led to the Civil War.
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Lefties undermine American history as part of attacking modern Patriotism.

How so? How are "leftists undermining history"?
They lie about it.

Oh please.

Just once, have the balls to admit the truth here - You resent the left because they tell the truth.
Lincoln gets good press no matter what happens. The "Great Emancipator" never emancipated anyone. As a matter of fact Lincoln said "I would free every slave to preserve the Union and I would keep every slave to preserve the Union. It turns out he did neither until 20% of the entire population was dead.
Lincoln gets credit for being a great negotiator but he seemed unable to negotiate a trip to the bathroom. New Jersey outlawed slavery a mere decade before hostilities and the end of slavery was looming in the industrial revolution. Lincoln should have kissed ass and made promises and hired people who could deal with problems to keep the Union together. He could have made compromises even if he didn't intend to keep them he didn't intend to keep and lied and cajoled to buy time until the hot heads cooled off but he let the Union fall apart while depending on fantasies hatched by clueless underlings that declared the War would barely last the summer. Americans grew up with sore knuckles if they dared to criticize the Lincoln propaganda and fiction has morphed into truth. Lincoln's negligence led to the Civil War.
It would have been far cheaper - especially in lives - to simply buy all the slaves.
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