John Kelly calls Robert E. Lee an "honorable man"

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It is if you don’t succeed.

So if I murder you and don't get caught, that means I didn't commit murder?

You're a special kind of stupid, ya know that?

That’s not analogous.

Now if you try to murder me, but I fend you off, you can’t be charged with murder.

Full secession never happened. Therefore, the Southern states fighters committed treason against the United States government.

What is "full secession never happened" supposed to mean? Of course it did. The Confederacy told the North to take their Union and go fuck themselves. That isn't treason. The Constitution defines treason, and secession doesn't fit the definition.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort

Did the Confederacy invade any state of the Union? Nope. Lincoln invaded the Confederate states. He's the traitor.
Idiot! They "levied war" against the US. They didn't accomplish a succession within the law or with diplomacy, they fought their own government. That is treason.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them,"

They defended themselves against Lincoln's invasion, moron. Lincoln invaded Virginia, not the other way around.

You claim that secesion wasn't legal has no factual basis to support it. None whatsoever.

Note that it says Treason shall consist on "levying war against them. [plural]" That means making war against any state is treason. Lincoln is the only one who did that.
Lincoln cannot invade Virginia, it is his country. You can't invade your own country, fool.
Lincoln gets good press no matter what happens. The "Great Emancipator" never emancipated anyone. As a matter of fact Lincoln said "I would free every slave to preserve the Union and I would keep every slave to preserve the Union. It turns out he did neither until 20% of the entire population was dead.Lincoln gets credit for being a great nbathroom. New Jersey outlawed slavery a mere decade before hostilities and the end of slavery was looming in the industrial revolution. Lincoln should have kissed ass and made promises and hired people who could deal with problems to keep the Union together. He could have made compromises even if he didn't he didn't intend to keep and lied and cajoled to buy time until the hot heads cooled off but he let the Union fall apart while depending on fantasies hatched by clueless underlings that declared the War would barely last the summer. Americans grew up with sore knuckles if they dared to criticize the Lincoln propaganda and fiction has morphed into truth. Lincoln's negligence led to the Civil War.egotiator but he seemed unable to negotiate a trip to the
He's vastly overrated as a president. Those who voted for Trump understand this.
Kelly isn't an honorable man, so it makes perfect sense that he thinks traitors are honorable.
He's a Gold Star father, you piece of shit. How dare you disrespect somone who gave his son's life for the sake of this country.


This from the swine who has repeatedly trashed John McCain.

"How dare you disrespect somone [sic] who"
served his country, suffers hears as a POW and has continued to suffer from injuries he suffered there.

See how that works?

I respect Kelly's loss but he's wrong on this.
I have never agreed with much of McCain's policies but respect what he gave up for his country.
I'm not the one who constantly claims that you aren't allowed to criticise the families of vets who died in battle. Your side of the aisle is the one who is always whips that card out. If you don't accept that, then just admit it that McCain is a douche bag and a coward.
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It is if you don’t succeed.

So if I murder you and don't get caught, that means I didn't commit murder?

You're a special kind of stupid, ya know that?

That’s not analogous.

Now if you try to murder me, but I fend you off, you can’t be charged with murder.

Full secession never happened. Therefore, the Southern states fighters committed treason against the United States government.

What is "full secession never happened" supposed to mean? Of course it did. The Confederacy told the North to take their Union and go fuck themselves. That isn't treason. The Constitution defines treason, and secession doesn't fit the definition.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort

Did the Confederacy invade any state of the Union? Nope. Lincoln invaded the Confederate states. He's the traitor.
Idiot! They "levied war" against the US. They didn't accomplish a succession within the law or with diplomacy, they fought their own government. That is treason.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them,"

They defended themselves against Lincoln's invasion, moron. Lincoln invaded Virginia, not the other way around.

You claim that secesion wasn't legal has no factual basis to support it. None whatsoever.

Note that it says Treason shall consist on "levying war against them. [plural]" That means making war against any state is treason. Lincoln is the only one who did that.

Confeds fired on Ft Sumpter to start the war . Lincoln can’t invade his own country .

If they wanted to leave , they’d need an amendment to the constitution.
So if I murder you and don't get caught, that means I didn't commit murder?

You're a special kind of stupid, ya know that?

That’s not analogous.

Now if you try to murder me, but I fend you off, you can’t be charged with murder.

Full secession never happened. Therefore, the Southern states fighters committed treason against the United States government.

What is "full secession never happened" supposed to mean? Of course it did. The Confederacy told the North to take their Union and go fuck themselves. That isn't treason. The Constitution defines treason, and secession doesn't fit the definition.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort

Did the Confederacy invade any state of the Union? Nope. Lincoln invaded the Confederate states. He's the traitor.
Idiot! They "levied war" against the US. They didn't accomplish a succession within the law or with diplomacy, they fought their own government. That is treason.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them,"

They defended themselves against Lincoln's invasion, moron. Lincoln invaded Virginia, not the other way around.

You claim that secesion wasn't legal has no factual basis to support it. None whatsoever.

Note that it says Treason shall consist on "levying war against them. [plural]" That means making war against any state is treason. Lincoln is the only one who did that.
Lincoln cannot invade Virginia, it is his country. You can't invade your own country, fool.

Wrong. After secession, Virginia was a foreign country. Nevertheless, the Constitution says it's treason to make war on a state of the union.
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
I watched the interview tonight with Ingraham. Kelly is right. Lee was indeed an honorable man. As he explained tonight, things were thought of differently back then. People believed in fighting for your state more than for your country and that's what Lee thought he should do, fight for his state, Virginia.
Only Republicans think slave holders and Nazi's were "good people". Course, when you look at their "let him die" healthcare policies and their willingness to end school lunches for poor children to help needy billionaires, it's really no surprise. No surprise at all.
That’s not analogous.

Now if you try to murder me, but I fend you off, you can’t be charged with murder.

Full secession never happened. Therefore, the Southern states fighters committed treason against the United States government.

What is "full secession never happened" supposed to mean? Of course it did. The Confederacy told the North to take their Union and go fuck themselves. That isn't treason. The Constitution defines treason, and secession doesn't fit the definition.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort

Did the Confederacy invade any state of the Union? Nope. Lincoln invaded the Confederate states. He's the traitor.
Idiot! They "levied war" against the US. They didn't accomplish a succession within the law or with diplomacy, they fought their own government. That is treason.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them,"

They defended themselves against Lincoln's invasion, moron. Lincoln invaded Virginia, not the other way around.

You claim that secesion wasn't legal has no factual basis to support it. None whatsoever.

Note that it says Treason shall consist on "levying war against them. [plural]" That means making war against any state is treason. Lincoln is the only one who did that.
Lincoln cannot invade Virginia, it is his country. You can't invade your own country, fool.

Wrong. After secession, Virginia was a foreign country. Nevertheless, the Constitution says it's treason to make war on a state of the union.
No it wasn't because it wasn't a legal sucession.
So if I murder you and don't get caught, that means I didn't commit murder?

You're a special kind of stupid, ya know that?

That’s not analogous.

Now if you try to murder me, but I fend you off, you can’t be charged with murder.

Full secession never happened. Therefore, the Southern states fighters committed treason against the United States government.

What is "full secession never happened" supposed to mean? Of course it did. The Confederacy told the North to take their Union and go fuck themselves. That isn't treason. The Constitution defines treason, and secession doesn't fit the definition.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort

Did the Confederacy invade any state of the Union? Nope. Lincoln invaded the Confederate states. He's the traitor.
Idiot! They "levied war" against the US. They didn't accomplish a succession within the law or with diplomacy, they fought their own government. That is treason.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them,"

They defended themselves against Lincoln's invasion, moron. Lincoln invaded Virginia, not the other way around.

You claim that secesion wasn't legal has no factual basis to support it. None whatsoever.

Note that it says Treason shall consist on "levying war against them. [plural]" That means making war against any state is treason. Lincoln is the only one who did that.

Confeds fired on Ft Sumpter to start the war . Lincoln can’t invade his own country .

If they wanted to leave , they’d need an amendment to the constitution.
Nope. Ft Sumter was withing the territorial boundaries of South Carolina. It was South Carolina terrority. When the government of South Carolina told the federal troops to get the fuck out, they committed an act of war by refusing to leave.

There's no possible legal justification that an Amendment was required. The Constitution doesn't mention secession, and the 10th Amendment reserves all rights to the states that aren't mentioned in the Constitution. That would include secession.
What is "full secession never happened" supposed to mean? Of course it did. The Confederacy told the North to take their Union and go fuck themselves. That isn't treason. The Constitution defines treason, and secession doesn't fit the definition.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort

Did the Confederacy invade any state of the Union? Nope. Lincoln invaded the Confederate states. He's the traitor.
Idiot! They "levied war" against the US. They didn't accomplish a succession within the law or with diplomacy, they fought their own government. That is treason.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them,"

They defended themselves against Lincoln's invasion, moron. Lincoln invaded Virginia, not the other way around.

You claim that secesion wasn't legal has no factual basis to support it. None whatsoever.

Note that it says Treason shall consist on "levying war against them. [plural]" That means making war against any state is treason. Lincoln is the only one who did that.
Lincoln cannot invade Virginia, it is his country. You can't invade your own country, fool.

Wrong. After secession, Virginia was a foreign country. Nevertheless, the Constitution says it's treason to make war on a state of the union.
No it wasn't because it wasn't a legal sucession.

Prove it, douche bag.
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
I watched the interview tonight with Ingraham. Kelly is right. Lee was indeed an honorable man. As he explained tonight, things were thought of differently back then. People believed in fighting for your state more than for your country and that's what Lee thought he should do, fight for his state, Virginia.

One of the fewest times I will agree.
Idiot! They "levied war" against the US. They didn't accomplish a succession within the law or with diplomacy, they fought their own government. That is treason.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them,"

They defended themselves against Lincoln's invasion, moron. Lincoln invaded Virginia, not the other way around.

You claim that secesion wasn't legal has no factual basis to support it. None whatsoever.

Note that it says Treason shall consist on "levying war against them. [plural]" That means making war against any state is treason. Lincoln is the only one who did that.
Lincoln cannot invade Virginia, it is his country. You can't invade your own country, fool.

Wrong. After secession, Virginia was a foreign country. Nevertheless, the Constitution says it's treason to make war on a state of the union.
No it wasn't because it wasn't a legal sucession.

Prove it, douche bag.
You are an idiot. Did you go to school in the South? They don't teach correct history, do they?
They defended themselves against Lincoln's invasion, moron. Lincoln invaded Virginia, not the other way around.

You claim that secesion wasn't legal has no factual basis to support it. None whatsoever.

Note that it says Treason shall consist on "levying war against them. [plural]" That means making war against any state is treason. Lincoln is the only one who did that.
Lincoln cannot invade Virginia, it is his country. You can't invade your own country, fool.

Wrong. After secession, Virginia was a foreign country. Nevertheless, the Constitution says it's treason to make war on a state of the union.
No it wasn't because it wasn't a legal sucession.

Prove it, douche bag.
Your an idiot. Did you go to school in the South? They don't teach correct history, do they?

It's "you're an idiot."

I went to school in California and Colorada, and I was born in Boston MA. By "correct history" you mean "politically correct history." Yeah, they do teach that, but I learned real history by doing my own research.

You still haven't proven that the Constitution bars secession. That's because you can't.
Evidence has been presented exposing the crimes and collusion of the Podestas, the Clintons, Mueller, Holder, Obama, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz while there remains NONE to support the Trump Collusion lie... snowflakes turn on Robert E. Lee to vent their frustrations.


(what a great relevant topic with everything going to hell in a hand-basket right now for Democrats.... :p )
Idiot! They "levied war" against the US. They didn't accomplish a succession within the law or with diplomacy, they fought their own government. That is treason.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them,"

They defended themselves against Lincoln's invasion, moron. Lincoln invaded Virginia, not the other way around.

You claim that secesion wasn't legal has no factual basis to support it. None whatsoever.

Note that it says Treason shall consist on "levying war against them. [plural]" That means making war against any state is treason. Lincoln is the only one who did that.
Lincoln cannot invade Virginia, it is his country. You can't invade your own country, fool.

Wrong. After secession, Virginia was a foreign country. Nevertheless, the Constitution says it's treason to make war on a state of the union.
No it wasn't because it wasn't a legal sucession.

Prove it, douche bag.
It was proven at Appomattox. The Confederates gave up all claims and fantasies of secession and independence or the legal right to secede or claim themselves as a sovereign nation.
They defended themselves against Lincoln's invasion, moron. Lincoln invaded Virginia, not the other way around.

You claim that secesion wasn't legal has no factual basis to support it. None whatsoever.

Note that it says Treason shall consist on "levying war against them. [plural]" That means making war against any state is treason. Lincoln is the only one who did that.
Lincoln cannot invade Virginia, it is his country. You can't invade your own country, fool.

Wrong. After secession, Virginia was a foreign country. Nevertheless, the Constitution says it's treason to make war on a state of the union.
No it wasn't because it wasn't a legal sucession.

Prove it, douche bag.
It was proven at Appomattox. The Confederates gave up all claims and fantasies of secession and independence or the legal right to secede or claim themselves as a sovereign nation.

So might makes right? Do you claim to believe in justice, or do you admit that you are just another leftwing asshole who wants to ram your beliefs down other people's throats?

According to your theory, black slaves gave up all their rights when they were captured in Africa. That's what you just condoned.
Lincoln gets good press no matter what happens. The "Great Emancipator" never emancipated anyone. As a matter of fact Lincoln said "I would free every slave to preserve the Union and I would keep every slave to preserve the Union. It turns out he did neither until 20% of the entire population was dead.
Lincoln gets credit for being a great negotiator but he seemed unable to negotiate a trip to the bathroom. New Jersey outlawed slavery a mere decade before hostilities and the end of slavery was looming in the industrial revolution. Lincoln should have kissed ass and made promises and hired people who could deal with problems to keep the Union together. He could have made compromises even if he didn't intend to keep them he didn't intend to keep and lied and cajoled to buy time until the hot heads cooled off but he let the Union fall apart while depending on fantasies hatched by clueless underlings that declared the War would barely last the summer. Americans grew up with sore knuckles if they dared to criticize the Lincoln propaganda and fiction has morphed into truth. Lincoln's negligence led to the Civil War.
It would have been far cheaper - especially in lives - to simply buy all the slaves.

Lincoln could have shown his strength and resolve by freeing every slave in Washington D.C. but his lame plan included compensation for slave owners and it fell apart just like the Union.
He's a Gold Star father, you piece of shit. How dare you disrespect somone who gave his son's life for the sake of this country.

Being a Gold Star parent doesn't give you license to be a lying, dishonorable piece of shit. It wasn't Kelly that received the Gold Star, it was his kid. Kelly had nothing to do with it.
I'm not the one who constantly claims that you aren't allowed to criticise the families of vets who died in battle.

Umm...but you are when you say that because Kelly's kid got a Gold Star, that insulates him from any criticism or truth-telling. Kelly is a liar. He's lied so much that he's as much a liar as Trump. Worse still, he knows better but does it anyway. I think that makes him an enabler of Trump which is worse than Trump.

Your side of the aisle is the one who is always whips that card out. If you don't accept that, then just admit it that McCain is a douche bag and a coward.

McCain's no coward. The cowards are the Russians who pretend to be Americans on social media to sow discontent and division, like you're doing here.
I went to school in California and Colorada, and I was born in Boston MA. By "correct history" you mean "politically correct history." Yeah, they do teach that, but I learned real history by doing my own research.

Bullshit. I don't believe you went to school in America. I also find it interesting you would submit this piece of very vague personal information. What's the intent by doing that? To make everyone believe you grew up in more liberal places but overcame that to be a Conservative? Who buys this shit?
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