John Kelly calls Robert E. Lee an "honorable man"

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He's a Gold Star father, you piece of shit. How dare you disrespect somone who gave his son's life for the sake of this country.

Being a Gold Star parent doesn't give you license to be a lying, dishonorable piece of shit. It wasn't Kelly that received the Gold Star, it was his kid. Kelly had nothing to do with it.

Then it's OK to
call Khizr Khan a lying, dishonorable piece of shit?

They're called "gold star families" because they have a son or daughter who died in combat, you stupid cockroach. Kelly qualifies.
If you are judging Lee by the standards of today he's not if you are judging him by the standards of the time he lived in he is. Trying to judge people who lived 150 to 200 years ago by todays standards is pretty dumb.

Yet they made laws further back than that which the GOP consider part of the Bible...
Then it's OK to call Khizr Khan a lying, dishonorable piece of shit?

If he lies, sure. But he didn't lie. Kelly lied. Kelly continues to lie. Kelly enables a liar. I think that's worse than just lying. Trump's a shit person, but Kelly's even more of a shit person because he should know better. He has no excuse.

They're called "gold star families" because they have a son or daughter who died in combat, you stupid cockroach. Kelly qualifies.

Yeah, and simply being the parent of a Gold Star soldier doesn't automatically give you license to spew lies and bullshit, while enabling liars and bullshitters and Russian trolls.
Robert E. Lee is THEE American badass!

He lost the war for the South. More like a Southern dumbass. General Washington was the badass. He knew how to fight a superior force.

He was caught lying about the Congresswoman. He should have apologized. He has no honor.

Didn't Lee lose the war for the South by pitting his army against a better armed opponent?
Your ignorance is is your ability to lie.

Lee kicked the North's ass. In his last battle, the leader of his cavalry who was supposed to be scouting up ahead for him was out 'gallivanting' somewhere and failed to return in time to let Lee know what he was facing.

Although Blind to what lie head Lee chose to attack any way. He wanted the war to come to an end, one way or another. he knew the toll it had taken in lives on both sides. he knew if he retreated the war could go on for months...or longer as the death toll continued to rise.

One last fight for all the marbles - either way it would end there for the good of the nation.

So he was a loser. And you celebrate him for losing? Wow, man. You got problems.

Assuming you're even an American. Your profile was created right during the Russian troll ramp-up so for all we know, you could just be some Russian troll pretending to be an American in order to sow division. That's why you post what you post. It's not serious stuff, it's just an attempt to sow division among Americans.

Look Loons...this really isn't all that trivial.
General Lee was an American hero, a total and complete badass. He had the courage to assemble and lead an Army that would wage war against the U.S. government in order to preserve the constitutional rights of American citizens. THE END.

He was Virginian hero who believed the rights of the States outweighed rights of the Federal Government. He also believed the battlefield would determine who has the greater moral position.

Still a traitor . And it’s even more disgusting that a General like Kelly is good with that .

Would Kelly take up arms against the United States ? Would he kill Americans ?

And by the way. The south was not oppressed. They had all kinds of representation . We even counted the slaves to bolster their #s. There were compromises everywhere .

The country healed it wounds without persecuting anyone as a traitor for the war whose seed was sown before the beginning of the Republic. Very much unlike the Trumpian GOP of today who seemingly wants to prosecute their rivals.
I'm not the one who constantly claims that you aren't allowed to criticise the families of vets who died in battle.

Umm...but you are when you say that because Kelly's kid got a Gold Star, that insulates him from any criticism or truth-telling. Kelly is a liar. He's lied so much that he's as much a liar as Trump. Worse still, he knows better but does it anyway. I think that makes him an enabler of Trump which is worse than Trump.

Your side of the aisle is the one who is always whips that card out. If you don't accept that, then just admit it that McCain is a douche bag and a coward.

McCain's no coward. The cowards are the Russians who pretend to be Americans on social media to sow discontent and division, like you're doing here.

Are you claiming I'm Russian?
Lincoln cannot invade Virginia, it is his country. You can't invade your own country, fool.

Wrong. After secession, Virginia was a foreign country. Nevertheless, the Constitution says it's treason to make war on a state of the union.
No it wasn't because it wasn't a legal sucession.

Prove it, douche bag.
It was proven at Appomattox. The Confederates gave up all claims and fantasies of secession and independence or the legal right to secede or claim themselves as a sovereign nation.

So might makes right? Do you claim to believe in justice, or do you admit that you are just another leftwing asshole who wants to ram your beliefs down other people's throats?

According to your theory, black slaves gave up all their rights when they were captured in Africa. That's what you just condoned.
The country fought about this over 150 years ago. Lots of blood and death. The Confederates took the side you are promoting. The Union took the opposite side. Nobody could come to an agreement so they fought it out with that blood and death business. The Union won. They had made an agreement and reached an understanding that the winner would win the argument. Your side lost.
Yes, when hundreds of thousands of citizens give up their lives to make a point after you surrender and agree to their terms you have to adhere to the agreement that was paid for with lives and treasure. If you don't, it will get justifiably rammed down your throat. Stop your whining sore loser. If the guys who fought on the battlefields could honor an agreement who are you to whine and cry 150 years later?
Yeah, and simply being the parent of a Gold Star soldier doesn't automatically give you license to spew lies and bullshit, while enabling liars and bullshitters and Russian trolls.

You and your ilk are the ones who said Trump was a pig for criticizing Khizr Khan. You claimed he automatically had a license to spew lies and bullshit. Now you seem to be saying the opposite. You just can't keep track of where lefties stand on any given issue.
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Look Loons...this really isn't all that trivial.
General Lee was an American hero, a total and complete badass. He had the courage to assemble and lead an Army that would wage war against the U.S. government in order to preserve the constitutional rights of American citizens. THE END.

For the record Lee was fighting for the Confederate Constitution

Avalon Project - Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861

Not entirely true...are you attempting to spin?
Most historians agree the original U.S. Constitution was pro slavery.
The ratification of the 10th in 1791 confirms it. Sorry bud.

It was entirely true, pal.

Wrong. After secession, Virginia was a foreign country. Nevertheless, the Constitution says it's treason to make war on a state of the union.
No it wasn't because it wasn't a legal sucession.

Prove it, douche bag.
It was proven at Appomattox. The Confederates gave up all claims and fantasies of secession and independence or the legal right to secede or claim themselves as a sovereign nation.

So might makes right? Do you claim to believe in justice, or do you admit that you are just another leftwing asshole who wants to ram your beliefs down other people's throats?

According to your theory, black slaves gave up all their rights when they were captured in Africa. That's what you just condoned.
The country fought about this over 150 years ago. Lots of blood and death. The Confederates took the side you are promoting. The Union took the opposite side. Nobody could come to an agreement so they fought it out with that blood and death business. The Union won. They had made an agreement and reached an understanding that the winner would win the argument. Your side lost.
Yes, when hundreds of thousands of citizens give up their lives to make a point after you surrender and agree to their terms you have to adhere to the agreement that was paid for with lives and treasure. If you don't, it will get justifiably rammed down your throat. Stop your whining sore loser. If the guys who fought on the battlefields could honor an agreement who are you to whine and cry 150 years later?

They made an "agreement" at gunpoint? Are you serious? Apparently Poland "agreed" to be ruled by Germany and then by the Soviet Union.

You just admitted that you're a Nazi piece of shit who doesn't give a damn about justice or the rule of law. You're a boot licking fascist asshole who believes might makes right. Don't try to sugar coat it. Only dumbass snowflakes fall for that bullshit.
Look Loons...this really isn't all that trivial.
General Lee was an American hero, a total and complete badass. He had the courage to assemble and lead an Army that would wage war against the U.S. government in order to preserve the constitutional rights of American citizens. THE END.

For the record Lee was fighting for the Confederate Constitution

Avalon Project - Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861

Not entirely true...are you attempting to spin?
Most historians agree the original U.S. Constitution was pro slavery.
The ratification of the 10th in 1791 confirms it. Sorry bud.
"pro slavery" intenet tough guy, put up support, or shut the fuck up.

There's a little website you may have heard of:
Look it up...I can't lead you around teaching you shit all day.
You and your ilk are the ones who said Trump was a pig for criticizing Khizr Khan.

Khan said nothing untrue about Trump. But Kelly has lied repeatedly and consistently about everything including what a Democratic Representative said. We have what Rep. Wilson said on tape, and it contradicts 100% Kelly's lying account. But Kelly continues to lie about it, why? Because he's a Trump stooge and sold out his principles if he had any in the first place, which I'm not sure he did.

You claimed he automatically had a license to spew lies and bullshit. Now you seem to be saying the opposite. You just can't keep track of where lefties stand on any given issue.

Nothing Khan said was a lie or bullshit. But Kelly lies and bullshits constantly.
I know that you're a fucking idiot.

Now, now need to lose your cool or focus. After all, you wouldn't be the best Russian troll if you gave into your emotions. It's your job to stir emotions up in people, not get your emotions stirred up yourself!
Then it's OK to call Khizr Khan a lying, dishonorable piece of shit?

If he lies, sure. But he didn't lie. Kelly lied. Kelly continues to lie. Kelly enables a liar. I think that's worse than just lying. Trump's a shit person, but Kelly's even more of a shit person because he should know better. He has no excuse.

They're called "gold star families" because they have a son or daughter who died in combat, you stupid cockroach. Kelly qualifies.

Yeah, and simply being the parent of a Gold Star soldier doesn't automatically give you license to spew lies and bullshit, while enabling liars and bullshitters and Russian trolls.

Yeah, and simply being the parent of a Gold Star soldier doesn't automatically give you license to spew lies and bullshit, while enabling liars and bullshitters and Russian trolls.

You and your ilk are the ones who said Trump was a pig for criticizing Khizr Khan. You claimed he automatically had a license to spew lies and bullshit. Now you seem to be saying the opposite. You just can't keep track of where lefties stand on any given issue.[/QUOTE]

Khan was attacked for voicing opinions. There were no lies told in his comments, only subjective criticisms of trump. Kelly to provable lies. He made comments that were provably false. Kahn kept his honor intact. Kelly lost his honor. Kelly has no standing to call anyone else dishonorable.
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Robert E. Lee is THEE American badass!

He lost the war for the South. More like a Southern dumbass. General Washington was the badass. He knew how to fight a superior force.

Your ignorance is is your ability to lie.

Lee kicked the North's ass. In his last battle, the leader of his cavalry who was supposed to be scouting up ahead for him was out 'gallivanting' somewhere and failed to return in time to let Lee know what he was facing.

Although Blind to what lie head Lee chose to attack any way. He wanted the war to come to an end, one way or another. he knew the toll it had taken in lives on both sides. he knew if he retreated the war could go on for months...or longer as the death toll continued to rise.

One last fight for all the marbles - either way it would end there for the good of the nation.

So he was a loser. And you celebrate him for losing? Wow, man. You got problems.

Assuming you're even an American. Your profile was created right during the Russian troll ramp-up so for all we know, you could just be some Russian troll pretending to be an American in order to sow division. That's why you post what you post. It's not serious stuff, it's just an attempt to sow division among Americans.

Look Loons...this really isn't all that trivial.
General Lee was an American hero, a total and complete badass. He had the courage to assemble and lead an Army that would wage war against the U.S. government in order to preserve the constitutional rights of American citizens. THE END.

He was Virginian hero who believed the rights of the States outweighed rights of the Federal Government. He also believed the battlefield would determine who has the greater moral position.

Still a traitor . And it’s even more disgusting that a General like Kelly is good with that .

Would Kelly take up arms against the United States ? Would he kill Americans ?

And by the way. The south was not oppressed. They had all kinds of representation . We even counted the slaves to bolster their #s. There were compromises everywhere .

The country healed it wounds without persecuting anyone as a traitor for the war whose seed was sown before the beginning of the Republic. Very much unlike the Trumpian GOP of today who seemingly wants to prosecute their rivals.
Dims are persecuting Republicans legally. What the fuck are you even talking about?
You and your ilk are the ones who said Trump was a pig for criticizing Khizr Khan. You claimed he automatically had a license to spew lies and bullshit. Now you seem to be saying the opposite. You just can't keep track of where lefties stand on any given issue.
Khan was attacked for voicing opinions. There were no lies told in his comments, only subjective criticisms of trump. Kelly to provable lies. He made comments that were provably false. Kahn kept his honor intact. Kelly lost his honor. Kelly has no standing to call anyone else dishonorable.

Of course what Khan said was a pack of lies. Now you're just trying to make excuses for your craven hypocrisy.

Stuff like this is why I call people like you "douche bags."
How the Democratic Party created their beloved generational inner city ghetto's to continue to oppress and economically enslave the black race in America.


download (19).jpg

You and your ilk are the ones who said Trump was a pig for criticizing Khizr Khan. You claimed he automatically had a license to spew lies and bullshit. Now you seem to be saying the opposite. You just can't keep track of where lefties stand on any given issue.
Khan was attacked for voicing opinions. There were no lies told in his comments, only subjective criticisms of trump. Kelly to provable lies. He made comments that were provably false. Kahn kept his honor intact. Kelly lost his honor. Kelly has no standing to call anyone else dishonorable.

Of course what Khan said was a pack of lies. Now you're just trying to make excuses for your craven hypocrisy.

Stuff like this is why I call people like you "douche bags."
What is the specific lie that you are accusing Mr Khan of making?
Look Loons...this really isn't all that trivial.
General Lee was an American hero, a total and complete badass. He had the courage to assemble and lead an Army that would wage war against the U.S. government in order to preserve the constitutional rights of American citizens. THE END.

For the record Lee was fighting for the Confederate Constitution

Avalon Project - Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861

Not entirely true...are you attempting to spin?
Most historians agree the original U.S. Constitution was pro slavery.
The ratification of the 10th in 1791 confirms it. Sorry bud.
"pro slavery" intenet tough guy, put up support, or shut the fuck up.

There's a little website you may have heard of:
Look it up...I can't lead you around teaching you shit all day.
fuck you racist asshole. You asserted the constitution was "pro slavery" Put up or shut the fuck up, loser
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