John Kelly calls Robert E. Lee an "honorable man"

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After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
I watched the interview tonight with Ingraham. Kelly is right. Lee was indeed an honorable man. As he explained tonight, things were thought of differently back then. People believed in fighting for your state more than for your country and that's what Lee thought he should do, fight for his state, Virginia.
Lee chose to fight for the cause of slavery.

If he was honorable, he would have stayed out of the fight.

Fuck that traitor.
He fought for Virginia, douchebag.

If you were honorable you woudn't lie all the time.
The war was about slavery. Lee fought for the cause of slavery.

If he had any honor, he would have stayed out of the fight rather than join the pro-slavery side.

Fuck that traitor.
If he lies, sure. But he didn't lie. Kelly lied. Kelly continues to lie. Kelly enables a liar. I think that's worse than just lying. Trump's a shit person, but Kelly's even more of a shit person because he should know better. He has no excuse.

Yeah, and simply being the parent of a Gold Star soldier doesn't automatically give you license to spew lies and bullshit, while enabling liars and bullshitters and Russian trolls.
Of course Khan lied, and when did any of you douche bags make a distinction for lying. At the time you claimed it wasn't permitted to attack a goldstar family member for any reason.

Face it, you're all douche bag hypocrites.
First, you were challenged to specify the lies you claim Khan told, and have failed to do so. Second, no one said it was not permitted to attack a Goldstar Parent or Wife. The complaints were that the Khan's were being unjustifiably attacked. Much like you are doing. You are calling them prolific liars, yet when challenged have not been able to prove your bullshyt.

Yes, all you douchebag snowflakes said in unison that Trump wasn't allowed to raise the slightest criticism of Khan. You didn't care if it was justified. Douchebags like you called Trump a pig for even daring to question anything Khan said or did. Now you're attacking Kelly right and left. Just admit that you're a two-faced lying douche bag.

Two faced ? You righties claim to be pro troop but never are . If they get in your way you tear them up.

Khans , John Kerry, McCain, that war widow from last week .

So what did the Khans lie about ? You haven’t mentioned one specific .

Kelly is a four star general. How are you douchebags treating him?

You're only for "troops" who lie about Republicans. Being in the service doesn't mean you aren't a douche bag, as John McCain has to ably demonstrated.

We’ve seen many times that being a General probably means you are more likely to be a douche . FLYNN, Kelly , Patereus.

Those guys live like kings and don’t think their shit stinks .
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
I watched the interview tonight with Ingraham. Kelly is right. Lee was indeed an honorable man. As he explained tonight, things were thought of differently back then. People believed in fighting for your state more than for your country and that's what Lee thought he should do, fight for his state, Virginia.
Lee chose to fight for the cause of slavery.

If he was honorable, he would have stayed out of the fight.

Fuck that traitor.
He fought for Virginia, douchebag.

If you were honorable you woudn't lie all the time.

Va is part of the United States . If he wanted to fight so bad he should’ve become a Senator and fight for the laws he wanted .
Of course Khan lied, and when did any of you douche bags make a distinction for lying. At the time you claimed it wasn't permitted to attack a goldstar family member for any reason.

Face it, you're all douche bag hypocrites.
First, you were challenged to specify the lies you claim Khan told, and have failed to do so. Second, no one said it was not permitted to attack a Goldstar Parent or Wife. The complaints were that the Khan's were being unjustifiably attacked. Much like you are doing. You are calling them prolific liars, yet when challenged have not been able to prove your bullshyt.

Yes, all you douchebag snowflakes said in unison that Trump wasn't allowed to raise the slightest criticism of Khan. You didn't care if it was justified. Douchebags like you called Trump a pig for even daring to question anything Khan said or did. Now you're attacking Kelly right and left. Just admit that you're a two-faced lying douche bag.

Two faced ? You righties claim to be pro troop but never are . If they get in your way you tear them up.

Khans , John Kerry, McCain, that war widow from last week .

So what did the Khans lie about ? You haven’t mentioned one specific .

Kelly is a four star general. How are you douchebags treating him?

You're only for "troops" who lie about Republicans. Being in the service doesn't mean you aren't a douche bag, as John McCain has to ably demonstrated.

We’ve seen many times that being a General probably means you are more likely to be a douche . FLYNN, Kelly , Patereus.

Those guys live like kings and don’t think their shit stinks .

Thanks for admitting you hate the military. However, we already knew that.
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
I watched the interview tonight with Ingraham. Kelly is right. Lee was indeed an honorable man. As he explained tonight, things were thought of differently back then. People believed in fighting for your state more than for your country and that's what Lee thought he should do, fight for his state, Virginia.
Lee chose to fight for the cause of slavery.

If he was honorable, he would have stayed out of the fight.

Fuck that traitor.
He fought for Virginia, douchebag.

If you were honorable you woudn't lie all the time.

Va is part of the United States . If he wanted to fight so bad he should’ve become a Senator and fight for the laws he wanted .
It wasn't after it seceded, numbskull. Even it it was, the Constitution says making war on any of the states is treason.
Idiot! They "levied war" against the US. They didn't accomplish a succession within the law or with diplomacy, they fought their own government. That is treason.

It isn't treason. It is rebellion. Very big difference.

No . It was clearly treason . The guy was in the US military! A high ranking member!

He wasn't in the U.S. miltary after he resigned his commission, moron.
Idiot! They "levied war" against the US. They didn't accomplish a succession within the law or with diplomacy, they fought their own government. That is treason.

It isn't treason. It is rebellion. Very big difference.
noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government.
They were betraying their country; they were trying to overthrow the government.
First, you were challenged to specify the lies you claim Khan told, and have failed to do so. Second, no one said it was not permitted to attack a Goldstar Parent or Wife. The complaints were that the Khan's were being unjustifiably attacked. Much like you are doing. You are calling them prolific liars, yet when challenged have not been able to prove your bullshyt.

Yes, all you douchebag snowflakes said in unison that Trump wasn't allowed to raise the slightest criticism of Khan. You didn't care if it was justified. Douchebags like you called Trump a pig for even daring to question anything Khan said or did. Now you're attacking Kelly right and left. Just admit that you're a two-faced lying douche bag.

Two faced ? You righties claim to be pro troop but never are . If they get in your way you tear them up.

Khans , John Kerry, McCain, that war widow from last week .

So what did the Khans lie about ? You haven’t mentioned one specific .

Kelly is a four star general. How are you douchebags treating him?

You're only for "troops" who lie about Republicans. Being in the service doesn't mean you aren't a douche bag, as John McCain has to ably demonstrated.

We’ve seen many times that being a General probably means you are more likely to be a douche . FLYNN, Kelly , Patereus.

Those guys live like kings and don’t think their shit stinks .

Thanks for admitting you hate the military. However, we already knew that.

I don’t like the pentagon . Thy are full of shit and lie to us constantly.

What happens to countries who let the military brass take over ??
Idiot! They "levied war" against the US. They didn't accomplish a succession within the law or with diplomacy, they fought their own government. That is treason.

It isn't treason. It is rebellion. Very big difference.
noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government.
They were betraying their country; they were trying to overthrow the government.
No they weren't, dumbass. They did not try to overthrow the U.S. government. They seceded from the U.S. They were no longer part of it.
I understand that even the Union soldiers respected Gen. Lee; they considered him the ultimate Southern gentleman.
You made that up.

Bullshit, you defamation LIAR! It's an historical FACT, verified by a gazillion sources, that plenty of Union soldiers respected Lee as an honorable opponent! Why can't liberal baby-tantrum biological detritus like you actually GROW UP and ACT like real men? LYING PUNK!
Great interview by Laura Ingraham with Kelly. John Kelly was very impressive.

Because Lee was a jaboni.


And Lee would have kicked yer ass into submission! White guys in the old days were not politically correct.

They were still white though so I would kicked his ass just like I kick white boys asses nowadays. I come from a long line of cracka killas. All those white peckawoods still missing in Mississippi are probably the result of my families work.

Typical of your black humanoid sub-species; you DON'T have the intelligence to deal with ANY situation with ANY brainpower whatsoever, so your go-to reaction is mindless violence and destruction. See, you are proving EXACTLY why your subhuman-crybaby race isn't fully human and doesn't belong in human society. You are too stupid to deal with ANYTHING in ANY OTHER MANNER than mindless violence, you outdated farming equipment.
Funny how so many liberalfilth snowflakes get soooo triggered simply because I repeated what plenty of Union soldiers wrote about Robert E. Lee 150 goddamned YEARS ago - they said he was a true Southern gentleman, in spite of the Civil War. They're the ones who said it, so why get mad at me for it?
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Nice to see John Kelly thinks like normal Americans...he would make a fine President
All the racists on this forum think Lee was an honorable man. What consistency!
Why would one need to be a "racist" (whatever that over-used word means) to believe Robert E. Lee was honorable? What exactly was it about him that was categorically dis-honorable?

By all accounts Lee was the brave and committed commander of an opposing army who conducted himself honorably in every way -- including the execution of a formal surrender. The actions of the Confederates were not treasonous. They were rebellious. The Confederates had seceded from the Union.

Rebellion is not treason. Secession is not treason. Treason is what Julius and Ethel Rosenberg committed by surreptitiously providing Russia with our atomic secrets back in the 1950s. The most basic dictionary definition of the word, treason, is "Betrayal of a trust."
The poster boy for the most dishonorable Marine in America is calling someone else dishonorable. The trumpbots eat it up.
The lib bots are still trying to make General Robert E. Lee into something less than an honorable gentleman, and still failing.
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