John Kelly calls Robert E. Lee an "honorable man"

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Of course what Khan said was a pack of lies.

What was the lie? Can you even come up with one?
It doesn't matter.
Yeah, it does.

Looks like YOU are the liar.
No it doesn't, moron. The snowflakes claimed Trump had no right to criticize Khan, period, no matter how true what he said was.
What did Khan lie about? Prove your claim.

"Of course what Khan said was a pack of lies."
It is widely believed by almost everyone that Robert E. Lee was an honorable man. He was on the losing side of the war, but that does not make him dishonorable.
Why would one need to be a "racist" (whatever that over-used word means) to believe Robert E. Lee was honorable? What exactly was it about him that was categorically dis-honorable?

It is widely believed by almost everyone that Robert E. Lee was an honorable man. He was on the losing side of the war, but that does not make him dishonorable.

It's widely believed by the sore losers who want to sanitize as much of the humiliation of losing the Civil War as they can. It's basically all in service of their egos and nothing more.

Robert E. Lee is a traitor who is in the 9th Circle of Hell with Brutus, Judas, Benedict Arnold, and all the other traitors through history (if you believe in that sort of thing).
Nice to see John Kelly thinks like normal Americans...he would make a fine President

He was caught red handed lying about the Congresswoman. Has he issued an apology yet?

He spoke the truth....I never believed anything that rotten banana said
Dude, Kelly lied and refused to apologize. GTFO it.

Kelly erroneously claimed Wilson took credit for building funding - CNNPolitics

He has a bee in his bonnet (-: over the reaponses to Trump politicizing calls to families.
Lee fought to preserve slavery, and 620,000 people died as a result.

There is ZERO honor in that.

Fuck the traitorous, blood-soaked pig.
The lib bots are still trying to make General Robert E. Lee into something less than an honorable gentleman, and still failing.

Robert E. Lee is a traitor who now is roasting in the 9th Circle of Hell alongside all the other traitors throughout history.

You don't get to define his legacy.
Most slaves stayed at the plantations after the war because they were better off....I don't blame Lee for anything
It is widely believed by almost everyone that Robert E. Lee was an honorable man. He was on the losing side of the war, but that does not make him dishonorable.
But does taking up arms for what he described was a morally reprehensible system allow his actions to have been honorable? He may have thought his actions honorable, but as Kelly's remarks show, people act dishonorably all the time despite their beliefs otherwise.
Funny how so many liberalfilth snowflakes get soooo triggered simply because I repeated what plenty of Union soldiers wrote about Robert E. Lee 150 goddamned YEARS ago - they said he was a true Southern gentleman, in spite of the Civil War. They're the ones who said it, so why get mad at me for it?
The snowflakes like to think that Union Soldiers thought like they think. Nothing could be further from the truth. Union soldiers were white supremacists. They believed the black man was an inferior species. They disliked slavery only because they didn't want to compete with slave labor. They would have been perfecly happy to ship all black people back to Africa.
Nice to see John Kelly thinks like normal Americans...he would make a fine President

He was caught red handed lying about the Congresswoman. Has he issued an apology yet?

He spoke the truth....I never believed anything that rotten banana said

Well he is serving in absolutely the most dishonorable administration ever. So he fits like a glove.

Nah, the previous administration was the most dishonorable with Bush a close second
Lee chose to join the pro-slavery side. He could have stayed out of it, but he chose to fight to preserve slavery. So he is complicit in the deaths of 620,000 people, and he is a protector of slavery.

His choice wasn't a choice between country and state. That is a fucking lie. It was a choice between fighting to preserve slavery or not.

Lee has ZERO honor. He is a traitor. A disgrace. A mass murdering thug.

"Yeahbut his uniform was spotless!"
Nice to see John Kelly thinks like normal Americans...he would make a fine President

He was caught red handed lying about the Congresswoman. Has he issued an apology yet?

He spoke the truth....I never believed anything that rotten banana said

Well he is serving in absolutely the most dishonorable administration ever. So he fits like a glove.
So that justifies insulting a goldstar father?
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