John Kelly calls Robert E. Lee an "honorable man"

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Great interview by Laura Ingraham with Kelly. John Kelly was very impressive.

Because Lee was a jaboni.


And Lee would have kicked yer ass into submission! White guys in the old days were not politically correct.

They were still white though so I would kicked his ass just like I kick white boys asses nowadays. I come from a long line of cracka killas. All those white peckawoods still missing in Mississippi are probably the result of my families work.
2. Again, Lee kicked the Union's ass. He could have retreated and continued to do so for a long while.

"On July 3, Lee ordered an attack by fewer than 15,000 troops on the enemy’s center at Cemetery Ridge. The assault, known as “Pickett’s Charge,” managed to pierce the Union lines but eventually failed, at the cost of thousands of rebel casualties, and Lee was forced to withdraw his battered army toward Virginia on July 4."

Battle of Gettysburg - American Civil War -

After that foreign aid was not happening.
If you are judging Lee by the standards of today he's not if you are judging him by the standards of the time he lived in he is. Trying to judge people who lived 150 to 200 years ago by todays standards is pretty dumb.
Owning slaves in 1861 was NOT honorable. And neither is Kelly, because he apparently is incapable of seeing there was no compromise to be had on that. Though God knows Lincoln tried.
If was an accepted part of the time Lee lived not just in America but in many parts of the world. Fighting for the confederacy is not the sum total of the mans life to judge him as if it is is very dumb.

Well it’s a very big deal to rise up and try and destroy the country .

Holy crap, you righties FLIP OUT over protesting football players kneeling for the anthem .

But a military man who killed more troops than anyone in US history is aces wh you !!?
Your stupidity is showing.

No, your stupidity is showing . Put lipstick on that pig all you want . Lee was a traitor . That’s a fact .

Hey, do you think the Dallas shooter who killed those cops is also an honorable man? All he did was rise up against an oppressive government?
If you are judging Lee by the standards of today he's not if you are judging him by the standards of the time he lived in he is. Trying to judge people who lived 150 to 200 years ago by todays standards is pretty dumb.
Owning slaves in 1861 was NOT honorable. And neither is Kelly, because he apparently is incapable of seeing there was no compromise to be had on that. Though God knows Lincoln tried.
If was an accepted part of the time Lee lived not just in America but in many parts of the world. Fighting for the confederacy is not the sum total of the mans life to judge him as if it is is very dumb.

Well it’s a very big deal to rise up and try and destroy the country .

Holy crap, you righties FLIP OUT over protesting football players kneeling for the anthem .

But a military man who killed more troops than anyone in US history is aces wh you !!?
Your stupidity is showing.

No, your stupidity is showing . Put lipstick on that pig all you want . Lee was a traitor . That’s a fact .

Hey, do you think the Dallas shooter who killed those cops is also an honorable man? All he did was rise up against an oppressive government?
Kelly would have been correct if he'd said that by 1860 compromise over slavery in America was no longer possible. And that doesn't mean every Southerner who fought did so to keep slavery and vice versa
Kelly was right

He was caught lying about the Congresswoman. He should have apologized. He has no honor.

Didn't Lee lose the war for the South by pitting his army against a better armed opponent?
/—-/ Geeeze you idiot. Go read a book on the Civil War

They had more men, more weapons, more industry, more railroads, more of everything. It was a war of attrition. The only way the South could have won was by keeping a fighting army alive long enough to secure aid from another country and hope the citizens of the North got tired of losing sons in the war.
Washington & Lee University and Law School in Lexington Va. apparently thinks Robert E. Lee was an "honorable man". The school is still named after him. You almost gotta laugh that the hypocrite liberal administration in Lexington (mostly professors and former professors) decided to outlaw the Confederate flag in public while the city depends on Civil War related tourism and every other business (including the hospital) is named Stonewall Jackson.
Great interview by Laura Ingraham with Kelly. John Kelly was very impressive.

Because Lee was a jaboni.


And Lee would have kicked yer ass into submission! White guys in the old days were not politically correct.

They were still white though so I would kicked his ass just like I kick white boys asses nowadays. I come from a long line of cracka killas. All those white peckawoods still missing in Mississippi are probably the result of my families work.

Haha...I'm guessing you wait until after that white boy hands you your EBT card and welfare check...then you "kick his ass"...right?
Great interview by Laura Ingraham with Kelly. John Kelly was very impressive.

Because Lee was a jaboni.


And Lee would have kicked yer ass into submission! White guys in the old days were not politically correct.

They were still white though so I would kicked his ass just like I kick white boys asses nowadays. I come from a long line of cracka killas. All those white peckawoods still missing in Mississippi are probably the result of my families work.

Haha...I'm guessing you wait until after that white boy hands you your EBT card and welfare check...then you "kick his ass"...right?

Like most recessive monkeys you guess wrong but thats typical.
Robert E. Lee is THEE American badass!

He lost the war for the South. More like a Southern dumbass. General Washington was the badass. He knew how to fight a superior force.

Kelly was right

He was caught lying about the Congresswoman. He should have apologized. He has no honor.

Didn't Lee lose the war for the South by pitting his army against a better armed opponent?
Your ignorance is is your ability to lie.

Lee kicked the North's ass. In his last battle, the leader of his cavalry who was supposed to be scouting up ahead for him was out 'gallivanting' somewhere and failed to return in time to let Lee know what he was facing.

Although Blind to what lie head Lee chose to attack any way. He wanted the war to come to an end, one way or another. he knew the toll it had taken in lives on both sides. he knew if he retreated the war could go on for months...or longer as the death toll continued to rise.

One last fight for all the marbles - either way it would end there for the good of the nation.

So he was a loser. And you celebrate him for losing? Wow, man. You got problems.

Assuming you're even an American. Your profile was created right during the Russian troll ramp-up so for all we know, you could just be some Russian troll pretending to be an American in order to sow division. That's why you post what you post. It's not serious stuff, it's just an attempt to sow division among Americans.

Look Loons...this really isn't all that trivial.
General Lee was an American hero, a total and complete badass. He had the courage to assemble and lead an Army that would wage war against the U.S. government in order to preserve the constitutional rights of American citizens. THE END.

He was Virginian hero who believed the rights of the States outweighed rights of the Federal Government. He also believed the battlefield would determine who has the greater moral position.
I understand that even the Union soldiers respected Gen. Lee; they considered him the ultimate Southern gentleman.
Which pretty much supports my claim that the north didnt fight to free Black slaves as much as keep the union together.

Your claim? Most astute historians understand that fact. Lincoln spelled it out very clearly.

Lincoln...""My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause."
Great interview by Laura Ingraham with Kelly. John Kelly was very impressive.

Because Lee was a jaboni.


And Lee would have kicked yer ass into submission! White guys in the old days were not politically correct.

They were still white though so I would kicked his ass just like I kick white boys asses nowadays. I come from a long line of cracka killas. All those white peckawoods still missing in Mississippi are probably the result of my families work.

Haha...I'm guessing you wait until after that white boy hands you your EBT card and welfare check...then you "kick his ass"...right?

Internet bravado.
Good grief anyone who could afford slaves pretty well had them for crying out loud. Whites had them. Blacks had them. First Nations had them. WTF is with this shit of applying today's standards to history.
The only problem with your claim is that 98% of Blacks who had slaves owned their family members so they couldnt be enslaved by some perverted white boy that preyed on little Black queens.

Haha...the crazy shit you come up with in your fictional twisted world.
What percentage of "white boys" do you honestly believe are sexually attracted to smelly primates?
Apparently you have never been close to a white womans vagina...If you had you would know that one would have to be super fucked up in the head to prefer primate puss.
Robert E. Lee is THEE American badass!

He lost the war for the South. More like a Southern dumbass. General Washington was the badass. He knew how to fight a superior force.

Kelly was right

He was caught lying about the Congresswoman. He should have apologized. He has no honor.

Didn't Lee lose the war for the South by pitting his army against a better armed opponent?
Your ignorance is is your ability to lie.

Lee kicked the North's ass. In his last battle, the leader of his cavalry who was supposed to be scouting up ahead for him was out 'gallivanting' somewhere and failed to return in time to let Lee know what he was facing.

Although Blind to what lie head Lee chose to attack any way. He wanted the war to come to an end, one way or another. he knew the toll it had taken in lives on both sides. he knew if he retreated the war could go on for months...or longer as the death toll continued to rise.

One last fight for all the marbles - either way it would end there for the good of the nation.

So he was a loser. And you celebrate him for losing? Wow, man. You got problems.

Assuming you're even an American. Your profile was created right during the Russian troll ramp-up so for all we know, you could just be some Russian troll pretending to be an American in order to sow division. That's why you post what you post. It's not serious stuff, it's just an attempt to sow division among Americans.

Look Loons...this really isn't all that trivial.
General Lee was an American hero, a total and complete badass. He had the courage to assemble and lead an Army that would wage war against the U.S. government in order to preserve the constitutional rights of American citizens. THE END.

He was Virginian hero who believed the rights of the States outweighed rights of the Federal Government. He also believed the battlefield would determine who has the greater moral position.

Imo, it's impossible to argue that REL did not acknowledge slavery was immoral.
What Robert E. Lee Wrote to The Times About Slavery in 1858

But he probably did not see blacks as morally or politically capable of full citizenship without guidance for some time, possibly decades. And I don't think there's any historical support that he believed in giving blacks the vote or due process

I think overall he did not support splitting the nation, but he was a victim of his times, and that caused some "inconsistencies" in his positions. But that's true for all people. Even Gandhi. But there's no way to call a slave owner in 1860 "honorable" unless you argue a man may be honorable while acting to further an immorality. In 1946 we called that a war criminal.
Good grief anyone who could afford slaves pretty well had them for crying out loud. Whites had them. Blacks had them. First Nations had them. WTF is with this shit of applying today's standards to history.
The only problem with your claim is that 98% of Blacks who had slaves owned their family members so they couldnt be enslaved by some perverted white boy that preyed on little Black queens.

Haha...the crazy shit you come up with in your fictional twisted world.
What percentage of "white boys" do you honestly believe are sexually attracted to smelly primates?
Apparently you have never been close to a white womans vagina...If you had you would know that one would have to be super fucked up in the head to prefer primate puss.
Well, at least there's no longer any call to treat you civilly. There's that at least.
Great interview by Laura Ingraham with Kelly. John Kelly was very impressive.

Because Lee was a jaboni.


And Lee would have kicked yer ass into submission! White guys in the old days were not politically correct.

They were still white though so I would kicked his ass just like I kick white boys asses nowadays. I come from a long line of cracka killas. All those white peckawoods still missing in Mississippi are probably the result of my families work.

This guy is pretending to be black.
Robert E. Lee is THEE American badass!

He lost the war for the South. More like a Southern dumbass. General Washington was the badass. He knew how to fight a superior force.

Kelly was right

He was caught lying about the Congresswoman. He should have apologized. He has no honor.

Didn't Lee lose the war for the South by pitting his army against a better armed opponent?
Your ignorance is is your ability to lie.

Lee kicked the North's ass. In his last battle, the leader of his cavalry who was supposed to be scouting up ahead for him was out 'gallivanting' somewhere and failed to return in time to let Lee know what he was facing.

Although Blind to what lie head Lee chose to attack any way. He wanted the war to come to an end, one way or another. he knew the toll it had taken in lives on both sides. he knew if he retreated the war could go on for months...or longer as the death toll continued to rise.

One last fight for all the marbles - either way it would end there for the good of the nation.

So he was a loser. And you celebrate him for losing? Wow, man. You got problems.

Assuming you're even an American. Your profile was created right during the Russian troll ramp-up so for all we know, you could just be some Russian troll pretending to be an American in order to sow division. That's why you post what you post. It's not serious stuff, it's just an attempt to sow division among Americans.

Look Loons...this really isn't all that trivial.
General Lee was an American hero, a total and complete badass. He had the courage to assemble and lead an Army that would wage war against the U.S. government in order to preserve the constitutional rights of American citizens. THE END.

He was Virginian hero who believed the rights of the States outweighed rights of the Federal Government. He also believed the battlefield would determine who has the greater moral position.

Still a traitor . And it’s even more disgusting that a General like Kelly is good with that .

Would Kelly take up arms against the United States ? Would he kill Americans ?

And by the way. The south was not oppressed. They had all kinds of representation . We even counted the slaves to bolster their #s. There were compromises everywhere .
Look Loons...this really isn't all that trivial.
General Lee was an American hero, a total and complete badass. He had the courage to assemble and lead an Army that would wage war against the U.S. government in order to preserve the constitutional rights of American citizens. THE END.

For the record Lee was fighting for the Confederate Constitution

Avalon Project - Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861
Yeah, but I'm not sure he thought the battlefield would determine the moral or ethical correctness of either side. He made his choice to side with slavery, knowing that slavery was immoral.

We all compromise, and in 1860 and even 1870 imo the vast maj of white citizens considered blacks to be inferior human beings who shouldn't vote. But that's pretty far from ordering runaway slaves to be stripped to the waist, females too, tied to a post and whipped.
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