John Kelly calls Robert E. Lee an "honorable man"

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Kelly was right

He was caught lying about the Congresswoman. He should have apologized. He has no honor.

Didn't Lee lose the war for the South by pitting his army against a better armed opponent?
Your ignorance is is your ability to lie.

Lee kicked the North's ass. In his last battle, the leader of his cavalry who was supposed to be scouting up ahead for him was out 'gallivanting' somewhere and failed to return in time to let Lee know what he was facing.

Although Blind to what lie head Lee chose to attack any way. He wanted the war to come to an end, one way or another. he knew the toll it had taken in lives on both sides. he knew if he retreated the war could go on for months...or longer as the death toll continued to rise.

One last fight for all the marbles - either way it would end there for the good of the nation.
Kelly was right

He was caught lying about the Congresswoman. He should have apologized. He has no honor.

Didn't Lee lose the war for the South by pitting his army against a better armed opponent?
Your ignorance is is your ability to lie.

Lee kicked the North's ass. In his last battle, the leader of his cavalry who was supposed to be scouting up ahead for him was out 'gallivanting' somewhere and failed to return in time to let Lee know what he was facing.

Although Blind to what lie head Lee chose to attack any way. He wanted the war to come to an end, one way or another. he knew the toll it had taken in lives on both sides. he knew if he retreated the war could go on for months...or longer as the death toll continued to rise.

One last fight for all the marbles - either way it would end there for the good of the nation.

So he was a loser. And you celebrate him for losing? Wow, man. You got problems.

Assuming you're even an American. Your profile was created right during the Russian troll ramp-up so for all we know, you could just be some Russian troll pretending to be an American in order to sow division. That's why you post what you post. It's not serious stuff, it's just an attempt to sow division among Americans.
So you condemn Lee for owning slaves but you praise Washington...who owned slaves?!

No one said Washington was perfect. But unlike Washington, Lee lost. So he doesn't get to define his legacy and neither do you, comrade.
So he was a loser. And you celebrate him for losing? Wow, man. You got problems.
1. The thread is about the false claim Lee was not an honorable man. He was.

2. Again, Lee kicked the Union's ass. He could have retreated and continued to do so for a long while. He chose not to.

3. I don't 'celebrate' Lee. I respect him.

4. You are a dumbass.
I have to agree with Kelly on the fact that it was a different time and we should not judge him by today's standards. He may have been a great battlefield general but as a war strategist, he failed and lost the war. However, removing statues devoted to White supremacy has nothing to do with that issue of perception. I believe the Cities and States absolutely have the right to move these relics, (or not to remove them) of the past to museums devoted to history. They are a stark reminder to future generations of our own history of man's inhumanity to man.
Yeap, nothing about the FACT that redskins fought for the confederacy and own slaves. Nothing. Avoid that issue, or simply say it was not their fault.

How about the numbers of black slave owners during that time? Does not count?

Lets hear your thoughts on black supremacy. Going to push that fictitious term "reverse racism?"

The white liberal has been such a disaster to the black race.

What about Redskins or Black slave owner? They still lost.

I challenged a black friend of mine in High School to a 100 yard race and I won. He could beat me in the 40 however. He could beat me in wrestling on points 3 out of 4 times but I could pin him. We were pretty evenly matched.

White assholes are just as bad as black assholes.
1. The thread is about the false claim Lee was not an honorable man. He was.

No he wasn't. He fought against the United States. He was a traitor. He's in the 9th circle of hell right now, with the other traitors (if you believe in that sort of thing).

2. Again, Lee kicked the Union's ass. He could have retreated and continued to do so for a long while. He chose not to.

Check the scoreboard. Who won the war?

3. I don't 'celebrate' Lee. I respect him.

Why? You respect losers? Well, all that means is that you're a loser too.

4. You are a dumbass.

And you're a Russian troll since your profile was created exactly during the time Russians were impersonating Americans on social media in order to sow division.
No one said Washington was perfect. But unlike Washington, Lee lost. So he doesn't get to define his legacy and neither do you, comrade.
1. You continue to prove snowflakes are hypocritical by attacking one man for being a slave owner while praising another slave owner.

2. You are also ignorant. George Washington also lost battles:

"Learn more about how General George Washington led the American army to victory in the Revolutionary War. ... While he lost more battles than he won,."

- The Revolutionary War

3. So you think snowflakes and libtards get to define everyone's history / 'Legacy'? Bwuhahaha.... Obama thought he could define his own 'Legacy', but it is getting erased by the week. I will give you one thing, snowflakes are great at re-writing history. :p
1. The thread is about the false claim Lee was not an honorable man. He was.

No he wasn't. He fought against the United States. He was a traitor. He's in the 9th circle of hell right now, with the other traitors (if you believe in that sort of thing).

2. Again, Lee kicked the Union's ass. He could have retreated and continued to do so for a long while. He chose not to.

Check the scoreboard. Who won the war?

3. I don't 'celebrate' Lee. I respect him.

Why? You respect losers? Well, all that means is that you're a loser too.

4. You are a dumbass.

And you're a Russian troll since your profile was created exactly during the time Russians were impersonating Americans on social media in order to sow division.
Your triggered, delusional post just demonstrates tour ignorance and mental unbalance.
No, it was a way the South rationalized the War of Yankee Aggression after a defeat.

So basically, you're saying the South were sore losers. Well, that fits the profile...

I grew up in the south in the 1950s and 60s. Remember the slave owners were Democrats and the Yankees who defeated them were Republicans.

Yeah, and then in 1964, the Civil Rights Act was passed and all those Dixiecrats became Republicans.
/—-/ got s list of names? Al Gore Sr? WJ Fullbright?
If you are judging Lee by the standards of today he's not if you are judging him by the standards of the time he lived in he is. Trying to judge people who lived 150 to 200 years ago by todays standards is pretty dumb.
Owning slaves in 1861 was NOT honorable. And neither is Kelly, because he apparently is incapable of seeing there was no compromise to be had on that. Though God knows Lincoln tried.
1. You continue to prove snowflakes are hypocritical by attacking one man for being a slave owner while praising another slave owner.

I'm not attacking Lee for owning slaves, I'm attacking Lee for being a traitor. Lots of people owned slaves. It was a way of life for many Americans prior to the Civil War. It was also abolished in many states too. The South was unable to compete economically if they had to pay for labor. Hence, why they fought the war...they didn't want to give up the free labor. Who could blame them? Free labor = more $$$$$$$ for the plantation owners.

2. You are also ignorant. George Washington also lost battles:

But he won the war. Lee didn't win the war. He lost. So he's a loser.

So you think snowflakes and libtards get to define everyone's history / 'Legacy'? Bwuhahaha.... Obama thought he could define his own 'Legacy', but it is getting erased by the week. I will give you one thing, snowflakes are great at re-writing history. :p

No, we just get to define your legacy. Assuming of course, you're even an American and not some Russian troll hired by Putin to sow discontent among the American electorate.
/—-/ got s list of names? Al Gore Sr? WJ Fullbright?

Yes, Al Gore Sr. was a Dixiecrat. So what? Your father was a child molestor, but I don't visit that on you, do I?

Orval Fabus
Benjamin Travis Laney
John Stennis
James Eastland
Allen Ellender
Russell Long
John Sparkman
John McClellan
Richard Russell
Herman Talmadge
George Wallace
Lester Maddox
John Rarick
Robert Byrd
Al Gore, Sr.
Bull Connor
Strom Thurmon
Jesse Helms
Mills Godwin
Lee committed treason .

These generals are full of themselves . I bet Kelly thinks it’s ok that he can break the laws too.
Kelly was right

He was caught lying about the Congresswoman. He should have apologized. He has no honor.

Didn't Lee lose the war for the South by pitting his army against a better armed opponent?
Your ignorance is is your ability to lie.

Lee kicked the North's ass. In his last battle, the leader of his cavalry who was supposed to be scouting up ahead for him was out 'gallivanting' somewhere and failed to return in time to let Lee know what he was facing.

Although Blind to what lie head Lee chose to attack any way. He wanted the war to come to an end, one way or another. he knew the toll it had taken in lives on both sides. he knew if he retreated the war could go on for months...or longer as the death toll continued to rise.

One last fight for all the marbles - either way it would end there for the good of the nation.

Lee's big invasion of the North ended in failure, far from kicking the North's ass. He tucked tail are ran. Meade however was almost as inept and let them escape.
Robert E. Lee is THEE American badass!

He lost the war for the South. More like a Southern dumbass. General Washington was the badass. He knew how to fight a superior force.

Kelly was right

He was caught lying about the Congresswoman. He should have apologized. He has no honor.

Didn't Lee lose the war for the South by pitting his army against a better armed opponent?
Your ignorance is is your ability to lie.

Lee kicked the North's ass. In his last battle, the leader of his cavalry who was supposed to be scouting up ahead for him was out 'gallivanting' somewhere and failed to return in time to let Lee know what he was facing.

Although Blind to what lie head Lee chose to attack any way. He wanted the war to come to an end, one way or another. he knew the toll it had taken in lives on both sides. he knew if he retreated the war could go on for months...or longer as the death toll continued to rise.

One last fight for all the marbles - either way it would end there for the good of the nation.

So he was a loser. And you celebrate him for losing? Wow, man. You got problems.

Assuming you're even an American. Your profile was created right during the Russian troll ramp-up so for all we know, you could just be some Russian troll pretending to be an American in order to sow division. That's why you post what you post. It's not serious stuff, it's just an attempt to sow division among Americans.

Look Loons...this really isn't all that trivial.
General Lee was an American hero, a total and complete badass. He had the courage to assemble and lead an Army that would wage war against the U.S. government in order to preserve the constitutional rights of American citizens. THE END.
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
Robert E. Lee was an extremely honorable man, and the best tactician / general in both sides. He only fought on the side of the south for his beloved state.

The Congresswoman is a well-known Trump-hater, far less honorable than Robert E. Lee.

Kelly was right in that the left has become despicable, trampling on everything sacred in this country, even going as fas as to be willing to use dead soldiers and their families for political attacks.

He was a textbook definition of a traitor ! He killed 400,000 US troops and literally tried to tear apart the United States of America.

If he’s honorable , the bowe berghdal is Jesus Christ .
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