John Kelly calls Robert E. Lee an "honorable man"

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All the racists on this forum think Lee was an honorable man. What consistency!
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
Robert E. Lee was an extremely honorable man, and the best tactician / general in both sides. He only fought on the side of the south for his beloved state.

The Congresswoman is a well-known Trump-hater, far less honorable than Robert E. Lee.

Kelly was right in that the left has become despicable, trampling on everything sacred in this country, even going as fas as to be willing to use dead soldiers and their families for political attacks.
You made that up.
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.

Land you are a hyper sensitive dumbfuck. You are such a dumbfuck, I'm thinking that Yoel also drew a racist line to the empty barrel comment to. I do hope you are using protection. Remember, abortion for you is a proper and good thing.
Honorable man...committing TREASON against the United States of America.

Kelly just forgot to mention that part. :rolleyes:
He didn't commit treason, dumbass. If he did, then why didn't they try him and execute him? the reason is the fact that no jury would convict him. Know one in the Confederacy was tried for treason. Secession isn't treason.
Honorable man...committing TREASON against the United States of America.

Kelly just forgot to mention that part. :rolleyes:
Secession is not treason.

It is if you don’t succeed.

So if I murder you and don't get caught, that means I didn't commit murder?

You're a special kind of stupid, ya know that?

That’s not analogous.

Now if you try to murder me, but I fend you off, you can’t be charged with murder.

Full secession never happened. Therefore, the Southern states fighters committed treason against the United States government.
Honorable man...committing TREASON against the United States of America.

Kelly just forgot to mention that part. :rolleyes:
Secession is not treason.

It is if you don’t succeed.

So if I murder you and don't get caught, that means I didn't commit murder?

You're a special kind of stupid, ya know that?

That’s not analogous.

Now if you try to murder me, but I fend you off, you can’t be charged with murder.

Full secession never happened. Therefore, the Southern states fighters committed treason against the United States government.

What is "full secession never happened" supposed to mean? Of course it did. The Confederacy told the North to take their Union and go fuck themselves. That isn't treason. The Constitution defines treason, and secession doesn't fit the definition.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort

Did the Confederacy invade any state of the Union? Nope. Lincoln invaded the Confederate states. He's the traitor.
The South fires first. It was an act of war against their government.

How can Lincoln “invade” his own country?
Why do left wingers avoid the topic of Native Americans who owned slaves and fought for the confederacy? That rhetorical question describes ALL things you need to know about the subject of slavery and just how much the left really do not give a shit about it. They could not possibly care less about the topic if they tried.

Or else...

They would actually demand the end of slavery today. They could not care less about slavery that is going on around the world. The same way they could not care less that those same brown countries that hate Christians EXECUTE gays for being gay and stone women for being raped.

Do not ever get caught up in their shit. Meaning, they attack General Lee for only one reason. The losers like Ted Frazier and that Luddley moron are the types that are so stupid that they actually think they care about slavery.

Like I have mentioned thousands of times, there are two types of left wingers. There are those that have no clue they are pawns for the globalists. They are nothing more than brainwashed puppet robots spewing out shit they read from their agenda driven globalist media rags. They are way too dumb, and that describes all of the left wingers that post here. Especially, Ted Frazier and that moron Luddley. Complete wastes of time.

The world would have been better off if they were both flushed or swallowed.
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