John Kelly calls Robert E. Lee an "honorable man"

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The South fires first. It was an act of war against their government.

How can Lincoln “invade” his own country?
Who fires first doesn't determine who starts a war, dumbass. If German troops march into Poland, and then Polish troops fire on them, who started the war?

South Carolina was not Lincoln's country after it seceded. It was a soveriegn nation.
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Saying Lee was an honorable man isn't that terrible. Saying the civil war could have been averted through compromise is a much more egregious statement.
How do you figure?

The Civil War could have been prevented simply by Lincoln choosing not to order the invasion of Virginia.
If you are judging Lee by the standards of today he's not if you are judging him by the standards of the time he lived in he is. Trying to judge people who lived 150 to 200 years ago by todays standards is pretty dumb.

Lefties undermine American history as part of attacking modern Patriotism.

They are vile anti-American scum.
Saying Lee was an honorable man isn't that terrible. Saying the civil war could have been averted through compromise is a much more egregious statement.
How do you figure?

The Civil War could have been prevented simply by Lincoln choosing not to order the invasion of Virginia.

Or being honest about his plans to marginalize the South, making it obvious that his election would lead to war.

Thus losing the election and avoiding a bloodbath.
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.

well, hell, what's a little treason among friends

Nothing, especially as it was all forgiven long ago. Generations before you were born, by the people that paid the price to stop it.
Lee was an honorable man and one of high integrity.

The black congresswoman had a chance to be a congresswoman and chose to be black.
Lee was a ass munching loser and traitor. No honor in that.
All you have is screwed up black history. No truth in that. But historians agree that Lee was an honorable man and that settles the issue.
What white historians agree lacks any credibility. Its like monkeys saying another monkey is cool. Lee was an ass muncher and mentally weak as well as morally corrupt.

Why are you bringing the jaboni's into this debate.

Because Lee was a jaboni.

I don't believe so.
Kelly isn't an honorable man, so it makes perfect sense that he thinks traitors are honorable.
If you read American history, then you would know John Kelly was right. Robert E Lee was an honorable man. Try reading.
/----/ Even Yankee soldiers respected Lee. He had become a symbol of Southern resistance to the Union armies and was made an icon of the Lost Cause in the post-war South. Today, he remains internationally respected as a daring, often brilliant tactician, a gentleman who never referred to Northern soldiers as “the enemy” but as “those people over there,” a man who opposed secession but felt honor-bound to serve his native state. He applied for restoration of his American citizenship, but the papers were lost until the 1970s, when his wish was granted. Robert E. Lee | HistoryNet
/----/ Even Yankee soldiers respected Lee. He had become a symbol of Southern resistance to the Union armies and was made an icon of the Lost Cause in the post-war South.

What was that "Lost Cause" specifically? Preserving slavery. So how is he or the cause honorable?
/----/ Even Yankee soldiers respected Lee. He had become a symbol of Southern resistance to the Union armies and was made an icon of the Lost Cause in the post-war South.

What was that "Lost Cause" specifically? Preserving slavery. So how is he or the cause honorable?
/----/ No, it was a way the South rationalized the War of Yankee Aggression after a defeat. I grew up in the south in the 1950s and 60s. Remember the slave owners were Democrats and the Yankees who defeated them were Republicans.
I have to agree with Kelly on the fact that it was a different time and we should not judge him by today's standards. He may have been a great battlefield general but as a war strategist, he failed and lost the war. However, removing statues devoted to White supremacy has nothing to do with that issue of perception. I believe the Cities and States absolutely have the right to move these relics, (or not to remove them) of the past to museums devoted to history. They are a stark reminder to future generations of our own history of man's inhumanity to man.
I have to agree with Kelly on the fact that it was a different time and we should not judge him by today's standards. He may have been a great battlefield general but as a war strategist, he failed and lost the war. However, removing statues devoted to White supremacy has nothing to do with that issue of perception. I believe the Cities and States absolutely have the right to move these relics, (or not to remove them) of the past to museums devoted to history. They are a stark reminder to future generations of our own history of man's inhumanity to man.
Yeap, nothing about the FACT that redskins fought for the confederacy and own slaves. Nothing. Avoid that issue, or simply say it was not their fault.

How about the numbers of black slave owners during that time? Does not count?

Lets hear your thoughts on black supremacy. Going to push that fictitious term "reverse racism?"

The white liberal has been such a disaster to the black race.
Kelly was right

He was caught lying about the Congresswoman. He should have apologized. He has no honor.

Didn't Lee lose the war for the South by pitting his army against a better armed opponent?
No, it was a way the South rationalized the War of Yankee Aggression after a defeat.

So basically, you're saying the South were sore losers. Well, that fits the profile...

I grew up in the south in the 1950s and 60s. Remember the slave owners were Democrats and the Yankees who defeated them were Republicans.

Yeah, and then in 1964, the Civil Rights Act was passed and all those Dixiecrats became Republicans.
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