John Kerry Approved the U.S. Travel VISAs for the 13 Russian Operatives that was just Indicted by Mu

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For those new to the thread to help you through the clutter.

This is a fake story, John Kerry did not approve anything. The State Dept did, along with the other almost 11 million visas that year.
I would like to know what in my post lead you to this conclusion? Is it because I called out the fake news story and did not just blindly accept it like the Trump zealots?

Are you just one more zealot that assumes everyone that does not bow at the feet of Trump must be a Dem?

And yes, it does offend me. Just as someone calling me a Repub would offend me.
all over the place much? once again I would wager you are a liberal, I already explained what it was, your inability to understand even the simplest [I used the word rudimentary so that may be why you did not recognize the first attempt at explaining it] explanations and requiring each one to be explained downward each an every time as is evidenced right here in this last post of yours and the one before it, a dna trait that proves who is a liberal no matter how hard they try to run from it...look at your last claim in this post that refers back to my post, now compare them and you will see how easily you become confused during the course of a simple even forgot to play the "drunk" card, the main theme of your rant
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*BREAKING* Obama's Secretary of State John Kerry Approved the U.S. Travel VISAs for the 13 Russian Operatives that was just Indicted by Mueller for Election Tampering
first they let the female lawyer into the country to fuck with trump, now these 13.

but it's all trumps fault i tell ya, all his fault!

hell the left opened the door and rolled out the red carpet to them and bent over the silken pillow with their collective ass in the air for them.
The shit is knee deep...put them all in prison...from Obama on down through his cabinet and into the Clinton clan...right down to the Clinton dog... all should go to prison...right along with the 7th floor of the FBI...every one of them...
For those new to the thread to help you through the clutter.

This is a fake story, John Kerry did not approve anything
they will do a better job of understanding what is being posted than you have to this point, but if you are that worried about it Ya may wanna jump on over to the "13 indicted" thread, ya know, to alert the newbs that trump was cleared of any involvement .
all over the place much? once again I would wager you are a liberal, I already explained what it was, your inability to understand even the simplest [I used the word rudimentary so that may be why you did not recognize the first attempt at explaining it] explanations and requiring each one to be explained downward each an every time as is evidenced right here in this last post of yours and the one before it, a dna trait that proves who is a liberal no matter how hard they try to run from it...look at your last claim in this post that refers back to my post, now compare them and you will see how easily you become confused during the course of a simple even forgot to play the "drunk" card, the main theme of your rant

So, you are just one more partisan zealot. Thanks for clearing that up! Now I can add you to that pile and know not to take you too seriously.
For those new to the thread to help you through the clutter.

This is a fake story, John Kerry did not approve anything
they will do a better job of understanding what is being posted than you have to this point, but if you are that worried about it Ya may wanna jump on over to the "13 indicted" thread, ya know, to alert the newbs that trump was cleared of any involvement .

Why would I want to run over there and spread more fake news, my fine little Trump zealot? I leave the fake news to you zealots.
So, you are just one more partisan zealot. Thanks for clearing that up! Now I can add you to that pile and know not to take you too seriously.

So lets see how accurate I was in claiming you have a comprehension problem [coprehension means understanding something] and cannot really figure out even the simplest discussions based on on that meaningless whine above:
registered democrat my entire life, with one exception I voted for democrats across the board in the 2017 off year elections, voted for Johnson in the 2016 election as there was no real choice [but I love trump for sticking it to you lefties by beheading the queen] I voted for Obama twice, voted for Bush over Gore like any sane person, but then abandoned common sense in 04 and voted for Bush again at the very last second [actually had my hand on the lever for Kerry and still regret not voting for him as I think we missed out on a great president with him] and decided to give Bush another chance, presidents keneddy, reagan and Obama were our best would you say did assessing the situation?...a round number comes to mind
For those new to the thread to help you through the clutter.

This is a fake story, John Kerry did not approve anything. The State Dept did, along with the other almost 11 million visas that year.

The buck stops with Kerry he was the SOS. Its funny how dumb ass liberals never think their leaders are responsible for anything even though they hold the leadership position.
Why would I want to run over there and spread more fake news, my fine little Trump zealot? I leave the fake news to you zealots.
once again, the answer to your question is in the post you are addressing, because you are worried about the newbs, member? and admitting that thread is fake news and this one is not is a half step in the right direction [re-read your post and you will see that is what you are saying... but if your own posts are confusing you as well I will attempt to help you] what's with the "fine trump zealot" thing? I start having a few beers and you drop the entire "drunk" thing and start an entirely new ranting and raving theme, try staying the course, less things to get confused over
So, you are just one more partisan zealot. Thanks for clearing that up! Now I can add you to that pile and know not to take you too seriously.

So lets see how accurate I was in claiming you have a comprehension problem [coprehension means understanding something] and cannot really figure out even the simplest discussions based on on that meaningless whine above:
registered democrat my entire life, with one exception I voted for democrats across the board in the 2017 off year elections, voted for Johnson in the 2016 election as there was no real choice [but I love trump for sticking it to you lefties by beheading the queen] I voted for Obama twice, voted for Bush over Gore like any sane person, but then abandoned common sense in 04 and voted for Bush again at the very last second [actually had my hand on the lever for Kerry and still regret not voting for him as I think we missed out on a great president with him] and decided to give Bush another chance, presidents keneddy, reagan and Obama were our best would you say did assessing the situation?...a round number comes to mind

If we are going to compare voting records to see how well one judged the other, I would say that still came closer to you than you did to me:

Johnson - 2016
Johnson - 2012
Barr - 2008
Badnarik - 2004
Browne - 2000
Perot. - 1996
Clinton- 1992
Bush I -1988
Reagan - 1984
For those new to the thread to help you through the clutter.

This is a fake story, John Kerry did not approve anything. The State Dept did, along with the other almost 11 million visas that year.

The buck stops with Kerry he was the SOS. Its funny how dumb ass liberals never think their leaders are responsible for anything even though they hold the leadership position.

I would say if this is the route we are going then the buck stops with Kerry's boss, so we can blame Obama for these 13 visas being approved among the other 11 million that were approved that year.

And since everything that happens is the fault of the person at the top, Trump is responsible for the failure of the FBI in regards to the shooter in Florida.

So, it would be just as accurate to say that Trump let the shooter go as it is to say Kerry approved the visas.

Sound fair?
If we are going to compare voting records to see how well one judged the other, I would say that still came closer to you than you did to me:

Johnson - 2016
Johnson - 2012
Barr - 2008
Badnarik - 2004
Browne - 2000
Perot. - 1996
Clinton- 1992
Bush I -1988
Reagan - 1984
Fair enough, except I did not call you a zealot, zealots do not have voting records like ours, I have said many times on here that trumps only good deed to date is knocking off the queen, for that he is coming under attack, not for anything else, everything, including the special counsel is because the left armed with PC orthodoxy thinks genitalia is the most qualifying credential to hold office, they have hijacked the democratic party only democrats can retake it, so any chance I get to stick it to liberals I do, and I have never seen anything so effective to be used against them as donald trump...they are still losing sleep over the 2016 election and they deserve it.
I just love this board. One Trump zealot post some bullshit with no support and the other Trump zealots latch on like it was just handed down on stone tablets by the almighty himself.

But when anyone that is not a Trump zealot says the sun comes up in the east 50 Trump zealots will demand a link proving it.
lol, all of a sudden proof is part of the equation...I like kerry and know he would never be involved in anything subversie, but as far as proof of a connection to russia this blows anything out of the water the left has offered up against trump, but then again that can be said about everything that exists outside the investigation

Funny how this story turned up at the exact same time as the announcement from the DOJ.

If we are going to compare voting records to see how well one judged the other, I would say that still came closer to you than you did to me:

Johnson - 2016
Johnson - 2012
Barr - 2008
Badnarik - 2004
Browne - 2000
Perot. - 1996
Clinton- 1992
Bush I -1988
Reagan - 1984
Fair enough, except I did not call you a zealot, zealots do not have voting records like ours, I have said many times on here that trumps only good deed to date is knocking off the queen, for that he is coming under attack, not for anything else, everything, including the special counsel is because the left armed with PC orthodoxy thinks genitalia is the most qualifying credential to hold office, they have hijacked the democratic party only democrats can retake it, so any chance I get to stick it to liberals I do, and I have never seen anything so effective to be used against them as donald trump...they are still losing sleep over the 2016 election and they deserve it.

I called you a zealot because you equate intelligence with political points of view, as if there are not stupid conservatives. I could not think of anyone other than a zealot that assumes someone is a liberal based upon your perception of their intelligence.
I just love this board. One Trump zealot post some bullshit with no support and the other Trump zealots latch on like it was just handed down on stone tablets by the almighty himself.

But when anyone that is not a Trump zealot says the sun comes up in the east 50 Trump zealots will demand a link proving it.
lol, all of a sudden proof is part of the equation...I like kerry and know he would never be involved in anything subversie, but as far as proof of a connection to russia this blows anything out of the water the left has offered up against trump, but then again that can be said about everything that exists outside the investigation

Funny how this story turned up at the exact same time as the announcement from the DOJ.


That is because the story lied about what was in the documents from the DOJ.
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