John Kerry on TV right now playing Susan Rice

Bibi is a patriot!!!!
So was Hitler. That makes 2 things they have in common - being Nazis and Patriots.
only hilter, like Kerry, wants to kill
You don't know anything about Fascism, do you.
Sure do....why? You have a question?
No question, just an answer. Nazism doesn't mean "killing Jews". I know you think it does but you're wrong.

But hilter was a fascist that killed Jews....and Kerry just put Jews in mortal danger for no reason.....right?
The anti-Kerryites here remind me of their Dear Leader's leadership abilities.

Well, don't hold back. Work yourself up to suicide by mod. Sassy exists on a diet of alt right garbage and that is why she oozes moral slime. She's wrong about Kerry, and 90% of America knows it.
Must have been the same people who told you that Saddam had WMD's.
Not me. Unless you are counting high school chemistry labs as WMDs.

Or the poisonous gas he killed the Kurds with
Saddam didn't have "poisonous gas".
The Kurds beg to differ.....
John Kerry, justifying Obama's betrayal of Israel, actually said, "Israel can choose to be Jewish OR Democratic" but not both.


'Liberalism' = 'Disease', specifically 'Mental Disorder'!
the two-state system has been US policy for a couple of decades

kerry is offering nothing new
Well, don't hold back. Work yourself up to suicide by mod. Sassy exists on a diet of alt right garbage and that is why she oozes moral slime. She's wrong about Kerry, and 90% of America knows it.
Must have been the same people who told you that Saddam had WMD's.
Not me. Unless you are counting high school chemistry labs as WMDs.

Or the poisonous gas he killed the Kurds with
Saddam didn't have "poisonous gas".

Tell that to the Kurds in Halabja.....oh wait you can't....they are dead
Well, don't hold back. Work yourself up to suicide by mod. Sassy exists on a diet of alt right garbage and that is why she oozes moral slime. She's wrong about Kerry, and 90% of America knows it.
Must have been the same people who told you that Saddam had WMD's.
Not me. Unless you are counting high school chemistry labs as WMDs.

Or the poisonous gas he killed the Kurds with
Saddam didn't have "poisonous gas".

Tell that to the Kurds in Halabja.....oh wait you can't....they are dead
From Saddams poison gas......huh.....
The problem of course remains that Israel and its enemies in the ME do not want a two state solution.

An attempt of an one-state solution will result in terrible war in the Near East and beyond.

Only the US and Russia working in concert can force one or the other, and that is only problematic.
only hilter, like Kerry, wants to kill
You don't know anything about Fascism, do you.
Sure do....why? You have a question?
No question, just an answer. Nazism doesn't mean "killing Jews". I know you think it does but you're wrong.

But hilter was a fascist that killed Jews....and Kerry just put Jews in mortal danger for no reason.....right?
Kerry has nothing to do with it. The comparison is Hitler and the Net-on-Yahoo.
So, Kerry didn't do what he just did? Link?
Must have been the same people who told you that Saddam had WMD's.
Not me. Unless you are counting high school chemistry labs as WMDs.

Or the poisonous gas he killed the Kurds with
Saddam didn't have "poisonous gas".

Tell that to the Kurds in Halabja.....oh wait you can't....they are dead
From Saddams poison gas......huh.....

Yes and this is known history inconvenient fact for the anti Iraq war crowd
The New York Times shockingly admitted in an explosive front page report that thousands of WMDs were found in Iraq since the start of the war:

From 2004 to 2011, American and American-trained Iraqi troops repeatedly encountered, and on at least six occasions were wounded by, chemical weapons remaining from years earlier in Saddam Hussein’s rule.

In all, American troops secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials, and heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

Read more: BOMBSHELL: New York Times Reports WMDs WERE Found in Iraq! - The Political Insider
How picky do you want me to be?
1). Soldiers were not allowed to have such long hair.
2). As a civilian, it is considered "impersonating" (and against the law) to wear the uniform.
3). Ribbons were not worn with fatigues.

Long hair? As I recall - Kerry was out of the military when he testified about the atrocities. As for medals and ribbons...

Medals & Ribbons Civilian Wear Guide | Military Blog

And when he was testifying about those so called "atrocities" why didn't he prevent them? As the officer in charge it is his DUTY to prevent that behavior. Why did he ALLOW it? The only thing his testimony did was either present the lie that has been his life, or give evidence of extreme criminal behavior that he allowed and approved of.
It was also a complete pack of fucking lies.

Not really but if you want to believe the filthy ass Democrat talking points that said it was then go right ahead. America has already found him to "unfit for command" so who gives a shit anymore? The sonofabitch was a cowardly arrogant asshole and there is plenty of documentation of that from the people that served with him. They even wrote a book about it. .

That piece of shit is an embarrassed to this country on several levels. He is a disgrace to all veterans that served in Vietnam that he declared to as having "personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam". He never saw any of that and was lying when he did his Winter Solder testimony. The little chickenshit was only over there for four months. He has no idea what the Vietnam war was all about. He just did the typical Moon Bat lying.

It is a good thing he was not elected President. It is a terrible thing that Obama appointed the shithead Secretary of State and his comments today just showed what a clueless asshole he is.

And when he was testifying about those so called "atrocities" why didn't he prevent them? As the officer in charge it is his DUTY to prevent that behavior. Why did he ALLOW it? The only thing his testimony did was either present the lie that has been his life, or give evidence of extreme criminal behavior that he allowed and approved of.

Because the sonofabitch never saw them. He wasn't even in country long enough to break in a pair of boots.
It was also a complete pack of fucking lies.

Not really but if you want to believe the filthy ass Democrat talking points that said it was then go right ahead. America has already found him to "unfit for command" so who gives a shit anymore? The sonofabitch was a cowardly arrogant asshole and there is plenty of documentation of that from the people that served with him. They even wrote a book about it. .

That piece of shit is an embarrassed to this country on several levels. He is a disgrace to all veterans that served in Vietnam that he declared to as having "personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam". He never saw any of that and was lying when he did his Winter Solder testimony. The little chickenshit was only over there for four months. He has no idea what the Vietnam war was all about. He just did the typical Moon Bat lying.

It is a good thing he was not elected President. It is a terrible thing that Obama appointed the shithead Secretary of State and his comments today just showed what a clueless asshole he is.

Uh, and the book was proven to be bullshit. Completely. The Swift Boat attack is infamous for its lies.

How do you not know this?
The New York Times shockingly admitted in an explosive front page report that thousands of WMDs were found in Iraq since the start of the war:

From 2004 to 2011, American and American-trained Iraqi troops repeatedly encountered, and on at least six occasions were wounded by, chemical weapons remaining from years earlier in Saddam Hussein’s rule.

In all, American troops secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials, and heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

Read more: BOMBSHELL: New York Times Reports WMDs WERE Found in Iraq! - The Political Insider

I guess this explains why GW Bush apologized and admitted that no WMDs were found? And continues to believe so?

LOL, you're such a dumb bitch.

Uh, and the book was proven to be bullshit. Completely. The Swift Boat attack is infamous for its lies.

How do you not know this?

No Moon Bat you are confused. The Democrat spin was that it was a lie but that is nothing more than typical Libtard denial of the truth. We see it all the time. It is amazing that there are stupid Moon Bats like yourself that believes Democrat spin and Kerry lies.

However, it doesn't make any difference now. Americans didn't elect the asshole as President so they kinda out voted you on that. Kerry himself said it was the Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth that caused his loss. Good!
How picky do you want me to be?
1). Soldiers were not allowed to have such long hair.
2). As a civilian, it is considered "impersonating" (and against the law) to wear the uniform.
3). Ribbons were not worn with fatigues.

Long hair? As I recall - Kerry was out of the military when he testified about the atrocities. As for medals and ribbons...

Medals & Ribbons Civilian Wear Guide | Military Blog

And when he was testifying about those so called "atrocities" why didn't he prevent them? As the officer in charge it is his DUTY to prevent that behavior. Why did he ALLOW it? The only thing his testimony did was either present the lie that has been his life, or give evidence of extreme criminal behavior that he allowed and approved of.

You will literally believe any bullshit pack of lies, won't you? What a fucking moron you are.

It is amazing that there are idiots like you that can't pull your head out of your Libtard Moon Bat ass.

Kerry is an absolute piece of shit in every way imaginable. It takes a real turdbrain to defend somebody like that and to believe his spin and lies.

His stupid statement today that Israel can be Jewish or it can be a Democracy but not both was one of the most stupid statements ever made by a Secretary of State. That will cause the lost of many Democrat Jewish supporters and that will really hurt the Moon Bat Party come the next election.

That asshole can't keep his dumbass mouth shut, can he?
It's just more buffoonery from this inept and corrupt administration

Buffoonery starts Jan. 20th.

mwf5zniqhfntwq3gp1ma.jpg're the nitwit that tried to sell Kerry as a war hero :lmao:

Three purple hearts, a bronze star and a silver star. He's more decorated than Chris Fucking Kyle.

Please explain how this is not combat heroism.

I'll fucking wait.
Benedict Arnold was also a war hero.

True....but Kerry never was a war hero ....just a loudmouth traitor to this nation
Vietnam Was a Class War Against America

Anyone who supports the rights of HeirHeads and their college-student future flunkies to get out of the fighting is a traitor, but the Chickenhawks weren't loud about it.

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