John Kerry on TV right now playing Susan Rice

How picky do you want me to be?
1). Soldiers were not allowed to have such long hair.
2). As a civilian, it is considered "impersonating" (and against the law) to wear the uniform.
3). Ribbons were not worn with fatigues.

His claim to have thrown his medals over a wall at the Pentagon was proven false also....he threw another guy's medals. When caught he claimed he threw his ribbons, not his medals, then denied throwing anything.

Kerry has been a liar his whole life.

Some of the best money I ever spent in my life was to contribute to the Swift Boat for the Truth back in 2004. It helped to defeat Kerry and that is a great thing.
What if it ain't. Why is this administration pushing this so hard right before the new administration comes in.
To stir up controversy where none is needed.
Unless their purpose was to undermine Trump (which backfired)
And now they're covering their ###'s

Trump is poking his nose where he shouldn't be right now. As always, he's an arrogant ass.
Will you say the same about Obama next month. You know he will whine about Trump throughout his presidency. Which will prove how classless he is.

Obama won't be president next month. He won;t have the ability to screw up things like Trump is doing right now, even if he wanted to. I do expect Trump to receive lots of opposition throughout his term. He wasn't the popular choice, after all.
Trump won with a mandate....and he will undo what Nazi Obama has done,...

3 million fewer votes isn't a mandate.
The GOP Senate and the GOP House don't think Trump has a mandate, unless he does what they want.
Why would Levantine Palestinians (Mediterranean people) Muslims and Christians, belong in Arabia? The Jews should be sent to Europe, Russia, the U.S. etc, where they came from.

The Jews have been in Jerusalem for over 2,000 years and we saw what happened to those who once lived in europe and russia....6,000,000 exterminated. They are right where they belong and will remain there forever.

There were no Jews in Jerusalem, only Christians were permitted in Jerusalem until 637 AD when the Muslims defeated the Christians and opened Jerusalem up to all religions. Read your history. The people of Palestine were all Christian, by law, until the Muslim Arab conquest.
That's a flat lie, and you know it. Run along. There have always been Jews in Jerusalem.
You don't know anymore about what constitutes a war hero than you do what constitutes a conservative, ya fraud. Give it up already
You are a cretin. You never served, I did for more than a decade on active duty in the Army. You people literally are engaged in post-truth demagoguery, not a thing more.
Trump will only get what the Congress gives him, and they are not on a "Trump mandate" mission right now.
Either a Greater Israel or a two-state forced solution would require US and Russia in agreement.

Anybody see Putin pissing off the Arabs to please Trump?
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Either a Greater Israel or a two-state forced solution would require US and Russia in agreement.

Anybody see Putin pissing off the Arabs to please Trump?

You would need more than just Russia and the US to force a two state solution in the UN.
How picky do you want me to be?
1). Soldiers were not allowed to have such long hair.
2). As a civilian, it is considered "impersonating" (and against the law) to wear the uniform.
3). Ribbons were not worn with fatigues.

His claim to have thrown his medals over a wall at the Pentagon was proven false also....he threw another guy's medals. When caught he claimed he threw his ribbons, not his medals, then denied throwing anything.

Yup and from what I've read about this idiot he went to Vietnam to try to be a hero so he could get into politics when he got back home.

Won a few very dubious medals got home and saw how the anti war movement was going and changed tack.

He decided the anti war movement would get him into politics before being a hero in a very un popular war would.

Guys a fucking POS and always has been.
To some extent they are. But no one in Israel is as far right-wing regarding Israel as American Republicans.
When did insulting your allies on the world stage become acceptable behavior?

It's just more buffoonery from this inept and corrupt administration

Buffoonery starts Jan. 20th.

mwf5zniqhfntwq3gp1ma.jpg're the nitwit that tried to sell Kerry as a war hero :lmao:

Three purple hearts, a bronze star and a silver star. He's more decorated than Chris Fucking Kyle.

Please explain how this is not combat heroism.

I'll fucking wait.
Preppies Owe Us 58,315 lives

Benedict Arnold was also a war hero, at the crucial Battle of Saratoga. Then he sold out to the British aristocratic snobs, just as Kerry sold out to the American richkids, a class that has no right to exist. There never was an anti-war movement; the protests were all about spoiled brats calling those born in the working class "baby-killers." The purpose of the war was to kill off or take the fight out of real Americans.
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How picky do you want me to be?
1). Soldiers were not allowed to have such long hair.
2). As a civilian, it is considered "impersonating" (and against the law) to wear the uniform.
3). Ribbons were not worn with fatigues.

His claim to have thrown his medals over a wall at the Pentagon was proven false also....he threw another guy's medals. When caught he claimed he threw his ribbons, not his medals, then denied throwing anything.

Kerry has been a liar his whole life.

Some of the best money I ever spent in my life was to contribute to the Swift Boat for the Truth back in 2004. It helped to defeat Kerry and that is a great thing.

It was also a complete pack of fucking lies.
When did insulting your allies on the world stage become acceptable behavior?

It's just more buffoonery from this inept and corrupt administration

Buffoonery starts Jan. 20th.

mwf5zniqhfntwq3gp1ma.jpg're the nitwit that tried to sell Kerry as a war hero :lmao:

Three purple hearts, a bronze star and a silver star. He's more decorated than Chris Fucking Kyle.

Please explain how this is not combat heroism.

I'll fucking wait.
Benedict Arnold was also a war hero.

True....but Kerry never was a war hero ....just a loudmouth traitor to this nation
Either a Greater Israel or a two-state forced solution would require US and Russia in agreement.

Anybody see Putin pissing off the Arabs to please Trump?

You would need more than just Russia and the US to force a two state solution in the UN.
Or a one state solution for that matter.

It would require Euro-Arab agreement, and who sees that happening?
Insulted them? They are building illegal settlements. When your allies are wrong, it's your responsibility to call them on it. And the U.S. didn't even vote on the resolution, dumbass.
When the devil is at your front door you do what you must to ensure he doesn't enter.

WTF are you talking about? Palestinians are starving. They're reduced to throwing rocks at Israeli tanks. So you settlements on their territory because of said rocks?

I sincerely don't understand your logic. Probably because you have none.
Perhaps they should plant gardens instead of building tunnels & suicide vests.

Maybe they would if they weren't isolated onto the worst land in the world by a tyrannical neighbor.
Nonsense. Over 2 thousand years ago Egyptians learned to turn Barron deserts into fertile farmland.

You got plenty of excuses and 0 credibility

And since then the entire region was over-farmed and is now un-farmable. Do you know nothing of history? It's been that way for 1,000 years.

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