John Kerry: We could have shot the jet down.

Should the Russian jet been shot down prior to reaching our ship?

  • Hell yeah!

  • No

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Hey, shit for brains, SecState (Kerry) has NEVER been in the US Navy's chain of command. NEVER IDIOT. Claiming that is fucking IGNORANT and displays your abject IGNORANCE of the US Navy's command structure. That cabinet slot in the chain would be reserved for SecNav, twit!

Obviously, you have never been in the Navy, or any other branch, and are not cognizant of the US Navy's command structure. POTUS is in the chain of command, but sure as Hell does not get involved in micro-management of routine mission assignments, fool! And where would POTUS find the time to micro-manage all of the strategic and tactical military assets abroad, dummy?

Educate yourself and review the basic multilayered US Navy command structure from the CNO down by reviewing the site directly below. It is many tiers deep just starting at the CNO down to the unit commander, and doesn't include the layers above the CNO up to POTUS!
US Navy Organization - Mission of the Navy

Your false bravado and stupid, stupid uninformed assertion that Kerry and Obama somehow got together and gave specific detailed direct orders to that Navy Commander commanding that destroyer is nothing but hot air from an ignorant know-it-all...that would be you, Kaz!

In the Lebanon barracks bombing, it was the State department that got the policy that guns don't carry arms which stopped them from stopping the bomber.

Your view that the ROEs for the Russians when we are on their border and they're buzzing our ships isn't a political and diplomatic (State Department) issue is ridiculous for just a functioning adult. But you say that and claim to have been in the military? You're just clueless and out of touch with reality
What the Hell does this mean and what the Hell is the relevance?
In the Lebanon barracks bombing, it was the State department that got the policy that guns don't carry arms which stopped them from stopping the bomber.
Nice little dance with that horseshit, Kaz! I won't let you deflect and derail the topic at hand, fool! That ain't gonna happen!

Your leap of logic that State is automagically in the chain of command of the US Navy because of possible political and diplomatic implications via actions of Navy units is an overreach of desperation on your part. That IS NOT and CANNOT be sustained with or by any proof, which you cannot provide because it doesn't exist and can't exist at the cabinet level, dummy. ALL you have provided during this entire conversation is your FAULTY UNINFORMED & UNLEARNED OPINION.

Get the fuck out of your armchair and get some exercise other than jumping to your ridiculous conclusions, Kaz! Damn, but you're just diggin' your hole deeper, fool! You have exhausted any credibility you might have had!

What branch of the military were you in again? Were you a Jedi Knight or in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men?
Can't respond to my post except for your immature bravado yet again, eh? That figures in with everything you've written. You can mock my service in the Navy from 1964-1975 if you wish. It simply makes you appear that much more the Court Jester and another Know-It-All making declarations pulled from your ass and being unable to support/justify them because they're lies and distortions, you bloody fool!

Being a self-proclaimed expert on things military and never being directly associated with any branch of the military really makes you look the empty braggart and pathetic bullshitter! How many angels can you command to dance on the head of a pin while you sit in your armchair making proclamations of statecraft, war craft and chain of command General/Admiral?

Dude, you don't think the President and secretary of state are involved in ROE's for US ships in NATO operations on the Russian border. That's too ignorant to be taken seriously.

What branch of the military where you in again? The Sky Commandos? Or was it the Space Marines?

We used to call them "Squirt gun commandos".
Shooting down a jet that is flying over a U.S. ship would not start a war.

Wars have been started over less. The First World War started over the assassination of a man 99% of the world's population never even heard of. You really need to learn your history. If you really want to go toe to toe with a military the size of Russia's over a fucking jet fly over then you have shit for brains. This is exactly why we can never allow the neo-cons to have control again.
You need to learn your history little kid. The U.S. did not enter WW1 over that, but you are evidentally too ignorant to do a Google search so you just make up nonsense. Come on tell us, should Russian Migs be allowed to fly over Norfolk Navy base too if they choose?
GOD DAMN IT! Your posts are getting to sound like fingers on a chalk board! NOW GET THIS STRAIGHT! READY?

MiG aircraft were of Mikoyan-Gurevich (MiG) design going all the way back to the 1930's. The Su-24 that flew close-by the Donald Cook in the Baltic was designed/built by Sukhoi and it wasn't a MiG as you've posted multiple times. A MiG is not a type of aircraft, but the designer/manufacturer designation convention used by the Soviets/Russians of Mikoyan-Gurevich designed aircraft just as Su for is for Sukhoi, just as La is for Lacochkin, just as Tu is for Tupolev, etc!
You learned that when you were in the military on Action Force? Or when you were with Cobra Command?

Mikoyan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A non sequitur!

Yup, you're running out of dodges you pathetic shit!
Stop your hysterics people

Here's why the Navy didn't shoot down the Russian fighter jets that buzzed by a US destroyer

"You don’t get to kill people just because they’re being annoying," retired frigate and cruiser commanding officer Capt. Rick Hoffman told the Navy Timesabout the incident.

"We’re not at war with Russia," Capt. Rick Hoffman said.

"It would be one thing to be operating and have a threatening attack profile from someone who might not recognize me — that’s not the case here."

As a former commander of a cruiser that protected aircraft carriers and amphibious-assault vehicles from airborne attacks, Hoffman knows how to deal with threatening aircraft.

The Russian planes, Su-24s, had no visible weapons during the passes, and at no point did the USS Cook detect that the Russians were trying to lock onto them with a missile.

They weren't being "annoying," they were threatening. Riddle me this, Batman. Why didn't we just turn around and do the same thing to a Russian ship?

Because .. Putin would have shot it down ...
Probably because we don't station Aircraft Carriers in the Baltic, and it would be stupid in any case. Putin wouldn't have shot it down either. He isn't a complete idiot.

Then why don't we do it back?
Who says we don't? This kind of cat and mouse game has been playing out for decades, probably since the 50's.
Stop your hysterics people

Here's why the Navy didn't shoot down the Russian fighter jets that buzzed by a US destroyer

"You don’t get to kill people just because they’re being annoying," retired frigate and cruiser commanding officer Capt. Rick Hoffman told the Navy Timesabout the incident.

"We’re not at war with Russia," Capt. Rick Hoffman said.

"It would be one thing to be operating and have a threatening attack profile from someone who might not recognize me — that’s not the case here."

As a former commander of a cruiser that protected aircraft carriers and amphibious-assault vehicles from airborne attacks, Hoffman knows how to deal with threatening aircraft.

The Russian planes, Su-24s, had no visible weapons during the passes, and at no point did the USS Cook detect that the Russians were trying to lock onto them with a missile.

They weren't being "annoying," they were threatening. Riddle me this, Batman. Why didn't we just turn around and do the same thing to a Russian ship?

Because .. Putin would have shot it down ...
Probably because we don't station Aircraft Carriers in the Baltic, and it would be stupid in any case. Putin wouldn't have shot it down either. He isn't a complete idiot.

Then why don't we do it back?
Who says we don't? This kind of cat and mouse game has been playing out for decades, probably since the 50's.

Not this aggressive, even the members of the military are saying. And this isn't cat and mouse, it's a game of chicken.

So why don't we just do it back? Clearly we think they'd shoot us down
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

In 1967 I was standing watch on the fantail of a destroyer when we went to GQ based on an unidentified sonar contact with a sub. We played tag for a while but eventually lost contact and stood down. But for the several hours I stood by in the aft gun mount, the movie The Bedford Incident was much on my mind.

Fools like you make me sick.

What does that have to do with the ship in the Baltic.

Oh, so you want to shoot down a plane that flies 30 feet from our ship, so you want to shoot down every Russian plane and sink every ship and sub that does anything to track our ships!

Shoot one of them down and they'll stop buzzing you......then you won't have to lose any sleep going to General Quarters every time some jet comes within 200 miles of the ship.
Shoot one of them down and maybe they sink your ship. then maybe it escalates into all out war.
What the Hell does this mean and what the Hell is the relevance?
Nice little dance with that horseshit, Kaz! I won't let you deflect and derail the topic at hand, fool! That ain't gonna happen!

Your leap of logic that State is automagically in the chain of command of the US Navy because of possible political and diplomatic implications via actions of Navy units is an overreach of desperation on your part. That IS NOT and CANNOT be sustained with or by any proof, which you cannot provide because it doesn't exist and can't exist at the cabinet level, dummy. ALL you have provided during this entire conversation is your FAULTY UNINFORMED & UNLEARNED OPINION.

Get the fuck out of your armchair and get some exercise other than jumping to your ridiculous conclusions, Kaz! Damn, but you're just diggin' your hole deeper, fool! You have exhausted any credibility you might have had!

What branch of the military were you in again? Were you a Jedi Knight or in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men?
Can't respond to my post except for your immature bravado yet again, eh? That figures in with everything you've written. You can mock my service in the Navy from 1964-1975 if you wish. It simply makes you appear that much more the Court Jester and another Know-It-All making declarations pulled from your ass and being unable to support/justify them because they're lies and distortions, you bloody fool!

Being a self-proclaimed expert on things military and never being directly associated with any branch of the military really makes you look the empty braggart and pathetic bullshitter! How many angels can you command to dance on the head of a pin while you sit in your armchair making proclamations of statecraft, war craft and chain of command General/Admiral?

Dude, you don't think the President and secretary of state are involved in ROE's for US ships in NATO operations on the Russian border. That's too ignorant to be taken seriously.

What branch of the military where you in again? The Sky Commandos? Or was it the Space Marines?
NO not directly as you have clearly stated, IDIOT, abnd you were supplied a link to the Navy chain of command. And I sure as fuck wasn't in the damn armchair brigade as you are, shit for brains. And with that "Dude" I understand you problem...lack of maturity. I believe one has to be 18 or older to be registered on this site.

I never said the SOS is in the chain of command. Does that somehow prove to you they don't help set ROE's? Based on what? You've clearly never done anything for government or in the military if that's how you think it works. Is that how it worked when you were in the Space Knights? You had to be in the chain of command?
I never said the SOS is in the chain of command. Does that somehow prove to you they don't help set ROE's? Based on what?
Based on no AUTHORITY to interfere in the Navy's chain of command, idiot! Haven't you been intelligent enough to read my responses to your idiotic ramblings or that link to the Navy's complete chain of command? Any of that type of rare and out of the ordinary circumstances would pass through SecNav, IDIOT. But you would rather pretend otherwise as if I hadn't supplied that information for your edification..
You've clearly never done anything for government or in the military if that's how you think it works.
I gave you some information in that regard including the 11 years of active and fleet reserve duty. I'm sure as Hell am not going to open my entire CV on a fucking message board fool. But I will say that the first 34 years of my life involved the military in some form or another.

And your connection with the military is reading about it and watching war movies from your fucking armchair. Be very, very proud of that Admiral/General. Now eat shit and die you immature troll! Go play with your Palin dolly!
Shooting down a jet that is flying over a U.S. ship would not start a war.

Wars have been started over less. The First World War started over the assassination of a man 99% of the world's population never even heard of. You really need to learn your history. If you really want to go toe to toe with a military the size of Russia's over a fucking jet fly over then you have shit for brains. This is exactly why we can never allow the neo-cons to have control again.
You need to learn your history little kid. The U.S. did not enter WW1 over that, but you are evidentally too ignorant to do a Google search so you just make up nonsense. Come on tell us, should Russian Migs be allowed to fly over Norfolk Navy base too if they choose?
GOD DAMN IT! Your posts are getting to sound like fingernails on a chalk board! NOW GET THIS STRAIGHT! READY?

MiG aircraft were of Mikoyan-Gurevich (MiG) design going all the way back to the 1930's. The Su-24 that flew close-by the Donald Cook in the Baltic was designed/built by Sukhoi and it wasn't a MiG as you've posted multiple times. A MiG is not a type of aircraft, but the designer/manufacturer designation convention used by the Soviets/Russians of Mikoyan-Gurevich designed aircraft just as Su for is for Sukhoi, just as La is for Lavochkin, just as Tu is for Tupolev, etc!
The RUSSIAN JET THAT FLEW OVER THE U.S. SHIP WAS FULLY CAPABLE OF CARRYING A TACTICAL NUCLEAR BOMB AND YOU ARE A TRAITOR IF YOU ARE AMERICAN. Furthermore as the Russian jet approached the US vessel, the electronic device disabled all radars, control circuits, systems, information transmission, etc. on board the US destroyer. In other words, the all-powerful Aegis system, now hooked up - or about to be - with the defense systems installed on NATO’s most modern ships was shut down, as turning off the TV set with the remote control.

The Russian Su-24 then simulated a missile attack against the USS Donald Cook, which was left literally deaf and blind. As if carrying out a training exercise, the Russian aircraft - unarmed - repeated the same maneuver 12 times before flying away. Thus Kerry is a liar to say that a blind ship could take defensive action, this was an act of war, but Kerry is a baby sucking on his pacifier. That he got from his Bosses collection.

NEXT MORON. What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?
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I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

In 1967 I was standing watch on the fantail of a destroyer when we went to GQ based on an unidentified sonar contact with a sub. We played tag for a while but eventually lost contact and stood down. But for the several hours I stood by in the aft gun mount, the movie The Bedford Incident was much on my mind.

Fools like you make me sick.

What does that have to do with the ship in the Baltic.

Oh, so you want to shoot down a plane that flies 30 feet from our ship, so you want to shoot down every Russian plane and sink every ship and sub that does anything to track our ships!

Shoot one of them down and they'll stop buzzing you......then you won't have to lose any sleep going to General Quarters every time some jet comes within 200 miles of the ship.
Shoot one of them down and maybe they sink your ship. then maybe it escalates into all out war.

So Putin is a wild out of controlled lunatic who sends planes in attack formations so close to our ships that it's dangerous, but if we respond, whoa, he could get mad and start WWIII? You're a dumb ass. And a coward.

Actually, Putin is a ruthless, cold blooded dictator who wants power, not to die, and he is doing this to show what a pussy we have in the white house and detract his nationalistic people from their economic problems. Here's a dollar, buy a clue, Nevil Chamberlin.

OMG, let's not make him mad! Guys, he could get mad! Geez
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

In 1967 I was standing watch on the fantail of a destroyer when we went to GQ based on an unidentified sonar contact with a sub. We played tag for a while but eventually lost contact and stood down. But for the several hours I stood by in the aft gun mount, the movie The Bedford Incident was much on my mind.

Fools like you make me sick.

What does that have to do with the ship in the Baltic.

Oh, so you want to shoot down a plane that flies 30 feet from our ship, so you want to shoot down every Russian plane and sink every ship and sub that does anything to track our ships!

Shoot one of them down and they'll stop buzzing you......then you won't have to lose any sleep going to General Quarters every time some jet comes within 200 miles of the ship.
Shoot one of them down and maybe they sink your ship. then maybe it escalates into all out war.

So Putin is a wild out of controlled lunatic who sends planes in attack formations so close to our ships that it's dangerous, but if we respond, whoa, he could get mad and start WWIII? You're a dumb ass. And a coward.

Actually, Putin is a ruthless, cold blooded dictator who wants power, not to die, and he is doing this to show what a pussy we have in the white house and detract his nationalistic people from their economic problems. Here's a dollar, buy a clue, Nevil Chamberlin.

OMG, let's not make him mad! Guys, he could get mad! Geez

Wrong, the jet flyover was testing Russia's newest and advanced radar and electronic jamming system. And the test was a complete success for Russia. What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?
What branch of the military were you in again? Were you a Jedi Knight or in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men?
Can't respond to my post except for your immature bravado yet again, eh? That figures in with everything you've written. You can mock my service in the Navy from 1964-1975 if you wish. It simply makes you appear that much more the Court Jester and another Know-It-All making declarations pulled from your ass and being unable to support/justify them because they're lies and distortions, you bloody fool!

Being a self-proclaimed expert on things military and never being directly associated with any branch of the military really makes you look the empty braggart and pathetic bullshitter! How many angels can you command to dance on the head of a pin while you sit in your armchair making proclamations of statecraft, war craft and chain of command General/Admiral?

Dude, you don't think the President and secretary of state are involved in ROE's for US ships in NATO operations on the Russian border. That's too ignorant to be taken seriously.

What branch of the military where you in again? The Sky Commandos? Or was it the Space Marines?
NO not directly as you have clearly stated, IDIOT, abnd you were supplied a link to the Navy chain of command. And I sure as fuck wasn't in the damn armchair brigade as you are, shit for brains. And with that "Dude" I understand you problem...lack of maturity. I believe one has to be 18 or older to be registered on this site.

I never said the SOS is in the chain of command. Does that somehow prove to you they don't help set ROE's? Based on what? You've clearly never done anything for government or in the military if that's how you think it works. Is that how it worked when you were in the Space Knights? You had to be in the chain of command?
I never said the SOS is in the chain of command. Does that somehow prove to you they don't help set ROE's? Based on what?
Based on no AUTHORITY to interfere in the Navy's chain of command, idiot! Haven't you been intelligent enough to read my responses to your idiotic ramblings or that link to the Navy's complete chain of command? Any of that type of rare and out of the ordinary circumstances would pass through SecNav, IDIOT. But you would rather pretend otherwise as if I hadn't supplied that information for your edification..
You've clearly never done anything for government or in the military if that's how you think it works.
I gave you some information in that regard including the 11 years of active and fleet reserve duty. I'm sure as Hell am not going to open my entire CV on a fucking message board fool. But I will say that the first 34 years of my life involved the military in some form or another.

And your connection with the military is reading about it and watching war movies from your fucking armchair. Be very, very proud of that Admiral/General. Now eat shit and die you immature troll! Go play with your Palin dolly!

Yes you were a storm trooper in the Space Navy for 11 years, I remember. Do you still have your insignia? Did you buy it at Comic-Con?

No shit the Secretary of State isn't in the "chain of command." Your view that proves they aren't involved in a clearly diplomatic international issue like US v. Russia off the Russian coast is just ignorant. And when I gave you the example of the State department in Lebanon getting the guards to not carry guns, which led directly to the barracks bombing happening, you didn't even get the connection to the discussion.

Kerry works for Obama, it's political/diplomatic as much as military. Your view they have nothing to do with the ROEs for a theater highly likely to have a Russian engagement like this belies every claim you have made that you have real world military experience.

BTW, how is Comic Con, is it cool?
Can't respond to my post except for your immature bravado yet again, eh? That figures in with everything you've written. You can mock my service in the Navy from 1964-1975 if you wish. It simply makes you appear that much more the Court Jester and another Know-It-All making declarations pulled from your ass and being unable to support/justify them because they're lies and distortions, you bloody fool!

Being a self-proclaimed expert on things military and never being directly associated with any branch of the military really makes you look the empty braggart and pathetic bullshitter! How many angels can you command to dance on the head of a pin while you sit in your armchair making proclamations of statecraft, war craft and chain of command General/Admiral?

Dude, you don't think the President and secretary of state are involved in ROE's for US ships in NATO operations on the Russian border. That's too ignorant to be taken seriously.

What branch of the military where you in again? The Sky Commandos? Or was it the Space Marines?
NO not directly as you have clearly stated, IDIOT, abnd you were supplied a link to the Navy chain of command. And I sure as fuck wasn't in the damn armchair brigade as you are, shit for brains. And with that "Dude" I understand you problem...lack of maturity. I believe one has to be 18 or older to be registered on this site.

I never said the SOS is in the chain of command. Does that somehow prove to you they don't help set ROE's? Based on what? You've clearly never done anything for government or in the military if that's how you think it works. Is that how it worked when you were in the Space Knights? You had to be in the chain of command?
I never said the SOS is in the chain of command. Does that somehow prove to you they don't help set ROE's? Based on what?
Based on no AUTHORITY to interfere in the Navy's chain of command, idiot! Haven't you been intelligent enough to read my responses to your idiotic ramblings or that link to the Navy's complete chain of command? Any of that type of rare and out of the ordinary circumstances would pass through SecNav, IDIOT. But you would rather pretend otherwise as if I hadn't supplied that information for your edification..
You've clearly never done anything for government or in the military if that's how you think it works.
I gave you some information in that regard including the 11 years of active and fleet reserve duty. I'm sure as Hell am not going to open my entire CV on a fucking message board fool. But I will say that the first 34 years of my life involved the military in some form or another.

And your connection with the military is reading about it and watching war movies from your fucking armchair. Be very, very proud of that Admiral/General. Now eat shit and die you immature troll! Go play with your Palin dolly!

Yes you were a storm trooper in the Space Navy for 11 years, I remember. Do you still have your insignia? Did you buy it at Comic-Con?

No shit the Secretary of State isn't in the "chain of command." Your view that proves they aren't involved in a clearly diplomatic international issue like US v. Russia off the Russian coast is just ignorant. And when I gave you the example of the State department in Lebanon getting the guards to not carry guns, which led directly to the barracks bombing happening, you didn't even get the connection to the discussion.

Kerry works for Obama, it's political/diplomatic as much as military. Your view they have nothing to do with the ROEs for a theater highly likely to have a Russian engagement like this belies every claim you have made that you have real world military experience.

BTW, how is Comic Con, is it cool?

The Russian Jet totally disabled all electronic warfare systems on the U.S. ship, this was an act of war and the jet should have been shot down, except the ship was HELPLESS.

Now get a grip on reality.
Dude, you don't think the President and secretary of state are involved in ROE's for US ships in NATO operations on the Russian border. That's too ignorant to be taken seriously.

What branch of the military where you in again? The Sky Commandos? Or was it the Space Marines?
NO not directly as you have clearly stated, IDIOT, abnd you were supplied a link to the Navy chain of command. And I sure as fuck wasn't in the damn armchair brigade as you are, shit for brains. And with that "Dude" I understand you problem...lack of maturity. I believe one has to be 18 or older to be registered on this site.

I never said the SOS is in the chain of command. Does that somehow prove to you they don't help set ROE's? Based on what? You've clearly never done anything for government or in the military if that's how you think it works. Is that how it worked when you were in the Space Knights? You had to be in the chain of command?
I never said the SOS is in the chain of command. Does that somehow prove to you they don't help set ROE's? Based on what?
Based on no AUTHORITY to interfere in the Navy's chain of command, idiot! Haven't you been intelligent enough to read my responses to your idiotic ramblings or that link to the Navy's complete chain of command? Any of that type of rare and out of the ordinary circumstances would pass through SecNav, IDIOT. But you would rather pretend otherwise as if I hadn't supplied that information for your edification..
You've clearly never done anything for government or in the military if that's how you think it works.
I gave you some information in that regard including the 11 years of active and fleet reserve duty. I'm sure as Hell am not going to open my entire CV on a fucking message board fool. But I will say that the first 34 years of my life involved the military in some form or another.

And your connection with the military is reading about it and watching war movies from your fucking armchair. Be very, very proud of that Admiral/General. Now eat shit and die you immature troll! Go play with your Palin dolly!

Yes you were a storm trooper in the Space Navy for 11 years, I remember. Do you still have your insignia? Did you buy it at Comic-Con?

No shit the Secretary of State isn't in the "chain of command." Your view that proves they aren't involved in a clearly diplomatic international issue like US v. Russia off the Russian coast is just ignorant. And when I gave you the example of the State department in Lebanon getting the guards to not carry guns, which led directly to the barracks bombing happening, you didn't even get the connection to the discussion.

Kerry works for Obama, it's political/diplomatic as much as military. Your view they have nothing to do with the ROEs for a theater highly likely to have a Russian engagement like this belies every claim you have made that you have real world military experience.

BTW, how is Comic Con, is it cool?

The Russian Jet totally disabled all electronic warfare systems on the U.S. ship, this was an act of war and the jet should have been shot down, except the ship was HELPLESS.

Now get a grip on reality.
Sure is getting quiet in here...................................
Shooting down a jet that is flying over a U.S. ship would not start a war.

Wars have been started over less. The First World War started over the assassination of a man 99% of the world's population never even heard of. You really need to learn your history. If you really want to go toe to toe with a military the size of Russia's over a fucking jet fly over then you have shit for brains. This is exactly why we can never allow the neo-cons to have control again.
You need to learn your history little kid. The U.S. did not enter WW1 over that, but you are evidentally too ignorant to do a Google search so you just make up nonsense. Come on tell us, should Russian Migs be allowed to fly over Norfolk Navy base too if they choose?
GOD DAMN IT! Your posts are getting to sound like fingernails on a chalk board! NOW GET THIS STRAIGHT! READY?

MiG aircraft were of Mikoyan-Gurevich (MiG) design going all the way back to the 1930's. The Su-24 that flew close-by the Donald Cook in the Baltic was designed/built by Sukhoi and it wasn't a MiG as you've posted multiple times. A MiG is not a type of aircraft, but the designer/manufacturer designation convention used by the Soviets/Russians of Mikoyan-Gurevich designed aircraft just as Su for is for Sukhoi, just as La is for Lavochkin, just as Tu is for Tupolev, etc!
The RUSSIAN JET THAT FLEW OVER THE U.S. SHIP WAS FULLY CAPABLE OF CARRYING A TACTICAL NUCLEAR BOMB AND YOU ARE A TRAITOR IF YOU ARE AMERICAN. Furthermore as the Russian jet approached the US vessel, the electronic device disabled all radars, control circuits, systems, information transmission, etc. on board the US destroyer. In other words, the all-powerful Aegis system, now hooked up - or about to be - with the defense systems installed on NATO’s most modern ships was shut down, as turning off the TV set with the remote control.

The Russian Su-24 then simulated a missile attack against the USS Donald Cook, which was left literally deaf and blind. As if carrying out a training exercise, the Russian aircraft - unarmed - repeated the same maneuver 12 times before flying away. Thus Kerry is a liar to say that a blind ship could take defensive action, this was an act of war, but Kerry is a baby sucking on his pacifier. That he got from his Bosses collection.

NEXT MORON. What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?
HORSESHIT! You go ahead and believe that 2014 article that was alleged to have taken place a year and a half ago in the BLACK SEA rather than the one that just happened in the BALTIC SEA, dummy! And you better look up the definition of traitor, twit! You at least didn't refer to the Russian jet as a MiG this time. Congratulations for that one thing you got right, shit for brains! BTW, really good fucking job they did on that photo shopped pic at the top of the article...NOT!

Do you really believe that the US Navy would release that information to a foreign news agency FIRST about the ECM vulnerabilities of their electronic systems immediately after the incident? That would have be classified immediately or sooner beyond stupid ridiculous, God's eyes only, fool! The Russians on the other hand would shovel that kind of bull shitski!

But hey, be my guest and drink up that liquefied horseshit if you like! Bon appetite!
Can't respond to my post except for your immature bravado yet again, eh? That figures in with everything you've written. You can mock my service in the Navy from 1964-1975 if you wish. It simply makes you appear that much more the Court Jester and another Know-It-All making declarations pulled from your ass and being unable to support/justify them because they're lies and distortions, you bloody fool!

Being a self-proclaimed expert on things military and never being directly associated with any branch of the military really makes you look the empty braggart and pathetic bullshitter! How many angels can you command to dance on the head of a pin while you sit in your armchair making proclamations of statecraft, war craft and chain of command General/Admiral?

Dude, you don't think the President and secretary of state are involved in ROE's for US ships in NATO operations on the Russian border. That's too ignorant to be taken seriously.

What branch of the military where you in again? The Sky Commandos? Or was it the Space Marines?
NO not directly as you have clearly stated, IDIOT, abnd you were supplied a link to the Navy chain of command. And I sure as fuck wasn't in the damn armchair brigade as you are, shit for brains. And with that "Dude" I understand you problem...lack of maturity. I believe one has to be 18 or older to be registered on this site.

I never said the SOS is in the chain of command. Does that somehow prove to you they don't help set ROE's? Based on what? You've clearly never done anything for government or in the military if that's how you think it works. Is that how it worked when you were in the Space Knights? You had to be in the chain of command?
I never said the SOS is in the chain of command. Does that somehow prove to you they don't help set ROE's? Based on what?
Based on no AUTHORITY to interfere in the Navy's chain of command, idiot! Haven't you been intelligent enough to read my responses to your idiotic ramblings or that link to the Navy's complete chain of command? Any of that type of rare and out of the ordinary circumstances would pass through SecNav, IDIOT. But you would rather pretend otherwise as if I hadn't supplied that information for your edification..
You've clearly never done anything for government or in the military if that's how you think it works.
I gave you some information in that regard including the 11 years of active and fleet reserve duty. I'm sure as Hell am not going to open my entire CV on a fucking message board fool. But I will say that the first 34 years of my life involved the military in some form or another.

And your connection with the military is reading about it and watching war movies from your fucking armchair. Be very, very proud of that Admiral/General. Now eat shit and die you immature troll! Go play with your Palin dolly!

Yes you were a storm trooper in the Space Navy for 11 years, I remember. Do you still have your insignia? Did you buy it at Comic-Con?

No shit the Secretary of State isn't in the "chain of command." Your view that proves they aren't involved in a clearly diplomatic international issue like US v. Russia off the Russian coast is just ignorant. And when I gave you the example of the State department in Lebanon getting the guards to not carry guns, which led directly to the barracks bombing happening, you didn't even get the connection to the discussion.

Kerry works for Obama, it's political/diplomatic as much as military. Your view they have nothing to do with the ROEs for a theater highly likely to have a Russian engagement like this belies every claim you have made that you have real world military experience.

BTW, how is Comic Con, is it cool?
Yup, another sophomoric contribution from Kaz signifying nada save your distorted OPINION sans verifiable facts! Keep diggin' shit for brains!
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

Yo, they know they can do it, and nothing will happen, they learned this from N. Korea and Iran!!!

It Comes Down To The Balless President!
Turkey Didn`t Mess Around! Blew That Bitch Out Of The Sky!
View attachment 71512
do you know the difference between international waters and 'air space'?

clearly not, b/c if you did, you wouldn't have posted that as a reason to kill.

Yo, it`s called AGGRESSION, don`t matter if it`s International Waters, or a Countries Air Space? Now, take them Two Thumbs, stick them up your ass, and rotate!!!

Shoot The Bitch Down!!!
View attachment 71584
There's a recruiting station near you rambo

man the fuck up and demand front line combat

really, you assbags have no reason to call for the killing of another.
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously
No, clearly not.

We do shit like that to each other all the time.

The list of fly overs, fly bys, near misses, races, competitions, its friggin endless.

To anyone that thinks we should have killed them, I say; There's a recruiting station near you.

Russians have gotten more and more aggressive, we don't do anything remotely like that jet. At what point do we draw the line? Ever?
If we restart the Cold war, that won't happen again.

If was just some guy being a dick
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

Yo, they know they can do it, and nothing will happen, they learned this from N. Korea and Iran!!!

It Comes Down To The Balless President!
Turkey Didn`t Mess Around! Blew That Bitch Out Of The Sky!
View attachment 71512
do you know the difference between international waters and 'air space'?

clearly not, b/c if you did, you wouldn't have posted that as a reason to kill.

Please, air space over a country and around ships in international waters are clearly reasonably analogous even if they aren't exactly the same
one is clearly written and everyone gets it, the other, not so much
And another point of view....

Putin's Dangerous Russian Roulette ^

There is a reason it’s called Russian Roulette. Russians really are by nature reckless and irresponsible people. And Putin’s dangerous games are one day going to end in tears, even as he and the Russian public are gloating over their most recent childish (but extremely dangerous) antics.

With a foolhardy devil-may-care buzzing of a U.S. warship, the Kremlin once again demonstrates that Russia is a growing threat to global peace and security. And the ecstatic reaction of the Russian public to this incident underlines just how much Russia is moving towards a full war footing while America and Europe blithely ignore the increasingly serious menace confronting the civilized world.

The destroyer USS Donald Cook was in international waters in the Baltic Sea when a Russian Su-24 fighter jet flew within 30 feet of the ship. This is serious stuff. At that proximity, a slight miscalculation by the pilot could have led to a catastrophe killing dozens of American sailors.

Not that the Russians would care. This kind of irresponsible behavior is nothing new. Russian fighters have buzzed U.S. ships before in the Black Sea and flown dangerously close to a civilian airliner over the English Channel, nearly causing a fatal crash. And it got one of their fighters shot down when they decided to provoke Turkey by violating its airspace.

Unfortunately, Russians tend not only to be reckless and irresponsible, they are proudly unapologetic when tragedy results. Two years ago Russian separatists in Ukraine launched a ground to air missile supplied to them by the Russian military at a Boeing 777 with 299 passengers and crew, killing all aboard. They launched without even verifying their target, and posted gleeful boasts on social media until they figured out they had shot down a passenger jet and not a Ukrainian military craft.

And yet both the separatists, the Russian government and Russian public adamantly deny any responsibility for this mass murder. In opinion polls, 97% of Russians state that they believe patently absurd conspiracy theories that the CIA or Ukraine shot down Malaysia Airlines flight 17.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry complained to the Kremlin about the violation of international norms of behavior and military professionalism. "We condemn this kind of behavior. It is reckless. It is provocative. It is dangerous. And under the rules of engagement that could have been a shoot-down," Kerry said.

The Russian official response was basically to accuse the U.S. of a hysterical overreaction and to assert that Russian pilots have a right to fly as close to U.S. warships as close as they want.

But to me, more disturbing has been the euphoric reaction across Russian mass and social media. While this incident has not been a big story in the U.S., it is the story of the week in Russia. And Russians interpret this reckless and irresponsible fly-by and the American protest as a major victory for Mother Russia.

Scanning Russian social media, Russians overwhelming express their approval of the heedlessly dangerous stunt and glee that the Americans disapprove. Much like the annexation of Crimea, it is viewed as an assertion of Russia’s rising military might (notwithstanding the realities that Russia is far from a genuine rival to America and that its economy is collapsing).

And there is more than a whiff of vicious anti-American sentiment. More than a few comments gloat over the (mistaken) idea that American sailors were intimidated. And many commentators repeat the same old ugly propaganda that Americans are cowards, and gay to boot (seriously, many Russians claim that Americans are gay pedophiles because the Supreme Court upheld gay marriage as a constitutional right).

Here’s the problem. By the end of the Soviet era, Russia couldn’t even produce simple consumer goods like toilet paper and sausages, much less computers. But people felt compensated for the lack of simple life necessities by the idea that at least Russia was a world superpower. Well, in the years since the collapse of the Soviet Empire, at least now they can import basic goods with their (rapidly diminishing) oil and gas revenues.

But they still resent Russia’s global status as, at best, a regional power. Sure, Russia can affect events in Ukraine, Syria, and the Caucasus. And that’s about it. The U.S. has truly global capabilities and alliances. Russians are letting their very deep-set inferiority complex dictate their behavior.

So Russia is reduced to playing the spoiler where it can, and engaging in reckless stunts to try to prove to itself it is a major world power. It’s juvenile and pathetic and sets Russia on a deadly collision course with America. But it also serves a political purpose, of boosting the approval ratings of Putin and his ruling party.

So: what to do? Well, it really is a dilemma. We don’t want or need a war with Russia, particularly because if such a war somehow went nuclear, it would be the end of civilization. But on the other hand, we shouldn’t let punks like Putin and his minions heedlessly push us around. My advice is, wait for another few years for Russia to collapse again and see if that doesn’t sober them up. But in the meantime be prepared for yet more adolescent games of chicken.
A little simpler explanation....


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