John Kerry: We could have shot the jet down.

Should the Russian jet been shot down prior to reaching our ship?

  • Hell yeah!

  • No

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Oh, hey, it's the war monger himself.

You get wars when you aren't prepared for them

According to you, you get wars for every minor interaction with other countries.

More hyperbole from the retard party

Your OP and this thread is nothing more than hyperbole.

Should we have shot down that Russian Jet? Hell yeah!


Hyperbole? Shooting at planes in attack formation flying yards from our ships? You're an idiot

Attack formation?
A little simpler explanation....


Look at the masturbation fantasy the right has made out of Putin.
Apparently, the jet did not carry out hostilities.

F'ing what? It flew within 30 feet of our ship, what would be hostile?

Turkey drew a line and backed it up. Have the Russians invaded Turkey? This is why they are doing this, they are pushing further and further to find out where the line is. You really think that with today's technology Russia couldn't say out of Turkish airspace?

There's only one way to draw a line. I'm not saying to shoot down every Russian plane that flies too close to an American ship. Not saying that at all. But there is a point where it's not feasible we let them that close to our military, that plane went well past that line
Think further. Provocation, saying hello, whatever. If the Russian plane would been downed, what would have been the consequence? A step further to a cold war or retaliation? There is no point in shooting the jet.

Lighthouse and naval vessel urban legend - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's hilarious how you people keep thinking, OMG, Putin could get mad. Obviously he's doing this because he thinks our President is a pussy.

So seriously, Putin is like, I'm going to send a plane to fly 30 feet from their ship in a dangerous intimidation, but OMG, we react and he's going to get mad!

Putin gets it, you don't, Obama doesn't
You think Putin himself is calling and telling his commanders to pull these stunts? He's probably got better things to do, as does our Commander in Chief.

If Putin had nothing to do with the provocation then he should be denouncing it today. Much like Obama should denounce Mrs. Tuzla Clinton's actions at Benghazi, if he had nothing to do with them.

What the fuck does Benghazi have to do with it? Jesus, one of your wingnuts wants to shoot down a Russian jet because it made him feel bad about his country and somehow we have to link in another right wing fantasy.
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

In 1967 I was standing watch on the fantail of a destroyer when we went to GQ based on an unidentified sonar contact with a sub. We played tag for a while but eventually lost contact and stood down. But for the several hours I stood by in the aft gun mount, the movie The Bedford Incident was much on my mind.

Fools like you make me sick.

What does that have to do with the ship in the Baltic.

Oh, so you want to shoot down a plane that flies 30 feet from our ship, so you want to shoot down every Russian plane and sink every ship and sub that does anything to track our ships!

Shoot one of them down and they'll stop buzzing you......then you won't have to lose any sleep going to General Quarters every time some jet comes within 200 miles of the ship.
Shoot one of them down and maybe they sink your ship. then maybe it escalates into all out war.
Let them do fly-overs any time they want and eventually one of their jets will accidentally shoot at one of our ships......then you will have a war.
Best thing to do is lock onto them and fire warning shots. If it keeps up, shoot one of them down. want to be a chicken-shit pussy-wimp nobody is afraid of.

The only people you liberals seem to have a problem with is other Americans that don't think like you. Trump supporters, gun-owners, and Christians. Terrorists, Russians, anyone who wants to kill your families.......THEY'RE OKAY!!
A little simpler explanation....


Look at the masturbation fantasy the right has made out of Putin.

And the little FAG the left has made of the Obomanation!

Oooh, "fag", in all caps, we know what's important to you.

No wonder you support Trump, he's almost as much of a man to wingnuts as Putin is.

Then again we have the FAGERAL troll to entertain us with his disjointed opinions! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
A little simpler explanation....


Look at the masturbation fantasy the right has made out of Putin.

And the little FAG the left has made of the Obomanation!

Oooh, "fag", in all caps, we know what's important to you.

No wonder you support Trump, he's almost as much of a man to wingnuts as Putin is.

Then again we have the FAGERAL troll to entertain us with his disjointed opinions! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Yeah, another post that has nothing to do with the OP.
A little simpler explanation....


Look at the masturbation fantasy the right has made out of Putin.

And the little FAG the left has made of the Obomanation!

Oooh, "fag", in all caps, we know what's important to you.

No wonder you support Trump, he's almost as much of a man to wingnuts as Putin is.

Then again we have the FAGERAL troll to entertain us with his disjointed opinions! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Yeah, another post that has nothing to do with the OP.

I'm here all night now, let's see how long you can keep trolling this thread....Bet you can outlast me, because your manic bipolar!
Look at the masturbation fantasy the right has made out of Putin.

And the little FAG the left has made of the Obomanation!

Oooh, "fag", in all caps, we know what's important to you.

No wonder you support Trump, he's almost as much of a man to wingnuts as Putin is.

Then again we have the FAGERAL troll to entertain us with his disjointed opinions! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Yeah, another post that has nothing to do with the OP.

I'm here all night now, let's see how long you can keep trolling this thread....Bet you can outlast me, because your manic bipolar!

Is this some sort of challenge or whatever? Not interested.
In 1967 I was standing watch on the fantail of a destroyer when we went to GQ based on an unidentified sonar contact with a sub. We played tag for a while but eventually lost contact and stood down. But for the several hours I stood by in the aft gun mount, the movie The Bedford Incident was much on my mind.

Fools like you make me sick.

What does that have to do with the ship in the Baltic.

Oh, so you want to shoot down a plane that flies 30 feet from our ship, so you want to shoot down every Russian plane and sink every ship and sub that does anything to track our ships!

Shoot one of them down and they'll stop buzzing you......then you won't have to lose any sleep going to General Quarters every time some jet comes within 200 miles of the ship.
Shoot one of them down and maybe they sink your ship. then maybe it escalates into all out war.

So Putin is a wild out of controlled lunatic who sends planes in attack formations so close to our ships that it's dangerous, but if we respond, whoa, he could get mad and start WWIII? You're a dumb ass. And a coward.

Actually, Putin is a ruthless, cold blooded dictator who wants power, not to die, and he is doing this to show what a pussy we have in the white house and detract his nationalistic people from their economic problems. Here's a dollar, buy a clue, Nevil Chamberlin.

OMG, let's not make him mad! Guys, he could get mad! Geez

Wrong, the jet flyover was testing Russia's newest and advanced radar and electronic jamming system. And the test was a complete success for Russia. What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea? can test radar jamming systems on your own ships......not this is just Russians trying to see how far they can push us before we fight back.
If we never fight back......they'll keep pushing.......and if we fight back.....they'll stop pushing.
What does that have to do with the ship in the Baltic.

Oh, so you want to shoot down a plane that flies 30 feet from our ship, so you want to shoot down every Russian plane and sink every ship and sub that does anything to track our ships!

Shoot one of them down and they'll stop buzzing you......then you won't have to lose any sleep going to General Quarters every time some jet comes within 200 miles of the ship.
Shoot one of them down and maybe they sink your ship. then maybe it escalates into all out war.

So Putin is a wild out of controlled lunatic who sends planes in attack formations so close to our ships that it's dangerous, but if we respond, whoa, he could get mad and start WWIII? You're a dumb ass. And a coward.

Actually, Putin is a ruthless, cold blooded dictator who wants power, not to die, and he is doing this to show what a pussy we have in the white house and detract his nationalistic people from their economic problems. Here's a dollar, buy a clue, Nevil Chamberlin.

OMG, let's not make him mad! Guys, he could get mad! Geez

Wrong, the jet flyover was testing Russia's newest and advanced radar and electronic jamming system. And the test was a complete success for Russia. What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea? can test radar jamming systems on your own ships......not this is just Russians trying to see how far they can push us before we fight back.
If we never fight back......they'll keep pushing.......and if we fight back.....they'll stop pushing.

Worked for Turkey

  • Thanks
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Stop your hysterics people

Here's why the Navy didn't shoot down the Russian fighter jets that buzzed by a US destroyer

"You don’t get to kill people just because they’re being annoying," retired frigate and cruiser commanding officer Capt. Rick Hoffman told the Navy Timesabout the incident.

"We’re not at war with Russia," Capt. Rick Hoffman said.

"It would be one thing to be operating and have a threatening attack profile from someone who might not recognize me — that’s not the case here."

As a former commander of a cruiser that protected aircraft carriers and amphibious-assault vehicles from airborne attacks, Hoffman knows how to deal with threatening aircraft.

The Russian planes, Su-24s, had no visible weapons during the passes, and at no point did the USS Cook detect that the Russians were trying to lock onto them with a missile.

They weren't being "annoying," they were threatening. Riddle me this, Batman. Why didn't we just turn around and do the same thing to a Russian ship?

Because .. Putin would have shot it down ...
That ship spends all of its time just off the coast of Russia in the black sea. It's basically constantly buzzing Russia. And all Putin does is send an unarmed jet flying by every once in a while.
Genius....The incident took place in the Baltic Sea.....The Black Sea is somewhere very far south and east. And here's another issue. Russia has a relatively limited coastline on the Baltic....Most of the shoreline is against the coasts of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. There is a small part of Russian territory which has a coast line on the Baltic...
Ship do not have the capability of "buzzing" anything....
Are you that anti-American that you excuse the Russian government of this deliberate act of aggression?
Just carry on stamping your feet and pouting...and don't forget to blame Obama.

LOL, you don't see Obama's weakness being a huge factor in this? Seriously?
"LOL, you don't see Obama's weakness being a huge factor in this? Seriously?"

LOL, you don't see the ease that US conservatives' emotions can be manipulated being a huge factor in this? Seriously?
No way can they fire on anything without going through the chain of command.
You are so very wrong and ignorant of a US Navy ship Captain's duty and obligation, as well as the crew's, to protect his ship. If that CO felt his ship was in eminent danger, he didn't need anyone's permission to take aggressive action to defend his ship from attack. Notification to higher authority in the chain of command AFTER THE FACT is required in situations that would not admit delay, you opinion notwithstanding!
That depends on what that Captains OPRD's were.
The CO's of US Navy vessels do not receive Army OPORD's. The structure of the US Navy is a little different than the US Army.
Regardless of what the Navy calls it the Captain of the boat has a chain of command above him. Fleet Admiral, Joint Chiefs, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of Defense, and the Commander in Chief. Orders come from the top.
Shooting down a jet that is flying over a U.S. ship would not start a war.

Wars have been started over less. The First World War started over the assassination of a man 99% of the world's population never even heard of. You really need to learn your history. If you really want to go toe to toe with a military the size of Russia's over a fucking jet fly over then you have shit for brains. This is exactly why we can never allow the neo-cons to have control again.
You need to learn your history little kid. The U.S. did not enter WW1 over that, but you are evidentally too ignorant to do a Google search so you just make up nonsense. Come on tell us, should Russian Migs be allowed to fly over Norfolk Navy base too if they choose?
GOD DAMN IT! Your posts are getting to sound like fingernails on a chalk board! NOW GET THIS STRAIGHT! READY?

MiG aircraft were of Mikoyan-Gurevich (MiG) design going all the way back to the 1930's. The Su-24 that flew close-by the Donald Cook in the Baltic was designed/built by Sukhoi and it wasn't a MiG as you've posted multiple times. A MiG is not a type of aircraft, but the designer/manufacturer designation convention used by the Soviets/Russians of Mikoyan-Gurevich designed aircraft just as Su for is for Sukhoi, just as La is for Lavochkin, just as Tu is for Tupolev, etc!
The RUSSIAN JET THAT FLEW OVER THE U.S. SHIP WAS FULLY CAPABLE OF CARRYING A TACTICAL NUCLEAR BOMB AND YOU ARE A TRAITOR IF YOU ARE AMERICAN. Furthermore as the Russian jet approached the US vessel, the electronic device disabled all radars, control circuits, systems, information transmission, etc. on board the US destroyer. In other words, the all-powerful Aegis system, now hooked up - or about to be - with the defense systems installed on NATO’s most modern ships was shut down, as turning off the TV set with the remote control.

The Russian Su-24 then simulated a missile attack against the USS Donald Cook, which was left literally deaf and blind. As if carrying out a training exercise, the Russian aircraft - unarmed - repeated the same maneuver 12 times before flying away. Thus Kerry is a liar to say that a blind ship could take defensive action, this was an act of war, but Kerry is a baby sucking on his pacifier. That he got from his Bosses collection.

NEXT MORON. What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?
HORSESHIT! You go ahead and believe that 2014 article that was alleged to have taken place a year and a half ago in the BLACK SEA rather than the one that just happened in the BALTIC SEA, dummy! And you better look up the definition of traitor, twit! You at least didn't refer to the Russian jet as a MiG this time. Congratulations for that one thing you got right, shit for brains! BTW, really good fucking job they did on that photo shopped pic at the top of the article...NOT!

Do you really believe that the US Navy would release that information to a foreign news agency FIRST about the ECM vulnerabilities of their electronic systems immediately after the incident? That would have be classified immediately or sooner beyond stupid ridiculous, God's eyes only, fool! The Russians on the other hand would shovel that kind of bull shitski!

But hey, be my guest and drink up that liquefied horseshit if you like! Bon appetite!

Do you believe that the radar and electronic jamming systems of the Russians have not improved since 2014 and are no longer in need of battlefield testing, courtesy of the moronic Americans who let it happen?

Babble on little one.
No way can they fire on anything without going through the chain of command.
You are so very wrong and ignorant of a US Navy ship Captain's duty and obligation, as well as the crew's, to protect his ship. If that CO felt his ship was in eminent danger, he didn't need anyone's permission to take aggressive action to defend his ship from attack. Notification to higher authority in the chain of command AFTER THE FACT is required in situations that would not admit delay, you opinion notwithstanding!
That depends on what that Captains OPRD's were.
The CO's of US Navy vessels do not receive Army OPORD's. The structure of the US Navy is a little different than the US Army.
Regardless of what the Navy calls it the Captain of the boat has a chain of command above him. Fleet Admiral, Joint Chiefs, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of Defense, and the Commander in Chief. Orders come from the top.
You don't know what it is but it just gotta, gotta be there, eh? Now you have got both SecNav and SecDef in the chain of command while Kaz only has SecState, and both of you are fucking wrong! But you do have a new twist with the Joint Chief's. You might want to read up on the National Security Act, 1947 to see what the Joint Chief's responsibilities are!

As far as the Navy's definition of a boat is concerned, how many boats does the Navy have currently commissioned over the length of 125 feet, Rambete (pronounced with a French accent)? Careful...that is a trick question for some. Gosh, I could learn soooooooooo much from you I don't know if I should faint or go fucking blind! But keep guessing at the solution and pretend you know SOMETHING that rather than doing any research, and overtaxing your grey matter!

While I gotcha here, you being an Army guy and so sharp and all, why has Army gotten stomped on by Navy in December so often in the last decade or two with 14 straight wins since 2002? I love December with that early Christmas present! Ta Ta!
Wars have been started over less. The First World War started over the assassination of a man 99% of the world's population never even heard of. You really need to learn your history. If you really want to go toe to toe with a military the size of Russia's over a fucking jet fly over then you have shit for brains. This is exactly why we can never allow the neo-cons to have control again.
You need to learn your history little kid. The U.S. did not enter WW1 over that, but you are evidentally too ignorant to do a Google search so you just make up nonsense. Come on tell us, should Russian Migs be allowed to fly over Norfolk Navy base too if they choose?
GOD DAMN IT! Your posts are getting to sound like fingernails on a chalk board! NOW GET THIS STRAIGHT! READY?

MiG aircraft were of Mikoyan-Gurevich (MiG) design going all the way back to the 1930's. The Su-24 that flew close-by the Donald Cook in the Baltic was designed/built by Sukhoi and it wasn't a MiG as you've posted multiple times. A MiG is not a type of aircraft, but the designer/manufacturer designation convention used by the Soviets/Russians of Mikoyan-Gurevich designed aircraft just as Su for is for Sukhoi, just as La is for Lavochkin, just as Tu is for Tupolev, etc!
The RUSSIAN JET THAT FLEW OVER THE U.S. SHIP WAS FULLY CAPABLE OF CARRYING A TACTICAL NUCLEAR BOMB AND YOU ARE A TRAITOR IF YOU ARE AMERICAN. Furthermore as the Russian jet approached the US vessel, the electronic device disabled all radars, control circuits, systems, information transmission, etc. on board the US destroyer. In other words, the all-powerful Aegis system, now hooked up - or about to be - with the defense systems installed on NATO’s most modern ships was shut down, as turning off the TV set with the remote control.

The Russian Su-24 then simulated a missile attack against the USS Donald Cook, which was left literally deaf and blind. As if carrying out a training exercise, the Russian aircraft - unarmed - repeated the same maneuver 12 times before flying away. Thus Kerry is a liar to say that a blind ship could take defensive action, this was an act of war, but Kerry is a baby sucking on his pacifier. That he got from his Bosses collection.

NEXT MORON. What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?
HORSESHIT! You go ahead and believe that 2014 article that was alleged to have taken place a year and a half ago in the BLACK SEA rather than the one that just happened in the BALTIC SEA, dummy! And you better look up the definition of traitor, twit! You at least didn't refer to the Russian jet as a MiG this time. Congratulations for that one thing you got right, shit for brains! BTW, really good fucking job they did on that photo shopped pic at the top of the article...NOT!

Do you really believe that the US Navy would release that information to a foreign news agency FIRST about the ECM vulnerabilities of their electronic systems immediately after the incident? That would have be classified immediately or sooner beyond stupid ridiculous, God's eyes only, fool! The Russians on the other hand would shovel that kind of bull shitski!

But hey, be my guest and drink up that liquefied horseshit if you like! Bon appetite!

Do you believe that the radar and electronic jamming systems of the Russians have not improved since 2014 and are no longer in need of battlefield testing, courtesy of the moronic Americans who let it happen?

Babble on little one.
Are you that fucking brain dead that you really don't see the connection between your bullshit post with a substitute circumstance in place of recent events with 1.5 years between the two, you bloody fool? AND just how the fuck did a branny new Russian super duper ECM system break into the integrated OS of that CLOSED SYSTEM on the ship?

Here is what the Stars & Stripes had to say about the 2014 incident IN THE BLACK SEA that contradicts the bullshit in the article you posted, dummy. Read it and try to understand the implications;

You think the Donald Cook was tapped into the WWW somehow so it could be hacked by the Russkies, shit for brains? Think before you post and don't believe every damn thing you read on the internet, ya bloody fool! Now have another glass of your special liquefied horseshit drink and lean back away from the keyboard.
No way can they fire on anything without going through the chain of command.
You are so very wrong and ignorant of a US Navy ship Captain's duty and obligation, as well as the crew's, to protect his ship. If that CO felt his ship was in eminent danger, he didn't need anyone's permission to take aggressive action to defend his ship from attack. Notification to higher authority in the chain of command AFTER THE FACT is required in situations that would not admit delay, you opinion notwithstanding!
That depends on what that Captains OPRD's were.
The CO's of US Navy vessels do not receive Army OPORD's. The structure of the US Navy is a little different than the US Army.
Regardless of what the Navy calls it the Captain of the boat has a chain of command above him. Fleet Admiral, Joint Chiefs, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of Defense, and the Commander in Chief. Orders come from the top.
You don't know what it is but it just gotta, gotta be there, eh? Now you have got both SecNav and SecDef in the chain of command while Kaz only has SecState, and both of you are fucking wrong! But you do have a new twist with the Joint Chief's. You might want to read up on the National Security Act, 1947 to see what the Joint Chief's responsibilities are!

As far as the Navy's definition of a boat is concerned, how many boats does the Navy have currently commissioned over the length of 125 feet, Rambete (pronounced with a French accent)? Careful...that is a trick question for some. Gosh, I could learn soooooooooo much from you I don't know if I should faint or go fucking blind! But keep guessing at the solution and pretend you know SOMETHING that rather than doing any research, and overtaxing your grey matter!

While I gotcha here, you being an Army guy and so sharp and all, why has Army gotten stomped on by Navy in December so often in the last decade or two with 14 straight wins since 2002? I love December with that early Christmas present! Ta Ta!
Whatever you just said changes nothing that Captain still has a chain of command and everyone I mentioned are a part of that chain. Nice try with the game though. What else are squids good for other than college football and giving Marines a lift ?

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