John Kerry: We could have shot the jet down.

Should the Russian jet been shot down prior to reaching our ship?

  • Hell yeah!

  • No

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This was common during the Cold War............we did it to them and they did it to us.................

It didn't mean shit to boring out there...........was a bright spot for the day............

Both sides know we aren't gonna kill each other over it...............It's a game..............

In in the 80's yes, when the US had strong leadership, now is a much different story!

WE have the weakest leadership since Carter!
Obama is weak..............but our military are NOT POLITICIANS............and the Ruskies KNOW that aspect nothing has changed.......

Should either side ever pull the trigger............they know they will not be fighting politicians........but people who have trained to kill the enemy their whole career....................

It's still a game to those on the lines.............nothing more........

Obama changed the rules of engagement, so much has changed.

Even if they wanted to shoot down the jets, they couldn't due to the new rules put out by the Obama administration..

Putin is winning the pissing contest!
In the middle east War.........yeah Obama;s rules fuck our military...............but as far as the rules on fly by's ............that dog doesn't hunt with me................

We didn't have authorization to shoot them down under Reagan.............we knew it's JUST WAR GAMES..............

It's not that big of a deal WITH RUSSIA.

If we were talking about IRAN........then yes we should shoot their asses down.

A US Air Force reconnaissance plane was intercepted by a Russian SU-27 jet in an "unsafe and unprofessional" manner while in international airspace over the Baltic Sea, the Pentagon said Saturday.

US Air Force plane intercepted by Russian jet in 'unsafe' manner: Pentagon

Like I said Putin is winning the Pissing contest!
So they buzzed the plane.................again........that shit happened before................It is the Cold War all over again...........both sides pushing each other a little and both sides knowing it's not gonna turn into a Hot War........unless some dumb ass decides to open fire...................

This shit went on for a long time.........and the Cold War is now back on and nothing more.
In in the 80's yes, when the US had strong leadership, now is a much different story!

WE have the weakest leadership since Carter!
Obama is weak..............but our military are NOT POLITICIANS............and the Ruskies KNOW that aspect nothing has changed.......

Should either side ever pull the trigger............they know they will not be fighting politicians........but people who have trained to kill the enemy their whole career....................

It's still a game to those on the lines.............nothing more........

Obama changed the rules of engagement, so much has changed.

Even if they wanted to shoot down the jets, they couldn't due to the new rules put out by the Obama administration..

Putin is winning the pissing contest!
In the middle east War.........yeah Obama;s rules fuck our military...............but as far as the rules on fly by's ............that dog doesn't hunt with me................

We didn't have authorization to shoot them down under Reagan.............we knew it's JUST WAR GAMES..............

It's not that big of a deal WITH RUSSIA.

If we were talking about IRAN........then yes we should shoot their asses down.

A US Air Force reconnaissance plane was intercepted by a Russian SU-27 jet in an "unsafe and unprofessional" manner while in international airspace over the Baltic Sea, the Pentagon said Saturday.

US Air Force plane intercepted by Russian jet in 'unsafe' manner: Pentagon

Like I said Putin is winning the Pissing contest!
So they buzzed the plane.................again........that shit happened before................It is the Cold War all over again...........both sides pushing each other a little and both sides knowing it's not gonna turn into a Hot War........unless some dumb ass decides to open fire...................

This shit went on for a long time.........and the Cold War is now back on and nothing more.

Again we are not in the 80's cold war..

This time it is not both sides, it is very one sided at this point.

Putin is showing that America is weak.

And Obama is letting the world know that, Putin is correct!
Obama is weak..............but our military are NOT POLITICIANS............and the Ruskies KNOW that aspect nothing has changed.......

Should either side ever pull the trigger............they know they will not be fighting politicians........but people who have trained to kill the enemy their whole career....................

It's still a game to those on the lines.............nothing more........

Obama changed the rules of engagement, so much has changed.

Even if they wanted to shoot down the jets, they couldn't due to the new rules put out by the Obama administration..

Putin is winning the pissing contest!
In the middle east War.........yeah Obama;s rules fuck our military...............but as far as the rules on fly by's ............that dog doesn't hunt with me................

We didn't have authorization to shoot them down under Reagan.............we knew it's JUST WAR GAMES..............

It's not that big of a deal WITH RUSSIA.

If we were talking about IRAN........then yes we should shoot their asses down.

A US Air Force reconnaissance plane was intercepted by a Russian SU-27 jet in an "unsafe and unprofessional" manner while in international airspace over the Baltic Sea, the Pentagon said Saturday.

US Air Force plane intercepted by Russian jet in 'unsafe' manner: Pentagon

Like I said Putin is winning the Pissing contest!
So they buzzed the plane.................again........that shit happened before................It is the Cold War all over again...........both sides pushing each other a little and both sides knowing it's not gonna turn into a Hot War........unless some dumb ass decides to open fire...................

This shit went on for a long time.........and the Cold War is now back on and nothing more.

Again we are not in the 80's cold war..

This time it is not both sides, it is very one sided at this point.

Putin is showing that America is weak.

And Obama is letting the world know that, Putin is correct!
A lot of shit goes on out there that the Public doesn't know about.............I'm sure that hasn't changed much...........These are just political stunts that they decided to let you in on.....................I'm sure many other incidents are going on that will never see the light of day................

If you want agreement on that I think Obama is a failure and shitty Commander N Chief..........yeah.........I making such a big deal out of these stories.................Not so much...........
You are so very wrong and ignorant of a US Navy ship Captain's duty and obligation, as well as the crew's, to protect his ship. If that CO felt his ship was in eminent danger, he didn't need anyone's permission to take aggressive action to defend his ship from attack. Notification to higher authority in the chain of command AFTER THE FACT is required in situations that would not admit delay, you opinion notwithstanding!
That depends on what that Captains OPRD's were.
The CO's of US Navy vessels do not receive Army OPORD's. The structure of the US Navy is a little different than the US Army.
Regardless of what the Navy calls it the Captain of the boat has a chain of command above him. Fleet Admiral, Joint Chiefs, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of Defense, and the Commander in Chief. Orders come from the top.
You don't know what it is but it just gotta, gotta be there, eh? Now you have got both SecNav and SecDef in the chain of command while Kaz only has SecState, and both of you are fucking wrong! But you do have a new twist with the Joint Chief's. You might want to read up on the National Security Act, 1947 to see what the Joint Chief's responsibilities are!

As far as the Navy's definition of a boat is concerned, how many boats does the Navy have currently commissioned over the length of 125 feet, Rambete (pronounced with a French accent)? Careful...that is a trick question for some. Gosh, I could learn soooooooooo much from you I don't know if I should faint or go fucking blind! But keep guessing at the solution and pretend you know SOMETHING that rather than doing any research, and overtaxing your grey matter!

While I gotcha here, you being an Army guy and so sharp and all, why has Army gotten stomped on by Navy in December so often in the last decade or two with 14 straight wins since 2002? I love December with that early Christmas present! Ta Ta!
Whatever you just said changes nothing that Captain still has a chain of command and everyone I mentioned are a part of that chain. Nice try with the game though. What else are squids good for other than college football and giving Marines a lift ?
OK, then remain an ignorant shit then! Those Marines in the 1st and 3rd in '66 & '67 rather appreciated having our fire support on the gun line idiot so they might get back to the World some day! See how fucking ignorant you are of the Navy?
What does that have to do with the ship in the Baltic.

Oh, so you want to shoot down a plane that flies 30 feet from our ship, so you want to shoot down every Russian plane and sink every ship and sub that does anything to track our ships!

Shoot one of them down and they'll stop buzzing you......then you won't have to lose any sleep going to General Quarters every time some jet comes within 200 miles of the ship.
Shoot one of them down and maybe they sink your ship. then maybe it escalates into all out war.

So Putin is a wild out of controlled lunatic who sends planes in attack formations so close to our ships that it's dangerous, but if we respond, whoa, he could get mad and start WWIII? You're a dumb ass. And a coward.

Actually, Putin is a ruthless, cold blooded dictator who wants power, not to die, and he is doing this to show what a pussy we have in the white house and detract his nationalistic people from their economic problems. Here's a dollar, buy a clue, Nevil Chamberlin.

OMG, let's not make him mad! Guys, he could get mad! Geez

Wrong, the jet flyover was testing Russia's newest and advanced radar and electronic jamming system. And the test was a complete success for Russia. What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?

You got a source that knows what year this is? Also, you started with "wrong" then didn't contradict anything I said ...
I contradicted everything you said, but you can't accept your own ignorance. This jet was testing sophisticated Russian jamming equipment, and the only shot that the U.S. could have taken at it was the one that the sailor made with his phone cam, as the Aegis radar system that tells the ship where it is in relation to all other things was USELESS AS THE JET HAD SCRAMBLED IT'S BRAINS.

This was a test, and RUSSIA WON......... aegis radar jammed - Google Search

There ya go little kiddie.................... The Russians scrambled Obama and Kerry's brains. I think we need Papi Boyington back in his Corsair without computers..................
Shoot one of them down and they'll stop buzzing you......then you won't have to lose any sleep going to General Quarters every time some jet comes within 200 miles of the ship.
Shoot one of them down and maybe they sink your ship. then maybe it escalates into all out war.

So Putin is a wild out of controlled lunatic who sends planes in attack formations so close to our ships that it's dangerous, but if we respond, whoa, he could get mad and start WWIII? You're a dumb ass. And a coward.

Actually, Putin is a ruthless, cold blooded dictator who wants power, not to die, and he is doing this to show what a pussy we have in the white house and detract his nationalistic people from their economic problems. Here's a dollar, buy a clue, Nevil Chamberlin.

OMG, let's not make him mad! Guys, he could get mad! Geez

Wrong, the jet flyover was testing Russia's newest and advanced radar and electronic jamming system. And the test was a complete success for Russia. What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?

You got a source that knows what year this is? Also, you started with "wrong" then didn't contradict anything I said ...
I contradicted everything you said, but you can't accept your own ignorance. This jet was testing sophisticated Russian jamming equipment, and the only shot that the U.S. could have taken at it was the one that the sailor made with his phone cam, as the Aegis radar system that tells the ship where it is in relation to all other things was USELESS AS THE JET HAD SCRAMBLED IT'S BRAINS.

This was a test, and RUSSIA WON......... aegis radar jammed - Google Search

There ya go little kiddie.................... The Russians scrambled Obama and Kerry's brains. I think we need Papi Boyington back in his Corsair without computers..................

Even if everything you say is true, that doesn't contradict that they were willing to do the test because of their perceived weakness in Obama.

And again, you and I seem generally on the same side, why the insistence on acting like a dick? You brought new information to the table, why can't you just raise that and discuss it?
NO not directly as you have clearly stated, IDIOT, abnd you were supplied a link to the Navy chain of command. And I sure as fuck wasn't in the damn armchair brigade as you are, shit for brains. And with that "Dude" I understand you problem...lack of maturity. I believe one has to be 18 or older to be registered on this site.

I never said the SOS is in the chain of command. Does that somehow prove to you they don't help set ROE's? Based on what? You've clearly never done anything for government or in the military if that's how you think it works. Is that how it worked when you were in the Space Knights? You had to be in the chain of command?
I never said the SOS is in the chain of command. Does that somehow prove to you they don't help set ROE's? Based on what?
Based on no AUTHORITY to interfere in the Navy's chain of command, idiot! Haven't you been intelligent enough to read my responses to your idiotic ramblings or that link to the Navy's complete chain of command? Any of that type of rare and out of the ordinary circumstances would pass through SecNav, IDIOT. But you would rather pretend otherwise as if I hadn't supplied that information for your edification..
You've clearly never done anything for government or in the military if that's how you think it works.
I gave you some information in that regard including the 11 years of active and fleet reserve duty. I'm sure as Hell am not going to open my entire CV on a fucking message board fool. But I will say that the first 34 years of my life involved the military in some form or another.

And your connection with the military is reading about it and watching war movies from your fucking armchair. Be very, very proud of that Admiral/General. Now eat shit and die you immature troll! Go play with your Palin dolly!

Yes you were a storm trooper in the Space Navy for 11 years, I remember. Do you still have your insignia? Did you buy it at Comic-Con?

No shit the Secretary of State isn't in the "chain of command." Your view that proves they aren't involved in a clearly diplomatic international issue like US v. Russia off the Russian coast is just ignorant. And when I gave you the example of the State department in Lebanon getting the guards to not carry guns, which led directly to the barracks bombing happening, you didn't even get the connection to the discussion.

Kerry works for Obama, it's political/diplomatic as much as military. Your view they have nothing to do with the ROEs for a theater highly likely to have a Russian engagement like this belies every claim you have made that you have real world military experience.

BTW, how is Comic Con, is it cool?
Yup, another sophomoric contribution from Kaz signifying nada save your distorted OPINION sans verifiable facts! Keep diggin' shit for brains!

So the US has war games in former Soviet territory knowing that pisses off the Russians and they are likely to do stuff like this, they do, and it's international news. People from all over the country and international posters on this site are discussing it and no one is saying WTF are you guys talking about?

Whether we shoot down the plane or not has major international diplomatic and security implications, the President protested to Putin their actions.

But you not only think that Obama and the nations top diplomat would not be involved in determining the ROEs, how we react to that sort of provocation, but anyone who thinks they would is a completely clueless idiot. And you learned that because you were in the military.

And you call me sophomoric? Dude, you're ignorant to the max, it's un freaking believable. And just so you know, playing with GI Joes isn't being in the military
And you know more about Naval operations than the entire US Navy because of your vast experience as an Armchair Admiral who has never been in uniform and served, right????? Let me bow to your exquisite credentials, you fucking wannabe!
I never said the SOS is in the chain of command. Does that somehow prove to you they don't help set ROE's? Based on what? You've clearly never done anything for government or in the military if that's how you think it works. Is that how it worked when you were in the Space Knights? You had to be in the chain of command?
I never said the SOS is in the chain of command. Does that somehow prove to you they don't help set ROE's? Based on what?
Based on no AUTHORITY to interfere in the Navy's chain of command, idiot! Haven't you been intelligent enough to read my responses to your idiotic ramblings or that link to the Navy's complete chain of command? Any of that type of rare and out of the ordinary circumstances would pass through SecNav, IDIOT. But you would rather pretend otherwise as if I hadn't supplied that information for your edification..
You've clearly never done anything for government or in the military if that's how you think it works.
I gave you some information in that regard including the 11 years of active and fleet reserve duty. I'm sure as Hell am not going to open my entire CV on a fucking message board fool. But I will say that the first 34 years of my life involved the military in some form or another.

And your connection with the military is reading about it and watching war movies from your fucking armchair. Be very, very proud of that Admiral/General. Now eat shit and die you immature troll! Go play with your Palin dolly!

Yes you were a storm trooper in the Space Navy for 11 years, I remember. Do you still have your insignia? Did you buy it at Comic-Con?

No shit the Secretary of State isn't in the "chain of command." Your view that proves they aren't involved in a clearly diplomatic international issue like US v. Russia off the Russian coast is just ignorant. And when I gave you the example of the State department in Lebanon getting the guards to not carry guns, which led directly to the barracks bombing happening, you didn't even get the connection to the discussion.

Kerry works for Obama, it's political/diplomatic as much as military. Your view they have nothing to do with the ROEs for a theater highly likely to have a Russian engagement like this belies every claim you have made that you have real world military experience.

BTW, how is Comic Con, is it cool?
Yup, another sophomoric contribution from Kaz signifying nada save your distorted OPINION sans verifiable facts! Keep diggin' shit for brains!

So the US has war games in former Soviet territory knowing that pisses off the Russians and they are likely to do stuff like this, they do, and it's international news. People from all over the country and international posters on this site are discussing it and no one is saying WTF are you guys talking about?

Whether we shoot down the plane or not has major international diplomatic and security implications, the President protested to Putin their actions.

But you not only think that Obama and the nations top diplomat would not be involved in determining the ROEs, how we react to that sort of provocation, but anyone who thinks they would is a completely clueless idiot. And you learned that because you were in the military.

And you call me sophomoric? Dude, you're ignorant to the max, it's un freaking believable. And just so you know, playing with GI Joes isn't being in the military
And you know more about Naval operations than the entire US Navy because of your vast experience as an Armchair Admiral who has never been in uniform and served, right????? Let me bow to your exquisite credentials, you fucking wannabe!

You speak for the entire Navy that the President and SOS have nothing to do with ROEs in war games in former Soviet territory? Wow, nice to meet you sir, it's an honor.

On the off chance that you aren't actually Admiral Nimitz, can you prove that's the position of the "entire US Navy?" I mean the real US Navy, not the plastic ships in your bathtub ...
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

In 1967 I was standing watch on the fantail of a destroyer when we went to GQ based on an unidentified sonar contact with a sub. We played tag for a while but eventually lost contact and stood down. But for the several hours I stood by in the aft gun mount, the movie The Bedford Incident was much on my mind.

Fools like you make me sick.

What does that have to do with the ship in the Baltic.

Oh, so you want to shoot down a plane that flies 30 feet from our ship, so you want to shoot down every Russian plane and sink every ship and sub that does anything to track our ships!

Shoot one of them down and they'll stop buzzing you......then you won't have to lose any sleep going to General Quarters every time some jet comes within 200 miles of the ship.
Shoot one of them down and maybe they sink your ship. then maybe it escalates into all out war.
Let them do fly-overs any time they want and eventually one of their jets will accidentally shoot at one of our ships......then you will have a war.
Best thing to do is lock onto them and fire warning shots. If it keeps up, shoot one of them down. want to be a chicken-shit pussy-wimp nobody is afraid of.

The only people you liberals seem to have a problem with is other Americans that don't think like you. Trump supporters, gun-owners, and Christians. Terrorists, Russians, anyone who wants to kill your families.......THEY'RE OKAY!!

Mudwhistle is mindful of a Walter Mitty Character, sitting at his keyboard he has fantasies that he is a man, not the wimp who sits in an armchair, watches the NFL and second guesses every play sent in by the coach and / or the actions of the players on the field.
In 1967 I was standing watch on the fantail of a destroyer when we went to GQ based on an unidentified sonar contact with a sub. We played tag for a while but eventually lost contact and stood down. But for the several hours I stood by in the aft gun mount, the movie The Bedford Incident was much on my mind.

Fools like you make me sick.

What does that have to do with the ship in the Baltic.

Oh, so you want to shoot down a plane that flies 30 feet from our ship, so you want to shoot down every Russian plane and sink every ship and sub that does anything to track our ships!

Shoot one of them down and they'll stop buzzing you......then you won't have to lose any sleep going to General Quarters every time some jet comes within 200 miles of the ship.
Shoot one of them down and maybe they sink your ship. then maybe it escalates into all out war.
Let them do fly-overs any time they want and eventually one of their jets will accidentally shoot at one of our ships......then you will have a war.
Best thing to do is lock onto them and fire warning shots. If it keeps up, shoot one of them down. want to be a chicken-shit pussy-wimp nobody is afraid of.

The only people you liberals seem to have a problem with is other Americans that don't think like you. Trump supporters, gun-owners, and Christians. Terrorists, Russians, anyone who wants to kill your families.......THEY'RE OKAY!!

Mudwhistle is mindful of a Walter Mitty Character, sitting at his keyboard he has fantasies that he is a man, not the wimp who sits in an armchair, watches the NFL and second guesses every play sent in by the coach and / or the actions of the players on the field.

That is a theme with you, sounds like projection. How long have you thought you were impotent and your points worthless? Maybe some counseling would help
I never said the SOS is in the chain of command. Does that somehow prove to you they don't help set ROE's? Based on what? You've clearly never done anything for government or in the military if that's how you think it works. Is that how it worked when you were in the Space Knights? You had to be in the chain of command?
I never said the SOS is in the chain of command. Does that somehow prove to you they don't help set ROE's? Based on what?
Based on no AUTHORITY to interfere in the Navy's chain of command, idiot! Haven't you been intelligent enough to read my responses to your idiotic ramblings or that link to the Navy's complete chain of command? Any of that type of rare and out of the ordinary circumstances would pass through SecNav, IDIOT. But you would rather pretend otherwise as if I hadn't supplied that information for your edification..
You've clearly never done anything for government or in the military if that's how you think it works.
I gave you some information in that regard including the 11 years of active and fleet reserve duty. I'm sure as Hell am not going to open my entire CV on a fucking message board fool. But I will say that the first 34 years of my life involved the military in some form or another.

And your connection with the military is reading about it and watching war movies from your fucking armchair. Be very, very proud of that Admiral/General. Now eat shit and die you immature troll! Go play with your Palin dolly!

Yes you were a storm trooper in the Space Navy for 11 years, I remember. Do you still have your insignia? Did you buy it at Comic-Con?

No shit the Secretary of State isn't in the "chain of command." Your view that proves they aren't involved in a clearly diplomatic international issue like US v. Russia off the Russian coast is just ignorant. And when I gave you the example of the State department in Lebanon getting the guards to not carry guns, which led directly to the barracks bombing happening, you didn't even get the connection to the discussion.

Kerry works for Obama, it's political/diplomatic as much as military. Your view they have nothing to do with the ROEs for a theater highly likely to have a Russian engagement like this belies every claim you have made that you have real world military experience.

BTW, how is Comic Con, is it cool?
Yup, another sophomoric contribution from Kaz signifying nada save your distorted OPINION sans verifiable facts! Keep diggin' shit for brains!

So the US has war games in former Soviet territory knowing that pisses off the Russians and they are likely to do stuff like this, they do, and it's international news. People from all over the country and international posters on this site are discussing it and no one is saying WTF are you guys talking about?

Whether we shoot down the plane or not has major international diplomatic and security implications, the President protested to Putin their actions.

But you not only think that Obama and the nations top diplomat would not be involved in determining the ROEs, how we react to that sort of provocation, but anyone who thinks they would is a completely clueless idiot. And you learned that because you were in the military.

And you call me sophomoric? Dude, you're ignorant to the max, it's un freaking believable. And just so you know, playing with GI Joes isn't being in the military
And you know more about Naval operations than the entire US Navy because of your vast experience as an Armchair Admiral who has never been in uniform and served, right????? Let me bow to your exquisite credentials, you fucking wannabe!
Hey thoughtlesscrimes............. You can list your NAVAL EXPERIENCE HERE NOW..... And your top score at Call of Duty too.

The moron insults other people but has nothing to offer in way of experience.

Go kill some babies at the clinic.
I see the fear mongering and Political Grand Standing is still at work in this country............

Back in the days of the Good Old Cold War..........this was common..........happened.........

Nobody gave a was all just 2 countries teasing each other. I watched a Bear fly right over our ship. It reved it's engine right over the mast.........looked straight up at it............We flipped them the bird and laughed it off.........

A Mig tried to break the sound barrier near us.......didn't time it so well........but he got the Sonic Boom a little late...........

IT WAS NOTHING............Just another day at the office.......

Now IT'S........WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE..............

Jesus...............this country has turned into a Lunatic Fringe.

Well actually these fly bys are not common, this is Putin showing that Obama and America is weak.

Putin is showing that he has the strength and that the world should rally behind him and Russia.

If we had shot down those planes, we would have shown that these tactics are no longer tolerated.

But Putin knows that Obama will do nothing. Next he will do missile drills and test his warships very close to ours. Just to show how weak the Americans have become.

Granted this is nothing more than a Pissing contest, right now Putin is winning that contest..
This was common during the Cold War............we did it to them and they did it to us.................

It didn't mean shit to boring out there...........was a bright spot for the day............

Both sides know we aren't gonna kill each other over it...............It's a game..............

In in the 80's yes, when the US had strong leadership, now is a much different story!

WE have the weakest leadership since Carter!


First of all:

Compare to the real bios of Reagan and GW Bush & their military careers, the former made training films and the latter failed to take physicals and was suspended from flying (I and other wonder if that failure to take his physical was a sign that he knew it would discover his drug use).

Reagan ordered the bombing of Libya and killed a child and two of our pilots; Carter was faced with a revolution in Iran, a result of the reaction to the people of Iran to the torture inflicted by the puppet instilled by the CIA, and the Oil Cartel's action, once again a reaction to the West's imperialism after WW I.
I see the fear mongering and Political Grand Standing is still at work in this country............

Back in the days of the Good Old Cold War..........this was common..........happened.........

Nobody gave a was all just 2 countries teasing each other. I watched a Bear fly right over our ship. It reved it's engine right over the mast.........looked straight up at it............We flipped them the bird and laughed it off.........

A Mig tried to break the sound barrier near us.......didn't time it so well........but he got the Sonic Boom a little late...........

IT WAS NOTHING............Just another day at the office.......

Now IT'S........WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE..............

Jesus...............this country has turned into a Lunatic Fringe.

Well actually these fly bys are not common, this is Putin showing that Obama and America is weak.

Putin is showing that he has the strength and that the world should rally behind him and Russia.

If we had shot down those planes, we would have shown that these tactics are no longer tolerated.

But Putin knows that Obama will do nothing. Next he will do missile drills and test his warships very close to ours. Just to show how weak the Americans have become.

Granted this is nothing more than a Pissing contest, right now Putin is winning that contest..
This was common during the Cold War............we did it to them and they did it to us.................

It didn't mean shit to boring out there...........was a bright spot for the day............

Both sides know we aren't gonna kill each other over it...............It's a game..............

In in the 80's yes, when the US had strong leadership, now is a much different story!

WE have the weakest leadership since Carter!


First of all:

Compare to the real bios of Reagan and GW Bush & their military careers, the former made training films and the latter failed to take physicals and was suspended from flying (I and other wonder if that failure to take his physical was a sign that he knew it would discover his drug use).

Reagan ordered the bombing of Libya and killed a child and two of our pilots; Carter was faced with a revolution in Iran, a result of the reaction to the people of Iran to the torture inflicted by the puppet instilled by the CIA, and the Oil Cartel's action, once again a reaction to the West's imperialism after WW I.

Even if your post is true, it is mindless distracting drivel................... The Russians are playing with our Navy, and you babble about Carter and Reagan...........

You speak for the entire Navy that the President and SOS have nothing to do with ROEs in war games in former Soviet territory? Wow, nice to meet you sir, it's an honor.
You have yet to cite ANY authoritative source for that claim. All you have is another hot air opinion that don't fucking fly. I have given you links for the chain of command for the US Navy. You don't want to believe them or didn't even read them is on your ignorant head, dummy! Now sit back in your armchair and enjoy you fantasies Admiral!
LOL Hilarious.

John Kerry: we could have shot down Russian jets 'buzzing' US warship

Wow, Kerry makes a breach of etiquette and skips the sinister triple dog dare ya, and goes right for the throat
Kerry is a retard, saying that we could have shot the jet down is meaningless, because the jet could have dropped a torpedo or missile on the ship. If you shoot down a jet, you do not do so while it is over the ship, you do it 5 or so miles away after the warning the jet gets at 10 miles. Putin just kicked Obama and Kerry's asses, as usual.

It's amazing that those Russian jets got so close...
Why weren't they warned off?

If they were it sure as hell didn't work....
And where is Obama on this?
For a guy who loves to talk so much why is he so quiet on this?....

I suspect that the close proximity of the Russian base to our ship had something to do with how close they got
Shoot one of them down and they'll stop buzzing you......then you won't have to lose any sleep going to General Quarters every time some jet comes within 200 miles of the ship.
Shoot one of them down and maybe they sink your ship. then maybe it escalates into all out war.

So Putin is a wild out of controlled lunatic who sends planes in attack formations so close to our ships that it's dangerous, but if we respond, whoa, he could get mad and start WWIII? You're a dumb ass. And a coward.

Actually, Putin is a ruthless, cold blooded dictator who wants power, not to die, and he is doing this to show what a pussy we have in the white house and detract his nationalistic people from their economic problems. Here's a dollar, buy a clue, Nevil Chamberlin.

OMG, let's not make him mad! Guys, he could get mad! Geez

Wrong, the jet flyover was testing Russia's newest and advanced radar and electronic jamming system. And the test was a complete success for Russia. What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?

You got a source that knows what year this is? Also, you started with "wrong" then didn't contradict anything I said ...
I contradicted everything you said, but you can't accept your own ignorance. This jet was testing sophisticated Russian jamming equipment, and the only shot that the U.S. could have taken at it was the one that the sailor made with his phone cam, as the Aegis radar system that tells the ship where it is in relation to all other things was USELESS AS THE JET HAD SCRAMBLED IT'S BRAINS.

This was a test, and RUSSIA WON......... aegis radar jammed - Google Search

There ya go little kiddie.................... The Russians scrambled Obama and Kerry's brains. I think we need Papi Boyington back in his Corsair without computers..................

Russia may be playing games......but this will stop if we don't play along.

What happened to Turkey when they shot that Russian Jet down?

Not a God Damned thing.
Shoot one of them down and maybe they sink your ship. then maybe it escalates into all out war.

So Putin is a wild out of controlled lunatic who sends planes in attack formations so close to our ships that it's dangerous, but if we respond, whoa, he could get mad and start WWIII? You're a dumb ass. And a coward.

Actually, Putin is a ruthless, cold blooded dictator who wants power, not to die, and he is doing this to show what a pussy we have in the white house and detract his nationalistic people from their economic problems. Here's a dollar, buy a clue, Nevil Chamberlin.

OMG, let's not make him mad! Guys, he could get mad! Geez

Wrong, the jet flyover was testing Russia's newest and advanced radar and electronic jamming system. And the test was a complete success for Russia. What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?

You got a source that knows what year this is? Also, you started with "wrong" then didn't contradict anything I said ...
I contradicted everything you said, but you can't accept your own ignorance. This jet was testing sophisticated Russian jamming equipment, and the only shot that the U.S. could have taken at it was the one that the sailor made with his phone cam, as the Aegis radar system that tells the ship where it is in relation to all other things was USELESS AS THE JET HAD SCRAMBLED IT'S BRAINS.

This was a test, and RUSSIA WON......... aegis radar jammed - Google Search

There ya go little kiddie.................... The Russians scrambled Obama and Kerry's brains. I think we need Papi Boyington back in his Corsair without computers..................

Russia may be playing games......but this will stop if we don't play along.

What happened to Turkey when they shot that Russian Jet down?

Not a God Damned thing.
Wrong, Russia was not playing games, they were testing their most advanced weapon, one that leaves our Navy helpless and blind.
In 1967 I was standing watch on the fantail of a destroyer when we went to GQ based on an unidentified sonar contact with a sub. We played tag for a while but eventually lost contact and stood down. But for the several hours I stood by in the aft gun mount, the movie The Bedford Incident was much on my mind.

Fools like you make me sick.

What does that have to do with the ship in the Baltic.

Oh, so you want to shoot down a plane that flies 30 feet from our ship, so you want to shoot down every Russian plane and sink every ship and sub that does anything to track our ships!

Shoot one of them down and they'll stop buzzing you......then you won't have to lose any sleep going to General Quarters every time some jet comes within 200 miles of the ship.
Shoot one of them down and maybe they sink your ship. then maybe it escalates into all out war.
Let them do fly-overs any time they want and eventually one of their jets will accidentally shoot at one of our ships......then you will have a war.
Best thing to do is lock onto them and fire warning shots. If it keeps up, shoot one of them down. want to be a chicken-shit pussy-wimp nobody is afraid of.

The only people you liberals seem to have a problem with is other Americans that don't think like you. Trump supporters, gun-owners, and Christians. Terrorists, Russians, anyone who wants to kill your families.......THEY'RE OKAY!!

Mudwhistle is mindful of a Walter Mitty Character, sitting at his keyboard he has fantasies that he is a man, not the wimp who sits in an armchair, watches the NFL and second guesses every play sent in by the coach and / or the actions of the players on the field.
Everyone does that you putz. That's the nice thing about sitting on your fat ass every Sunday. You don't have to pay a price for decisions.
I understand how hard it is to make it on an NFL roster. Of the roughly 20,000 players in college that are playing at the level to make a team, less than 500 have any chance at all of being drafted or picked as a free-agent. Being hired as a coach in the NFL is even harder.

Military tactics is similar to football. The primary difference are the risks. If you let your enemy push you around, you risk more than just losing a fucking game.

Here's the deal Dirtbag.

Russia has a history of doing this. History says that Russians are basically cowards. They don't like a fair fight. If you punch them in the mouth they back off. They are constantly testing your defenses. Looking for weaknesses. If you don't allow them to keep testing you, eventually they stop. Otherwise, you're just asking for more and more of the same. Hammer them once and they back off.

Russia doesn't have the money to fight the US. China does. China is a greater threat than Russia right now. Not to mention the fact that China's pilots are real professionals. I don't really respect Russian pilots the way I do China's.
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Based on no AUTHORITY to interfere in the Navy's chain of command, idiot! Haven't you been intelligent enough to read my responses to your idiotic ramblings or that link to the Navy's complete chain of command? Any of that type of rare and out of the ordinary circumstances would pass through SecNav, IDIOT. But you would rather pretend otherwise as if I hadn't supplied that information for your edification..
I gave you some information in that regard including the 11 years of active and fleet reserve duty. I'm sure as Hell am not going to open my entire CV on a fucking message board fool. But I will say that the first 34 years of my life involved the military in some form or another.

And your connection with the military is reading about it and watching war movies from your fucking armchair. Be very, very proud of that Admiral/General. Now eat shit and die you immature troll! Go play with your Palin dolly!

Yes you were a storm trooper in the Space Navy for 11 years, I remember. Do you still have your insignia? Did you buy it at Comic-Con?

No shit the Secretary of State isn't in the "chain of command." Your view that proves they aren't involved in a clearly diplomatic international issue like US v. Russia off the Russian coast is just ignorant. And when I gave you the example of the State department in Lebanon getting the guards to not carry guns, which led directly to the barracks bombing happening, you didn't even get the connection to the discussion.

Kerry works for Obama, it's political/diplomatic as much as military. Your view they have nothing to do with the ROEs for a theater highly likely to have a Russian engagement like this belies every claim you have made that you have real world military experience.

BTW, how is Comic Con, is it cool?
Yup, another sophomoric contribution from Kaz signifying nada save your distorted OPINION sans verifiable facts! Keep diggin' shit for brains!

So the US has war games in former Soviet territory knowing that pisses off the Russians and they are likely to do stuff like this, they do, and it's international news. People from all over the country and international posters on this site are discussing it and no one is saying WTF are you guys talking about?

Whether we shoot down the plane or not has major international diplomatic and security implications, the President protested to Putin their actions.

But you not only think that Obama and the nations top diplomat would not be involved in determining the ROEs, how we react to that sort of provocation, but anyone who thinks they would is a completely clueless idiot. And you learned that because you were in the military.

And you call me sophomoric? Dude, you're ignorant to the max, it's un freaking believable. And just so you know, playing with GI Joes isn't being in the military
And you know more about Naval operations than the entire US Navy because of your vast experience as an Armchair Admiral who has never been in uniform and served, right????? Let me bow to your exquisite credentials, you fucking wannabe!
Hey thoughtlesscrimes............. You can list your NAVAL EXPERIENCE HERE NOW..... And your top score at Call of Duty too.

The moron insults other people but has nothing to offer in way of experience.

Go kill some babies at the clinic.
I've already listed all I'm going to smack! You too damn poor to pay attention? The guy your answering for has no experience against my years, but mystically and magically he just knows more about the Nav than anyone I've ever known...just ask the idiot. If you don't want to be insulted, don't go around insulting the intelligence of other people. Think about it!

And just why are you responding to my comments to another rather than my comments to your idiotic, unfounded and grossly false assertions? Chill out, pour yourself one or two drafts of some nice cold liquefied horseshit and enjoy your day off!

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