John Kerry: We could have shot the jet down.

Should the Russian jet been shot down prior to reaching our ship?

  • Hell yeah!

  • No

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You speak for the entire Navy that the President and SOS have nothing to do with ROEs in war games in former Soviet territory? Wow, nice to meet you sir, it's an honor.
You have yet to cite ANY authoritative source for that claim. All you have is another hot air opinion that don't fucking fly. I have given you links for the chain of command for the US Navy. You don't want to believe them or didn't even read them is on your ignorant head, dummy! Now sit back in your armchair and enjoy you fantasies Admiral!

You gave me the chain of command, information that isn't in question. Your view that the President isn't in the loop for such a major decision is just mind mindbogglingly ignorant. Yeah, the local commanders make decisions about firing at Russians. Unbelievable. Well, except in the navy in the rubber wading pool in your backyard! Avast, matey, ay? Can I come aboard, admiral!
OH I got it now. Obama is channeling LBJ's tactics for his control of the US actions in N. Vietnam and Kerry is doing the very same with LBJ's SecDef channeling McNamara. The only difference is that Obama and Kerry are micromanaging EVERY Navy CO afloat outlining every detail of every moment their ship is underway! That explains everything. Obama and Kerry only have time for the Navy because keeping track of every ship in every unit of every fleet would be a full time job. Now that you explained it, why it's, it's it's STILL A CROCK OF SHIT!

Look Idiot, POTUS will get involved in some VERY CRITICAL items of high priority in the National Interest like the takedown of OBL. Sure Obama probably had some input in that matter. But as a routine responsibility, POTUS has already delegated authority down the chain below the CNO! You want to continue to play the fool and retain the distinct title of Armchair Admiral, go ahead make a fool of yourself!

A tip, never start a post with "OH I get it now," you know you're wrong before you make a point.

So shooting down a Russian jet in a war game in the former soviet union is a "routine responsibility." It's all over the world news, but hey, no matter for the President, just a ship's captain. Wow, you're nuts. Is that what you're getting disability for? Did you get Klinger's section 8?
Absurdity is your only strong point unless one considers your lack of logical discourse. Well, there is you penchant for playing Commander of the Armchair brigade!

I've got better things to do than trade insults with an IDIOT, so Have a Nice Day Masturbator in Chief!

Yes, thinking combat with Russia rises to the Presidential level, what's wrong with me? LOL
Hey thoughtlesscrimes............. You can list your NAVAL EXPERIENCE HERE NOW..... And your top score at Call of Duty too.

The moron insults other people but has nothing to offer in way of experience.

Go kill some babies at the clinic.
I've already listed all I'm going to smack! You too damn poor to pay attention? The guy your answering for has no experience against my years, but mystically and magically he just knows more about the Nav than anyone I've ever known...just ask the idiot. If you don't want to be insulted, don't go around insulting the intelligence of other people. Think about it!

And just why are you responding to my comments to another rather than my comments to your idiotic, unfounded and grossly false assertions? Chill out, pour yourself one or two drafts of some nice cold liquefied horseshit and enjoy your day off!

So by that post you have ZERO Navy experience, yet are claiming to be an expert. LOL try again kid.
Oh you caught me you tricky little devil. I better write BuPers and tell them to burn all my records that aren't at the archives in St. Louis and get ready to pay back the VA all that 100% disability pay they haven't been sending me for the AO exposure I never had when the ship I wasn't on didn't spend time up the Co Chien reach of the Mekong and I didn't spend any time up the Perfume River West of Hue either or for the B40 shrapnel that isn't still with me today. I'll just have to remember that I was never at Subic Bay or that I didn't have liberty in Alongapo, PI or Sasebo or Yokosuka, Japan or my favorite port I never visited, Hong Kong! Gosh, there are just soooo many things I didn't experience that are in my memory!

You are so good picking out those who...I mean picking your FUCKING NOSE, you fucking square pegged dunce! And the "expert" thingy is your projection. Have another mug of that horseshit drink you relish!

Yes it is true, the military did need it's share of potato peelers like you. That said the Russian jet that flew 30 feet over the Cook could not have been shot down by the Cook, because all of it's radar systems were rendered inoperable by the jets advanced weaponry. And I thank God for the sailor who sent us the pictures so that John Kerry could babble that the U.S. could have shot down the jet with inoperable guns and missile systems. LOL peel on old man
Well fuck you very much. Damn but you are bloody stupid. You don't even understand what the articles you cited say. How far is the Black Sea from the Baltic Sea and how far back in time is April 2014 from April 2016? Read the fucking articles you cited you cratered fucking FOOL!

Have a nice day and remember to have someone check to make sure you reinstalled your brain correctly after the airing you gave it!

Again are you claiming that the Russians do not need to test the improvements that they have made to their jamming weaponry on active U.S. ships in 2016, and that they did not do just that? Get a grip, on your tea and crumpets, u bloody fool. LOL
Wrong, the jet flyover was testing Russia's newest and advanced radar and electronic jamming system. And the test was a complete success for Russia. What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?

You got a source that knows what year this is? Also, you started with "wrong" then didn't contradict anything I said ...
I contradicted everything you said, but you can't accept your own ignorance. This jet was testing sophisticated Russian jamming equipment, and the only shot that the U.S. could have taken at it was the one that the sailor made with his phone cam, as the Aegis radar system that tells the ship where it is in relation to all other things was USELESS AS THE JET HAD SCRAMBLED IT'S BRAINS.

This was a test, and RUSSIA WON......... aegis radar jammed - Google Search

There ya go little kiddie.................... The Russians scrambled Obama and Kerry's brains. I think we need Papi Boyington back in his Corsair without computers..................

Russia may be playing games......but this will stop if we don't play along.

What happened to Turkey when they shot that Russian Jet down?

Not a God Damned thing.
Wrong, Russia was not playing games, they were testing their most advanced weapon, one that leaves our Navy helpless and blind.

Why would they show us that even if they had it? And even if that report is true, that doesn't mean we can't counter it, just that the Cook didn't have that capability. Also there are the tactics, we should EMP any plane at a certain distance preempting it.

What you posted is an interesting discussion point, particularly if it is true. But there are still a lot of questions. It's doubtful the Russians leap frogged us with technology
Because their is no way that the Russians can know how effective their Khibini weapons system is, without the help of active Aegis radar systems to jam. Now you understand?
You got a source that knows what year this is? Also, you started with "wrong" then didn't contradict anything I said ...
I contradicted everything you said, but you can't accept your own ignorance. This jet was testing sophisticated Russian jamming equipment, and the only shot that the U.S. could have taken at it was the one that the sailor made with his phone cam, as the Aegis radar system that tells the ship where it is in relation to all other things was USELESS AS THE JET HAD SCRAMBLED IT'S BRAINS.

This was a test, and RUSSIA WON......... aegis radar jammed - Google Search

There ya go little kiddie.................... The Russians scrambled Obama and Kerry's brains. I think we need Papi Boyington back in his Corsair without computers..................

Russia may be playing games......but this will stop if we don't play along.

What happened to Turkey when they shot that Russian Jet down?

Not a God Damned thing.
Wrong, Russia was not playing games, they were testing their most advanced weapon, one that leaves our Navy helpless and blind.

Why would they show us that even if they had it? And even if that report is true, that doesn't mean we can't counter it, just that the Cook didn't have that capability. Also there are the tactics, we should EMP any plane at a certain distance preempting it.

What you posted is an interesting discussion point, particularly if it is true. But there are still a lot of questions. It's doubtful the Russians leap frogged us with technology
Because their is no way that the Russians can know how effective their Khibini weapons system is, without the help of active Aegis radar systems to jam. Now you understand?
Which is as good a reason as any to shoot their jets down.
I contradicted everything you said, but you can't accept your own ignorance. This jet was testing sophisticated Russian jamming equipment, and the only shot that the U.S. could have taken at it was the one that the sailor made with his phone cam, as the Aegis radar system that tells the ship where it is in relation to all other things was USELESS AS THE JET HAD SCRAMBLED IT'S BRAINS.

This was a test, and RUSSIA WON......... aegis radar jammed - Google Search

There ya go little kiddie.................... The Russians scrambled Obama and Kerry's brains. I think we need Papi Boyington back in his Corsair without computers..................

Russia may be playing games......but this will stop if we don't play along.

What happened to Turkey when they shot that Russian Jet down?

Not a God Damned thing.
Wrong, Russia was not playing games, they were testing their most advanced weapon, one that leaves our Navy helpless and blind.

Why would they show us that even if they had it? And even if that report is true, that doesn't mean we can't counter it, just that the Cook didn't have that capability. Also there are the tactics, we should EMP any plane at a certain distance preempting it.

What you posted is an interesting discussion point, particularly if it is true. But there are still a lot of questions. It's doubtful the Russians leap frogged us with technology
Because their is no way that the Russians can know how effective their Khibini weapons system is, without the help of active Aegis radar systems to jam. Now you understand?
Which is as good a reason as any to shoot their jets down.

There is no good reason to act aggressively, speak softly and send a few of our assets into international waters for war games. That message is clear, the stick is big and the risk is minimal. Or, we can call the other side the axis of evil, fire our weapons and hope we have the army we want and need. Even if we do, the body bags will continue to be filled - do the initials IEP have some meaning to you?

History is replete with examples of a lesser force defeating a well equipped and trained professional army. The Hessian fought for the British against the American Revolutionary Force - how well did that turn out for the Brits and the Hessian?
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

Yo, they know they can do it, and nothing will happen, they learned this from N. Korea and Iran!!!

It Comes Down To The Balless President!
Turkey Didn`t Mess Around! Blew That Bitch Out Of The Sky!
View attachment 71512
do you know the difference between international waters and 'air space'?

clearly not, b/c if you did, you wouldn't have posted that as a reason to kill.

Yo, it`s called AGGRESSION, don`t matter if it`s International Waters, or a Countries Air Space? Now, take them Two Thumbs, stick them up your ass, and rotate!!!

Shoot The Bitch Down!!!
View attachment 71584
There's a recruiting station near you rambo

man the fuck up and demand front line combat

really, you assbags have no reason to call for the killing of another.

So just to be clear, you've volunteered for every military engagement you supported, that's your standard. So did you volunteer to attack al Qaeda after 9/11? Or did you oppose retaliating?

Grow up and make real arguments, Nevil
false comparison

dismissed as retarded
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously
No, clearly not.

We do shit like that to each other all the time.

The list of fly overs, fly bys, near misses, races, competitions, its friggin endless.

To anyone that thinks we should have killed them, I say; There's a recruiting station near you.

Russians have gotten more and more aggressive, we don't do anything remotely like that jet. At what point do we draw the line? Ever?
If we restart the Cold war, that won't happen again.

If was just some guy being a dick

Seriously, you think it was just the pilot acting on his own? WTF? You're insane
prove otherwise retard
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

Yo, they know they can do it, and nothing will happen, they learned this from N. Korea and Iran!!!

It Comes Down To The Balless President!
Turkey Didn`t Mess Around! Blew That Bitch Out Of The Sky!
View attachment 71512
do you know the difference between international waters and 'air space'?

clearly not, b/c if you did, you wouldn't have posted that as a reason to kill.

Please, air space over a country and around ships in international waters are clearly reasonably analogous even if they aren't exactly the same
one is clearly written and everyone gets it, the other, not so much

If there were an argument the Russian didn't know the ship was there and it was an accident what you're arguing would be applicable. Since that's clearly not what happened, what you are arguing is irrelevant
you want war over someone being a dick

don't forget to sign up for that war
I see the fear mongering and Political Grand Standing is still at work in this country............

Back in the days of the Good Old Cold War..........this was common..........happened.........

Nobody gave a was all just 2 countries teasing each other. I watched a Bear fly right over our ship. It reved it's engine right over the mast.........looked straight up at it............We flipped them the bird and laughed it off.........

A Mig tried to break the sound barrier near us.......didn't time it so well........but he got the Sonic Boom a little late...........

IT WAS NOTHING............Just another day at the office.......

Now IT'S........WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE..............

Jesus...............this country has turned into a Lunatic Fringe.

Well actually these fly bys are not common, this is Putin showing that Obama and America is weak.

Putin is showing that he has the strength and that the world should rally behind him and Russia.

If we had shot down those planes, we would have shown that these tactics are no longer tolerated.

But Putin knows that Obama will do nothing. Next he will do missile drills and test his warships very close to ours. Just to show how weak the Americans have become.

Granted this is nothing more than a Pissing contest, right now Putin is winning that contest..

We planted our warship an hour's drive by US freeway standards away from an important Russian base.

Putin showed the world how asceered we are how exactly? When Russian warships start steaming up the Hudson you may have a point..moron.
Russia may be playing games......but this will stop if we don't play along.

What happened to Turkey when they shot that Russian Jet down?

Not a God Damned thing.
Wrong, Russia was not playing games, they were testing their most advanced weapon, one that leaves our Navy helpless and blind.

Why would they show us that even if they had it? And even if that report is true, that doesn't mean we can't counter it, just that the Cook didn't have that capability. Also there are the tactics, we should EMP any plane at a certain distance preempting it.

What you posted is an interesting discussion point, particularly if it is true. But there are still a lot of questions. It's doubtful the Russians leap frogged us with technology
Because their is no way that the Russians can know how effective their Khibini weapons system is, without the help of active Aegis radar systems to jam. Now you understand?
Which is as good a reason as any to shoot their jets down.

There is no good reason to act aggressively, speak softly and send a few of our assets into international waters for war games. That message is clear, the stick is big and the risk is minimal. Or, we can call the other side the axis of evil, fire our weapons and hope we have the army we want and need. Even if we do, the body bags will continue to be filled - do the initials IEP have some meaning to you?

History is replete with examples of a lesser force defeating a well equipped and trained professional army. The Hessian fought for the British against the American Revolutionary Force - how well did that turn out for the Brits and the Hessian?
Obviously you haven't a clue about what they're doing. They're probing for weaknesses. Show weakness and they will exploit it. Shoot them down and they try someone else. Russians don't cry over the lifeless bodies of their soldiers like we do. They figure it's worth the risk. They won't care if we shoot the dumb asses out of the sky.
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Reactions: kaz
Yo, they know they can do it, and nothing will happen, they learned this from N. Korea and Iran!!!

It Comes Down To The Balless President!
Turkey Didn`t Mess Around! Blew That Bitch Out Of The Sky!
View attachment 71512
do you know the difference between international waters and 'air space'?

clearly not, b/c if you did, you wouldn't have posted that as a reason to kill.

Please, air space over a country and around ships in international waters are clearly reasonably analogous even if they aren't exactly the same
one is clearly written and everyone gets it, the other, not so much

If there were an argument the Russian didn't know the ship was there and it was an accident what you're arguing would be applicable. Since that's clearly not what happened, what you are arguing is irrelevant
you want war over someone being a dick

don't forget to sign up for that war
Most aggressive acts don't lead to war.....instead they prevent them, especially when you're dealing with Russians.
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You got a source that knows what year this is? Also, you started with "wrong" then didn't contradict anything I said ...
I contradicted everything you said, but you can't accept your own ignorance. This jet was testing sophisticated Russian jamming equipment, and the only shot that the U.S. could have taken at it was the one that the sailor made with his phone cam, as the Aegis radar system that tells the ship where it is in relation to all other things was USELESS AS THE JET HAD SCRAMBLED IT'S BRAINS.

This was a test, and RUSSIA WON......... aegis radar jammed - Google Search

There ya go little kiddie.................... The Russians scrambled Obama and Kerry's brains. I think we need Papi Boyington back in his Corsair without computers..................

Russia may be playing games......but this will stop if we don't play along.

What happened to Turkey when they shot that Russian Jet down?

Not a God Damned thing.
Wrong, Russia was not playing games, they were testing their most advanced weapon, one that leaves our Navy helpless and blind.

Why would they show us that even if they had it? And even if that report is true, that doesn't mean we can't counter it, just that the Cook didn't have that capability. Also there are the tactics, we should EMP any plane at a certain distance preempting it.

What you posted is an interesting discussion point, particularly if it is true. But there are still a lot of questions. It's doubtful the Russians leap frogged us with technology
Because their is no way that the Russians can know how effective their Khibini weapons system is, without the help of active Aegis radar systems to jam. Now you understand?
Yes, you're missing the point. Would Putin have tested it anyway if he respected Obama? I think not. He know nothing would happen to the plane and nothing would happen afterwards
Russia may be playing games......but this will stop if we don't play along.

What happened to Turkey when they shot that Russian Jet down?

Not a God Damned thing.
Wrong, Russia was not playing games, they were testing their most advanced weapon, one that leaves our Navy helpless and blind.

Why would they show us that even if they had it? And even if that report is true, that doesn't mean we can't counter it, just that the Cook didn't have that capability. Also there are the tactics, we should EMP any plane at a certain distance preempting it.

What you posted is an interesting discussion point, particularly if it is true. But there are still a lot of questions. It's doubtful the Russians leap frogged us with technology
Because their is no way that the Russians can know how effective their Khibini weapons system is, without the help of active Aegis radar systems to jam. Now you understand?
Which is as good a reason as any to shoot their jets down.

There is no good reason to act aggressively, speak softly and send a few of our assets into international waters for war games. That message is clear, the stick is big and the risk is minimal. Or, we can call the other side the axis of evil, fire our weapons and hope we have the army we want and need. Even if we do, the body bags will continue to be filled - do the initials IEP have some meaning to you?

History is replete with examples of a lesser force defeating a well equipped and trained professional army. The Hessian fought for the British against the American Revolutionary Force - how well did that turn out for the Brits and the Hessian?

Historically there is no uncertainty, strength prevents wars, weakness starts them. No matter how many times you repeat your canard
Yo, they know they can do it, and nothing will happen, they learned this from N. Korea and Iran!!!

It Comes Down To The Balless President!
Turkey Didn`t Mess Around! Blew That Bitch Out Of The Sky!
View attachment 71512
do you know the difference between international waters and 'air space'?

clearly not, b/c if you did, you wouldn't have posted that as a reason to kill.

Yo, it`s called AGGRESSION, don`t matter if it`s International Waters, or a Countries Air Space? Now, take them Two Thumbs, stick them up your ass, and rotate!!!

Shoot The Bitch Down!!!
View attachment 71584
There's a recruiting station near you rambo

man the fuck up and demand front line combat

really, you assbags have no reason to call for the killing of another.

So just to be clear, you've volunteered for every military engagement you supported, that's your standard. So did you volunteer to attack al Qaeda after 9/11? Or did you oppose retaliating?

Grow up and make real arguments, Nevil
false comparison

dismissed as retarded

So when you ask for a conflict you oppose to someone who supports it if they volunteered to fight it, and I ask you if that's your standard, you volunteer for conflicts you support, you don't get the connection? Seriously? You're not two thumbs, you're all thumbs ...
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously
No, clearly not.

We do shit like that to each other all the time.

The list of fly overs, fly bys, near misses, races, competitions, its friggin endless.

To anyone that thinks we should have killed them, I say; There's a recruiting station near you.

Russians have gotten more and more aggressive, we don't do anything remotely like that jet. At what point do we draw the line? Ever?
If we restart the Cold war, that won't happen again.

If was just some guy being a dick

Seriously, you think it was just the pilot acting on his own? WTF? You're insane
prove otherwise retard

Yes, prove you wrong! It's your claim, you prove he acted alone
Yo, they know they can do it, and nothing will happen, they learned this from N. Korea and Iran!!!

It Comes Down To The Balless President!
Turkey Didn`t Mess Around! Blew That Bitch Out Of The Sky!
View attachment 71512
do you know the difference between international waters and 'air space'?

clearly not, b/c if you did, you wouldn't have posted that as a reason to kill.

Please, air space over a country and around ships in international waters are clearly reasonably analogous even if they aren't exactly the same
one is clearly written and everyone gets it, the other, not so much

If there were an argument the Russian didn't know the ship was there and it was an accident what you're arguing would be applicable. Since that's clearly not what happened, what you are arguing is irrelevant
you want war over someone being a dick

don't forget to sign up for that war

Begging the question, I keep pointing out that weakness causes wars, not strength. You're just repeating your assumption.

And again, you mean like you sign up for wars you support? Oh wait, you don't get the connection between you signing up for what you support and others signing up for what they support. Actually, since it's your standard, not mine, you should be even more eager to sign up to fight anything you support

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