John Kerry: We could have shot the jet down.

Should the Russian jet been shot down prior to reaching our ship?

  • Hell yeah!

  • No

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I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously
Apparently, the jet did not carry out hostilities.

F'ing what? It flew within 30 feet of our ship, what would be hostile?

Turkey drew a line and backed it up. Have the Russians invaded Turkey? This is why they are doing this, they are pushing further and further to find out where the line is. You really think that with today's technology Russia couldn't say out of Turkish airspace?

There's only one way to draw a line. I'm not saying to shoot down every Russian plane that flies too close to an American ship. Not saying that at all. But there is a point where it's not feasible we let them that close to our military, that plane went well past that line
Think further. Provocation, saying hello, whatever. If the Russian plane would been downed, what would have been the consequence? A step further to a cold war or retaliation? There is no point in shooting the jet.

Lighthouse and naval vessel urban legend - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's hilarious how you people keep thinking, OMG, Putin could get mad. Obviously he's doing this because he thinks our President is a pussy.

So seriously, Putin is like, I'm going to send a plane to fly 30 feet from their ship in a dangerous intimidation, but OMG, we react and he's going to get mad!

Putin gets it, you don't, Obama doesn't
So what if an attack on the jet fails and the Russian unloads a big bomb on the vessel. How looks Obama then? How many people have to die to enforce the virtual sovereign territory around a US vessel?

A plane flying straight at the ship? Highly unlikely. What if the plane hit the ship? How does Obama look then? How many people have to die to not enforce the virtual sovereign territory around a US vessel?
F'ing what? It flew within 30 feet of our ship, what would be hostile?

Turkey drew a line and backed it up. Have the Russians invaded Turkey? This is why they are doing this, they are pushing further and further to find out where the line is. You really think that with today's technology Russia couldn't say out of Turkish airspace?

There's only one way to draw a line. I'm not saying to shoot down every Russian plane that flies too close to an American ship. Not saying that at all. But there is a point where it's not feasible we let them that close to our military, that plane went well past that line
Think further. Provocation, saying hello, whatever. If the Russian plane would been downed, what would have been the consequence? A step further to a cold war or retaliation? There is no point in shooting the jet.

Lighthouse and naval vessel urban legend - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's hilarious how you people keep thinking, OMG, Putin could get mad. Obviously he's doing this because he thinks our President is a pussy.

So seriously, Putin is like, I'm going to send a plane to fly 30 feet from their ship in a dangerous intimidation, but OMG, we react and he's going to get mad!

Putin gets it, you don't, Obama doesn't
You think Putin himself is calling and telling his commanders to pull these stunts? He's probably got better things to do, as does our Commander in Chief.

If Putin had nothing to do with the provocation then he should be denouncing it today. Much like Obama should denounce Mrs. Tuzla Clinton's actions at Benghazi, if he had nothing to do with them.
It didn't rise to the level of provocation and how do you know he didn't make a call and tell the commander "Comrade, knock it off." Kaz and his friends who dream of exploding the world and look for every excuse are the only ones who were provoked. This has nothing to do with Obama or Putin personally. I truly don't believe Putin is micromanaging training exercises in the Baltic and he's got nothing to denounce, at least not publicly.

Nice, hyperbole of the hyperbole. You PMSing?
Now you're making shit up. Come here straw man...I got a match!

So you were never in any branch of the military, eh? Why am I not surprised!

So just to be clear, you are saying that the ROEs for a ship off the Russian coast would not have gone to Obama and Kerry for signoff. You seriously believe that? Feel behind your ears, it is actually wet, isn't it?
Don't be fucking absurd! Get out of that armchair Admiral/General! Even LBJ and Robert McNamara didn't get that far into the weeds during the Vietnam War to get right down to individual units and destroyers. Get some more of that aluminum foil for your hats! How many black helicopter have you seen today? DAMN!!!!

That's adorable, I'm glad there are still such innocent people like you in the world. A throwback to a simpler day when the world was so much more clear.

NATO war games in Eastern Europe by the Russian coast and you think it's a low level decision whether to shoot down a Russian jet or not when they've been buzzing our ships already. Oh, the pretty nurse is here to feed you, I'll catch up with you later ...
Hey, shit for brains, SecState (Kerry) has NEVER been in the US Navy's chain of command. NEVER IDIOT. Claiming that is fucking IGNORANT and displays your abject IGNORANCE of the US Navy's command structure. That cabinet slot in the chain would be reserved for SecNav, twit!

Obviously, you have never been in the Navy, or any other branch, and are not cognizant of the US Navy's command structure. POTUS is in the chain of command, but sure as Hell does not get involved in micro-management of routine mission assignments, fool! And where would POTUS find the time to micro-manage all of the strategic and tactical military assets abroad, dummy?

Educate yourself and review the basic multilayered US Navy command structure from the CNO down by reviewing the site directly below. It is many tiers deep just starting at the CNO down to the unit commander, and doesn't include the layers above the CNO up to POTUS!
US Navy Organization - Mission of the Navy

Your false bravado and stupid, stupid uninformed assertion that Kerry and Obama somehow got together and gave specific detailed direct orders to that Navy Commander commanding that destroyer is nothing but hot air from an ignorant know-it-all...that would be you, Kaz!

In the Lebanon barracks bombing, it was the State department that got the policy that guns don't carry arms which stopped them from stopping the bomber.

Your view that the ROEs for the Russians when we are on their border and they're buzzing our ships isn't a political and diplomatic (State Department) issue is ridiculous for just a functioning adult. But you say that and claim to have been in the military? You're just clueless and out of touch with reality
What the Hell does this mean and what the Hell is the relevance?
In the Lebanon barracks bombing, it was the State department that got the policy that guns don't carry arms which stopped them from stopping the bomber.
Nice little dance with that horseshit, Kaz! I won't let you deflect and derail the topic at hand, fool! That ain't gonna happen!

Your leap of logic that State is automagically in the chain of command of the US Navy because of possible political and diplomatic implications via actions of Navy units is an overreach of desperation on your part. That IS NOT and CANNOT be sustained with or by any proof, which you cannot provide because it doesn't exist and can't exist at the cabinet level, dummy. ALL you have provided during this entire conversation is your FAULTY UNINFORMED & UNLEARNED OPINION.

Get the fuck out of your armchair and get some exercise other than jumping to your ridiculous conclusions, Kaz! Damn, but you're just diggin' your hole deeper, fool! You have exhausted any credibility you might have had!
Think further. Provocation, saying hello, whatever. If the Russian plane would been downed, what would have been the consequence? A step further to a cold war or retaliation? There is no point in shooting the jet.

Lighthouse and naval vessel urban legend - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's hilarious how you people keep thinking, OMG, Putin could get mad. Obviously he's doing this because he thinks our President is a pussy.

So seriously, Putin is like, I'm going to send a plane to fly 30 feet from their ship in a dangerous intimidation, but OMG, we react and he's going to get mad!

Putin gets it, you don't, Obama doesn't
You think Putin himself is calling and telling his commanders to pull these stunts? He's probably got better things to do, as does our Commander in Chief.

If Putin had nothing to do with the provocation then he should be denouncing it today. Much like Obama should denounce Mrs. Tuzla Clinton's actions at Benghazi, if he had nothing to do with them.
It didn't rise to the level of provocation and how do you know he didn't make a call and tell the commander "Comrade, knock it off." Kaz and his friends who dream of exploding the world and look for every excuse are the only ones who were provoked. This has nothing to do with Obama or Putin personally. I truly don't believe Putin is micromanaging training exercises in the Baltic and he's got nothing to denounce, at least not publicly.

Flying a fighter jet within 40 feet of a warship is not provocation? Really? Then what in the hell would you call it? A mistake?

Amazing, isn't it? Would Putin shooting Obama in the head raise to the level of provocation? Sorry man, I tried to miss, and I missed. My bad ...
It's hilarious how you people keep thinking, OMG, Putin could get mad. Obviously he's doing this because he thinks our President is a pussy.

So seriously, Putin is like, I'm going to send a plane to fly 30 feet from their ship in a dangerous intimidation, but OMG, we react and he's going to get mad!

Putin gets it, you don't, Obama doesn't
You think Putin himself is calling and telling his commanders to pull these stunts? He's probably got better things to do, as does our Commander in Chief.

If Putin had nothing to do with the provocation then he should be denouncing it today. Much like Obama should denounce Mrs. Tuzla Clinton's actions at Benghazi, if he had nothing to do with them.
It didn't rise to the level of provocation and how do you know he didn't make a call and tell the commander "Comrade, knock it off." Kaz and his friends who dream of exploding the world and look for every excuse are the only ones who were provoked. This has nothing to do with Obama or Putin personally. I truly don't believe Putin is micromanaging training exercises in the Baltic and he's got nothing to denounce, at least not publicly.

Flying a fighter jet within 40 feet of a warship is not provocation? Really? Then what in the hell would you call it? A mistake?

Amazing, isn't it? Would Putin shooting Obama in the head raise to the level of provocation? Sorry man, I tried to miss, and I missed. My bad ...

I guess if he missed by 4 inches that would be called an oopsie.
So just to be clear, you are saying that the ROEs for a ship off the Russian coast would not have gone to Obama and Kerry for signoff. You seriously believe that? Feel behind your ears, it is actually wet, isn't it?
Don't be fucking absurd! Get out of that armchair Admiral/General! Even LBJ and Robert McNamara didn't get that far into the weeds during the Vietnam War to get right down to individual units and destroyers. Get some more of that aluminum foil for your hats! How many black helicopter have you seen today? DAMN!!!!

That's adorable, I'm glad there are still such innocent people like you in the world. A throwback to a simpler day when the world was so much more clear.

NATO war games in Eastern Europe by the Russian coast and you think it's a low level decision whether to shoot down a Russian jet or not when they've been buzzing our ships already. Oh, the pretty nurse is here to feed you, I'll catch up with you later ...
Hey, shit for brains, SecState (Kerry) has NEVER been in the US Navy's chain of command. NEVER IDIOT. Claiming that is fucking IGNORANT and displays your abject IGNORANCE of the US Navy's command structure. That cabinet slot in the chain would be reserved for SecNav, twit!

Obviously, you have never been in the Navy, or any other branch, and are not cognizant of the US Navy's command structure. POTUS is in the chain of command, but sure as Hell does not get involved in micro-management of routine mission assignments, fool! And where would POTUS find the time to micro-manage all of the strategic and tactical military assets abroad, dummy?

Educate yourself and review the basic multilayered US Navy command structure from the CNO down by reviewing the site directly below. It is many tiers deep just starting at the CNO down to the unit commander, and doesn't include the layers above the CNO up to POTUS!
US Navy Organization - Mission of the Navy

Your false bravado and stupid, stupid uninformed assertion that Kerry and Obama somehow got together and gave specific detailed direct orders to that Navy Commander commanding that destroyer is nothing but hot air from an ignorant know-it-all...that would be you, Kaz!

In the Lebanon barracks bombing, it was the State department that got the policy that guns don't carry arms which stopped them from stopping the bomber.

Your view that the ROEs for the Russians when we are on their border and they're buzzing our ships isn't a political and diplomatic (State Department) issue is ridiculous for just a functioning adult. But you say that and claim to have been in the military? You're just clueless and out of touch with reality
What the Hell does this mean and what the Hell is the relevance?
In the Lebanon barracks bombing, it was the State department that got the policy that guns don't carry arms which stopped them from stopping the bomber.
Nice little dance with that horseshit, Kaz! I won't let you deflect and derail the topic at hand, fool! That ain't gonna happen!

Your leap of logic that State is automagically in the chain of command of the US Navy because of possible political and diplomatic implications via actions of Navy units is an overreach of desperation on your part. That IS NOT and CANNOT be sustained with or by any proof, which you cannot provide because it doesn't exist and can't exist at the cabinet level, dummy. ALL you have provided during this entire conversation is your FAULTY UNINFORMED & UNLEARNED OPINION.

Get the fuck out of your armchair and get some exercise other than jumping to your ridiculous conclusions, Kaz! Damn, but you're just diggin' your hole deeper, fool! You have exhausted any credibility you might have had!

What branch of the military were you in again? Were you a Jedi Knight or in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men?
The Captain of this ship should be arrested immediately.

So we should start a war with Russia over a jet flying by?
That was not "a jet" it was Russians foremost weapon of war a mig fighter. And if a war is started, which it would not be, we did not start it, the Russians did. Would you not have blockaded Cuba because it would start a war. Go smoke your doobie kid.

You going to get out there and go fight the war chicken hawk? Are you going to send your kids to go out there and die? No, of course not, you'll just sit behind your computer being a keyboard warrior while everyone else's children get slaughtered for your war over a jet
Shooting down a jet that is flying over a U.S. ship would not start a war. This video was taken by a brave sailor who uploaded it to the masses so they could see how retarded your commander and chief is. The fact that you are defending Russian who did what he did is grounds that you should be arrested for treason. So tell us more about what foreign powers should be able to do on U.S. territory.

Keep blabbering......

They pay you what to moderate here?
Isn't it odd that a BULLSHIT country like Turkey can shoot down a Russian Jet that they say was threatening their airspace, and NOTHING HAPPENED from the great Putin, but he can sure SCARE THE SHIT out of the Obomanation! Shoot the Russian out of the sky for THREATENING us, and see what Putin will do.... If he backed off from a 2 bit dictator from Turkey, would he be afraid of the President of the only SuperPower?????......Excuse me while I :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I think shooting the plane down shows we are afraid. Staring them down shows Putin he isn't worth the ammo

Yes, that's why Turkey did it.... they weren't afraid, and NOW Russia RESPECTS their border and hasn't FUCKED WITH THEM SINCE..... You will take note that since we haven't done shit with Assad, the Ukraine, or these small intrusions and threats to our military, they CONTINUE.... You need Russia to actually DO SOMETHING to see how this coward of a president acts? Perhaps you need to get this book.....

Shooting down a jet that is flying over a U.S. ship would not start a war.

Wars have been started over less. The First World War started over the assassination of a man 99% of the world's population never even heard of. You really need to learn your history. If you really want to go toe to toe with a military the size of Russia's over a fucking jet fly over then you have shit for brains. This is exactly why we can never allow the neo-cons to have control again.
Shooting down a jet that is flying over a U.S. ship would not start a war.

Wars have been started over less. The First World War started over the assassination of a man 99% of the world's population never even heard of. You really need to learn your history. If you really want to go toe to toe with a military the size of Russia's over a fucking jet fly over then you have shit for brains. This is exactly why we can never allow the neo-cons to have control again.

Turkey already PROVED your thinking sucks!

Oh, BTW Turkey PLASTERED this picture of the dead Russian pilot all over the muslim world....just to show the rest of the scum, just how POWERFUL Turkey is standing up to Putin!


NOW, if that was an American shot down over the exact same situation, the Coward in Chief would APOLOGIZE to Turkey for the unprovoked provocation! .....
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Shooting down a jet that is flying over a U.S. ship would not start a war.

Wars have been started over less. The First World War started over the assassination of a man 99% of the world's population never even heard of. You really need to learn your history. If you really want to go toe to toe with a military the size of Russia's over a fucking jet fly over then you have shit for brains. This is exactly why we can never allow the neo-cons to have control again.
You need to learn your history little kid. The U.S. did not enter WW1 over that, but you are evidentally too ignorant to do a Google search so you just make up nonsense. Come on tell us, should Russian Migs be allowed to fly over Norfolk Navy base too if they choose?
Don't be fucking absurd! Get out of that armchair Admiral/General! Even LBJ and Robert McNamara didn't get that far into the weeds during the Vietnam War to get right down to individual units and destroyers. Get some more of that aluminum foil for your hats! How many black helicopter have you seen today? DAMN!!!!

That's adorable, I'm glad there are still such innocent people like you in the world. A throwback to a simpler day when the world was so much more clear.

NATO war games in Eastern Europe by the Russian coast and you think it's a low level decision whether to shoot down a Russian jet or not when they've been buzzing our ships already. Oh, the pretty nurse is here to feed you, I'll catch up with you later ...
Hey, shit for brains, SecState (Kerry) has NEVER been in the US Navy's chain of command. NEVER IDIOT. Claiming that is fucking IGNORANT and displays your abject IGNORANCE of the US Navy's command structure. That cabinet slot in the chain would be reserved for SecNav, twit!

Obviously, you have never been in the Navy, or any other branch, and are not cognizant of the US Navy's command structure. POTUS is in the chain of command, but sure as Hell does not get involved in micro-management of routine mission assignments, fool! And where would POTUS find the time to micro-manage all of the strategic and tactical military assets abroad, dummy?

Educate yourself and review the basic multilayered US Navy command structure from the CNO down by reviewing the site directly below. It is many tiers deep just starting at the CNO down to the unit commander, and doesn't include the layers above the CNO up to POTUS!
US Navy Organization - Mission of the Navy

Your false bravado and stupid, stupid uninformed assertion that Kerry and Obama somehow got together and gave specific detailed direct orders to that Navy Commander commanding that destroyer is nothing but hot air from an ignorant know-it-all...that would be you, Kaz!

In the Lebanon barracks bombing, it was the State department that got the policy that guns don't carry arms which stopped them from stopping the bomber.

Your view that the ROEs for the Russians when we are on their border and they're buzzing our ships isn't a political and diplomatic (State Department) issue is ridiculous for just a functioning adult. But you say that and claim to have been in the military? You're just clueless and out of touch with reality
What the Hell does this mean and what the Hell is the relevance?
In the Lebanon barracks bombing, it was the State department that got the policy that guns don't carry arms which stopped them from stopping the bomber.
Nice little dance with that horseshit, Kaz! I won't let you deflect and derail the topic at hand, fool! That ain't gonna happen!

Your leap of logic that State is automagically in the chain of command of the US Navy because of possible political and diplomatic implications via actions of Navy units is an overreach of desperation on your part. That IS NOT and CANNOT be sustained with or by any proof, which you cannot provide because it doesn't exist and can't exist at the cabinet level, dummy. ALL you have provided during this entire conversation is your FAULTY UNINFORMED & UNLEARNED OPINION.

Get the fuck out of your armchair and get some exercise other than jumping to your ridiculous conclusions, Kaz! Damn, but you're just diggin' your hole deeper, fool! You have exhausted any credibility you might have had!

What branch of the military were you in again? Were you a Jedi Knight or in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men?
Can't respond to my post except for your immature bravado yet again, eh? That figures in with everything you've written. You can mock my service in the Navy from 1964-1975 if you wish. It simply makes you appear that much more the Court Jester and another Know-It-All making declarations pulled from your ass and being unable to support/justify them because they're lies and distortions, you bloody fool!

Being a self-proclaimed expert on things military and never being directly associated with any branch of the military really makes you look the empty braggart and pathetic bullshitter! How many angels can you command to dance on the head of a pin while you sit in your armchair making proclamations of statecraft, war craft and chain of command General/Admiral?
Shooting down a jet that is flying over a U.S. ship would not start a war.

Wars have been started over less. The First World War started over the assassination of a man 99% of the world's population never even heard of. You really need to learn your history. If you really want to go toe to toe with a military the size of Russia's over a fucking jet fly over then you have shit for brains. This is exactly why we can never allow the neo-cons to have control again.
You need to learn your history little kid. The U.S. did not enter WW1 over that, but you are evidentally too ignorant to do a Google search so you just make up nonsense. Come on tell us, should Russian Migs be allowed to fly over Norfolk Navy base too if they choose?
Taz can't answer that without being a traitor..............................

That's adorable, I'm glad there are still such innocent people like you in the world. A throwback to a simpler day when the world was so much more clear.

NATO war games in Eastern Europe by the Russian coast and you think it's a low level decision whether to shoot down a Russian jet or not when they've been buzzing our ships already. Oh, the pretty nurse is here to feed you, I'll catch up with you later ...
Hey, shit for brains, SecState (Kerry) has NEVER been in the US Navy's chain of command. NEVER IDIOT. Claiming that is fucking IGNORANT and displays your abject IGNORANCE of the US Navy's command structure. That cabinet slot in the chain would be reserved for SecNav, twit!

Obviously, you have never been in the Navy, or any other branch, and are not cognizant of the US Navy's command structure. POTUS is in the chain of command, but sure as Hell does not get involved in micro-management of routine mission assignments, fool! And where would POTUS find the time to micro-manage all of the strategic and tactical military assets abroad, dummy?

Educate yourself and review the basic multilayered US Navy command structure from the CNO down by reviewing the site directly below. It is many tiers deep just starting at the CNO down to the unit commander, and doesn't include the layers above the CNO up to POTUS!
US Navy Organization - Mission of the Navy

Your false bravado and stupid, stupid uninformed assertion that Kerry and Obama somehow got together and gave specific detailed direct orders to that Navy Commander commanding that destroyer is nothing but hot air from an ignorant know-it-all...that would be you, Kaz!

In the Lebanon barracks bombing, it was the State department that got the policy that guns don't carry arms which stopped them from stopping the bomber.

Your view that the ROEs for the Russians when we are on their border and they're buzzing our ships isn't a political and diplomatic (State Department) issue is ridiculous for just a functioning adult. But you say that and claim to have been in the military? You're just clueless and out of touch with reality
What the Hell does this mean and what the Hell is the relevance?
In the Lebanon barracks bombing, it was the State department that got the policy that guns don't carry arms which stopped them from stopping the bomber.
Nice little dance with that horseshit, Kaz! I won't let you deflect and derail the topic at hand, fool! That ain't gonna happen!

Your leap of logic that State is automagically in the chain of command of the US Navy because of possible political and diplomatic implications via actions of Navy units is an overreach of desperation on your part. That IS NOT and CANNOT be sustained with or by any proof, which you cannot provide because it doesn't exist and can't exist at the cabinet level, dummy. ALL you have provided during this entire conversation is your FAULTY UNINFORMED & UNLEARNED OPINION.

Get the fuck out of your armchair and get some exercise other than jumping to your ridiculous conclusions, Kaz! Damn, but you're just diggin' your hole deeper, fool! You have exhausted any credibility you might have had!

What branch of the military were you in again? Were you a Jedi Knight or in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men?
Can't respond to my post except for your immature bravado yet again, eh? That figures in with everything you've written. You can mock my service in the Navy from 1964-1975 if you wish. It simply makes you appear that much more the Court Jester and another Know-It-All making declarations pulled from your ass and being unable to support/justify them because they're lies and distortions, you bloody fool!

Being a self-proclaimed expert on things military and never being directly associated with any branch of the military really makes you look the empty braggart and pathetic bullshitter! How many angels can you command to dance on the head of a pin while you sit in your armchair making proclamations of statecraft, war craft and chain of command General/Admiral?

Dude, you don't think the President and secretary of state are involved in ROE's for US ships in NATO operations on the Russian border. That's too ignorant to be taken seriously.

What branch of the military where you in again? The Sky Commandos? Or was it the Space Marines?
Shooting down a jet that is flying over a U.S. ship would not start a war.

Wars have been started over less. The First World War started over the assassination of a man 99% of the world's population never even heard of. You really need to learn your history. If you really want to go toe to toe with a military the size of Russia's over a fucking jet fly over then you have shit for brains. This is exactly why we can never allow the neo-cons to have control again.
You need to learn your history little kid. The U.S. did not enter WW1 over that, but you are evidentally too ignorant to do a Google search so you just make up nonsense. Come on tell us, should Russian Migs be allowed to fly over Norfolk Navy base too if they choose?
GOD DAMN IT! Your posts are getting to sound like fingernails on a chalk board! NOW GET THIS STRAIGHT! READY?

MiG aircraft were of Mikoyan-Gurevich (MiG) design going all the way back to the 1930's. The Su-24 that flew close-by the Donald Cook in the Baltic was designed/built by Sukhoi and it wasn't a MiG as you've posted multiple times. A MiG is not a type of aircraft, but the designer/manufacturer designation convention used by the Soviets/Russians of Mikoyan-Gurevich designed aircraft just as Su for is for Sukhoi, just as La is for Lavochkin, just as Tu is for Tupolev, etc!
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Apparently, the jet did not carry out hostilities.

F'ing what? It flew within 30 feet of our ship, what would be hostile?

Turkey drew a line and backed it up. Have the Russians invaded Turkey? This is why they are doing this, they are pushing further and further to find out where the line is. You really think that with today's technology Russia couldn't say out of Turkish airspace?

There's only one way to draw a line. I'm not saying to shoot down every Russian plane that flies too close to an American ship. Not saying that at all. But there is a point where it's not feasible we let them that close to our military, that plane went well past that line
Think further. Provocation, saying hello, whatever. If the Russian plane would been downed, what would have been the consequence? A step further to a cold war or retaliation? There is no point in shooting the jet.

Lighthouse and naval vessel urban legend - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's hilarious how you people keep thinking, OMG, Putin could get mad. Obviously he's doing this because he thinks our President is a pussy.

So seriously, Putin is like, I'm going to send a plane to fly 30 feet from their ship in a dangerous intimidation, but OMG, we react and he's going to get mad!

Putin gets it, you don't, Obama doesn't
So what if an attack on the jet fails and the Russian unloads a big bomb on the vessel. How looks Obama then? How many people have to die to enforce the virtual sovereign territory around a US vessel?

A plane flying straight at the ship? Highly unlikely. What if the plane hit the ship? How does Obama look then? How many people have to die to not enforce the virtual sovereign territory around a US vessel?
You did not understand. The Russian did nit intent to attack but in the scenario he has been attacked and striked back.

What, if the plane hit the ship?
Then, fire would probably not change its course.
Hey, shit for brains, SecState (Kerry) has NEVER been in the US Navy's chain of command. NEVER IDIOT. Claiming that is fucking IGNORANT and displays your abject IGNORANCE of the US Navy's command structure. That cabinet slot in the chain would be reserved for SecNav, twit!

Obviously, you have never been in the Navy, or any other branch, and are not cognizant of the US Navy's command structure. POTUS is in the chain of command, but sure as Hell does not get involved in micro-management of routine mission assignments, fool! And where would POTUS find the time to micro-manage all of the strategic and tactical military assets abroad, dummy?

Educate yourself and review the basic multilayered US Navy command structure from the CNO down by reviewing the site directly below. It is many tiers deep just starting at the CNO down to the unit commander, and doesn't include the layers above the CNO up to POTUS!
US Navy Organization - Mission of the Navy

Your false bravado and stupid, stupid uninformed assertion that Kerry and Obama somehow got together and gave specific detailed direct orders to that Navy Commander commanding that destroyer is nothing but hot air from an ignorant know-it-all...that would be you, Kaz!

In the Lebanon barracks bombing, it was the State department that got the policy that guns don't carry arms which stopped them from stopping the bomber.

Your view that the ROEs for the Russians when we are on their border and they're buzzing our ships isn't a political and diplomatic (State Department) issue is ridiculous for just a functioning adult. But you say that and claim to have been in the military? You're just clueless and out of touch with reality
What the Hell does this mean and what the Hell is the relevance?
In the Lebanon barracks bombing, it was the State department that got the policy that guns don't carry arms which stopped them from stopping the bomber.
Nice little dance with that horseshit, Kaz! I won't let you deflect and derail the topic at hand, fool! That ain't gonna happen!

Your leap of logic that State is automagically in the chain of command of the US Navy because of possible political and diplomatic implications via actions of Navy units is an overreach of desperation on your part. That IS NOT and CANNOT be sustained with or by any proof, which you cannot provide because it doesn't exist and can't exist at the cabinet level, dummy. ALL you have provided during this entire conversation is your FAULTY UNINFORMED & UNLEARNED OPINION.

Get the fuck out of your armchair and get some exercise other than jumping to your ridiculous conclusions, Kaz! Damn, but you're just diggin' your hole deeper, fool! You have exhausted any credibility you might have had!

What branch of the military were you in again? Were you a Jedi Knight or in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men?
Can't respond to my post except for your immature bravado yet again, eh? That figures in with everything you've written. You can mock my service in the Navy from 1964-1975 if you wish. It simply makes you appear that much more the Court Jester and another Know-It-All making declarations pulled from your ass and being unable to support/justify them because they're lies and distortions, you bloody fool!

Being a self-proclaimed expert on things military and never being directly associated with any branch of the military really makes you look the empty braggart and pathetic bullshitter! How many angels can you command to dance on the head of a pin while you sit in your armchair making proclamations of statecraft, war craft and chain of command General/Admiral?

Dude, you don't think the President and secretary of state are involved in ROE's for US ships in NATO operations on the Russian border. That's too ignorant to be taken seriously.

What branch of the military where you in again? The Sky Commandos? Or was it the Space Marines?
NO not directly as you have clearly stated, IDIOT, and you were supplied a link to the Navy chain of command. And I sure as fuck wasn't in the damn armchair brigade as you are, shit for brains. And with that "Dude" I understand you problem...lack of maturity. I believe one has to be 18 or older to be registered on this site.
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Shooting down a jet that is flying over a U.S. ship would not start a war.

Wars have been started over less. The First World War started over the assassination of a man 99% of the world's population never even heard of. You really need to learn your history. If you really want to go toe to toe with a military the size of Russia's over a fucking jet fly over then you have shit for brains. This is exactly why we can never allow the neo-cons to have control again.
You need to learn your history little kid. The U.S. did not enter WW1 over that, but you are evidentally too ignorant to do a Google search so you just make up nonsense. Come on tell us, should Russian Migs be allowed to fly over Norfolk Navy base too if they choose?
GOD DAMN IT! Your posts are getting to sound like fingers on a chalk board! NOW GET THIS STRAIGHT! READY?

MiG aircraft were of Mikoyan-Gurevich (MiG) design going all the way back to the 1930's. The Su-24 that flew close-by the Donald Cook in the Baltic was designed/built by Sukhoi and it wasn't a MiG as you've posted multiple times. A MiG is not a type of aircraft, but the designer/manufacturer designation convention used by the Soviets/Russians of Mikoyan-Gurevich designed aircraft just as Su for is for Sukhoi, just as La is for Lacochkin, just as Tu is for Tupolev, etc!
You learned that when you were in the military on Action Force? Or when you were with Cobra Command?

Mikoyan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

Unfortunately, during the Cold War we dealt with shit like this on a daily basis. It's not really that much of a provocation. These planes were probably not even armed. It's nothing more than a cat and mouse game that has been going on since the end of WWII.
Just games people. Back in the early eighties, we flew RC135's (recon) over the Baltic and watched MIG 23's fly up next to us and tip their wings to show us their missles. Just their way of telling us that they were watching us watch them. Wasn't unusual to happen every mission.

Indeed. This sort of thing happened nearly daily during the Cold War. The Soviets went to the field in Germany with the Armor units to keep an eye on them. We went to the field with the Armor units to keep an eye on the Soviets. Daily thing. We counted their tanks, planes, and infantry units - they counted ours. The life of a 97B.

Did it really happen this extremely? It sounds like it's beyond that. I don't see this analogous to the tipping wings to show missiles, that seemed a lot more appropriate.

As I said (after you posted this), I am not really advocating shooting it down based on that we don't have a line, I'm just saying there needs to be a line. Putin is totally using our spineless President to push the barrier

Oh - I could tell you stories that would curl your hair sideways from the late 70s and mid 80s. Some of the things that went on in West Germany, East Germany, Poland and the Soviet Union were, in many ways, worse than Viet Nam. It's hard to believe, but absolutely true.

But yes, junior enlisted 97Bs were nearly ALWAYS in the field counting and reporting - counting and reporting and, occasionally, agents from both sides would actually run into each other (by accident), smile, and waive, and continue on mission.

The bars in Berlin, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Heidelberg, etc were filled with Soviet agents trying to blackmail PFC Jones and his buddies and, we were doing the same in Gdansk, Moscow, East Berlin, and the like. It was nasty back then....bad things often happened. Many of the "training accidents" that occurred back then - weren't.
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In the Lebanon barracks bombing, it was the State department that got the policy that guns don't carry arms which stopped them from stopping the bomber.

Your view that the ROEs for the Russians when we are on their border and they're buzzing our ships isn't a political and diplomatic (State Department) issue is ridiculous for just a functioning adult. But you say that and claim to have been in the military? You're just clueless and out of touch with reality
What the Hell does this mean and what the Hell is the relevance?
In the Lebanon barracks bombing, it was the State department that got the policy that guns don't carry arms which stopped them from stopping the bomber.
Nice little dance with that horseshit, Kaz! I won't let you deflect and derail the topic at hand, fool! That ain't gonna happen!

Your leap of logic that State is automagically in the chain of command of the US Navy because of possible political and diplomatic implications via actions of Navy units is an overreach of desperation on your part. That IS NOT and CANNOT be sustained with or by any proof, which you cannot provide because it doesn't exist and can't exist at the cabinet level, dummy. ALL you have provided during this entire conversation is your FAULTY UNINFORMED & UNLEARNED OPINION.

Get the fuck out of your armchair and get some exercise other than jumping to your ridiculous conclusions, Kaz! Damn, but you're just diggin' your hole deeper, fool! You have exhausted any credibility you might have had!

What branch of the military were you in again? Were you a Jedi Knight or in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men?
Can't respond to my post except for your immature bravado yet again, eh? That figures in with everything you've written. You can mock my service in the Navy from 1964-1975 if you wish. It simply makes you appear that much more the Court Jester and another Know-It-All making declarations pulled from your ass and being unable to support/justify them because they're lies and distortions, you bloody fool!

Being a self-proclaimed expert on things military and never being directly associated with any branch of the military really makes you look the empty braggart and pathetic bullshitter! How many angels can you command to dance on the head of a pin while you sit in your armchair making proclamations of statecraft, war craft and chain of command General/Admiral?

Dude, you don't think the President and secretary of state are involved in ROE's for US ships in NATO operations on the Russian border. That's too ignorant to be taken seriously.

What branch of the military where you in again? The Sky Commandos? Or was it the Space Marines?
NO not directly as you have clearly stated, IDIOT, abnd you were supplied a link to the Navy chain of command. And I sure as fuck wasn't in the damn armchair brigade as you are, shit for brains. And with that "Dude" I understand you problem...lack of maturity. I believe one has to be 18 or older to be registered on this site.

I never said the SOS is in the chain of command. Does that somehow prove to you they don't help set ROE's? Based on what? You've clearly never done anything for government or in the military if that's how you think it works. Is that how it worked when you were in the Space Knights? You had to be in the chain of command?

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