John Kerry's private jet emitted 166 METRIC TONS of carbon dioxide last year alone.

But you little people need to ride a bike.

The FOX Noise report includes, " achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which the Heritage Foundation has said would cost the economy millions of jobs, thousands of dollars in lost household income, and trillions erased from the nation's gross domestic product. "

But, the profit-centered, anti-environment Heritage foundation conspicuously omitted what the costs of inaction on the man-made acceleration of climate climate change will be.

I can tell you: Zero.
But you little people need to ride a bike.

His total cabon footprint is probably 100 times the average American's, just like hypocrite Al Gore.


But you little people need to ride a bike.

The FOX Noise report includes, " achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which the Heritage Foundation has said would cost the economy millions of jobs, thousands of dollars in lost household income, and trillions erased from the nation's gross domestic product. "

But, the profit-centered, anti-environment Heritage foundation conspicuously omitted what the costs of inaction on the man-made acceleration of climate climate change will be.

I can tell you: Zero.
"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."-President Donald Trump
Words of a serial liar, when he orchestrated the insurgency.
But you little people need to ride a bike.

The FOX Noise report includes, " achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which the Heritage Foundation has said would cost the economy millions of jobs, thousands of dollars in lost household income, and trillions erased from the nation's gross domestic product. "

But, the profit-centered, anti-environment Heritage foundation conspicuously omitted what the costs of inaction on the man-made acceleration of climate climate change will be.

I can tell you: Zero.
"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."-President Donald Trump
Words of a serial liar, when he orchestrated the insurgency.
:cuckoo: :itsok:
What is the regulation for emissions?

Kerry has never advocated ending air travel. Only reducing emissions
Kerry is part of the elite ruling class, Winger! He makes rules for the unwashed masses to follow but he will continue to live in mansions and fly on private jets. He's the guy who advocated for higher taxes on luxury items like boats in Massachusetts and then registered HIS boat in Rhode Island so he wouldn't have to pay that Massachusetts tax! Kerry, Pelosi, the Clintons...they're all the same. There are rules for them...and then there are the rules that all of the rest of us must follow! If you think those rules are the same then you're as naive as they come!
Last edited:
But you little people need to ride a bike.

The FOX Noise report includes, " achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which the Heritage Foundation has said would cost the economy millions of jobs, thousands of dollars in lost household income, and trillions erased from the nation's gross domestic product. "

But, the profit-centered, anti-environment Heritage foundation conspicuously omitted what the costs of inaction on the man-made acceleration of climate climate change will be.

I hate to point this out to you, Bertram but John Kerry himself has admitted that the US complying with the Paris Accords will only affect global warming in a minute way. Why? Because it allows the world's worst polluters to continue to pollute while we destroy our economy with more expensive energy sources. Why would anyone who TRULY cares about the environment sign onto a deal like that? You'd have to be an IDIOT! Oh, wait...we have Biden! My bad...
But you little people need to ride a bike.

The FOX Noise report includes, " achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which the Heritage Foundation has said would cost the economy millions of jobs, thousands of dollars in lost household income, and trillions erased from the nation's gross domestic product. "

But, the profit-centered, anti-environment Heritage foundation conspicuously omitted what the costs of inaction on the man-made acceleration of climate climate change will be.

I hate to point this out to you, Bertram but John Kerry himself has admitted that the US complying with the Paris Accords will only affect global warming in a minute way. Why? Because it allows the world's worst polluters to continue to pollute while we destroy our economy with more expensive energy sources. Why would anyone who TRULY cares about the environment sign onto a deal like that? You'd have to be an IDIOT! Oh, wait...we have Biden! My bad...
Perhaps. Though how much of that is produced during takeoff and landing (the time spent in the troposphere)?

But you little people need to ride a bike.

The FOX Noise report includes, " achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which the Heritage Foundation has said would cost the economy millions of jobs, thousands of dollars in lost household income, and trillions erased from the nation's gross domestic product. "

But, the profit-centered, anti-environment Heritage foundation conspicuously omitted what the costs of inaction on the man-made acceleration of climate climate change will be.

I hate to point this out to you, Bertram but John Kerry himself has admitted that the US complying with the Paris Accords will only affect global warming in a minute way. Why? Because it allows the world's worst polluters to continue to pollute while we destroy our economy with more expensive energy sources. Why would anyone who TRULY cares about the environment sign onto a deal like that? You'd have to be an IDIOT! Oh, wait...we have Biden! My bad...
You ain't "my bad". You just ignorant because we need to be at the party to have a say, and we are one of the worst polluters, the continuing use of fossil fuel combined with environmental controls won't save money, and your health bill will
play an important part. Wake up. Oh, wait...we have Biden.
But you little people need to ride a bike.

The FOX Noise report includes, " achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which the Heritage Foundation has said would cost the economy millions of jobs, thousands of dollars in lost household income, and trillions erased from the nation's gross domestic product. "

But, the profit-centered, anti-environment Heritage foundation conspicuously omitted what the costs of inaction on the man-made acceleration of climate climate change will be.

I hate to point this out to you, Bertram but John Kerry himself has admitted that the US complying with the Paris Accords will only affect global warming in a minute way. Why? Because it allows the world's worst polluters to continue to pollute while we destroy our economy with more expensive energy sources. Why would anyone who TRULY cares about the environment sign onto a deal like that? You'd have to be an IDIOT! Oh, wait...we have Biden! My bad...
You ain't "my bad". You just ignorant because we need to be at the party to have a say, and we are one of the worst polluters, the continuing use of fossil fuel combined with environmental controls won't save money, and your health bill will
play an important part. Wake up. Oh, wait...we have Biden.
Oh, it's a "party"? Kind of like a party where we pay for all the booze...everyone else gets to drink it and then we have to clean up the mess afterwards? The Paris Accord is an awful agreement for the US and it's an awful agreement for anyone who truly cares about climate control! Why would any rational person agree to it?
What is the regulation for emissions?

Kerry has never advocated ending air travel. Only reducing emissions
Kerry is part of the elite ruling class, Winger! He makes rules for the unwashed masses to follow but he will continue to live in mansions and fly on private jets. He's the guy who advocated for higher taxes on luxury items like boats in Massachusetts and then registered HIS boat in Delaware so he wouldn't have to pay that Massachusetts tax! Kerry, Pelosi, the Clintons...they're all the same. There are rules for them...and then there are the rules that all of the rest of us must follow! If you think those rules are the same then you're as naive as they come!
bullshit. When did the tax in Mass take effect? And so what if he went elsewhere as you could have done to offset ridiculous rules. Don't begrudge the wealthy their money.
What is the regulation for emissions?

Kerry has never advocated ending air travel. Only reducing emissions
Kerry is part of the elite ruling class, Winger! He makes rules for the unwashed masses to follow but he will continue to live in mansions and fly on private jets. He's the guy who advocated for higher taxes on luxury items like boats in Massachusetts and then registered HIS boat in Delaware so he wouldn't have to pay that Massachusetts tax! Kerry, Pelosi, the Clintons...they're all the same. There are rules for them...and then there are the rules that all of the rest of us must follow! If you think those rules are the same then you're as naive as they come!
bullshit. When did the tax in Mass take effect? And so what if he went elsewhere as you could have done to offset ridiculous rules. Don't begrudge the wealthy their money.
Before you call "bullshit" on me, might want to research the topic. I'll wait...
But you little people need to ride a bike.

The FOX Noise report includes, " achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which the Heritage Foundation has said would cost the economy millions of jobs, thousands of dollars in lost household income, and trillions erased from the nation's gross domestic product. "

But, the profit-centered, anti-environment Heritage foundation conspicuously omitted what the costs of inaction on the man-made acceleration of climate climate change will be.

I hate to point this out to you, Bertram but John Kerry himself has admitted that the US complying with the Paris Accords will only affect global warming in a minute way. Why? Because it allows the world's worst polluters to continue to pollute while we destroy our economy with more expensive energy sources. Why would anyone who TRULY cares about the environment sign onto a deal like that? You'd have to be an IDIOT! Oh, wait...we have Biden! My bad...
You ain't "my bad". You just ignorant because we need to be at the party to have a say, and we are one of the worst polluters, the continuing use of fossil fuel combined with environmental controls won't save money, and your health bill will
play an important part. Wake up. Oh, wait...we have Biden.
Oh, it's a "party"? Kind of like a party where we pay for all the booze...everyone else gets to drink it and then we have to clean up the mess afterwards? The Paris Accord is an awful agreement for the US and it's an awful agreement for anyone who truly cares about climate control! Why would any rational person agree to it?
Do you know what the fine language in the agreement is? We can't have a say from
the sidelines. You need to stop listening to the grifter Trump.
But you little people need to ride a bike.

The FOX Noise report includes, " achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which the Heritage Foundation has said would cost the economy millions of jobs, thousands of dollars in lost household income, and trillions erased from the nation's gross domestic product. "

But, the profit-centered, anti-environment Heritage foundation conspicuously omitted what the costs of inaction on the man-made acceleration of climate climate change will be.

I hate to point this out to you, Bertram but John Kerry himself has admitted that the US complying with the Paris Accords will only affect global warming in a minute way. Why? Because it allows the world's worst polluters to continue to pollute while we destroy our economy with more expensive energy sources. Why would anyone who TRULY cares about the environment sign onto a deal like that? You'd have to be an IDIOT! Oh, wait...we have Biden! My bad...
You ain't "my bad". You just ignorant because we need to be at the party to have a say, and we are one of the worst polluters, the continuing use of fossil fuel combined with environmental controls won't save money, and your health bill will
play an important part. Wake up. Oh, wait...we have Biden.
Oh, it's a "party"? Kind of like a party where we pay for all the booze...everyone else gets to drink it and then we have to clean up the mess afterwards? The Paris Accord is an awful agreement for the US and it's an awful agreement for anyone who truly cares about climate control! Why would any rational person agree to it?
Do you know what the fine language in the agreement is? We can't have a say from
the sidelines. You need to stop listening to the grifter Trump.
Oh, you think that there's something in the "fine language" of that agreement that forces China to stop polluting? Trot it out for me then, Bobob because I've read the agreement and I think you're full of shit!
What is the regulation for emissions?

Kerry has never advocated ending air travel. Only reducing emissions
Kerry is part of the elite ruling class, Winger! He makes rules for the unwashed masses to follow but he will continue to live in mansions and fly on private jets. He's the guy who advocated for higher taxes on luxury items like boats in Massachusetts and then registered HIS boat in Delaware so he wouldn't have to pay that Massachusetts tax! Kerry, Pelosi, the Clintons...they're all the same. There are rules for them...and then there are the rules that all of the rest of us must follow! If you think those rules are the same then you're as naive as they come!
bullshit. When did the tax in Mass take effect? And so what if he went elsewhere as you could have done to offset ridiculous rules. Don't begrudge the wealthy their money.
Before you call "bullshit" on me, might want to research the topic. I'll wait...
I don't have to research anything. I trust Biden to make the right decisions, and we did not have that pleasure with Grifter Trump. Let's wait and see before jumping to conclusions. What trump said means nothing to me because he doesn't read or do any kind of research and took advice from those who told him what he wanted to hear instead of what he needed to hear. You got your info from trump and actually believed that he knows 'more than the experts'.
But you little people need to ride a bike.

The FOX Noise report includes, " achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which the Heritage Foundation has said would cost the economy millions of jobs, thousands of dollars in lost household income, and trillions erased from the nation's gross domestic product. "

But, the profit-centered, anti-environment Heritage foundation conspicuously omitted what the costs of inaction on the man-made acceleration of climate climate change will be.

I hate to point this out to you, Bertram but John Kerry himself has admitted that the US complying with the Paris Accords will only affect global warming in a minute way. Why? Because it allows the world's worst polluters to continue to pollute while we destroy our economy with more expensive energy sources. Why would anyone who TRULY cares about the environment sign onto a deal like that? You'd have to be an IDIOT! Oh, wait...we have Biden! My bad...
You ain't "my bad". You just ignorant because we need to be at the party to have a say, and we are one of the worst polluters, the continuing use of fossil fuel combined with environmental controls won't save money, and your health bill will
play an important part. Wake up. Oh, wait...we have Biden.
Oh, it's a "party"? Kind of like a party where we pay for all the booze...everyone else gets to drink it and then we have to clean up the mess afterwards? The Paris Accord is an awful agreement for the US and it's an awful agreement for anyone who truly cares about climate control! Why would any rational person agree to it?
Do you know what the fine language in the agreement is? We can't have a say from
the sidelines. You need to stop listening to the grifter Trump.
Oh, you think that there's something in the "fine language" of that agreement that forces China to stop polluting? Trot it out for me then, Bobob because I've read the agreement and I think you're full of shit!
It is not only the agreement, hotshot. It is also the other members who hopefully influence each other. If we are not a member, we have no opinion.
But you little people need to ride a bike.

The FOX Noise report includes, " achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which the Heritage Foundation has said would cost the economy millions of jobs, thousands of dollars in lost household income, and trillions erased from the nation's gross domestic product. "

But, the profit-centered, anti-environment Heritage foundation conspicuously omitted what the costs of inaction on the man-made acceleration of climate climate change will be.

I hate to point this out to you, Bertram but John Kerry himself has admitted that the US complying with the Paris Accords will only affect global warming in a minute way. Why? Because it allows the world's worst polluters to continue to pollute while we destroy our economy with more expensive energy sources. Why would anyone who TRULY cares about the environment sign onto a deal like that? You'd have to be an IDIOT! Oh, wait...we have Biden! My bad...
You ain't "my bad". You just ignorant because we need to be at the party to have a say, and we are one of the worst polluters, the continuing use of fossil fuel combined with environmental controls won't save money, and your health bill will
play an important part. Wake up. Oh, wait...we have Biden.
Oh, it's a "party"? Kind of like a party where we pay for all the booze...everyone else gets to drink it and then we have to clean up the mess afterwards? The Paris Accord is an awful agreement for the US and it's an awful agreement for anyone who truly cares about climate control! Why would any rational person agree to it?
No, it is the kind of party where you pay a share of the booze.
But you little people need to ride a bike.

The FOX Noise report includes, " achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which the Heritage Foundation has said would cost the economy millions of jobs, thousands of dollars in lost household income, and trillions erased from the nation's gross domestic product. "

But, the profit-centered, anti-environment Heritage foundation conspicuously omitted what the costs of inaction on the man-made acceleration of climate climate change will be.

I hate to point this out to you, Bertram but John Kerry himself has admitted that the US complying with the Paris Accords will only affect global warming in a minute way. Why? Because it allows the world's worst polluters to continue to pollute while we destroy our economy with more expensive energy sources. Why would anyone who TRULY cares about the environment sign onto a deal like that? You'd have to be an IDIOT! Oh, wait...we have Biden! My bad...
You ain't "my bad". You just ignorant because we need to be at the party to have a say, and we are one of the worst polluters, the continuing use of fossil fuel combined with environmental controls won't save money, and your health bill will
play an important part. Wake up. Oh, wait...we have Biden.
Oh, it's a "party"? Kind of like a party where we pay for all the booze...everyone else gets to drink it and then we have to clean up the mess afterwards? The Paris Accord is an awful agreement for the US and it's an awful agreement for anyone who truly cares about climate control! Why would any rational person agree to it?
Do you know what the fine language in the agreement is? We can't have a say from
the sidelines. You need to stop listening to the grifter Trump.
Oh, you think that there's something in the "fine language" of that agreement that forces China to stop polluting? Trot it out for me then, Bobob because I've read the agreement and I think you're full of shit!
It is not only the agreement, hotshot. It is also the other members who hopefully influence each other. If we are not a member, we have no opinion.
Oh, we're "hopeful" that they "influence" each other? Are you kidding me? They're laughing at us because we just reupped for a deal that gives them a huge advantage economically for the next decade and they're not obligated to do ANYTHING in return!
But you little people need to ride a bike.

The FOX Noise report includes, " achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which the Heritage Foundation has said would cost the economy millions of jobs, thousands of dollars in lost household income, and trillions erased from the nation's gross domestic product. "

But, the profit-centered, anti-environment Heritage foundation conspicuously omitted what the costs of inaction on the man-made acceleration of climate climate change will be.

I hate to point this out to you, Bertram but John Kerry himself has admitted that the US complying with the Paris Accords will only affect global warming in a minute way. Why? Because it allows the world's worst polluters to continue to pollute while we destroy our economy with more expensive energy sources. Why would anyone who TRULY cares about the environment sign onto a deal like that? You'd have to be an IDIOT! Oh, wait...we have Biden! My bad...
You ain't "my bad". You just ignorant because we need to be at the party to have a say, and we are one of the worst polluters, the continuing use of fossil fuel combined with environmental controls won't save money, and your health bill will
play an important part. Wake up. Oh, wait...we have Biden.
Oh, it's a "party"? Kind of like a party where we pay for all the booze...everyone else gets to drink it and then we have to clean up the mess afterwards? The Paris Accord is an awful agreement for the US and it's an awful agreement for anyone who truly cares about climate control! Why would any rational person agree to it?
No, it is the kind of party where you pay a share of the booze.
The bosses do not pay for anything.

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