John Kerry lies under oath about owning a private jet.

Which means he doesn’t own one

Ownership means you have a title in your name
Looks like he is yelling the truth…. He doesn’t own one, as a shareholder, he owns MANY. For someone so concerned about Climate Change, he is full of shit for flying in one whether he owns it, his wife owns it, or someone else owns it.
Getting beyond his ginormous hypocrisy on the climate, he just lied under oath.

Claims he has never owned one. But his Wife owns a charter company using private jets, and Kerry is a major shareholder of said company.

The funny thing is, those in the MMGW Cult just let themselves get played by hypocrites like Kerry constantly.

Kerry erupts after his private jet use is mocked in House hearing, denies ever owning one​

An LLC partly owned by Kerry sold a jet he traveled in last year​

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry lashed out at House lawmakers during a committee hearing on Thursday over the criticisms of his use of a private jet that has emitted hundreds of metric tons of carbon, even as he battles climate change.

"I just don't agree with your facts, which began with the presentation of one of the most outrageously persistent lies that I hear, which is this private jet," Kerry said during a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing. "We don't own a private jet. I don't own a private jet. I personally have never owned a private jet. And obviously it's pretty stupid to talk about coming in a private jet from the State Department up here. I just honestly, if that's where you want to go, go."

Kerry, who did not deny traveling on a private jet, was responding to Rep. Cory Mills, R-Fla., who told Kerry that he hoped "it wasn't too problematic for your operational team and your private jet to get here."

Kerry has been widely criticized for advocating for drastic climate change rules while also traveling to events on a private jet that was owned by Flying Squirrel LLC, a charter company owned by Kerry's wife, Teresa Heinz-Kerry, and in which Kerry reported owning a more than $1 million stake on a financial disclosure.
Just because Kerry has flown on a private jet doesn't mean that he OWNS one, Iggy.

Keep trying. Someday you may be right about something, anything.
Just because Kerry has flown on a private jet doesn't mean that he OWNS one, Iggy.

Keep trying. Someday you may be right about something, anything.
No, it doesn't, Simp.

But because his wife owns an LLC with private jets, and Lurch has invested over a million dollars of his money in said LLC means he DOES own a private jet.

But it's cute you are too stupid to realize the hypocrite is playing for the fool you are. :auiqs.jpg:

Sorry sport, you lose again.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
No, it doesn't, Simp.

But because his wife owns an LLC with private jets, and Lurch has invested over a million dollars of his money in said LLC means he DOES own a private jet.

But it's cute you are too stupid to realize the hypocrite is playing for the fool you are. :auiqs.jpg:

Sorry sport, you lose again.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
For some reason you have a hard on for John Kerry. Is it because he has brains & you're clueless? Or have you moved on from Hunter & you need a new target?
For some reason you have a hard on for John Kerry. Is it because he has brains & you're clueless? Or have you moved on from Hunter & you need a new target?
LOL Kerry is liar and a fool. He has lied since the 70's about everything
Which means he doesn’t own one

Ownership means you have a title in your name
Nostra did a hit-and-run. He posted the liein the title, and now he’s just dodging the question of whether owning stock in a jet company means one owns a Jet.

He's just saying things like Democrats suck and “Hunter Biden did drugs” in comments, to avoid, addressing his lie.
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Technically he's not lying. He doesn't own a private jet. He is being somewhat loose with the truth, though. Seeing as he uses private jets all the time that are owned by his wife's company.

Technically trump never owned a private jet either. When his jet was technically chartered by his company, So he didn't have to pay personal taxes on it.
Technically he's not lying. He doesn't own a private jet. He is being somewhat loose with the truth, though. Seeing as he uses private jets all the time that are owned by his wife's company.

Technically trump never owned a private jet either. When his jet was technically chartered by his company, So he didn't have to pay personal taxes on it.
The question is…..Does anyone else use the TRUMP jet or is it exclusively his?

Kerry does not own a jet. He has access to private jets through his wife’s company. There is no jet with KERRY in large letters
For some reason you have a hard on for John Kerry. Is it because he has brains & you're clueless? Or have you moved on from Hunter & you need a new target?
John Kerry is the ultimate carpetbagger and scalawag. Even married into it. Self-importance of omnipotence. He is one of many of that breed. And we the peasants suffer for it. Technologies used against us in fraudulent manners. Near the whole world media, entertainment, internet controlled from the same he is part of. I voted for him in 2004. As a protest against W. who is promoted as a Cristian who reamed the people with Homeland Security, the TSA and the Patriot Act. Kerry is an opportunist who found a good life. And has god like aspirations.
John Kerry is the ultimate carpetbagger and scalawag. Even married into it. Self-importance of omnipotence. He is one of many of that breed. And we the peasants suffer for it. Technologies used against us in fraudulent manners. Near the whole world media, entertainment, internet controlled from the same he is part of. I voted for him in 2004. As a protest against W. who is promoted as a Cristian who reamed the people with Homeland Security, the TSA and the Patriot Act. Kerry is an opportunist who found a good life. And has god like aspirations.
You know this thread failed when they talk about everything but Jet ownership.
Thats a stupid semantics game that you can play I guess but if MMGW were real and you really cared about it you'd be upset with his behavior on this front.

He can hide his ownership through an LLC his wife owns but he owns all the carbon emissions that spew out the back of them when he flies on them.

The claim in the title is that Kerry lied under oath about not owning a jet.
Having access to a jet through a company your wife owns is not owning a jet.

Nostra lied
Nostra is being mocked for saying that owning stock in a company means you owned products sold by that company.

I will be back. I need an electric car so I’m going to buy a Tesla stock to drive it around.
Hey look, another moron chimes in to say a huge corporation is the same thing as a family LLC. :cuckoo:
Technically he's not lying. He doesn't own a private jet. He is being somewhat loose with the truth, though. Seeing as he uses private jets all the time that are owned by his wife's company.

Technically trump never owned a private jet either. When his jet was technically chartered by his company, So he didn't have to pay personal taxes on it.
The difference is that Trump tells the truth about his airplane and Kerry lies about his.

Kerry is incapable of ever telling the truth about anything. He has been a liar his entire life. Literally on everything.

I remember a few years ago when confronted with the fact that he uses a private jet to fly all over the world to Environmental Wacko climate conferences he said something like "a man of my position always flies private jets". Arrogant sonofabitch. Like his shit doesn't stink.

Some of the best money I ever spent in my life was contributing to The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, which significantly contributed to that asshole not being elected President.
The difference is that Trump tells the truth about his airplane and Kerry lies about his.

Kerry is incapable of ever telling the truth about anything. He has been a liar his entire life. Literally on everything.

I remember a few years ago when confronted with the fact that he uses a private jet to fly all over the world to Environmental Wacko climate conferences he said something like "a man of my position always flies private jets". Arrogant sonofabitch. Like his shit doesn't stink.

Some of the best money I ever spent in my life was contributing to The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, which significantly contributed to that asshole not being elected President.
You don't object to Trump's private aircraft?

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