John Kerry's private jet emitted 166 METRIC TONS of carbon dioxide last year alone.

What is the regulation for emissions?

Kerry has never advocated ending air travel. Only reducing emissions
Kerry is part of the elite ruling class, Winger! He makes rules for the unwashed masses to follow but he will continue to live in mansions and fly on private jets. He's the guy who advocated for higher taxes on luxury items like boats in Massachusetts and then registered HIS boat in Rhode Island so he wouldn't have to pay that Massachusetts tax! Kerry, Pelosi, the Clintons...they're all the same. There are rules for them...and then there are the rules that all of the rest of us must follow! If you think those rules are the same then you're as naive as they come!
Don't forget to add Trump to your elite list.
Trump isn't the one telling me not to do the things that HE'S doing, Bobob! Kerry is! John Kerry is like one of the pigs of Orwell's Animal Farm! It's a classic "all animals are created equal...but some are more equal than others" thing! Kerry has the chutzpah to lecture others on how they should sacrifice for the good of the nation when he has never done that himself!
And you are talking about trump, because he tells you anything and you believe it.
But you little people need to ride a bike.

The FOX Noise report includes, " achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which the Heritage Foundation has said would cost the economy millions of jobs, thousands of dollars in lost household income, and trillions erased from the nation's gross domestic product. "

But, the profit-centered, anti-environment Heritage foundation conspicuously omitted what the costs of inaction on the man-made acceleration of climate climate change will be.

I hate to point this out to you, Bertram but John Kerry himself has admitted that the US complying with the Paris Accords will only affect global warming in a minute way. Why? Because it allows the world's worst polluters to continue to pollute while we destroy our economy with more expensive energy sources. Why would anyone who TRULY cares about the environment sign onto a deal like that? You'd have to be an IDIOT! Oh, wait...we have Biden! My bad...
You ain't "my bad". You just ignorant because we need to be at the party to have a say, and we are one of the worst polluters, the continuing use of fossil fuel combined with environmental controls won't save money, and your health bill will
play an important part. Wake up. Oh, wait...we have Biden.
Oh, it's a "party"? Kind of like a party where we pay for all the booze...everyone else gets to drink it and then we have to clean up the mess afterwards? The Paris Accord is an awful agreement for the US and it's an awful agreement for anyone who truly cares about climate control! Why would any rational person agree to it?
Do you know what the fine language in the agreement is? We can't have a say from
the sidelines. You need to stop listening to the grifter Trump.
Oh, you think that there's something in the "fine language" of that agreement that forces China to stop polluting? Trot it out for me then, Bobob because I've read the agreement and I think you're full of shit!
It is not only the agreement, hotshot. It is also the other members who hopefully influence each other. If we are not a member, we have no opinion.
Would you like to take a shot at explaining why China...a nation that literally has money to loan us trillions doesn't have the where with all to reduce it's own emissions just as much as we do NOW? Why would THEY get a decade to continue to pollute before they have to think about reducing emissions?
We cannot influence any other country if we are not in the program. Trump wants only to line his and his friends' pockets and that is why he dropped out. He does not care about climate change and he sure as hell doesn't care about you. He opposed the emissions goals that the auto industry set and threatened them with executive actions if they did not drop the idea. They did not want to drop the idea. Why? Take a guess.
I have read a synopsis of the agreement that 196 countries signed and I believe we should be a part of it and it is NOT binding. It is a way for members to discuss and maybe do something about the problem....together.
Are you really this naive? You think that we've in some way "influenced" China with this deal? I'm quite sure we've made them crack up that the Obama Administration was crazy enough to sign it in the first place and now the Biden Administration doubled down on the stupid! As I asked before...why doesn't China agree to match our emissions tit for tat? Why is it that we can do it and they can't? You avoided answering that question like Superman avoids Kryptonite!
We haven't influenced anyone because we are not involved, and that is my point.
If you think that you are going to bully China, think again. Trump thought he could and look what happened. Lost the trade war, and China has signed agreements with several other countries that moved toward China, and left us out of the loop.
What is the regulation for emissions?

Kerry has never advocated ending air travel. Only reducing emissions
Kerry is part of the elite ruling class, Winger! He makes rules for the unwashed masses to follow but he will continue to live in mansions and fly on private jets. He's the guy who advocated for higher taxes on luxury items like boats in Massachusetts and then registered HIS boat in Rhode Island so he wouldn't have to pay that Massachusetts tax! Kerry, Pelosi, the Clintons...they're all the same. There are rules for them...and then there are the rules that all of the rest of us must follow! If you think those rules are the same then you're as naive as they come!
Don't forget to add Trump to your elite list.
Trump isn't the one telling me not to do the things that HE'S doing, Bobob! Kerry is! John Kerry is like one of the pigs of Orwell's Animal Farm! It's a classic "all animals are created equal...but some are more equal than others" thing! Kerry has the chutzpah to lecture others on how they should sacrifice for the good of the nation when he has never done that himself!
And you are talking about trump, because he tells you anything and you believe it.
Actually YOU'RE talking about Trump because it's obvious that you don't want to address how career Democrats like Kerry, Pelosi and Biden have enriched themselves while telling the rest of us that we need to make sacrifices for the good of the country! Take off the blinders...
What is the regulation for emissions?

Kerry has never advocated ending air travel. Only reducing emissions
Kerry is part of the elite ruling class, Winger! He makes rules for the unwashed masses to follow but he will continue to live in mansions and fly on private jets. He's the guy who advocated for higher taxes on luxury items like boats in Massachusetts and then registered HIS boat in Rhode Island so he wouldn't have to pay that Massachusetts tax! Kerry, Pelosi, the Clintons...they're all the same. There are rules for them...and then there are the rules that all of the rest of us must follow! If you think those rules are the same then you're as naive as they come!
Don't forget to add Trump to your elite list.
Trump isn't the one telling me not to do the things that HE'S doing, Bobob! Kerry is! John Kerry is like one of the pigs of Orwell's Animal Farm! It's a classic "all animals are created equal...but some are more equal than others" thing! Kerry has the chutzpah to lecture others on how they should sacrifice for the good of the nation when he has never done that himself!
And you are talking about trump, because he tells you anything and you believe it.
Get better soon.
Don't you worry, big guy. I am certain that he found out what he was signing before signing. Trump, on the other hand, doesn't read so we know that he didn't know what he was signing.
I think the bigger issue is Biden is just signing anything that policy moneys put in front of him
I'm sure Trump finds out what he is signing before signing. Your hate makes you stupid and illogical.
I am logical, pal. You are an easy mark for a grifter like trump.

Are you wearing 2 masks right now?
Har har. The joke is on you, genius. I think that you should continue listening to
Trump and wear no mask and don't get the shot either, and don't social distance,
and go to bars, and continue gathering in crowds, and don't wash your hands, because the virus is a Democratic "hoax".

Ive.been doing most of that for.over a year. No covid. Hahahha 2 masks. What a turd.
The turd is you.
But you little people need to ride a bike.

The FOX Noise report includes, " achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which the Heritage Foundation has said would cost the economy millions of jobs, thousands of dollars in lost household income, and trillions erased from the nation's gross domestic product. "

But, the profit-centered, anti-environment Heritage foundation conspicuously omitted what the costs of inaction on the man-made acceleration of climate climate change will be.

I hate to point this out to you, Bertram but John Kerry himself has admitted that the US complying with the Paris Accords will only affect global warming in a minute way. Why? Because it allows the world's worst polluters to continue to pollute while we destroy our economy with more expensive energy sources. Why would anyone who TRULY cares about the environment sign onto a deal like that? You'd have to be an IDIOT! Oh, wait...we have Biden! My bad...
You ain't "my bad". You just ignorant because we need to be at the party to have a say, and we are one of the worst polluters, the continuing use of fossil fuel combined with environmental controls won't save money, and your health bill will
play an important part. Wake up. Oh, wait...we have Biden.
Oh, it's a "party"? Kind of like a party where we pay for all the booze...everyone else gets to drink it and then we have to clean up the mess afterwards? The Paris Accord is an awful agreement for the US and it's an awful agreement for anyone who truly cares about climate control! Why would any rational person agree to it?
Do you know what the fine language in the agreement is? We can't have a say from
the sidelines. You need to stop listening to the grifter Trump.
Oh, you think that there's something in the "fine language" of that agreement that forces China to stop polluting? Trot it out for me then, Bobob because I've read the agreement and I think you're full of shit!
It is not only the agreement, hotshot. It is also the other members who hopefully influence each other. If we are not a member, we have no opinion.
Would you like to take a shot at explaining why China...a nation that literally has money to loan us trillions doesn't have the where with all to reduce it's own emissions just as much as we do NOW? Why would THEY get a decade to continue to pollute before they have to think about reducing emissions?
We cannot influence any other country if we are not in the program. Trump wants only to line his and his friends' pockets and that is why he dropped out. He does not care about climate change and he sure as hell doesn't care about you. He opposed the emissions goals that the auto industry set and threatened them with executive actions if they did not drop the idea. They did not want to drop the idea. Why? Take a guess.
I have read a synopsis of the agreement that 196 countries signed and I believe we should be a part of it and it is NOT binding. It is a way for members to discuss and maybe do something about the problem....together.
Are you really this naive? You think that we've in some way "influenced" China with this deal? I'm quite sure we've made them crack up that the Obama Administration was crazy enough to sign it in the first place and now the Biden Administration doubled down on the stupid! As I asked before...why doesn't China agree to match our emissions tit for tat? Why is it that we can do it and they can't? You avoided answering that question like Superman avoids Kryptonite!
We haven't influenced anyone because we are not involved, and that is my point.
If you think that you are going to bully China, think again. Trump thought he could and look what happened. Lost the trade war, and China has signed agreements with several other countries that moved toward China, and left us out of the loop.
What makes you think we "lost" the trade war under Trump? We just lost it under Biden! That happened the second that he put us back into the Paris Accords which was why China wanted him in there and not Trump!
What is the regulation for emissions?

Kerry has never advocated ending air travel. Only reducing emissions
Kerry is part of the elite ruling class, Winger! He makes rules for the unwashed masses to follow but he will continue to live in mansions and fly on private jets. He's the guy who advocated for higher taxes on luxury items like boats in Massachusetts and then registered HIS boat in Delaware so he wouldn't have to pay that Massachusetts tax! Kerry, Pelosi, the Clintons...they're all the same. There are rules for them...and then there are the rules that all of the rest of us must follow! If you think those rules are the same then you're as naive as they come!
bullshit. When did the tax in Mass take effect? And so what if he went elsewhere as you could have done to offset ridiculous rules. Don't begrudge the wealthy their money.
We can laugh at them and disregard their protestations about fair taxes and paying more and pandering to wealth envy when they are raging hypocrites.
What is the regulation for emissions?

Kerry has never advocated ending air travel. Only reducing emissions
Kerry is part of the elite ruling class, Winger! He makes rules for the unwashed masses to follow but he will continue to live in mansions and fly on private jets. He's the guy who advocated for higher taxes on luxury items like boats in Massachusetts and then registered HIS boat in Delaware so he wouldn't have to pay that Massachusetts tax! Kerry, Pelosi, the Clintons...they're all the same. There are rules for them...and then there are the rules that all of the rest of us must follow! If you think those rules are the same then you're as naive as they come!
bullshit. When did the tax in Mass take effect? And so what if he went elsewhere as you could have done to offset ridiculous rules. Don't begrudge the wealthy their money.
We can laugh at them and disregard their protestations about fair taxes and paying more and pandering to wealth envy when they are raging hypocrites.
Kerry's little ploy to avoid paying taxes on HIS boat when he's telling others they need to pay more on THEIR boats simply illustrates how two faced he is! John Kerry isn't going to give up his private jets or mansions but he does expect you to take public transportation and pay more to heat your house and put gas in your car because you're not him!
What is the regulation for emissions?

Kerry has never advocated ending air travel. Only reducing emissions
Kerry is part of the elite ruling class, Winger! He makes rules for the unwashed masses to follow but he will continue to live in mansions and fly on private jets. He's the guy who advocated for higher taxes on luxury items like boats in Massachusetts and then registered HIS boat in Delaware so he wouldn't have to pay that Massachusetts tax! Kerry, Pelosi, the Clintons...they're all the same. There are rules for them...and then there are the rules that all of the rest of us must follow! If you think those rules are the same then you're as naive as they come!
bullshit. When did the tax in Mass take effect? And so what if he went elsewhere as you could have done to offset ridiculous rules. Don't begrudge the wealthy their money.
We can laugh at them and disregard their protestations about fair taxes and paying more and pandering to wealth envy when they are raging hypocrites.
Kerry's little ploy to avoid paying taxes on HIS boat when he's telling others they need to pay more on THEIR boats simply illustrates how two faced he is! John Kerry isn't going to give up his private jets or mansions but he does expect you to take public transportation and pay more to heat your house and put gas in your car because you're not him!
We all made bad choices.
the problem is he wants us to change our lives while he doesnt follow the rules he spews out
Rules for thee...not for me.
Sounds like the common response we see from literally ALL leftist political leaders.
Newsom, Cuomo, Pelosi, Kerry, Biden, etc.
What is the regulation for emissions?

Kerry has never advocated ending air travel. Only reducing emissions
Kerry is part of the elite ruling class, Winger! He makes rules for the unwashed masses to follow but he will continue to live in mansions and fly on private jets. He's the guy who advocated for higher taxes on luxury items like boats in Massachusetts and then registered HIS boat in Delaware so he wouldn't have to pay that Massachusetts tax! Kerry, Pelosi, the Clintons...they're all the same. There are rules for them...and then there are the rules that all of the rest of us must follow! If you think those rules are the same then you're as naive as they come!
bullshit. When did the tax in Mass take effect? And so what if he went elsewhere as you could have done to offset ridiculous rules. Don't begrudge the wealthy their money.
We can laugh at them and disregard their protestations about fair taxes and paying more and pandering to wealth envy when they are raging hypocrites.
Kerry's little ploy to avoid paying taxes on HIS boat when he's telling others they need to pay more on THEIR boats simply illustrates how two faced he is! John Kerry isn't going to give up his private jets or mansions but he does expect you to take public transportation and pay more to heat your house and put gas in your car because you're not him!
Not a little ploy, but a poorly written lousy law. I believe that GW Bush put a 10% surtax on luxury yachts, and the boating industry took a huge dump in the U.S.
Another poorly drafted lousy law because buyers went abroad to purchase boats.
And why are you on Kerry's case, when you have sooo much Trump that deserves criticism on climate control because he opposes it for money reasons?
If our government were to outlaw abortions, where do you think women would go?
So stop acting stupid.
But you little people need to ride a bike.

The FOX Noise report includes, " achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which the Heritage Foundation has said would cost the economy millions of jobs, thousands of dollars in lost household income, and trillions erased from the nation's gross domestic product. "

But, the profit-centered, anti-environment Heritage foundation conspicuously omitted what the costs of inaction on the man-made acceleration of climate climate change will be.

I hate to point this out to you, Bertram but John Kerry himself has admitted that the US complying with the Paris Accords will only affect global warming in a minute way. Why? Because it allows the world's worst polluters to continue to pollute while we destroy our economy with more expensive energy sources. Why would anyone who TRULY cares about the environment sign onto a deal like that? You'd have to be an IDIOT! Oh, wait...we have Biden! My bad...
You ain't "my bad". You just ignorant because we need to be at the party to have a say, and we are one of the worst polluters, the continuing use of fossil fuel combined with environmental controls won't save money, and your health bill will
play an important part. Wake up. Oh, wait...we have Biden.
Oh, it's a "party"? Kind of like a party where we pay for all the booze...everyone else gets to drink it and then we have to clean up the mess afterwards? The Paris Accord is an awful agreement for the US and it's an awful agreement for anyone who truly cares about climate control! Why would any rational person agree to it?
Do you know what the fine language in the agreement is? We can't have a say from
the sidelines. You need to stop listening to the grifter Trump.
Oh, you think that there's something in the "fine language" of that agreement that forces China to stop polluting? Trot it out for me then, Bobob because I've read the agreement and I think you're full of shit!
It is not only the agreement, hotshot. It is also the other members who hopefully influence each other. If we are not a member, we have no opinion.
Would you like to take a shot at explaining why China...a nation that literally has money to loan us trillions doesn't have the where with all to reduce it's own emissions just as much as we do NOW? Why would THEY get a decade to continue to pollute before they have to think about reducing emissions?
We cannot influence any other country if we are not in the program. Trump wants only to line his and his friends' pockets and that is why he dropped out. He does not care about climate change and he sure as hell doesn't care about you. He opposed the emissions goals that the auto industry set and threatened them with executive actions if they did not drop the idea. They did not want to drop the idea. Why? Take a guess.
I have read a synopsis of the agreement that 196 countries signed and I believe we should be a part of it and it is NOT binding. It is a way for members to discuss and maybe do something about the problem....together.
Are you really this naive? You think that we've in some way "influenced" China with this deal? I'm quite sure we've made them crack up that the Obama Administration was crazy enough to sign it in the first place and now the Biden Administration doubled down on the stupid! As I asked before...why doesn't China agree to match our emissions tit for tat? Why is it that we can do it and they can't? You avoided answering that question like Superman avoids Kryptonite!
We haven't influenced anyone because we are not involved, and that is my point.
If you think that you are going to bully China, think again. Trump thought he could and look what happened. Lost the trade war, and China has signed agreements with several other countries that moved toward China, and left us out of the loop.
What makes you think we "lost" the trade war under Trump? We just lost it under Biden! That happened the second that he put us back into the Paris Accords which was why China wanted him in there and not Trump!
We haven't lost anything under Biden. The Paris Accords are not about trade.
No, my friend, China won the trade war and her exports are ballooning as she
has entered into agreements with some of our allies (the allies that Trump bullied),
and we were kept out of the loop.
But you little people need to ride a bike.

Flying back n forth to Iran to undermine Trump. Should be in GITMO. But Democrat, zero consequences.
He was a private citizen and Trump needed to be held in check because he was out of control and power-hungry during his 4-year tenure. I agree that Kerry should not have gotten involved due to the danger that an unfettered Iran presents in international relations since he did not represent our fractured government.
But you little people need to ride a bike.

How many metric tons did Air Force One emit taking him to over 300 golfing trips, butthead?
Get better soon.
But you little people need to ride a bike.

Flying back n forth to Iran to undermine Trump. Should be in GITMO. But Democrat, zero consequences.
He was a private citizen and Trump needed to be held in check because he was out of control and power-hungry during his 4-year tenure. I agree that Kerry should not have gotten involved due to the danger that an unfettered Iran presents in international relations since he did not represent our fractured government.
Your a moron. You deserve the government u voted for.
What is the regulation for emissions?

Kerry has never advocated ending air travel. Only reducing emissions
Kerry is part of the elite ruling class, Winger! He makes rules for the unwashed masses to follow but he will continue to live in mansions and fly on private jets. He's the guy who advocated for higher taxes on luxury items like boats in Massachusetts and then registered HIS boat in Delaware so he wouldn't have to pay that Massachusetts tax! Kerry, Pelosi, the Clintons...they're all the same. There are rules for them...and then there are the rules that all of the rest of us must follow! If you think those rules are the same then you're as naive as they come!
bullshit. When did the tax in Mass take effect? And so what if he went elsewhere as you could have done to offset ridiculous rules. Don't begrudge the wealthy their money.
We can laugh at them and disregard their protestations about fair taxes and paying more and pandering to wealth envy when they are raging hypocrites.
Kerry's little ploy to avoid paying taxes on HIS boat when he's telling others they need to pay more on THEIR boats simply illustrates how two faced he is! John Kerry isn't going to give up his private jets or mansions but he does expect you to take public transportation and pay more to heat your house and put gas in your car because you're not him!
Not a little ploy, but a poorly written lousy law. I believe that GW Bush put a 10% surtax on luxury yachts, and the boating industry took a huge dump in the U.S.
Another poorly drafted lousy law because buyers went abroad to purchase boats.
And why are you on Kerry's case, when you have sooo much Trump that deserves criticism on climate control because he opposes it for money reasons?
If our government were to outlaw abortions, where do you think women would go?
So stop acting stupid.
The surtax that was enacted when GW Bush was President has ZERO to do with the taxes that Kerry was avoiding by docking his boat in Rhode Island, Bobob! Kerry was ducking a one time 6.25 tax on luxury boats imposed by the State of Massachusetts and a yearly excise tax bill that would have been in the $70,000 range! Those taxes were not imposed by GW Bush...they were imposed by Democrats in Massachusetts!

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