John McCain owes America an apology

IMHO - there is no incorrect venue for courtesy.

Agreed. But that doesn't mean there isn't an appropriate venue for discourtesy. And IMO, an anonymous messageboard is the most appropriate.

OK - we can agree to disagree on that? I think all of us have responded with discourtesy when we feel we have received it on these boards but I appreciate courtesy as a default setting.

AND on the hypersensitivity issue I can relate that I once responded to one of O&T's post saying "I don't know what 'XXXX' means."
He took offense because he thought I was making fun of his typing and he chastized me for making fun of his injury that cost him some fingers. When in reality, I just didn't recognize the word or that it was a typo. So I understand your point there as well - but in THIS case, MHO is that the offense was justified.
btw - on a completely unrelated topic ......

IMHO John McCain does not owe US anything. We owe him our gratitude for a lifetime of service. I voted for Obama and would do so again rather than any of the GOP contenders I am aware of.
BUT imho John McCain has spent a lifetime serving his country. I may not agree with him on very many issues, but I am 100% convinced that HE BELIEVES his positions are in the best interests of our country.

I believe that he allowed the radical right to shove a VP nominee down his throat and I believe he has paid for that enough.
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Main Entry: mo·ron
Pronunciation: \ˈmȯr-ˌän\
Function: noun
Etymology: irregular from Greek mōros foolish, stupid
Date: 1910
1 usually offensive : a person affected with mild mental retardation

I tried not to post it.

LMAO...hours later and you are still all over this. Quite defensive ,arent we.

Suggestion......get a job. You may find that it is not the rest of the world's fault that you have trouble meeting your expenses.

I know...why would you need a job now that those evil, rich, greedy, HARD WORKING, JOB CREATING, TAX PAYING, SELF RELIANT, people are paying for all your freebies? be may find that you think better about yourself.

Just sayin'
IMHO - there is no incorrect venue for courtesy.

Agreed. But that doesn't mean there isn't an appropriate venue for discourtesy. And IMO, an anonymous messageboard is the most appropriate.

Most appropriate?

There is NO venue that is appropriate for discourtesy...

An anonymous message board simply makes it easy.....espcially for those without a backbone.
LMAO...hours later and you are still all over this. Quite defensive ,arent we.
Like YOU brushed it off sooooooo quickly .......

Jeez....I brushed it off hours ago....

You just cant help yourself, can you.

You spent four and a half hours posting on it (from 9:44 to 2:17 to be exact.) And want to criticize someone else (who posted about five posts on it - at LEAST HALF OF THEM TRYING TO DEFEND YOU. for "not being able to brush it off."

Then you criticize someone for discourtesy saying:

"There is NO venue that is appropriate for discourtesy...An anonymous message board simply makes it easy.....espcially for those without a backbone."


"Suggestion......get a job. You may find that it is not the rest of the world's fault that you have trouble meeting your expenses. I know...why would you need a job now that those evil, rich, greedy, HARD WORKING, JOB CREATING, TAX PAYING, SELF RELIANT, people are paying for all your freebies?"

No wonder people could care less if they hurt your feelings.
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Like YOU brushed it off sooooooo quickly .......

Jeez....I brushed it off hours ago....

You just cant help yourself, can you.

You spent four and a half hours posting on it (from 9:44 to 2:17 to be exact.) And want to criticize someone else (who posted about five posts on it - at LEAST HALF OF THEM TRYING TO DEFEND YOU. for "not being able to brush it off."

Then you criticize someone for discourtesy saying:

"There is NO venue that is appropriate for discourtesy...An anonymous message board simply makes it easy.....espcially for those without a backbone."


"Suggestion......get a job. You may find that it is not the rest of the world's fault that you have trouble meeting your expenses. I know...why would you need a job now that those evil, rich, greedy, HARD WORKING, JOB CREATING, TAX PAYING, SELF RELIANT, people are paying for all your freebies?"

No wonder people could care less if they hurt your feelings.
Bingo. I've spoken with OT before and he is invariably condescending and insulting.
IMHO - there is no incorrect venue for courtesy.

Agreed. But that doesn't mean there isn't an appropriate venue for discourtesy. And IMO, an anonymous messageboard is the most appropriate.

Most appropriate?

There is NO venue that is appropriate for discourtesy...

An anonymous message board simply makes it easy.....espcially for those without a backbone.

It's pretty easy for those of us with a backbone too.

Just in case you were wondering.
i was listening to a book review of her new book...the guy was a conservative and said...if this book is suppose to set up her bid in 2012 , it failed....palin will be a has been in a year....come on willow....take the bet....25 bucks to your humane society.....or 25 bucks to mine....hows that sound....a year from now she will be back in alaska...her personal history will not allow a presidental run....todd's affairs....rumors of her affairs....o my....take the bet sucker!

And yet you dumb asses spend all this time attacking her, if she is so worthless and so hopeless as a candidate in 2012 why do you spend day after day finding shit to make up to attack her on?

Notice how after Kerry lost we just ignored his ass? Notice how after Gore lost we just ignored his ass? She wasn't even running for President. I can not even REMEMBER who was the VP choice of Kerry or Gore, that is how important they were to us.

They had no following, Palin does as she relates to the great silent majority and the great silent majority relates to her. Kerry is nothing more than a silver spoon pedigree poodle elitist, he is arrogant, thinks he's an aristocrat and that turns main stream Americans off. Why would you want to remember him?:lol:

Al Gore is running around in his private jet blowing out all that Co2, melting an Ice Berg a day, while telling others to cut down on their emissions. He is perpertrating a fraud on the world and making millions of dollars doing it. He is someone you want to forget.:lol::lol:

There is nothing memorable about Gore or Kerry, they have been do-littles, do-nothings that were born into priviledge. Palin worked hard and rose up to her position. There's your difference and it's huge. She is not going away, especiallly since you libs won't let her.:lol::lol:
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i was listening to a book review of her new book...the guy was a conservative and said...if this book is suppose to set up her bid in 2012 , it failed....palin will be a has been in a year....come on willow....take the bet....25 bucks to your humane society.....or 25 bucks to mine....hows that sound....a year from now she will be back in alaska...her personal history will not allow a presidental run....todd's affairs....rumors of her affairs....o my....take the bet sucker!

Do you know how to read?????? You seem to know a little about writing. Instead of repeating what you heard that someone else said about someone else's book, don't you think it would be wise to read the book yourself????????????? You seem to have all this curiosity about Palin, but you are too lazy to get up off the couch and go get the book, instead you take information that by the time you get it is so deluted that there is no truth left to it. Your testimony is entirely lacking because of your laziness and willingness to take someone else's word for what they read. It's meaningless as is your post.

In elementary school we were required to do book reports. We had to actually read the entire book before we could write a report on it. If you ever relied on someone else who stated that they read the book, you were caught up in your own little web and you flunked the paper. There was no fooling the teacher because then you got to get up in front of the class and she knew just what questions to ask you about the book and you had better be prepared to answer them. You libs are spoon fed information, that you swear by, but you are much too lazy to do your own work, you get called on it all the time, yet it never embarasses you to be caught. You just slink off the thread and go to another. BTW, you flunked.:lol:
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