John McCain owes America an apology

...for unleashing this blithering idiot Sarah Palin on us...well, at least he owes conservatives an apology. The rest of us are highly amused.

If McCain had not picked her, she'd still be a relative unknown on the short list of up and coming stars in the Republican party, which was her status in the spring of 08 and before that. In fact she'd have been on the short list for VP candidate for 2012. The GOP was doomed to make this mistake - the Palin mistake - sooner or later.

Mistake, making millions on a best seller is a mistake to you? Being the most popular rock star equalling Obama in that category is a mistake? If you think that's a mistake, I have to wonder what you consider to be correct and a success. I call that success. :cuckoo:

I think that you are suffering from a little Palin de-rangement sydrome. Is it keeping you awake at night?? Grinding your teeth?? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The GOP picked her for VP to help her sell a book? Are you mental?
...for unleashing this blithering idiot Sarah Palin on us...well, at least he owes conservatives an apology. The rest of us are highly amused.

I'm highly amused by what you think is 'politics'. When referring to blithering idiots, it may be wise to check your mirror before posting.
i was listening to a book review of her new book...the guy was a conservative and said...if this book is suppose to set up her bid in 2012 , it failed....palin will be a has been in a year....come on willow....take the bet....25 bucks to your humane society.....or 25 bucks to mine....hows that sound....a year from now she will be back in alaska...her personal history will not allow a presidental run....todd's affairs....rumors of her affairs....o my....take the bet sucker!

And yet you dumb asses spend all this time attacking her, if she is so worthless and so hopeless as a candidate in 2012 why do you spend day after day finding shit to make up to attack her on?

Notice how after Kerry lost we just ignored his ass? Notice how after Gore lost we just ignored his ass? She wasn't even running for President. I can not even REMEMBER who was the VP choice of Kerry or Gore, that is how important they were to us.

No 'you' didn't ignore Al Gore ever since.
...for unleashing this blithering idiot Sarah Palin on us...well, at least he owes conservatives an apology. The rest of us are highly amused.

First of all....John McCain will NEVER owe America an apology for ANYTHING.

The man sacrificed his entire life for America...and I am disturbed that anyone out there...left or not see this.

Secondly.....what the heck are you afraid of with Palin? Why do you and others constantly bring her up? If she is a loser as you say...and if she is irrelevant as you say...and if she is a quitter as you say....and if she is an idiot as you say.....

Then please tell me why you can't get her out of your mind?

I will give me some rediculous rhetoric about how she ius entertaining and fun to make fun of.

OJ Simpson slashed the throats of two people.....yet I do not see you saying that USC and the Buffalo Bills owe us all an apology.

Obama brought Van Jones into the public limelight....but where is your demand for an apology from him?

You and your fear of Palin is quite revealing.
I don't know why everyone has to attack this woman at every breaking moment, though. More doesn't need to be piled on. Let people decide for themselves if she's "worthy" to them.

Right from the first time I heard this woman comment, I knew that she was a pretty phony woman. I'm pretty decent at reading people, and as days passed she said sillier and sillier things, and more things were exposed about her.

I did not need to make thread after thread after thread. I may have made one somewhere about how she struck me as phony, wasn't a hate fest though. Just my 2, she's making her own bed.........let it rest.

but no where near as phony as saying you created jobs in places that don't even exist :lol::lol: that's what you voted for, inept, incompetent nincompoop liars. way to go demoncwats!

You don't know who the fuck I voted for, numb-nuts.

oh noes! my nutz is numb,, my nutz is numb! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
...for unleashing this blithering idiot Sarah Palin on us...well, at least he owes conservatives an apology. The rest of us are highly amused.

What McCain owes an apology for is not running a good enough campaign and unleashing the will of Obama on the country... THAT would be the proper apology
...for unleashing this blithering idiot Sarah Palin on us...well, at least he owes conservatives an apology. The rest of us are highly amused.

First of all....John McCain will NEVER owe America an apology for ANYTHING.

The man sacrificed his entire life for America...and I am disturbed that anyone out there...left or not see this.

Secondly.....what the heck are you afraid of with Palin? Why do you and others constantly bring her up? If she is a loser as you say...and if she is irrelevant as you say...and if she is a quitter as you say....and if she is an idiot as you say.....

Then please tell me why you can't get her out of your mind?

I will give me some rediculous rhetoric about how she ius entertaining and fun to make fun of.

OJ Simpson slashed the throats of two people.....yet I do not see you saying that USC and the Buffalo Bills owe us all an apology.

Obama brought Van Jones into the public limelight....but where is your demand for an apology from him?

You and your fear of Palin is quite revealing.

I for one enjoy hearing rightwingers try to defend her. That never gets old.
...for unleashing this blithering idiot Sarah Palin on us...well, at least he owes conservatives an apology. The rest of us are highly amused.

What McCain owes an apology for is not running a good enough campaign and unleashing the will of Obama on the country... THAT would be the proper apology

If I were his handler.....

When Obama said...and I paraphrase...

"many people, including frineds of Reagan, interacted with Bill Ayers, so what is wrong with me interacting with him"....

McACain would have responded with....

"and those people are not asking the American people to vote for them to be President"

and then he would have asked....

"and besides.....none of us really care about Bill Ayers....all we want to know is why you gave 3 conflicting answers to your relationship with Ayers....meaning 2 of them were outright we want to can you expect the American people to trust you, if you were known to lie about the people you know and interact with..."

But, alas, I was not his handler.
...for unleashing this blithering idiot Sarah Palin on us...well, at least he owes conservatives an apology. The rest of us are highly amused.

First of all....John McCain will NEVER owe America an apology for ANYTHING.

The man sacrificed his entire life for America...and I am disturbed that anyone out there...left or not see this.

Secondly.....what the heck are you afraid of with Palin? Why do you and others constantly bring her up? If she is a loser as you say...and if she is irrelevant as you say...and if she is a quitter as you say....and if she is an idiot as you say.....

Then please tell me why you can't get her out of your mind?

I will give me some rediculous rhetoric about how she ius entertaining and fun to make fun of.

OJ Simpson slashed the throats of two people.....yet I do not see you saying that USC and the Buffalo Bills owe us all an apology.

Obama brought Van Jones into the public limelight....but where is your demand for an apology from him?

You and your fear of Palin is quite revealing.

I for one enjoy hearing rightwingers try to defend her. That never gets old.

She has done a great job with Alaska. That is fact.

She is an idiot....that is assumption by the left.

The left likes to compare assumption to fact.

THAT is what is entertaining.
...for unleashing this blithering idiot Sarah Palin on us...well, at least he owes conservatives an apology. The rest of us are highly amused.

First of all....John McCain will NEVER owe America an apology for ANYTHING.

The man sacrificed his entire life for America...and I am disturbed that anyone out there...left or not see this.

Secondly.....what the heck are you afraid of with Palin? Why do you and others constantly bring her up? If she is a loser as you say...and if she is irrelevant as you say...and if she is a quitter as you say....and if she is an idiot as you say.....

Then please tell me why you can't get her out of your mind?

I will give me some rediculous rhetoric about how she ius entertaining and fun to make fun of.

OJ Simpson slashed the throats of two people.....yet I do not see you saying that USC and the Buffalo Bills owe us all an apology.

Obama brought Van Jones into the public limelight....but where is your demand for an apology from him?

You and your fear of Palin is quite revealing.
She cracks me up...and I love to watch you all defend her. btw, I clarified and said he mainly owes Conservatives an apology. :lol:
...for unleashing this blithering idiot Sarah Palin on us...well, at least he owes conservatives an apology. The rest of us are highly amused.

First of all....John McCain will NEVER owe America an apology for ANYTHING.

The man sacrificed his entire life for America...and I am disturbed that anyone out there...left or not see this.

Secondly.....what the heck are you afraid of with Palin? Why do you and others constantly bring her up? If she is a loser as you say...and if she is irrelevant as you say...and if she is a quitter as you say....and if she is an idiot as you say.....

Then please tell me why you can't get her out of your mind?

I will give me some rediculous rhetoric about how she ius entertaining and fun to make fun of.

OJ Simpson slashed the throats of two people.....yet I do not see you saying that USC and the Buffalo Bills owe us all an apology.

Obama brought Van Jones into the public limelight....but where is your demand for an apology from him?

You and your fear of Palin is quite revealing.
She cracks me up...and I love to watch you all defend her. btw, I clarified and said he mainly owes Conservatives an apology. :lol:

Glad you find her so entertaining.

The woman gets more press than pour beloved President.

ANd I will say agin...McCain will NEVER owe ANYONE in AMerica an apology....and to suggest it, even in jest, is inappropriate.

But whatever works for you Ravi. This is still America.
i was listening to a book review of her new book...the guy was a conservative and said...if this book is suppose to set up her bid in 2012 , it failed....palin will be a has been in a year....come on willow....take the bet....25 bucks to your humane society.....or 25 bucks to mine....hows that sound....a year from now she will be back in alaska...her personal history will not allow a presidental run....todd's affairs....rumors of her affairs....o my....take the bet sucker!

Didn't they say that last year, too?

I remember Hannity singing her praises before anyone knew she existed.

You guys are about 6 yards behind the ball on Palin.
She has done a great job with Alaska. That is fact.

I hate to burst your bubble, but that's actually an opinion.

Nope. Fact. Approval rating was higher than the norm for any state and the state unemployment rate and deficit was better than most.
Fact...not opinion.

I'm surprised that you don't know the difference between opinion and fact.

While the support you posted subsequently may indeed be facts, "doing a great job" is MOST DEFINITELY a statement of opinion, every time.

You're welcome.
...for unleashing this blithering idiot Sarah Palin on us...well, at least he owes conservatives an apology. The rest of us are highly amused.


John owes us many apoligies.

For Keating 5
For having one of the worst voting records against our troops in the Senate
For saying Iran supported al Queda
For saying insurance should pay for Viagra, but women should pay for birth control
i was listening to a book review of her new book...the guy was a conservative and said...if this book is suppose to set up her bid in 2012 , it failed....palin will be a has been in a year....come on willow....take the bet....25 bucks to your humane society.....or 25 bucks to mine....hows that sound....a year from now she will be back in alaska...her personal history will not allow a presidental run....todd's affairs....rumors of her affairs....o my....take the bet sucker!

And yet you dumb asses spend all this time attacking her, if she is so worthless and so hopeless as a candidate in 2012 why do you spend day after day finding shit to make up to attack her on?

Notice how after Kerry lost we just ignored his ass? Notice how after Gore lost we just ignored his ass? She wasn't even running for President. I can not even REMEMBER who was the VP choice of Kerry or Gore, that is how important they were to us.

Do you always lie so blatantly? Just wondering.

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