John McCain said his own war actions weren't particularly heroic


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
McCain never pointed to his own experience as heroic--quite the contrary. "Incidents of surpassing courage and defiance were commonplace.and they made my own attempts at rebellion seem minor in comparison." Throughout Faith of My Fathers, McCain referred to the heroism of his comrades, whose actions and bravery, McCain suggests, far exceeded his. He was fortunate to serve in the company of heroes, who lifted up and improved McCain, and the others, by their selfless example.

Source: John McCain: An Essay, by John Karaagac, p.117-118 , Sep 20, 2000

It sounds like John McCain and Donald Trump are in agreement, that what McCain did during the Vienam war (Flying a fighter plane in combat, getting shot down and captured, standing up to years of imprisonment and torture, not giving in to enemy demands) was not particularly heroic. They "seem minor in comparison" to what others did, McCain said.

So why are people castigating Donald Trump now? He said what McCain said.

In fact, Trump said that McCain was a war hero, but then went on to imply that being a hero due to getting captured wasn't as major as what others did. And clearly McCain himself, agrees.

So what's all the furor about now?

The answer is clear, of course: The new media and other leftists are trying to pretend Trump said something outrageous, so they won't have to address what Trump actually said.

Because in most cases, they can't reply to Trump... because Trump is right and they are wrong - something they dare not discuss.
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Exactly. It's phony outrage to derail the candidacy of the guy they know would destroy Hillary in the debates. The media, the Dems, and the Rinos are in a panic over the thought of losing the status quo and the socialist utopia they are working so hard to establish.
Anyone who survived a War usually says that. They have tremendous guilt for having lived while their buddies died.
You guys know that Trump will never get the nomination....right?
"John McCain said his own war actions weren't particularly heroic"

That most on the ridiculous right don’t get it comes as no surprise.
Why are so many Republicans trying to justify what Trump said and see no harm taking down a genuine American hero? This seems almost like a sickness to me.
McCain and others get my respect for serving in the first place and for having to endure the horrors that they did.

While some on the left have always bashed the military, they now step up and point at Trump for being an ass. They are thinking that one single comment will cause everyone to turn on Trump. I bet that doesn't happen. I think people can agree with Trump on some things, call him out on others, and move on.

Trump doesn't pull any punches and isn't always right, but he is blunt and one never has to wonder what he's thinking. In that respect, it's refreshing. Most just lie and say what they think people want to hear.

Why are so many Republicans trying to justify what Trump said and see no harm taking down a genuine American hero? This seems almost like a sickness to me.

Does it bother you that so many libs bashed McCain? Are you pissed that the idiot Franken chimed in and echoed Trump.

McCain was never a hero, per se, rather a dedicated service member who went through a lot and he deserves, and has always had, respect from most of us for his service.

Why does the left attempt to dismiss Trump as a joke, then get so riled every time he opens his mouth?
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The difference between people who served in combat in Vietnam and a fighter pilot was as wide as the Grand Canyon. Sleep in a tent or a hut, eat MRE's (or C-Rations), bathe once a week, endure heat, humidity, mosquitoes, filth, and on and on. While a fighter pilot goes out for an hour or two a day, comes back to a comfy, air-conditioned dorm room, eats all his meals in the Officers' Mess, bathes whenever he feels like it. Visits the library or the camp theater, or the gym or the swimming pool (literally) whenever you want...not really a bad gig.

All while drawing a good salary, including combat pay, overseas pay, flight pay, and having no taxes taken out.

The possibility of being shot down was real but remote. There is no comparison with a grunt. None.

A "hero" is someone who voluntarily places his own safety and/or life in jeopardy for the benefit of his comrades or country. Yeah, McCain barely fit into the "hero" box (like John "Mad Dog" Kerry), and conducted himself honorably as a POW.

But Trump stuck his foot in his mouth with this comment. A "gaffe" is something that, while true, is better left unsaid. This was a gaffe.
I think McCain successfully baited Trump by referring to his followers as "the crazies" earlier in the week. Trump fell right into the trap.
Why are so many Republicans trying to justify what Trump said and see no harm taking down a genuine American hero? This seems almost like a sickness to me.
It's a normal Pavlovian response.
No Conservative is too stupid or embarrassing to be expelled by the tribe.

See also Cliven Bundy, Tod Aiken, Ted Nugent...
You guys know that Trump will never get the nomination....right?

Still, Trump deserves kudos for attempting to break the political log-jam of 'political correctness'.
Trump is a blowhard narcissist. That's all you need to know.

So is Hillary and so is Obama and so is everyone else that is running.

That's all you need to know.
I disagree; but either way, Obama and Hillary are electable; Trump is not.
McCain never pointed to his own experience as heroic--quite the contrary. "Incidents of surpassing courage and defiance were commonplace.and they made my own attempts at rebellion seem minor in comparison." Throughout Faith of My Fathers, McCain referred to the heroism of his comrades, whose actions and bravery, McCain suggests, far exceeded his. He was fortunate to serve in the company of heroes, who lifted up and improved McCain, and the others, by their selfless example.

Source: John McCain: An Essay, by John Karaagac, p.117-118 , Sep 20, 2000

It sounds like John McCain and Donald Trump are in agreement, that what McCain did during the Vienam war (Flying a fighter plane in combat, getting shot down and captured, standing up to years of imprisonment and torture, not giving in to enemy demands) was not particularly heroic. They "seem minor in comparison" to what others did, McCain said.

So why are people castigating Donald Trump now? He said what McCain said.

In fact, Trump said that McCain was a war hero, but then went on to imply that being a hero due to getting captured wasn't as major as what others did. And clearly McCain himself, agrees.

So what's all the furor about now?

The answer is clear, of course: The new media and other leftists are trying to pretend Trump said something outrageous, so they won't have to address what Trump actually said.

Because in most cases, they can't reply to Trump... because Trump is right and they are wrong - something they dare not discuss.
Yes, it's important that you shout out to the world how great you are.
Humility will get you nowhere.
Trump understands this.
McCain and others get my respect for serving in the first place and for having to endure the horrors that they did.

While some on the left have always bashed the military, they now step up and point at Trump for being an ass. They are thinking that one single comment will cause everyone to turn on Trump. I bet that doesn't happen. I think people can agree with Trump on some things, call him out on others, and move on.

Trump doesn't pull any punches and isn't always right, but he is blunt and one never has to wonder what he's thinking. In that respect, it's refreshing. Most just lie and say what they think people want to hear.

Why are so many Republicans trying to justify what Trump said and see no harm taking down a genuine American hero? This seems almost like a sickness to me.

Does it bother you that so many libs bashed McCain? Are you pissed that the idiot Franken chimed in and echoed Trump.

McCain was never a hero, per se, rather a dedicated service member who went through a lot and he deserves, and has always had, respect from most of us for his service.

Why does the left attempt to dismiss Trump as a joke, then get so riled every time he opens his mouth?

It bothers me seeing you trying to use it to justify the McCain madness. The man is an American hero, your side of the aisle used to worship patriots not so much anymore. The Democrats who did the same were just as wrong as you sitting behind your computer demeaning him for being shot down, beaten and kept in a cage for five very long years. John McCain is a hero and a patriot and for you to sit there trying to take him down to justify the rantings of a moron are contemptible and tragic, The Republican party used to stand for the red white and blue and now all you stand for are bullies who can shout louder than you. It's a sickness.
It's true. The primary qualification that Trump has that is admired by so many nutbags is his willingness to say stupid things and not apologize.

He's blunt! He's brash! He doesn't care what anyone thinks! He pulls no punches! He says whatever is on his mind!

Thoughtful? Measured? Empathetic? Pragmatic? Reasonable?

Nope. Don't matter. He's IN YOUR FACE!!!!

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