John McCain - We have a "grudge" to maintain!!!!

Anybody remember all of the filibusters that the Democrats used on G.W. Bush's judicial nominees?

Here's a reminder, from 2005:

Thus, what can only be described as a concerted judicial-filibuster campaign during the 108th Congress was truly unprecedented. Indeed, throughout the entire history of the U.S. Senate, neither the minority-party members in that chamber nor senators of the party that did not occupy the White House had ever before engaged in such a coordinated, protracted filibustering campaign to frequently deny up-or-down votes for one judicial nominee after another. In fact, beyond the 10 appellate-court nominees who were actively filibustered in 2003 and 2004, it should further be noted that Democrats almost certainly would have filibustered additional circuit-court nominees — including Terrence Boyle, Brett Kavanaugh and Thomas Griffith — had they moved from the Judiciary Committee to the floor last year.

Democrats have cleverly — and shrewdly — perpetrated their unprecedented judicial obstructionism exclusively against nominees to circuit courts of appeal. Relatively speaking, these courts have become vastly more powerful in recent decades. With the Supreme Court issuing fewer and fewer decisions, the circuit courts have become the final arbiters more often than in the past. Unless reversed by the Supreme Court, a decision by an appellate court remains the final determination on both legal and constitutional grounds throughout its jurisdiction. In the case of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, for example, that amounts to nine Western states, which comprise nearly 60 million people, or about 20 percent of the U.S. population. In addition, when the Supreme Court affirms an appellate court’s decision, as it frequently does, the appellate justices will have played an integral role in the issue’s final determination.

Appellate courts are extraordinarily important in another respect. Before arriving on the nation’s highest court, seven of the nine current Supreme Court justices sharpened their judicial philosophies as circuit-court judges. Even the last four Supreme Court nominees who failed to win Senate confirmation — Clement Haynsworth, G. Harold Carswell, Robert Bork and Douglas Ginsburg — served on appellate courts. Thus, the appellate bench in recent decades has proved to be by far the single most important source of prospective Supreme Court nominees.

LINK: Democrats and the filibuster - Washington Times
With a draft, there would be no Iraq

Really? Are you going to stick to that story even with past history?
Korea we had a draft
Vietnam we had a draft

A Draft has never stopped the US from getting involved in an inappropriate war.
Fillibustering a SEC of Defense and a CIA director in a time of war ........

You gotta hand it to the GOP, when they put party ahead of country, they don't mess around
The problem with a draft is that draft boards tend to be extremely classist.

All those blueblood scions you hope will learn what its like to rub shoulders with us untermench, end up with terible cases tennis elbows or bum knees so that the poor things cannot serve.

True. Most of those drafted during Vietnam were working class and poor, many minorities, etc. Those with more money found a way out.
If only we could make it so. What a mess created for no reason at all.

Are you kidding? It made a lot of people filthy rich, which was the whole reason behind "invading" Iraq in the first place. Did you know they opened all the markets after the invasion, and then banned the Iraqis from selling their own domestic products and merchandise, and then forced them to buy cheap imports that flooded in? It was all about making people money, not "freedom". WMD's were just the lie told to rile up the 'Murkin people. Bush had been looking for a "reason" to attack and 9-11 was his "in".
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Dems wish Uncle Saddam was still running Iraq

smart people actually know he was what kept iran in check.

and what was the upside of dumping him?


Women voting makes Jillian cry...
Watching John McCain on Morning Joe just now. What a trip.

He said he couldn't support Obama's nominee because Hagel said Bush was the worst president since Hoover and Iraq was a worse disaster than Vietnam. (Can either be seriously argued?)

Ted Cruz, without a shred of proof, questioned whether Hagel took money from Iran and North Korea. Huh?

The first time a Cabinet nominee has been filibustered ever? I don't know. I can't seem to remember any others. Am I wrong?

Benghazi? Huh? And that involves Hagel? How?

To do this to a sitting president while the country is still at war? You think Democrats won't use this in the next election?

Don't you wonder how much of this nonsense would just go away if we had a "draft" with NO exceptions? And if they can't fight for fear or religious reasons, teach the fuckers to cook or perform some type of national service. But dammit, everyone should be included. Republicans need to be taught what it means to be a "patriot" and not just send the children of those they despise off to war.

With a draft, there would be no Iraq, no leaving the military without a Secretary of Defense, no drive to cut veterans benefits, and way less racism.
You forgot that the GOP Senate made up a lie and spread it through Bigotbarf to the GOP hate media echo chamber that Hagel donated money to the "Friends Of Hamas," a group that doesn't even exist.
Watching John McCain on Morning Joe just now. What a trip.

He said he couldn't support Obama's nominee because Hagel said Bush was the worst president since Hoover and Iraq was a worse disaster than Vietnam. (Can either be seriously argued?)

Ted Cruz, without a shred of proof, questioned whether Hagel took money from Iran and North Korea. Huh?

The first time a Cabinet nominee has been filibustered ever? I don't know. I can't seem to remember any others. Am I wrong?

Benghazi? Huh? And that involves Hagel? How?

To do this to a sitting president while the country is still at war? You think Democrats won't use this in the next election?

Don't you wonder how much of this nonsense would just go away if we had a "draft" with NO exceptions? And if they can't fight for fear or religious reasons, teach the fuckers to cook or perform some type of national service. But dammit, everyone should be included. Republicans need to be taught what it means to be a "patriot" and not just send the children of those they despise off to war.

With a draft, there would be no Iraq, no leaving the military without a Secretary of Defense, no drive to cut veterans benefits, and way less racism.

Not going to take the time to address all your crap but I will shoot a major hole in it.

It's not unprecedented to filibuster cabinet nominees - The Hill's Congress Blog

Have a great day.
awww what?, the troll who hates Republicans is now whining because one wasn't rubber stamped....
No....because it's John McCain (who'd spent his time, in 'Nam, SITTIN' ON HIS ASS), who's sabotaging Hagel's nomination!!!!

I wouldn't call being a POW "sitting on your ass" as if he was some rear echelon paper pusher. He was a Naval Aviator who was shot down while on a combat mission, captured and held captive for years. He deserves respect for what he had to endure during his military service to this country.
awww what?, the troll who hates Republicans is now whining because one wasn't rubber stamped....
No....because it's John McCain (who'd spent his time, in 'Nam, SITTIN' ON HIS ASS), who's sabotaging Hagel's nomination!!!!

and what would you have been doing you stupid fuck if you were in McCains predicament in "Nam?".....doing stand up comedy like you do here?.....
awww what?, the troll who hates Republicans is now whining because one wasn't rubber stamped....
No....because it's John McCain (who'd spent his time, in 'Nam, SITTIN' ON HIS ASS), who's sabotaging Hagel's nomination!!!!

I wouldn't call being a POW "sitting on your ass" as if he was some rear echelon paper pusher. He was a Naval Aviator who was shot down while on a combat mission, captured and held captive for years. He deserves respect for what he had to endure during his military service to this country.

not to a Dick like Sheman.....
awww what?, the troll who hates Republicans is now whining because one wasn't rubber stamped....
No....because it's John McCain (who'd spent his time, in 'Nam, SITTIN' ON HIS ASS), who's sabotaging Hagel's nomination!!!!

I wouldn't call being a POW "sitting on your ass" as if he was some rear echelon paper pusher. He was a Naval Aviator who was shot down while on a combat mission, captured and held captive for years. He deserves respect for what he had to endure during his military service to this country.

It's been suggested he disobeyed orders and flew too low which is why he was shot down. It was the fifth and last jet he "lost". If his father and grandfather weren't admirals, it's possible 134 Americans on the Forrestal might still be alive.
Dems wish Uncle Saddam was still running Iraq

What difference would it make? Please tell me, in the big picture of things, how having Saddam still in power would be such a horrible thing. Now it may or may not be true that Iraqis now have more freedom, but how does that make anything better for us? How does it make anything better for all of our soldiers who lost their lives fighting in Iraq, and how about the tens of thousands who have returned back home with physical and mental disabilities that will affect them for the rest of their lives? How did going to war with Iraq and driving Saddam Hussein out of power have a positive affect on any of these Americans?
Dems wish Uncle Saddam was still running Iraq

smart people actually know he was what kept iran in check.

and what was the upside of dumping him?


Again, so what? We gave them that freedom, but at what cost to us? Syria is going to attain that same freedom, but guess what? It's not going to cost a single American life or limb. If people want freedom, it is up to them to fight for it, not for some Big Brother to come in and do it for them.
No....because it's John McCain (who'd spent his time, in 'Nam, SITTIN' ON HIS ASS), who's sabotaging Hagel's nomination!!!!

I wouldn't call being a POW "sitting on your ass" as if he was some rear echelon paper pusher. He was a Naval Aviator who was shot down while on a combat mission, captured and held captive for years. He deserves respect for what he had to endure during his military service to this country.

It's been suggested he disobeyed orders and flew too low which is why he was shot down. It was the fifth and last jet he "lost". If his father and grandfather weren't admirals, it's possible 134 Americans on the Forrestal might still be alive.

but yet you dont say anything about what that fucker Sheman said about his time as a POW.....if Sheman was a Republican/Conservative you would be all over the guy Dean telling us what an asshole he is.....
This was really a no brainer.

The guy has the chops as an ex vet..and is a Republican.

Funny thing is..even if McCain had been chosen..the same thing would have happened.

I'm pretty sure of that.

In any's now set a precedent. And not a good one.

Cabinet picks should not be "rubber stamped" but parliamentary shennigans really just increases this disfunctional course that's being taken.

Who cares if he calls himself a Republican? Is that supposed to change the concerns most Republicans have about him?

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