John McCain - We have a "grudge" to maintain!!!!

More GOP Hagel hypocrisy

Applying the Republicans’ standard on Hagel to others — including themselves — complicates the situation.

Take Sen. Jim Inhofe, for instance. He’s the ranking Republican member on the Senate Armed Services Committee and has been one of the leading figures opposing Hagel’s nomination. Inhofe told Foreign Policy’s Josh Rogan that Hagel’s relatively soft stance on Hamas, among other things, meant that Inhofe could not support him.

But in 2006, after Hamas won the Palestinian elections, Inhofe did not seem concerned. Hamas has done “some good things, even as a terrorist group,” he told the Oklahoman. He compared the group to one of the country’s largest charities, saying Hamas is like “the Salvation Army with loaded guns.”

“I would prefer that they not have won, but I don’t think it’s the end of the world,” he added.

The quote may not be damning on its own, but if there were a concerted smear campaign against Inhofe’s stance on Israel, it would be about as bad as anything brought against Hagel. In other words, using his current standard, Jim Inhofe might have a hard time voting to confirm Jim Inhofe.
smart people actually know he was what kept iran in check.

and what was the upside of dumping him?


Again, so what? We gave them that freedom, but at what cost to us? Syria is going to attain that same freedom, but guess what? It's not going to cost a single American life or limb. If people want freedom, it is up to them to fight for it, not for some Big Brother to come in and do it for them.

Don't let anyone fool you. We didn't give anyone "freedom".

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution

When, at the very beginning of their constitution, they make Islam the basis of all legislation, then they are NOT a democracy. They are a theocracy.

And what about the Christians? What happened to them?

In the scheme of things, Republicans saying they liberated Iraq is a bigger hoax than:

Trickle down


66% of the Bush tax cuts didn't go to the top 10%

Education is for snobs

Rebuilding infrastructure is a waste of money

Private industry can do everything better than government
McCain illustrated the best example of "Party over Country" that I have ever seen. BUt rest assured that the GOP will pay for this fiasco. They are spending political capital on a losing cause, and they know it. Their arses are so chapped from the November embarassment that they are reaching for, never before attempted, filibusters. They are desperate but...

They are failing to look in the mirror where they will see their real enemy...the Baggers. It is the Baggers that will evenually take the GOP down. It is just a matter of time.
I did a "Google" search using the key words "John McCain we have a grudge to maintain" and it came up with nothing save links to this thread.

Dean, would it be possible for you to provide the link to the statement you have attributed to Senator McCain?

Or are you just putting words in his mouth?
I did a "Google" search using the key words "John McCain we have a grudge to maintain" and it came up with nothing save links to this thread.

Dean, would it be possible for you to provide the link to the statement you have attributed to Senator McCain?

Or are you just putting words in his mouth?

Mccain said he couldn't support Obama's nominee because Hagel said Bush was the worst president since Hoover.

I just want to make sure you know how to use Google. Try using the above sentence and see what pops up. I would think you don't need to link to things that pop up on every news show in the country. News clips that have been played "ad nauseum", but I may be wrong.

Let me know how it goes. If you still have problems, I will send instructions on using Google. While not everything on the Internet is true, not everything is a lie either. Google is a valuable tool.
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I did a "Google" search using the key words "John McCain we have a grudge to maintain" and it came up with nothing save links to this thread.

Dean, would it be possible for you to provide the link to the statement you have attributed to Senator McCain?

Or are you just putting words in his mouth?

Mccain said he couldn't support Obama's nominee because Hagel said Bush was the worst president since Hoover.

I just want to make sure you know how to use Google. Try using the above sentence and see what pops up. I would think you don't need to link to things that pop up on every news show in the country. News clips that have been played "ad nauseum", but I may be wrong.

Let me know how it goes. If you still have problems, I will send instructions on using Google. While not everything on the Internet is true, not everything is a lie either. Google is a valuable tool.

Thanks for the tip, Dean. I did as you suggested, and indeed many links appeared that contained stories quoting those exact words McCain used, but none of them suggested that McCain said it was a grudge. You see, you used quotation marks ("" <- that's what they look like) in the title of this thread, quotation marks are used when quoting the actual words of someone, so you probably now understand my confusion...

Anyway, thanks for your help! Just one more reason not to take you too seriously...
I did a "Google" search using the key words "John McCain we have a grudge to maintain" and it came up with nothing save links to this thread.

Dean, would it be possible for you to provide the link to the statement you have attributed to Senator McCain?

Or are you just putting words in his mouth?

Mccain said he couldn't support Obama's nominee because Hagel said Bush was the worst president since Hoover.

I just want to make sure you know how to use Google. Try using the above sentence and see what pops up. I would think you don't need to link to things that pop up on every news show in the country. News clips that have been played "ad nauseum", but I may be wrong.

Let me know how it goes. If you still have problems, I will send instructions on using Google. While not everything on the Internet is true, not everything is a lie either. Google is a valuable tool.

I also saw it on Morning Joe also. He said exactly what the the thread quoted. You need some Google lessons.
I did a "Google" search using the key words "John McCain we have a grudge to maintain" and it came up with nothing save links to this thread.

Dean, would it be possible for you to provide the link to the statement you have attributed to Senator McCain?

Or are you just putting words in his mouth?

Mccain said he couldn't support Obama's nominee because Hagel said Bush was the worst president since Hoover.

I just want to make sure you know how to use Google. Try using the above sentence and see what pops up. I would think you don't need to link to things that pop up on every news show in the country. News clips that have been played "ad nauseum", but I may be wrong.

Let me know how it goes. If you still have problems, I will send instructions on using Google. While not everything on the Internet is true, not everything is a lie either. Google is a valuable tool.

Thanks for the tip, Dean. I did as you suggested, and indeed many links appeared that contained stories quoting those exact words McCain used, but none of them suggested that McCain said it was a grudge. You see, you used quotation marks ("" <- that's what they look like) in the title of this thread, quotation marks are used when quoting the actual words of someone, so you probably now understand my confusion...

Anyway, thanks for your help! Just one more reason not to take you too seriously...

Then how do you define a "grudge?"
awww what?, the troll who hates Republicans is now whining because one wasn't rubber stamped through for the Dear Leader by the Republican he hates..

you can't make this shit up folks

This is a first Steph..

It's never ever happened before.


The Dems filibustered TWO Cabinet nominees during the Bush administration.

Oh, the FAUXrage...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I did a "Google" search using the key words "John McCain we have a grudge to maintain" and it came up with nothing save links to this thread.

Dean, would it be possible for you to provide the link to the statement you have attributed to Senator McCain?

Or are you just putting words in his mouth?

Mccain said he couldn't support Obama's nominee because Hagel said Bush was the worst president since Hoover.

I just want to make sure you know how to use Google. Try using the above sentence and see what pops up. I would think you don't need to link to things that pop up on every news show in the country. News clips that have been played "ad nauseum", but I may be wrong.

Let me know how it goes. If you still have problems, I will send instructions on using Google. While not everything on the Internet is true, not everything is a lie either. Google is a valuable tool.

Thanks for the tip, Dean. I did as you suggested, and indeed many links appeared that contained stories quoting those exact words McCain used, but none of them suggested that McCain said it was a grudge. You see, you used quotation marks ("" <- that's what they look like) in the title of this thread, quotation marks are used when quoting the actual words of someone, so you probably now understand my confusion...

Anyway, thanks for your help! Just one more reason not to take you too seriously...

its called the ....."Dean Spin"......
McCain was never to equal his father or grandfather, who were admirals. That, combined with his PTSD from being imprisoned, has made him a bitter man.
Mccain said he couldn't support Obama's nominee because Hagel said Bush was the worst president since Hoover.

I just want to make sure you know how to use Google. Try using the above sentence and see what pops up. I would think you don't need to link to things that pop up on every news show in the country. News clips that have been played "ad nauseum", but I may be wrong.

Let me know how it goes. If you still have problems, I will send instructions on using Google. While not everything on the Internet is true, not everything is a lie either. Google is a valuable tool.

Thanks for the tip, Dean. I did as you suggested, and indeed many links appeared that contained stories quoting those exact words McCain used, but none of them suggested that McCain said it was a grudge. You see, you used quotation marks ("" <- that's what they look like) in the title of this thread, quotation marks are used when quoting the actual words of someone, so you probably now understand my confusion...

Anyway, thanks for your help! Just one more reason not to take you too seriously...

Then how do you define a "grudge?"

Exactly. It could certainly look up "grudge" on Google.

What McCain was really saying was "I didn't like what that guy said 8 years ago so I'm getting back at him today, 8 years later".

Maybe it thinks "Grudge" is a movie.

At least I got it to use Google.
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Scarborough said 'grudge', not McCain.
Lying thread title!
Cracks me up cause I was watching Morning Joe too!

I also saw it on Morning Joe also. He said exactly what the the thread quoted. You need some Google lessons.

You all have egg on YOUR face.

Hagel Filibuster: Scarborough Blasts McCain - Business Insider

Scarborough chided Sen. John McCain, who said on Fox News Thursday that "people don't forget" some of Hagel's past comments that were critical of his own party and President George W. Bush.
"For the 66,000 troops currently serving in Afghanistan and for the families all across America this morning, I'm sure they're glad to know that we don't have a secretary of defense in place and we're not going to because of a 7-year-old political grudge," Scarborough said.

Watching John McCain on Morning Joe just now. What a trip.

He said he couldn't support Obama's nominee because Hagel said Bush was the worst president since Hoover and Iraq was a worse disaster than Vietnam.
Thanks for the tip, Dean. I did as you suggested, and indeed many links appeared that contained stories quoting those exact words McCain used, but none of them suggested that McCain said it was a grudge. You see, you used quotation marks ("" <- that's what they look like) in the title of this thread, quotation marks are used when quoting the actual words of someone, so you probably now understand my confusion...

Anyway, thanks for your help! Just one more reason not to take you too seriously...

Then how do you define a "grudge?"

Exactly. It could certainly look up "grudge" on Google.

What McCain was really saying was "I didn't like what that guy said 8 years ago so I'm getting back at him today, 8 years later".

Maybe it thinks "Grudge" is a movie.

At least I got it to use Google.

What McCain was really saying was "I didn't like what that guy said 8 years ago so I'm getting back at him today, 8 years later".

so that's your opinion....if i or someone you don't happen to like would have said something like that about a Democrat....for instance...."well what Obama is really saying is...." would be all over the person Dean about your fucking links backing things up instead of what you would have been saying was made up shit by the "Righties"....its ok to have an opinion to long as your the one with the opinion......everyone else has to prove it......unless its a fellow lefty of course.....then they get a pass.....
Scarborough said 'grudge', not McCain.
Lying thread title!
Cracks me up cause I was watching Morning Joe too!

I also saw it on Morning Joe also. He said exactly what the the thread quoted. You need some Google lessons.

You all have egg on YOUR face.

Hagel Filibuster: Scarborough Blasts McCain - Business Insider

Scarborough chided Sen. John McCain, who said on Fox News Thursday that "people don't forget" some of Hagel's past comments that were critical of his own party and President George W. Bush.
"For the 66,000 troops currently serving in Afghanistan and for the families all across America this morning, I'm sure they're glad to know that we don't have a secretary of defense in place and we're not going to because of a 7-year-old political grudge," Scarborough said.

Watching John McCain on Morning Joe just now. What a trip.

He said he couldn't support Obama's nominee because Hagel said Bush was the worst president since Hoover and Iraq was a worse disaster than Vietnam.

I couldn't figure out what you are saying because you are so fucking stupid, it's difficult to decipher.

This is what I put:

John McCain - We have a "grudge" to maintain!!!!

This is a quote:

John McCain said, "We have a "grudge" to maintain!!!!"

Do I really have to explain the difference. Let me know if you are too stupid to understand the difference and I will gladly explain.

I don't know why, but this picture arouses terror in me in a creepy sort of way.
Scarborough said 'grudge', not McCain.
Lying thread title!
Cracks me up cause I was watching Morning Joe too!

I also saw it on Morning Joe also. He said exactly what the the thread quoted. You need some Google lessons.

You all have egg on YOUR face.

Hagel Filibuster: Scarborough Blasts McCain - Business Insider

Scarborough chided Sen. John McCain, who said on Fox News Thursday that "people don't forget" some of Hagel's past comments that were critical of his own party and President George W. Bush.
"For the 66,000 troops currently serving in Afghanistan and for the families all across America this morning, I'm sure they're glad to know that we don't have a secretary of defense in place and we're not going to because of a 7-year-old political grudge," Scarborough said.

Watching John McCain on Morning Joe just now. What a trip.

He said he couldn't support Obama's nominee because Hagel said Bush was the worst president since Hoover and Iraq was a worse disaster than Vietnam.

I couldn't figure out what you are saying because you are so fucking stupid, it's difficult to decipher.

This is what I put:

John McCain - We have a "grudge" to maintain!!!!

This is a quote:

John McCain said, "We have a "grudge" to maintain!!!!"

Do I really have to explain the difference. Let me know if you are too stupid to understand the difference and I will gladly explain.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

rdean get's his spin busted and resorts to name calling... :clap2:

Who want to claim him?
Scarborough said 'grudge', not McCain.
Lying thread title!
Cracks me up cause I was watching Morning Joe too!

You all have egg on YOUR face.

Hagel Filibuster: Scarborough Blasts McCain - Business Insider

Scarborough chided Sen. John McCain, who said on Fox News Thursday that "people don't forget" some of Hagel's past comments that were critical of his own party and President George W. Bush.
"For the 66,000 troops currently serving in Afghanistan and for the families all across America this morning, I'm sure they're glad to know that we don't have a secretary of defense in place and we're not going to because of a 7-year-old political grudge," Scarborough said.

I couldn't figure out what you are saying because you are so fucking stupid, it's difficult to decipher.

This is what I put:

John McCain - We have a "grudge" to maintain!!!!

This is a quote:

John McCain said, "We have a "grudge" to maintain!!!!"

Do I really have to explain the difference. Let me know if you are too stupid to understand the difference and I will gladly explain.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

rdean get's his spin busted and resorts to name calling... :clap2:

Who want to claim him?

Well you ARE stupid. You don't even know what a "quote" is. And running a flag up THAT pole makes you look even more stupid. So don't stop. Anyone who bothered to read the post will only laugh. But not at me.

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