John McCain - We have a "grudge" to maintain!!!!

No....because it's John McCain (who'd spent his time, in 'Nam, SITTIN' ON HIS ASS), who's sabotaging Hagel's nomination!!!!

I wouldn't call being a POW "sitting on your ass" as if he was some rear echelon paper pusher. He was a Naval Aviator who was shot down while on a combat mission, captured and held captive for years.
....BOTH instances in which he SAT ON HIS ASS!!!!!

What's he ever KNOWN about ground-combat??!!!! He's ALWAYS in some big, fuckin' HURRY to jump-into one MORE War, but.....what's he KNOW, about it??!!!

He's no Chuck Hagel....and, never WILL be!!
you would have been crying for Mommy the first time they beat your ass may not like the guy Sheman but to think what he went through was a just a bad day at the office shows what kind of a little 2-bit piece of shit you are.....but of course im sure when YOU SERVED you went through much worse so maybe you have a right to talk......lets hear your POW experience.....
Mccain said he couldn't support Obama's nominee because Hagel said Bush was the worst president since Hoover.

I just want to make sure you know how to use Google. Try using the above sentence and see what pops up. I would think you don't need to link to things that pop up on every news show in the country. News clips that have been played "ad nauseum", but I may be wrong.

Let me know how it goes. If you still have problems, I will send instructions on using Google. While not everything on the Internet is true, not everything is a lie either. Google is a valuable tool.

Thanks for the tip, Dean. I did as you suggested, and indeed many links appeared that contained stories quoting those exact words McCain used, but none of them suggested that McCain said it was a grudge. You see, you used quotation marks ("" <- that's what they look like) in the title of this thread, quotation marks are used when quoting the actual words of someone, so you probably now understand my confusion...

Anyway, thanks for your help! Just one more reason not to take you too seriously...

Then how do you define a "grudge?"

Democrat liberal supporters in the media inserting key "controversial" words or phrases to influence a reaction, and altering perception of an event to fit within the framework of their favorable views of an administration they support. Doing so in an effort to help attain more public support, towards a "common" ideological objective that both the Obama administration and the major media share.
I wouldn't call being a POW "sitting on your ass" as if he was some rear echelon paper pusher. He was a Naval Aviator who was shot down while on a combat mission, captured and held captive for years.
....BOTH instances in which he SAT ON HIS ASS!!!!!

What's he ever KNOWN about ground-combat??!!!! He's ALWAYS in some big, fuckin' HURRY to jump-into one MORE War, but.....what's he KNOW, about it??!!!

He's no Chuck Hagel....and, never WILL be!!
you would have been crying for Mommy the first time they beat your ass may not like the guy Sheman but to think what he went through was a just a bad day at the office shows what kind of a little 2-bit piece of shit you are.....
.....And, YOU KNOW what he went-thru??????? You were THERE??????

He needs to take his wife....and, her money & RETIRE!!
Watching John McCain on Morning Joe just now. What a trip.

He said he couldn't support Obama's nominee because Hagel said Bush was the worst president since Hoover and Iraq was a worse disaster than Vietnam. (Can either be seriously argued?)

Ted Cruz, without a shred of proof, questioned whether Hagel took money from Iran and North Korea. Huh?

The first time a Cabinet nominee has been filibustered ever? I don't know. I can't seem to remember any others. Am I wrong?

Benghazi? Huh? And that involves Hagel? How?

To do this to a sitting president while the country is still at war? You think Democrats won't use this in the next election?

Don't you wonder how much of this nonsense would just go away if we had a "draft" with NO exceptions? And if they can't fight for fear or religious reasons, teach the fuckers to cook or perform some type of national service. But dammit, everyone should be included. Republicans need to be taught what it means to be a "patriot" and not just send the children of those they despise off to war.

With a draft, there would be no Iraq, no leaving the military without a Secretary of Defense, no drive to cut veterans benefits, and way less racism.

He still isn't over the fact that Hagel (R) endorsed Barack in 2008 :( :lol:
Well you ARE stupid. You don't even know what a "quote" is. And running a flag up THAT pole makes you look even more stupid. So don't stop. Anyone who bothered to read the post will only laugh. But not at me.

don't be to sure of that.....there are way more posts in here of people ridiculing you then there are of have a Reputation here Dean as a person 90% of the posters here don't take seriously....

Wahhhh My stalker said 90% of the people don't take me seriously. Wahhhh!

A typical Harry Dresden post:

Dems wish Uncle Saddam was still running Iraq

Then I have posts like this:

Republicans will say because those people are now "free" and we got rid of a tyrant, losing all matter of perspective.

Notice he uses 90% when 90% of the Republican Party is white. These are the same people who applaud when their leaders say they aren't smart and education is for snobs. The same people who insist more than 6% of scientists must be Republican when Republicans want to teach magical creation and "twinkle down" economics.

If I was given a dime for every time rdean resorted to a racial comment or made a response that placed focus on a person's skin .... over the issue being debated, I'd be well on my way to becoming a very wealthy man. It's only a netter of time.
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I did a "Google" search using the key words "John McCain we have a grudge to maintain" and it came up with nothing save links to this thread.

Dean, would it be possible for you to provide the link to the statement you have attributed to Senator McCain?

Or are you just putting words in his mouth?

Mccain said he couldn't support Obama's nominee because Hagel said Bush was the worst president since Hoover.

I just want to make sure you know how to use Google. Try using the above sentence and see what pops up. I would think you don't need to link to things that pop up on every news show in the country. News clips that have been played "ad nauseum", but I may be wrong.

Let me know how it goes. If you still have problems, I will send instructions on using Google. While not everything on the Internet is true, not everything is a lie either. Google is a valuable tool.

Thanks for the tip, Dean. I did as you suggested, and indeed many links appeared that contained stories quoting those exact words McCain used, but none of them suggested that McCain said it was a grudge. You see, you used quotation marks ("" <- that's what they look like) in the title of this thread, quotation marks are used when quoting the actual words of someone, so you probably now understand my confusion...

Anyway, thanks for your help! Just one more reason not to take you too seriously...

I saw it on Mornin Joe. It is true, even coming Rdean..
So it is the role of the U.S. Government to ensure that every nation share all our views?

If that was our sole role of our government and its foreign policy, we'd sure have our hands full of problems with some of these other countries and the views they DO share ... like Egypt, yet we give them billions in financial support anyways. So I'm sure it's more than simply just their "views" in that part of the world.
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Watching John McCain on Morning Joe just now. What a trip.

He said he couldn't support Obama's nominee because Hagel said Bush was the worst president since Hoover and Iraq was a worse disaster than Vietnam. (Can either be seriously argued?)

Ted Cruz, without a shred of proof, questioned whether Hagel took money from Iran and North Korea. Huh?

The first time a Cabinet nominee has been filibustered ever? I don't know. I can't seem to remember any others. Am I wrong?

Benghazi? Huh? And that involves Hagel? How?

To do this to a sitting president while the country is still at war? You think Democrats won't use this in the next election?

Don't you wonder how much of this nonsense would just go away if we had a "draft" with NO exceptions? And if they can't fight for fear or religious reasons, teach the fuckers to cook or perform some type of national service. But dammit, everyone should be included. Republicans need to be taught what it means to be a "patriot" and not just send the children of those they despise off to war.

With a draft, there would be no Iraq, no leaving the military without a Secretary of Defense, no drive to cut veterans benefits, and way less racism.

McCain got his ass beat by a black man, and his sorry white ass can't handle it and he's still pissed. And he will be until the day he dies. He embodies everything I cannot stand about America: old white men who feel entitled to have whatever THEY want and tell the rest of us how to live.
So it is the role of the U.S. Government to ensure that every nation share all our views?

If that was our sole role of our government and its foreign policy, we'd sure have our hands full of problems with some of these other countries and the views they DO share ... like Egypt, yet we give them billions in financial support anyways. So I'm sure it's more than simply just their "views" in that part of the world.

So you DON'T advocate intervention because of how women are treated in other countries?
....BOTH instances in which he SAT ON HIS ASS!!!!!

What's he ever KNOWN about ground-combat??!!!! He's ALWAYS in some big, fuckin' HURRY to jump-into one MORE War, but.....what's he KNOW, about it??!!!

He's no Chuck Hagel....and, never WILL be!!
you would have been crying for Mommy the first time they beat your ass may not like the guy Sheman but to think what he went through was a just a bad day at the office shows what kind of a little 2-bit piece of shit you are.....
.....And, YOU KNOW what he went-thru??????? You were THERE??????

He needs to take his wife....and, her money & RETIRE!!

no i wasnt....and you werent either.....but yet you seem to think the guy was living the good life when he was there......ill tell you what me some articles saying that McCains time as a POW was the way you claim it was and i will shut up.....until you are fucking lowlife mother fucker who deserves to have just 6 months of what that guy went through.....
Why so mad Harry? :dunno: McCain was a hot dogger & paid the price or rather, the tax-payers had to buy ANOTHER plane to replace the one he ditched :(

McCain -- Did He Show the Right Stuff?
All pilots were taught the tactics to keep from getting shot down. To the American public, every pilot brought down by enemy fire was a hero. But carrier pilots made a sharp distinction between someone who was unavoidably shot down and a pilot who simply made a mistake.
Why so mad Harry? :dunno: McCain was a hot dogger & paid the price or rather, the tax-payers had to buy ANOTHER plane to replace the one he ditched :(

McCain -- Did He Show the Right Stuff?
All pilots were taught the tactics to keep from getting shot down. To the American public, every pilot brought down by enemy fire was a hero. But carrier pilots made a sharp distinction between someone who was unavoidably shot down and a pilot who simply made a mistake.

learn to read Dottie.....this Jerk is making light of a mans POW experience......not his skill as a Pilot....if that was the case i would do like i usually do with his shit....scroll on by....i was under the impression only Conservatives do that type of shit.....was Dean lying to me?....:eusa_eh:
So it is the role of the U.S. Government to ensure that every nation share all our views?

If that was our sole role of our government and its foreign policy, we'd sure have our hands full of problems with some of these other countries and the views they DO share ... like Egypt, yet we give them billions in financial support anyways. So I'm sure it's more than simply just their "views" in that part of the world.

So you DON'T advocate intervention because of how women are treated in other countries?

Your inquiry was if the United States should advocate that other country's share our views. Now you wish to talk about the tortures and the treatment of women in Iraq, as if to suggest the people there were actually much happier living under a brutal dictator than they are now. Perhaps you need to "educate" yourself with what those conditions were before you advocate such a position. (see the links below)

Should the United States have gone unilaterally? Perhaps not. Had they tried to make a case for more multi-national involvement? Yes. Had the United Nations taken an keen interest in enforcement of its sanctions to include a military option if necessary? No, members of the United Nations were later discovered to have profited from Saddam. The French had a profitable business rearming Iraq with French Marauder fighter aircraft, for example. Why enforce what has become a rather lucrative business? The United Nations was corrupt. - Iraqis pour out tales of Saddam's torture chambers

Woman witness tells Saddam trial of beatings, torture and sexual humiliation
Why so mad Harry? :dunno: McCain was a hot dogger & paid the price or rather, the tax-payers had to buy ANOTHER plane to replace the one he ditched :(

McCain -- Did He Show the Right Stuff?
All pilots were taught the tactics to keep from getting shot down. To the American public, every pilot brought down by enemy fire was a hero. But carrier pilots made a sharp distinction between someone who was unavoidably shot down and a pilot who simply made a mistake.

Yes Zalin Grant I'm sure writes some pretty good stories. Of course as a former correspondent for Time magazine, judging by their articles as well as cover slants, it comes into question the man's point of view. After all, looking at a few issues of Time, it doesn't become difficult to assess which point of view the editor prefers to cater to.

Incidentally, if taxpayer dollars is such a real concern, then where's the outrage regarding all of Obama's trips making speeches and appearing on talk shows? I'm sure you are well aware of all the added costs behind each Air Force one flight, as well as all the costs surrounding all the security measures that must be taken. Why the concern over the cost of a fighter aircraft that pales in comparison?
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