John McCain - We have a "grudge" to maintain!!!!

I couldn't figure out what you are saying because you are so fucking stupid, it's difficult to decipher.

This is what I put:

John McCain - We have a "grudge" to maintain!!!!

This is a quote:

John McCain said, "We have a "grudge" to maintain!!!!"

Do I really have to explain the difference. Let me know if you are too stupid to understand the difference and I will gladly explain.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

rdean get's his spin busted and resorts to name calling... :clap2:

Who want to claim him?

Well you ARE stupid. You don't even know what a "quote" is. And running a flag up THAT pole makes you look even more stupid. So don't stop. Anyone who bothered to read the post will only laugh. But not at me.

don't be to sure of that.....there are way more posts in here of people ridiculing you then there are of have a Reputation here Dean as a person 90% of the posters here don't take seriously....
Dems wish Uncle Saddam was still running Iraq

I wish Uncle Saddam was still running Iraq.
He was a brutal dictator that kept all those crazies over there in check.
All we did overthrowing him is give more power to Iran.
Iraq will be in a civil war soon. We still have 6000 troops on the ground there and another 2000 special ops that will never leave.
Every life we lost over there was wasted just like Nam.
The Bush doctrine is a good one if it works but so far it is far beyond ugly.
However, democracy is always ugly at first and is a long term program.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

rdean get's his spin busted and resorts to name calling... :clap2:

Who want to claim him?

Well you ARE stupid. You don't even know what a "quote" is. And running a flag up THAT pole makes you look even more stupid. So don't stop. Anyone who bothered to read the post will only laugh. But not at me.

don't be to sure of that.....there are way more posts in here of people ridiculing you then there are of have a Reputation here Dean as a person 90% of the posters here don't take seriously....

Wahhhh My stalker said 90% of the people don't take me seriously. Wahhhh!

A typical Harry Dresden post:

Dems wish Uncle Saddam was still running Iraq

Then I have posts like this:

Republicans will say because those people are now "free" and we got rid of a tyrant, losing all matter of perspective.

No one wants a tyrant. But look at the results. Women are now in burkas. Iraq hates our guts. They threw shoes at our president and built a monument to the guy who threw the shoes which the supposedly FREE government tore down.
Iran is subverting the region.

Worse, those Republicans who insist they "care" stood by and watched the Christians, who were there BEFORE the Muslims, get murdered or driven out of their country, and their churches were blown up. Republicans did nothing. Worse, how many of them were "allowed" to come here? How many Iraqi Christians were brought to America? Why, because this was the most secretive war in history. No one even knows how it was "funded". Until Obama. Then the cost was blamed on him.

In the Republican world of black and white, we got rid of Saddam so it must be "all good". That's all it can be. It's either this or that. Nothing else. No shades of gray.

Notice he uses 90% when 90% of the Republican Party is white. These are the same people who applaud when their leaders say they aren't smart and education is for snobs. The same people who insist more than 6% of scientists must be Republican when Republicans want to teach magical creation and "twinkle down" economics.
Well you ARE stupid. You don't even know what a "quote" is. And running a flag up THAT pole makes you look even more stupid. So don't stop. Anyone who bothered to read the post will only laugh. But not at me.

don't be to sure of that.....there are way more posts in here of people ridiculing you then there are of have a Reputation here Dean as a person 90% of the posters here don't take seriously....

Wahhhh My stalker said 90% of the people don't take me seriously. Wahhhh!

A typical Harry Dresden post:

Dems wish Uncle Saddam was still running Iraq

Then I have posts like this:

Republicans will say because those people are now "free" and we got rid of a tyrant, losing all matter of perspective.

No one wants a tyrant. But look at the results. Women are now in burkas. Iraq hates our guts. They threw shoes at our president and built a monument to the guy who threw the shoes which the supposedly FREE government tore down.
Iran is subverting the region.

Worse, those Republicans who insist they "care" stood by and watched the Christians, who were there BEFORE the Muslims, get murdered or driven out of their country, and their churches were blown up. Republicans did nothing. Worse, how many of them were "allowed" to come here? How many Iraqi Christians were brought to America? Why, because this was the most secretive war in history. No one even knows how it was "funded". Until Obama. Then the cost was blamed on him.

In the Republican world of black and white, we got rid of Saddam so it must be "all good". That's all it can be. It's either this or that. Nothing else. No shades of gray.

Notice he uses 90% when 90% of the Republican Party is white. These are the same people who applaud when their leaders say they aren't smart and education is for snobs. The same people who insist more than 6% of scientists must be Republican when Republicans want to teach magical creation and "twinkle down" economics.

A typical Harry Dresden post:

Dems wish Uncle Saddam was still running Iraq

ill tell you what show where i have ever posted that and i will never comment on another of your posts......better show me where i have ever supported the Iraq invasion and i will perma ban myself from this board.....or is this whole bunch of shit you posted just another typical Dean post?...........ill go with the you can back up what you say.....or do what you usually do when you cant.....ignore what i said or suddenly vanish from the thread...and if you ignore me and keep posting here.....i will make sure you don't forget what you said......the poll on you says there is a 90% chance you wont back up what you said....prove them wrong Dean.....
This was really a no brainer.

The guy has the chops as an ex vet..and is a Republican.

Funny thing is..even if McCain had been chosen..the same thing would have happened.

I'm pretty sure of that.

In any's now set a precedent. And not a good one.

Cabinet picks should not be "rubber stamped" but parliamentary shennigans really just increases this disfunctional course that's being taken.

The guy has the chops as an ex vet..and is a Republican.

:lol:hes vet? oh I see, :eusa_think:.well, so am I...I actually left the service 2 grades higher than he did, have more medals, and am a registered I qualified?

aside from being totally unprepared for a question and answer conference he knew was coming for weeks, contradicting himself 3 times in the space of 5 minutes, not being able to answer simple questions with any alacrity (or honesty), having a history of making anti semitic references, homophobic and ant abortion remarks...oh yeah, hes 'got the chops':rolleyes:

well wait , Rachel told you he did, so I guess thats enough, I mean why think for yourself:eusa_hand:
don't be to sure of that.....there are way more posts in here of people ridiculing you then there are of have a Reputation here Dean as a person 90% of the posters here don't take seriously....

Wahhhh My stalker said 90% of the people don't take me seriously. Wahhhh!

A typical Harry Dresden post:

Dems wish Uncle Saddam was still running Iraq

Then I have posts like this:

Republicans will say because those people are now "free" and we got rid of a tyrant, losing all matter of perspective.

No one wants a tyrant. But look at the results. Women are now in burkas. Iraq hates our guts. They threw shoes at our president and built a monument to the guy who threw the shoes which the supposedly FREE government tore down.
Iran is subverting the region.

Worse, those Republicans who insist they "care" stood by and watched the Christians, who were there BEFORE the Muslims, get murdered or driven out of their country, and their churches were blown up. Republicans did nothing. Worse, how many of them were "allowed" to come here? How many Iraqi Christians were brought to America? Why, because this was the most secretive war in history. No one even knows how it was "funded". Until Obama. Then the cost was blamed on him.

In the Republican world of black and white, we got rid of Saddam so it must be "all good". That's all it can be. It's either this or that. Nothing else. No shades of gray.

Notice he uses 90% when 90% of the Republican Party is white. These are the same people who applaud when their leaders say they aren't smart and education is for snobs. The same people who insist more than 6% of scientists must be Republican when Republicans want to teach magical creation and "twinkle down" economics.

A typical Harry Dresden post:

Dems wish Uncle Saddam was still running Iraq

ill tell you what show where i have ever posted that and i will never comment on another of your posts......better show me where i have ever supported the Iraq invasion and i will perma ban myself from this board.....or is this whole bunch of shit you posted just another typical Dean post?...........ill go with the you can back up what you say.....or do what you usually do when you cant.....ignore what i said or suddenly vanish from the thread...and if you ignore me and keep posting here.....i will make sure you don't forget what you said......the poll on you says there is a 90% chance you wont back up what you said....prove them wrong Dean.....

You are absolutely correct. I got you mixed up with my OTHER stalker, Crusader Frank. I have a very hard time telling you guys apart.


I actually prefer to talk "politics". You are simply looking for a target, like Frank.
Wahhhh My stalker said 90% of the people don't take me seriously. Wahhhh!

A typical Harry Dresden post:

Dems wish Uncle Saddam was still running Iraq

Then I have posts like this:

Republicans will say because those people are now "free" and we got rid of a tyrant, losing all matter of perspective.

No one wants a tyrant. But look at the results. Women are now in burkas. Iraq hates our guts. They threw shoes at our president and built a monument to the guy who threw the shoes which the supposedly FREE government tore down.
Iran is subverting the region.

Worse, those Republicans who insist they "care" stood by and watched the Christians, who were there BEFORE the Muslims, get murdered or driven out of their country, and their churches were blown up. Republicans did nothing. Worse, how many of them were "allowed" to come here? How many Iraqi Christians were brought to America? Why, because this was the most secretive war in history. No one even knows how it was "funded". Until Obama. Then the cost was blamed on him.

In the Republican world of black and white, we got rid of Saddam so it must be "all good". That's all it can be. It's either this or that. Nothing else. No shades of gray.

Notice he uses 90% when 90% of the Republican Party is white. These are the same people who applaud when their leaders say they aren't smart and education is for snobs. The same people who insist more than 6% of scientists must be Republican when Republicans want to teach magical creation and "twinkle down" economics.

A typical Harry Dresden post:

Dems wish Uncle Saddam was still running Iraq

ill tell you what show where i have ever posted that and i will never comment on another of your posts......better show me where i have ever supported the Iraq invasion and i will perma ban myself from this board.....or is this whole bunch of shit you posted just another typical Dean post?...........ill go with the you can back up what you say.....or do what you usually do when you cant.....ignore what i said or suddenly vanish from the thread...and if you ignore me and keep posting here.....i will make sure you don't forget what you said......the poll on you says there is a 90% chance you wont back up what you said....prove them wrong Dean.....

You are absolutely correct. I got you mixed up with my OTHER stalker, Crusader Frank. I have a very hard time telling you guys apart.


I actually prefer to talk "politics". You are simply looking for a target, like Frank.

you just have a problem with people questioning what you say Dean......since you never question anything the Democrats do.....its a foreign concept to you unless its Republicans being you a Democrat can do whatever,because......well its a Democrat,his purpose must have been noble....why else would he have done it?......oh and i accept your apology.....
awww what?, the troll who hates Republicans is now whining because one wasn't rubber stamped through for the Dear Leader by the Republican he hates..

you can't make this shit up folks
Sure, you can!!!

Hell, there are people who've convinced others that, that punk (McCain) is some kind o' hero....for spending his 'Nam years, sittin' on his ass!!!
Hagel is supposed to destroy the military. Then obama can say a republican destroyed the military.

There is a little more to it than that. During the Bush administration Chuck Hagel was very vocal in his opposition to a military strike on Iran, stating only diplomacy is the viable solution regarding Iran's nuclear ambitions.

April 2006, while visiting Islamabad: "I would say that a military strike against Iran, a military option, is not a viable, feasible, responsible option. ... I believe a political settlement will be the answer. Not a military settlement. All these issues will require a political settlement."

October 2007, in an alleged private letter to President Bush: "Dear Mr. President: I write to urge you to consider to pursue direct, unconditional and comprehensive talks with the Government of Iran."

According to the Washington Post: [ Washington Post link ]
He was only one of four senators in October 2000 who would not sign a letter of support for Isreal during the second intifada [a Palestinian uprising], being only one of 12 senators in 2006 who refused to sign a letter calling on the EU to place Hezbollah on its terrorists lists and signing a 2009 letter - after he retired from the Senate - urging Obama to negotiate with Hamas.

This is a nomination of a senator that shares in Obama's radical left wing ideology, not a nominee who is open to all options when looking at a foreign crisis objectively. As we can already see, a diplomatic solution (during a period of over 6 years) has done very little to persuade Iran from persuing its nuclear ambitions against Isreal.
If only we could make it so. What a mess created for no reason at all.

Are you kidding? It made a lot of people filthy rich, which was the whole reason behind "invading" Iraq in the first place. Did you know they opened all the markets after the invasion, and then banned the Iraqis from selling their own domestic products and merchandise, and then forced them to buy cheap imports that flooded in? It was all about making people money, not "freedom". WMD's were just the lie told to rile up the 'Murkin people. Bush had been looking for a "reason" to attack and 9-11 was his "in".

Baghdad Year Zero: Pillaging Iraq in pursuit of a neo-con utopia | Naomi Klein

On the contrary, I'm sure you'd see the raping of women in prisons and treating them as "second class" citizens is somehow a better way of life under the dictators of Iraq. All this while the left goes on to believe its President Bush who should be on trial for crimes against humanity. Add to that this belief that its the Democrats who fight, and are the ones in favor of perusing equal rights for all, standing up against injustice, etc ....... what a joke.
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awww what?, the troll who hates Republicans is now whining because one wasn't rubber stamped....
No....because it's John McCain (who'd spent his time, in 'Nam, SITTIN' ON HIS ASS), who's sabotaging Hagel's nomination!!!!

and what would you have been doing you stupid fuck if you were in McCains predicament in "Nam?".....doing stand up comedy like you do here?.....

It's hard to ask for understanding from those who choose not to serve, then hold no respect towards those who DO choose to place their lives FIRST to defend the freedoms and country they love. Knowing that they also go out to defend the rights of even the most ignorant and disrespectful of those who take [liberty] far too much for granted. If the military haters found themselves caught up under the laws of another country, with their lives in the hands of a foreign unfriendly government, they might awaken from their bubble of "self" comforts and illusions of a sanctuary of security.
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No....because it's John McCain (who'd spent his time, in 'Nam, SITTIN' ON HIS ASS), who's sabotaging Hagel's nomination!!!!

I wouldn't call being a POW "sitting on your ass" as if he was some rear echelon paper pusher. He was a Naval Aviator who was shot down while on a combat mission, captured and held captive for years. He deserves respect for what he had to endure during his military service to this country.

It's been suggested he disobeyed orders and flew too low which is why he was shot down. It was the fifth and last jet he "lost". If his father and grandfather weren't admirals, it's possible 134 Americans on the Forrestal might still be alive.

So you are suggesting you were there, and based on the situation and conditions surrounding that moment, you knew better the decision that ought to have been made? As far as disobeying orders, there have been soldiers who made a commitment to surrender their lives for the service of the branch they enlisted, who flat out disobeyed orders to serve another military rotation overseas. They could have made the difference in saving the lives of their fellow soldiers overseas, and allowing them to return to their families. Did they make the right decision to disobey? Interesting how disobedience and saving lives are viewed so easily.
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No....because it's John McCain (who'd spent his time, in 'Nam, SITTIN' ON HIS ASS), who's sabotaging Hagel's nomination!!!!

and what would you have been doing you stupid fuck if you were in McCains predicament in "Nam?".....doing stand up comedy like you do here?.....

It's hard to ask for understanding from those who choose not to serve, then hold no respect towards those who DO choose to place their lives FIRST to defend the freedoms and country they love. Knowing that they also go out to defend the rights of even the most ignorant and disrespectful of those who take [liberty] far too much for granted. If the military haters found themselves caught up under the laws of another country, with their lives in the hands of a foreign unfriendly government, they might awaken from their bubble of "self" comforts and illusions of a sanctuary of security.

the thing i noticed is that Sheman did not come back here and say anything about what he posted or what was said about him......just another fucking lowlife dipshit.....
smart people actually know he was what kept iran in check.

and what was the upside of dumping him?


Again, so what? We gave them that freedom, but at what cost to us? Syria is going to attain that same freedom, but guess what? It's not going to cost a single American life or limb. If people want freedom, it is up to them to fight for it, not for some Big Brother to come in and do it for them.

What would have been the result, had the citizens of France held that same view? Such an outcry would have prevented the French ships from blockading the British at Yorktown. Would we have been better off without the interference of another friendly nation during that period of our country's history? Maybe, in a likewise manner, France should have minded their own business and not put its nose where it didn't belong.

I'm not condoning that the United States go it alone. however, should the mistreatment of others and the atrocities uncovered leave us with our heads in the sand .... in a demonstration of see no evil, hear no evil?
awww what?, the troll who hates Republicans is now whining because one wasn't rubber stamped....
No....because it's John McCain (who'd spent his time, in 'Nam, SITTIN' ON HIS ASS), who's sabotaging Hagel's nomination!!!!

I wouldn't call being a POW "sitting on your ass" as if he was some rear echelon paper pusher. He was a Naval Aviator who was shot down while on a combat mission, captured and held captive for years.
....BOTH instances in which he SAT ON HIS ASS!!!!!

What's he ever KNOWN about ground-combat??!!!! He's ALWAYS in some big, fuckin' HURRY to jump-into one MORE War, but.....what's he KNOW, about it??!!!

He's no Chuck Hagel....and, never WILL be!!

He's a whiny, little BITCH.....who assumed he was ENTITLED to be President.....and, can't get-over the fact he didn't even QUALIFY for Sec. Of Defense!!!!
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I wouldn't call being a POW "sitting on your ass" as if he was some rear echelon paper pusher. He was a Naval Aviator who was shot down while on a combat mission, captured and held captive for years. He deserves respect for what he had to endure during his military service to this country.

It's been suggested he disobeyed orders and flew too low which is why he was shot down. It was the fifth and last jet he "lost". If his father and grandfather weren't admirals, it's possible 134 Americans on the Forrestal might still be alive.

So you are suggesting you were there......

.....Like all those OTHER folks who profess to KNOW what he went-thru, as a POW.....who (ALSO) weren't there??????

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