John Podesta, Protected From Manafort Scandal , Fund Raised For Fusion GPS in 2016


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
So we know the Democrats collaborated / colluded with corrupt former Ukraine officials to get dirt on Trump's team, dirt that was used to take down and send to jail former Trump campaign manager Manafort.

We know Hillary's Campaign Manager, John Podesta, was Manafort's partner in that scandal, and both John and 'fat Tony' Podesta, John's brother, were given immunity regarding that scandal / Manafort-take-down...and they didn't have to testify or give any evidence. John was just given blanket Immunity because he was HILLARY's campaign manager (& she did not need any more criminal association after already being protected for the thousands of criminal counts found against her).

Now it's being reported that John was working hard in 2016 to help none other than FUSION GPS - the insignificant player in the attempted coup against Trump that Mueller had never even heard of - fund raise to continue to investigate President Donald Trump!

'Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, the co-founders of Fusion GPS, wrote in “Crime in Progress” that Podesta provided welcome support in early 2017 for an effort to raise money to fund The Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP), a nonprofit group former Senate Intelligence Committee staffer Daniel Jones created on Jan. 31, 2017.

Podesta agreed during a meeting with Simpson in early 2017 to contact potential donors to help arrange meetings with Fusion GPS and Jones, according to the book.'

Podesta, Hillary's criminal former campaign manager, Glen Simpson, and a 'former' Deep State Intel Community player....the Deep State connections run deep and wide....

Just how many threads exist to this entire exposed Obama coup attempt web is truly remarkable...and more get exposed every day.

John Podesta Set Up Fundraising Meetings For Fusion GPS After Trump’s Election Victory


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