John Sununu says Pelosi and Nadler would be dumb to think they could force Barr to break the law!

Sununu said they were also trying to blackmail Barr with contempt to force him to give them redacted parts of the Mueller Report.

For Attorney General Barr it's a lose-lose situation what they're threatening to do!
Those democrats who have the clearance can read 98.5% of the report in a secure place.
But....none have stepped forward to do that.
Tells anyone with common sense what is really going on.
The Democrats are saying all they're going to do until the next election is subpoena and hit on President Trump and Attorney General Barr.
Currently there are 20 subpoenas against Trump, Barr, Trump's kids, etc. It's lunatic asylum with the Democrats, and while we're on the subject, isn't it a little bit premature on stirring the pot, because that's the only way they can win. Isn't that a little bit against the law to not do the people's job that lawmakers have always done? All they're doing is screwing around on fishing expeditions, to see if they can spin anything into an item?'"

Why have a Democrat Congress at all if that's all they are willing to do--annoy people in the government who ARE doing their jobs.

The Democrats in Congress are harassing Jews using their Muslim shove-ins, Omar and Tlaib; they're threatening the Attorney General in hopes to get him to break the law; they have recently demanded their constituents scream at the President's White House Staff when they're in restaurants trying to eat a meal.

They're way out of control. We need to get rid of the House of Representatives if that's all they're using their expensive salaries and luxuries to inconveniently spend but not earn taxpayers' money.
Who is orchestrating all this madness of fishing for anything that they could impeach Trump on? Why isn't anyone stopping this decision the Democrat Party has made to interfere with the only people doing the nations' business right now, the Executive Branch whom they're trying to trip, and the Judicial parts of the government by trumping up false charges on Kavanaugh, false charges on Trump, false charges on Barr. Shouldn't there be a law against extorting illegal behavior from Attorney General Barr?

Why is America putting up with this garbage. No wonder the crazy people poop all over Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco. She's caught their nutcase diseases by inhaling the poison air in SF streets.

Lindsey Graham has advised Junior With A Half Brain to ignore the supeona. What's in it it for Graham & what's Trump got on his new boy that Graham is willing to be Trump's new ball washer?
Who is orchestrating all this madness of fishing for anything that they could impeach Trump on? Why isn't anyone stopping this decision the Democrat Party has made to interfere with the only people doing the nations' business right now, the Executive Branch whom they're trying to trip, and the Judicial parts of the government by trumping up false charges on Kavanaugh, false charges on Trump, false charges on Barr. Shouldn't there be a law against extorting illegal behavior from Attorney General Barr?

Why is America putting up with this garbage. No wonder the crazy people poop all over Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco. She's caught their nutcase diseases by inhaling the poison air in SF streets.

Complying with a Congressional subpoena is breaking the law?
He's a part of the Executive Branch. They're demanding Barr to bring them redacted information they already have. It is very dubious a court would do anything but reprimand the Congress in the strongest terms if the continue with this blackmail plot of theirs: threatening to hold Barr in contempt if he keeps refusing to let them force him to break the law. They're mentally sick people to pursue the Executive Branch people on a continuous basis. Right now, they're neglecting their legislative jobs. Barr is simply refusing them the right to force him to break the law.
Four Separate investigations have cleared President Trump. The left keeps pushing their Hoax. The facts: Ron Rosenstein is hard on former FBI Director Comey for crossing lines he never should have crossed using politics to try to unseat a sitting President with a false dossier. Proof is coming that Comey knew the false dossier was false and issued orders to his subordinates to get Trump, in violation of the Espionage Act.

Sununu said they were also trying to blackmail Barr with contempt to force him to give them redacted parts of the Mueller Report.

For Attorney General Barr it's a lose-lose situation what they're threatening to do!

The Fascist democrats have no actual cards to play, they just rely on the little Goebbels in the press to slander and libel the AG. Telling them to fuck off is the best course of action, followed by putting McCabe and Brennan in custody - like tomorrow. Both have admitted - bragged really, to election tampering bordering on treason. Take them into custody immediately. Start fighting back against the Stalinists.
He's a part of the Executive Branch. They're demanding Barr to bring them redacted information they already have. It is very dubious a court would do anything but reprimand the Congress in the strongest terms if the continue with this blackmail plot of theirs: threatening to hold Barr in contempt if he keeps refusing to let them force him to break the law. They're mentally sick people to pursue the Executive Branch people on a continuous basis. Right now, they're neglecting their legislative jobs. Barr is simply refusing them the right to force him to break the law.

Complying with a Congressional subpoena is breaking the law?
Complying with a Congressional subpoena is breaking the law?

Exposing grand jury testimony is a felony - which is what Comrade Nadler is demanding.

Committee chairs have been offered the opportunity to read the unredacted report since the day it was released - fuckwad Nadler has refused. He is nothing but a demagogue. Nadler wants to LEAK grand jury testimony, but if he reads the unredacted report, he must sign an NDA that identifies him as one of very few who have read the grand jury proceedings. SO WHEN, not if, but when the putrid sack of puss leaks it to the little Goebbels of the party press, he WILL be caught and prosecuted.

And THAT is what the shit pile is throwing his temper tantrum about.
He's a part of the Executive Branch. They're demanding Barr to bring them redacted information they already have. It is very dubious a court would do anything but reprimand the Congress in the strongest terms if the continue with this blackmail plot of theirs: threatening to hold Barr in contempt if he keeps refusing to let them force him to break the law. They're mentally sick people to pursue the Executive Branch people on a continuous basis. Right now, they're neglecting their legislative jobs. Barr is simply refusing them the right to force him to break the law.

Complying with a Congressional subpoena is breaking the law?

When it is an illegal request, as this one is, yes.

Barr correctly told the scofflaws to go fuck a goat.
Complying with a Congressional subpoena is breaking the law?
Releasing certain elements of information is against the law, a law passed by Demoncrats! Barr is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. If he complies with the law, they fine him, even imprison him. If he complies with their childish demands, the will prosecute him for violating their laws.
Complying with a Congressional subpoena is breaking the law?
Releasing certain elements of information is against the law, a law passed by Demoncrats! Barr is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. If he complies with the law, they fine him, even imprison him. If he complies with their childish demands, the will prosecute him for violating their laws.

Complying with a Congressional subpoena to product documents is not releasing information.
Exposing grand jury testimony is a felony - which is what Comrade Nadler is demanding.

So you're really trying to claim that Congress lacks the power to subpoena grand jury testimony? That the same Congress that created that law cannot subsequently subpoena the information?
Complying with a Congressional subpoena is breaking the law?
Releasing certain elements of information is against the law, a law passed by Demoncrats! Barr is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. If he complies with the law, they fine him, even imprison him. If he complies with their childish demands, the will prosecute him for violating their laws.

Complying with a Congressional subpoena to product documents is not releasing information.

Why do you lie? Don't you think your credibility is low enough already?
Exposing grand jury testimony is a felony - which is what Comrade Nadler is demanding.

So you're really trying to claim that Congress lacks the power to subpoena grand jury testimony? That the same Congress that created that law cannot subsequently subpoena the information?

Again, Committee chairs have been offered the opportunity to read the unredacted report since the day it was released - fuckwad Nadler has refused. He is nothing but a demagogue. Nadler wants to LEAK grand jury testimony, but if he reads the unredacted report, he must sign an NDA that identifies him as one of very few who have read the grand jury proceedings. SO WHEN, not if, but when the putrid sack of puss leaks it to the little Goebbels of the party press, he WILL be caught and prosecuted.

And THAT is what the shit pile is throwing his temper tantrum about.

Congress does NOT have the authority to make grand jury testimony public.

Fuckwad Nadler is playing games using a corrupt and willing press to fling this shit.
What say you?

He's right. Hell Nadler is an attorney and should know the law.

Barr told him to pound sand and Barr is in the right.

Hope the House Dems keep pulling this shit as they are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

God bless them every one. LOL

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