Jon Steward explains how Republicans are entirely at fault for government shutdown

Here comes the obligatory "Stewart is a comedian" and "Lefty's get their info from comedians" comments from people who have no rebuttal. They just start to point out common knowledge as a defense. "that's the daily show!" "Stewart is tall" etc

When the shoe fits...

Political Satire has been around since the Romans. It is an effective tool to highlight the absurdity of your opponent

Jon Stewart is among the best around today. He is framing the political leanings of millions of future voters

Republicans are morons is the message millions of young Americans are getting

Think about what you just said. You admitted that Jon Stewart, a well known huge Liberal Democrat, and a comedian, is blaming republicans for everything... Would you like me to find a Republican fat head that blames Democrats for everything?

I don't know why I have to keep telling you this, but Obama lost 4 million voters last election, another 2-7 million in growth that should have happened (historically.) So you can claim all you want that Jon Stewart is growing the Democrats party by trillions of new voters, fact is the only poll that counts, the election polls, don't agree with you at all. The Democrat party is the fastest dying party in the country by leaps and bounds.
Stewart makes a very good point regarding these "gerrymandered" Republican representatives. House reps that never would have been elected if it wasn't for the weird district lines State republicans drew. Which made white majorities in heavily black and latino districts.

That is the "only" way they got votes and is the "only" reason they are House members. They represent less than 10% of the population in their districts, yet they are Representatives that are preventing the government from doing the job it is Constitutionally required to do.
Stewart makes a very good point regarding these "gerrymandered" Republican representatives. House reps that never would have been elected if it wasn't for the weird district lines State republicans drew. Which made white majorities in heavily black and latino districts.

That is the "only" way they got votes and is the "only" reason they are House members. They represent less than 10% of the population in their districts, yet they are Representatives that are preventing the government from doing the job it is Constitutionally required to do.

Have you looked at some democrat districts lately? They are just as gerrymandered to make "safe" democrat districtsand to force minority representatives. Both sides do it. It's a political game with them.

If you're saying districts should be as compact as possible without looking like snakes or jigsaw puzzle pieces and I'm with you. If you're just attending to the mote in the Republicans' eye without noticing the plank in the Democrats', then what's the point of having a discussion if all that's being said is partisan talking points?

A pox on both their houses.

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