Jon Stewart warns of more risks to the political system than just Trump

Jon Stewart!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA..might as well have Mickey Mouse give his opinions
..Mr Trump was trying to HELP get America to not be fkd up
..Bidumb is fking up America--Biduumb is everything you idiots accused Mr Trump of--making you look very silly
Bidumb is a nazi dictator
white hater
open borders!!!!! fking up America
saying FU to the police and kneeling for Criminals
Bidumb can't complete sentences = he's totally incompetent
Jon Stewart!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA..might as well have Mickey Mouse give his opinions
..Mr Trump was trying to HELP get America to not be fkd up
..Bidumb is fking up America--Biduumb is everything you idiots accused Mr Trump of--making you look very silly
Bidumb is a nazi dictator
white hater
open borders!!!!! fking up America
saying FU to the police and kneeling for Criminals
Bidumb can't complete sentences = he's totally incompetent

Intellectually you wouldn't be able to hang with Mr Stewart. I was hoping for smart comments. Patrick Star might be a little more your speed ;)

The driving force in US politics is poverty of the working class. Trump rose to popularity with promises to change that and the working class believed him. If he ever regains power he will eventually have to address that.
Unfortunately the American system can make Trump immune to criticism and backlash for not delivering. He gets his 4 years regardless of whether he's totally dedicated to playing to the very wealthy.

Jon Stewart doesn't take into consideration the chance of the working class people finally departing from the American way that has literally destroyed all chances of the American people gaining a piece of the American pie.

It won't be tolerated forever and the Trump popularity is an indication that the people had started to stand up to regaining their rights and freedoms.

However, Trump still holds some aces. His gambit will need to be in separating the white working class from the other ethnicities by informing white middle class and poor that a piece of the pie to them brings a piece of the pie to the dark skin people too.

Will that still work for Trump?
The driving force in US politics is poverty of the working class. Trump rose to popularity with promises to change that and the working class believed him. If he ever regains power he will eventually have to address that.
Unfortunately the American system can make Trump immune to criticism and backlash for not delivering. He gets his 4 years regardless of whether he's totally dedicated to playing to the very wealthy.

Jon Stewart doesn't take into consideration the chance of the working class people finally departing from the American way that has literally destroyed all chances of the American people gaining a piece of the American pie.

It won't be tolerated forever and the Trump popularity is an indication that the people had started to stand up to regaining their rights and freedoms.

However, Trump still holds some aces. His gambit will need to be in separating the white working class from the other ethnicities by informing white middle class and poor that a piece of the pie to them brings a piece of the pie to the dark skin people too.

Will that still work for Trump?

No, I don't think the uneducated working poor are buying that particular Trump lie anymore.
No, I don't think the uneducated working poor are buying that particular Trump lie anymore.
Maybe not? But it's the hand Trump will need to play with. If racism is taken out of the equation then Trump has nothing.
But taking racism away from him is quite impossible. Trump has upped the ante on racism to levels much higher than pre-Trump levels.

The uneducated working poor only need to be convinced that off-white people are taking their jobs and are the reason for below standard wages and benefits.
there's that word =RACIST
we laugh at it
Yes, but the American working class people have to laugh through their tears.
Will they stop laughing and demand of Trump to fulfill their needs with his promises?

Trump himself is of course in a difficult position of having to betray the very wealthy in order to fulfill any promises to the peasants who support him.

By now harmonica, you must be aware of how far down America has fallen on it's 'quality of life' and on it's 'freedoms'!
Maybe not? But it's the hand Trump will need to play with. If racism is taken out of the equation then Trump has nothing.
But taking racism away from him is quite impossible. Trump has upped the ante on racism to levels much higher than pre-Trump levels.

The uneducated working poor only need to be convinced that off-white people are taking their jobs and are the reason for below standard wages and benefits.

That's a great point Don. Yep, no doubt Trumpy Bear will again play the race card. He's the master for sure!

He makes some great points. Thoughts?

Stewart is correct. Many observed and learned the methods, and still are intent on trying to take it further for their own goals of obtaining and using power. It more often brings out the worst in people that attain it, especially now that parties no longer hold their demagogues to any standard if they attain power, they might ride.
That's a great point Don. Yep, no doubt Trumpy Bear will again play the race card. He's the master for sure!

It worked for Hitler on the Jews and so a politician that is willing to stoop to that low has granted himself enormous power.

To add to that: Trump may not have consciously adopted Hitler's successful ploy. It could have been that he was always conscious of it's possibility due to his sociopathy. It's not a ploy that could even be possible to mentally sound politicians.

His republican party has some individuals who are very receptive to the tactic, be they the ones who stand out as mentally lacking such as Marjorie and co., or those who are quite normal but are willing to sacrifice their reputations for political gain.

Changing Marjorie and her ilk is not possible but those who make allowances for Trump are only temporarily captured with his sick ideology. That leaves the possibility that one or two will take a chance of standing against Trump. Then the snowball will roll down the hill!

There's little doubt that most of the republican congress understand that Trump has to go eventually, but they aren't willing to give up their free meal ticket yet.

I only see one way of stopping Trump and saving America, as the situation stands right now.
It worked for Hitler on the Jews and so a politician that is willing to stoop to that low has granted himself enormous power.

To add to that: Trump may not have consciously adopted Hitler's successful ploy. It could have been that he was always conscious of it's possibility due to his sociopathy. It's not a ploy that could even be possible to mentally sound politicians.

His republican party has some individuals who are very receptive to the tactic, be they the ones who stand out as mentally lacking such as Marjorie and co., or those who are quite normal but are willing to sacrifice their reputations for political gain.

Changing Marjorie and her ilk is not possible but those who make allowances for Trump are only temporarily captured with his sick ideology. That leaves the possibility that one or two will take a chance of standing against Trump. Then the snowball will roll down the hill!

There's little doubt that most of the republican congress understand that Trump has to go eventually, but they aren't willing to give up their free meal ticket yet.

I only see one way of stopping Trump and saving America, as the situation stands right now.
You people really aren't paying attention to what Biden's doing. Are you?
The United States isn't a democracy. People need to stop repeating that ignorance.

Meh, sick of this tired old debate. Call it a democratic republic if democracy gets you all butthurt. It's all of the things people choose to call it. It's a relatively new experiment in self-governance. You may prefer a plutocratic autocracy. If so cool, move to Russia, NoKo, Turkey, Philippines or Hungary. Ya might be happier there ;)
Intellectually you wouldn't be able to hang with Mr Stewart. I was hoping for smart comments. Patrick Star might be a little more your speed ;)

you are only saying that because you agree with him.....if the same was said by greg gutfeld you would have not even posted...
Meh, sick of this tired old debate. Call it a democratic republic if democracy gets you all butthurt. It's all of the things people choose to call it. It's a relatively new experiment in self-governance. You may prefer a plutocratic autocracy. If so cool, move to Russia, NoKo, Turkey, Philippines or Hungary. Ya might be happier there ;)
Were a Republic. Are you going to call a duck a goose because they both have flat bills, webbed feet and swim? Of course you won't

Face it, no matter how bad you want us to be, we aren't a democracy. Laws aren't decided by democratic methods. The only democratic process that exists in this country is the way we choose our elected representatives.
That's a great point Don. Yep, no doubt Trumpy Bear will again play the race card. He's the master for sure!

Stewart doesn’t know if autocracy is purely the domain of Trump??? WTF!

We are living in an autocracy with it without Trump. It’s been a growing concern for decades. Did Stewart somehow miss the Patriot Act, Snowden, Assange, and the growing lawlessness of government particularly the intelligence agencies and MIC…and so much more?

He’s tinkering around the edges.

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