Jon Stewart


Nov 5, 2010
Bridgeport, CT
The show last night (3/3) made a political catastrophe sound funny.

Screwed Again: Jon Stewart

Jon wants to entertain his audience to keep his $6,000,000 rolling in. Who is the butt of Jon's jokes, the politicians and media shills he ridicules; or his audience that refuses to take the jokes seriously?

Jon and Stephen Colbert are better than Mark Twain ever was at political satire but Mark Twain's audience was way more savvy than Americans are now. Its not that Americans are stupid now, its that they are in a trance from day and night propaganda.

Even if you saw his show last night, watch it again.
jon stewert isn't funny to me. he shows a clip, stares at the camera, brilliant !
jon stewert isn't funny to me. he shows a clip, stares at the camera, brilliant !

You're entitled. Who's funny to you?

nobody on tv politically seems that funny to me. whenever they play a stewert clip on special report i'm disappointed. politics used to be funny on tv snl etc... but now they seem agenda driven. i don't know... i like to laugh without hostility
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He brings things to the attention of the youth in our country politically. He wants the youth politcally engaged. Its a great thing he is around.
For those too lazy to watch the clip, or too ideological who would rather not feel uncomfortable with someone challenging their worldview, here is an overview

Republicans on Wisconsin teachers - They are the elites and we should restrict their pay because they make too much money.

Republicans on the Bush tax cuts - People who make $250,000 don't really make that much money.

Republicans on restricting teachers' pay - Hell yes! They work for the taxpayers!

Republicans on restricting multi-million dollar pay of bankers and CEOs whose banks received government money - We shouldn't restrict their pay, even though they work for the taxpayers.
Stewart is a genius...

Much funnier than Limbaugh or Beck
I'm a Colbert fan myself. I take it all with a grain of salt though. It's entertainment.
Jon Stewart will go down in history as one of the funniest, most brilliant and most prolific American minds of all time.

He brings things to the attention of the youth in our country politically. He wants the youth politcally engaged. Its a great thing he is around.

The problem is that they think what he does is the news. Other then that he hits and misses like they all do, but he is all right.
Carlin is/was the funniest comedian who was able to add politics in his stand up (although certainly he did tons of non-politic material). I loved how he would just crap all over everybody :lol:.

Anyways as for Stewart I think he's pretty good, and is funny at times. Sadly I think a lot of people take his material too seriously. Even he says his show isn't supposed to be the news, or a substitute for news-at least that's what he said when he was a guest speaker at my school.
jon stewert isn't funny to me. he shows a clip, stares at the camera, brilliant !

You're entitled. Who's funny to you?

nobody on tv politically seems that funny to me. whenever they play a stewert clip on special report i'm disappointed. politics used to be funny on tv snl etc... but now they seem agenda driven. i don't know... i like to laugh without hostility

Jon Stewart is laughing at you and the dumb conservatives. You're the butt of the jokes.

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