Jonathan Gruber Vindicates Governor Palin For A Hefty Fee!


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
As usual, Sarah was right from the get go!


Jonathan Gruber Vindicates Governor Palin for a Hefty Fee - Conservatives4Palin
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It must chap Dem ass that they derided Palin as an idiot and yet she has had a better record of predictions than Obama.
Agreed. Sarah was right about “Drill, baby, drill!” too. The expansion of new domestic oil sources has brought relief at the pump, is driving a large portion of the economic recovery and may just end up being the undoing of Putin in Russia.
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It must chap Dem ass that they derided Palin as an idiot and yet she has had a better record of predictions than Obama.

I voted for McCain because of the very middle class Palin. About time an complete outsider ran for national office. I would be very comfortable with her as first VP. When she walked into a room with foreign dignataries their jaws would drop and they would be putty in her hand, in my opinion.

As to her predictions. Nothing surprising when common sense and logic is applied. I am not sure if she looks so good because the predictions were surprising or because the administration told us such fairy tales in comparision.
It must chap Dem ass that they derided Palin as an idiot and yet she has had a better record of predictions than Obama.

I voted for McCain because of the very middle class Palin. About time an complete outsider ran for national office. I would be very comfortable with her as first VP. When she walked into a room with foreign dignataries their jaws would drop and they would be putty in her hand, in my opinion.

As to her predictions. Nothing surprising when common sense and logic is applied. I am not sure if she looks so good because the predictions were surprising or because the administration told us such fairy tales in comparision.
When Joe Biden walks into that room the foreign dignitaries start foaming at the waiting for his next stupid mis-speak.
Are you people willing to fully fund, with your taxes, all medical treatments so that everyone can have any treatment they want for free?
It must chap Dem ass that they derided Palin as an idiot and yet she has had a better record of predictions than Obama.

I voted for McCain because of the very middle class Palin. About time an complete outsider ran for national office. I would be very comfortable with her as first VP. When she walked into a room with foreign dignataries their jaws would drop and they would be putty in her hand, in my opinion.

As to her predictions. Nothing surprising when common sense and logic is applied. I am not sure if she looks so good because the predictions were surprising or because the administration told us such fairy tales in comparision.
When Joe Biden walks into that room the foreign dignitaries start foaming at the waiting for his next stupid mis-speak.
When Obama walks in they're wondering where the tray is.
Nobody is going to deny Trig treatment.
Now what was the purpose of bringing up Palins down son?

Because it's in your link you pathetic fucking cretin:

"The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s “death panel” so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their “level of productivity in society,” whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil."

Obamacare does no such thing. Goddam you people are fucking embarassments to the human race.
Telling people they can't have non-efficacious medical treatment does not vindicate Palin's "death panels".

Sorry about that!
PATIENT: I would like someone to perform psychic surgery on my tumor.

OBAMACARE: That shit doesn't work. You will have to buy that out of your own pocket.

RUBE: See? Death panels!
Gruber was simply stating the exact same conclusions that every health insurance company arrives at to save costs. If their client wants completely ineffective treatment, insurance is not going to pay for it.

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