Zone1 Jordan Peterson's take on the climate alarmist religion.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
In the Rogan podcast Saturday, I was listening to the beginning of it and Jordan Peterson is the guest.
He described what the current climate alarmist system is...
It is a pseudo-religion that uses all of the controls that exist in all religions.
....... There is a core narrative that is presumptive and which all other beliefs rest on. And never questioned. Just like a religion.
And what is that presumptive condition in climate alarmist?
Nature is a hapless, defenseless fragile virgin who has no control of what happens.
Industry is a rapacious, power mad demolisher of beauty and the virgin nature operated by a tyrannical patriarchy.

And individuals are like mouths that both feed from, and at the same time drive the industry to destroy the virgin.

That is pretty damn accurate.
And everything drives off of this presumptive narrative and is accepted without question.
Nature is helpless, mankind is out to destroy nature and we the people feed from and contribute to the destruction of nature.

Now there is some truth to that. But the problem is climate alarmist refuse any data or argument that even remotely suggest that nature can be a contributor to the problems they see happening... example, that global warming could at the very least be in part a cycle of nature. They won't even consider that.
And anyone who doesn't follow the narrative is a heretic, treated the same as in a heretic in a traditional religion. The climate alarmist want to silence and demonize anyone not bowing to their religion.
In the Rogan podcast Saturday, I was listening to the beginning of it and Jordan Peterson is the guest.
He described what the current climate alarmist system is...
It is a pseudo-religion that uses all of the controls that exist in all religions.
....... There is a core narrative that is presumptive and which all other beliefs rest on. And never questioned. Just like a religion.
And what is that presumptive condition in climate alarmist?
Nature is a hapless, defenseless fragile virgin who has no control of what happens.
Industry is a rapacious, power mad demolisher of beauty and the virgin nature operated by a tyrannical patriarchy.

And individuals are like mouths that both feed from, and at the same time drive the industry to destroy the virgin.

That is pretty damn accurate.
And everything drives off of this presumptive narrative and is accepted without question.
Nature is helpless, mankind is out to destroy nature and we the people feed from and contribute to the destruction of nature.

Now there is some truth to that. But the problem is climate alarmist refuse any data or argument that even remotely suggest that nature can be a contributor to the problems they see happening... example, that global warming could at the very least be in part a cycle of nature. They won't even consider that.
And anyone who doesn't follow the narrative is a heretic, treated the same as in a heretic in a traditional religion. The climate alarmist want to silence and demonize anyone not bowing to their religion.
Everybody knows mankind has never had any kind of effect on anything. Jordan Peterson is the Aristotle of our time.

Nature is a hapless, defenseless fragile virgin who has no control of what happens.
Industry is a rapacious, power mad demolisher of beauty and the virgin nature operated by a tyrannical patriarchy.

And individuals are like mouths that both feed from, and at the same time drive the industry to destroy the virgin.
I can't fathom what severity of mommy issues it takes to turn everything you don't understand into metaphors about deflowering virgins. What a weirdo. Jordan "red flags everywhere" Peterson.
I can't fathom what severity of mommy issues it takes to turn everything you don't understand into metaphors about deflowering virgins. What a weirdo. Jordan "red flags everywhere" Peterson.

I can't fathom what severity of a simple mind it takes to believe everything you are told, without question, and at the same time demonize and ridicule anyone else who doesn't follow what you do.
And to point out... "red flags everywhere" Peterson pointed out several years ago while speaking in Australia that Europe, especially Germany and Britain, are setting themselves up for disaster with this "rats nest of expensive energy they are willing to depend on while pretending it is sufficient"
And whalaa.. where are they now? Exactly where he said they would be. They sacrificed dependable cheap energy for expensive undependable energy while really at the mercy of Russian energy.
So Germany, after raising energy costs by a factor of 5 in the name of "saving the planet" and obeying the climate alarmist... were forced to restart the coal plants after threatening to literally starve a quarter of their population.
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....... There is a core narrative that is presumptive and which all other beliefs rest on. And never questioned. Just like a religion.
Jordan makes a statement on religions that may seem careless and as if he's shooting his own foot off, at first glance. But in fact the latest 'Jordanism' is in believing in the god, while rejecting organized religion.

But still, the significance is in the statement about religion and not so much on AGW.lll

Sadly, Jordan has become a whore for utube attention.
Jordan makes a statement on religions that may seem careless and as if he's shooting his own foot off, at first glance. But in fact the latest 'Jordanism' is in believing in the god, while rejecting organized religion.

But still, the significance is in the statement about religion and not so much on AGW.lll

Sadly, Jordan has become a whore for utube attention.
You have to be able to understand the meaning of something without jumping to conclusions on what you think it means.
What he said is not anti-religious. He was speaking of a necessity that religions have - a presumptive truth that isn't questioned. So in religion that is the unprovable existence of a God/Jesus etc.
That is not negative, just true.
And using that as an example of what climate alarmist are doing.
In the Rogan podcast Saturday, I was listening to the beginning of it and Jordan Peterson is the guest.
He described what the current climate alarmist system is...
It is a pseudo-religion that uses all of the controls that exist in all religions.
....... There is a core narrative that is presumptive and which all other beliefs rest on. And never questioned. Just like a religion.
And what is that presumptive condition in climate alarmist?
Nature is a hapless, defenseless fragile virgin who has no control of what happens.
Industry is a rapacious, power mad demolisher of beauty and the virgin nature operated by a tyrannical patriarchy.

And individuals are like mouths that both feed from, and at the same time drive the industry to destroy the virgin.

That is pretty damn accurate.
And everything drives off of this presumptive narrative and is accepted without question.
Nature is helpless, mankind is out to destroy nature and we the people feed from and contribute to the destruction of nature.

Now there is some truth to that. But the problem is climate alarmist refuse any data or argument that even remotely suggest that nature can be a contributor to the problems they see happening... example, that global warming could at the very least be in part a cycle of nature. They won't even consider that.
And anyone who doesn't follow the narrative is a heretic, treated the same as in a heretic in a traditional religion. The climate alarmist want to silence and demonize anyone not bowing to their religion.
In a debate, Peterson said, "People have things more on their personal purview that are more difficult to deal with, and that they are avoiding, and generally that the way they avoid them is by adopting pseudo moralistic stances on large scale social issues that it makes them look good to your friends and neighbours."

Those were his exact words.

So they feel their own circumstances in life difficult to deal with, so they jump onto some social bandwagon to try and impress their friends/relatives.

Take Old Rocks and EV's as an example.
In a debate, Peterson said, "People have things more on their personal purview that are more difficult to deal with, and that they are avoiding, and generally that the way they avoid them is by adopting pseudo moralistic stances on large scale social issues that it makes them look good to your friends and neighbours."

Those were his exact words.

So they feel their own circumstances in life difficult to deal with, so they jump onto some social bandwagon to try and impress their friends/relatives.

Take Old Rocks and EV's as an example.
Indeed and especially the young and impressionable.
Young people want to be a part of something, they want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. And if you can fill their heads with this pseudo-religious half truths -man you can get them and have them devoted to it, and even measure themselves morally by how much they believe it.
Indeed and especially the young and impressionable.
Young people want to be a part of something, they want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. And if you can fill their heads with this pseudo-religions half truths - you have them devoted to it. And then measure themselves morally even by how much they believe it.
Yup. And here's the young climate person Peterson came out with his pseudo moralistic stances quote, it's towards the end of the video -

Jordan Peterson is a stupid person's idea of what a smart person sounds like.

This was no exception. His argument was "Actual facts and data? Not important! I _say_ that liberals only pay attention to feelings on this issue, so that settles it! Why? Because my feelings tell me that's true!"

Meanwhile, the hard facts and data say the humans are causing global warming. Reality cares nothing about Jordan Peterson's tender feelings.
Jordan Peterson is a stupid person's idea of what a smart person sounds like.

This was no exception. His argument was "Actual facts and data? Not important! I _say_ that liberals only pay attention to feelings on this issue, so that settles it! Why? Because my feelings tell me that's true!"

Meanwhile, the hard facts and data say the humans are causing global warming. Reality cares nothing about Jordan Peterson's tender feelings.
Yeah, with "conclusions" bought and paid for by whomever commissions a "study".
It's a doomsday cult. And the global warming doomsday cult dupes are in denial. It's been over a decade since the climategate emails were leaked that conclusively proved that their priests were simply deceiving them the whole time.

They are too stupid to admit to themselves that they were fooled.
In the Rogan podcast Saturday, I was listening to the beginning of it and Jordan Peterson is the guest.
He described what the current climate alarmist system is...
It is a pseudo-religion that uses all of the controls that exist in all religions.
....... There is a core narrative that is presumptive and which all other beliefs rest on. And never questioned. Just like a religion.
And what is that presumptive condition in climate alarmist?
Nature is a hapless, defenseless fragile virgin who has no control of what happens.
Industry is a rapacious, power mad demolisher of beauty and the virgin nature operated by a tyrannical patriarchy.

And individuals are like mouths that both feed from, and at the same time drive the industry to destroy the virgin.

That is pretty damn accurate.
And everything drives off of this presumptive narrative and is accepted without question.
Nature is helpless, mankind is out to destroy nature and we the people feed from and contribute to the destruction of nature.

Now there is some truth to that. But the problem is climate alarmist refuse any data or argument that even remotely suggest that nature can be a contributor to the problems they see happening... example, that global warming could at the very least be in part a cycle of nature. They won't even consider that.
And anyone who doesn't follow the narrative is a heretic, treated the same as in a heretic in a traditional religion. The climate alarmist want to silence and demonize anyone not bowing to their religion.
It amasses me how some people can believe anything they are told no mater what they see with their own eyes. I live in a desert and working construction I know what hot is. It has been at least 8 years since I have seen days of 126 degrees and that hot I can remember each one of them. A few years ago I saw for the first time hail the size of golf balls. Over night every body shop in town became a hail repair experts, sort of like that only on a grand scale. With our shit for brains leaders.
These climate change devotees are unwitting cult members.

Gullibles with cognitive rigidity .

Waste of time discussing matters with them until they have cured themselves .Some never will .
In the Rogan podcast Saturday, I was listening to the beginning of it and Jordan Peterson is the guest.
He described what the current climate alarmist system is...
It is a pseudo-religion that uses all of the controls that exist in all religions.
....... There is a core narrative that is presumptive and which all other beliefs rest on. And never questioned. Just like a religion.
And what is that presumptive condition in climate alarmist?
Nature is a hapless, defenseless fragile virgin who has no control of what happens.
Industry is a rapacious, power mad demolisher of beauty and the virgin nature operated by a tyrannical patriarchy.

And individuals are like mouths that both feed from, and at the same time drive the industry to destroy the virgin.

That is pretty damn accurate.
And everything drives off of this presumptive narrative and is accepted without question.
Nature is helpless, mankind is out to destroy nature and we the people feed from and contribute to the destruction of nature.

Now there is some truth to that. But the problem is climate alarmist refuse any data or argument that even remotely suggest that nature can be a contributor to the problems they see happening... example, that global warming could at the very least be in part a cycle of nature. They won't even consider that.
And anyone who doesn't follow the narrative is a heretic, treated the same as in a heretic in a traditional religion. The climate alarmist want to silence and demonize anyone not bowing to their religion.
So, we can allow industry to throw as much CO2 in the atmosphere without any negative outcome.

The rogine show hilarious

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