Jordan Slams January 6 Commission: If 'Everything's On The Table,' Why Can't We Question Pelosi

If there is anything more pathetic than a Republican minority, it's a Republican majority. Don't get your hopes up for 2022.
They don't have the right to obtain anyone's income tax records, douchebag. We still have 4th Amendment.
Another one of Trump's asseaters weighs in. They have the right under the Constitution to conduct investigations just like Congress did with Benghazi. Just because Trump, his goon squads in Congress & the W.H. are being looked at & you don't like it, well tough shit.

Just because you think those fucks are special & "trump" the Constitution that's your problem, bedwetter.

McCarthy & the rest of them were good with the investigation until a couple of his lackeys were not allowed to be on it & whitewadh what happened. Like that suckhole Jordan.

Now run along & go play with your LEGO's.
Another one of Trump's asseaters weighs in. They have the right under the Constitution to conduct investigations just like Congress did with Benghazi. Just because Trump, his goon squads in Congress & the W.H. are being looked at & you don't like it, well tough shit.

Just because you think those fucks are special & "trump" the Constitution that's your problem, bedwetter.

McCarthy & the rest of them were good with the investigation until a couple of his lackeys were not allowed to be on it & whitewadh what happened. Like that suckhole Jordan.

Now run along & go play with your LEGO's.
They don't have the right to conduct witch hunts, and the authority to conduct investigations doesn't include the right to violate the constitutional rights of American citizens, you fucking moron.

I know it always astounds all you brain dead progs, but Republicans have constitutional rights too. Congress is not a court of law, and the latter can't even see your income tax returns unless it has some relevance to a criminal case.
That regulation doesn't support your claim. Congress is not a government agency that has access to you income tax return for any enforcement purpose.
That's true.
Congress is requesting tax records for investigative purposes.
They then refer their findings to the DOJ.
They are the enforcement.
That's true.
Congress is requesting tax records for investigative purposes.
They then refer their findings to the DOJ.
They are the enforcement.
That isn't allowed by the Constitution. "investigation" not attached to any criminal charges is not a basis for getting access to anyone's IRS records. Trump isn't accused of any crime associated with Jan 6.
Jordan Slams January 6 Commission:
If 'Everything's On The Table,' Why Can't We Question Pelosi

Jordan says Democrats can't draw positive attention to their liberal agenda, so are using the commission to energize their base

1 Aug 2021 ~~ By Charles Creitz
Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, reacted to being dropped from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Jan. 6 commission on "Life, Liberty & Levin."
Jordan argued that committee Chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson and Pelosi cannot draw any positive attention to Democrats' far-left agenda, which is largely unpopular in the heartland, pointing as well to intensifying inflation and other problems.
Because of that, Jordan said the only "playbook" they have is to return to attacking former President Donald Trump, which has proved to energize their base – and that the January 6 committee is the latest iteration following the Mueller probe, two impeachments and Rep. Adam Schiff's, D-Calif., contentious Intelligence Committee hearings.
Jordan said that Thompson has declared that "everything is on the table" to be probed at the hearings – the first of which was held this week featuring police officers Michael Fanone of MPD and Harry Dunn of USCP.
"The questions need to be asked, the answers we need to get to, deal with why there wasn't a better security posture that day. Only the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives can answer that," Jordan said.
"And that's the one question: The one Chairman Thompson said 'everything's on the table' – Well, excuse me, everything's on the table except that question," Jordan said.
"So this tells you the political nature of this entire committee."
In his opening statement at the hearing on Tuesday, Thompson declared that the investigation will "be guided solely by the facts, the facts of what happened on January 6th and the run-up to that tragic day and what has taken place since."
"That’s what we’re charged to do by House Resolution 503. There’s no place for politics or partisanship in this investigation. Our only charge is to follow the facts where they lead us," Thompson continued.
"They have embraced Black Lives Matter, which is a Marxist anarchist, violent organization, and they're led by Marxists," he said.
"They've been trashing police officers from sea to shining sea," Levin continued, adding that Democrats "cherry-picked" witnesses.
"How come more officers from that day aren't testifying, including the ones that opened the doors and let people in, as a matter of fact, including the ones that have questions – as you pointed out – with Nancy Pelosi in the leadership of the Democrat Party in the House of Representatives, there's a lot of questions we want to pursue them," Levin said, noting a previous assertion by Jordan that the head of the Capitol Police Union would like to offer his recollections.

Since there's not one true Republican on the Select Committee to investigate the January 6th Protests chosen by Pelosi, there will be no one there to cross examine the 'witnesses'.
It's quite apparent that there will not be an honest investigation since the two chosen Republicans (RINOS) are in sync with their "Democrat" opposites. In fact Nancy Pelosi nominated Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger.
Nancy Pelosi will not be called to explain her responsibility in the rioting and why the National Guard was refused by both Pelosi and Mayor Bowser prior to the rally offered by the then President Trump,
The aim of this "Select Committee" is to find Trump guilty of something that was planned and carried out by Pelosi and the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies.
There has been no explanation as to those masked black clad Antifa thugs being first up the stairs and attacking the windows and doors of the Capital building, or why Capitol police first attacked, lobbed tear gas and rubber bullets prior to the mob of people attacking the building.
Who released the magnetic door locks?
Indeed... When the political agenda of the PMS/DSA Democrat Left becomes more important than the people they were elected to represent... They have become a danger to the nation. PMS/DSA Democrats are demonstrating that they will stop at nothing to achieve their end game.
Easy answer:

Because your stupid distraction is stupid and baseless, Gym.

That isn't allowed by the Constitution. "investigation" not attached to any criminal charges is not a basis for getting access to anyone's IRS records. Trump isn't accused of any crime associated with Jan 6.
IDK what to tell you.
NOT my fault your dumbass took the Trump U. constitutional 'law' school correspondence course.

YOU'RE FOS, as usual.
IDK what to tell you.
NOT my fault your dumbass took the Trump U. constitutional 'law' school correspondence course.

YOU'RE FOS, as usual.
You certainly haven't proved it, asshole. You make claims and present them as fact when there is no basis to believe you.,
You certainly haven't proved it, asshole. You make claims and present them as fact, when there is no basis to believe you.,
You're FOS and delusional, as usual.

So, WTF did the teabagger congress investigate Hillary for?

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