Jordanians urge Amman to scrap peace treaty with Israel

That's exactly what knowledgeable Israelis fear Kondor. You are celebrating the one-state solution. LOL

"At a speech to the Herzliya conference Herzog told the audience; “In about a decade, the Arabs between the Jordan and the Mediterranean will be a majority and the Jews a minority. The Jewish national home will become the Palestinian national home. We will be again, for the first time since 1948, a Jewish minority in an Arab state..."

The dark narrative of Israel's 'Rhodesia' fantasy
They already have a state. It's called Jordan.
Yours is called West Palm Beach moron.
That's exactly what knowledgeable Israelis fear Kondor. You are celebrating the one-state solution. LOL

"At a speech to the Herzliya conference Herzog told the audience; “In about a decade, the Arabs between the Jordan and the Mediterranean will be a majority and the Jews a minority. The Jewish national home will become the Palestinian national home. We will be again, for the first time since 1948, a Jewish minority in an Arab state..."

The dark narrative of Israel's 'Rhodesia' fantasy
They already have a state. It's called Jordan.
Except that Jordan, similarly with the rest of the Arab world, wants no part of the financial and political burden of the Pal'istanians. Their sole purpose is to be used as cannon fodder for the Islamist promotion of Joooooooo hating.
That's exactly what knowledgeable Israelis fear Kondor. You are celebrating the one-state solution. LOL

"At a speech to the Herzliya conference Herzog told the audience; “In about a decade, the Arabs between the Jordan and the Mediterranean will be a majority and the Jews a minority. The Jewish national home will become the Palestinian national home. We will be again, for the first time since 1948, a Jewish minority in an Arab state..."

The dark narrative of Israel's 'Rhodesia' fantasy
They already have a state. It's called Jordan.
Except that Jordan, similarly with the rest of the Arab world, wants no part of the financial and political burden of the Pal'istanians. Their sole purpose is to be used as cannon fodder for the Islamist promotion of Joooooooo hating.
Why do you think is the true cause of Joooooooo hating in the ME?
That's exactly what knowledgeable Israelis fear Kondor. You are celebrating the one-state solution. LOL

"At a speech to the Herzliya conference Herzog told the audience; “In about a decade, the Arabs between the Jordan and the Mediterranean will be a majority and the Jews a minority. The Jewish national home will become the Palestinian national home. We will be again, for the first time since 1948, a Jewish minority in an Arab state..."

The dark narrative of Israel's 'Rhodesia' fantasy
They already have a state. It's called Jordan.
Except that Jordan, similarly with the rest of the Arab world, wants no part of the financial and political burden of the Pal'istanians. Their sole purpose is to be used as cannon fodder for the Islamist promotion of Joooooooo hating.
Why do you think is the true cause of Joooooooo hating in the ME?
Why don't you recite the Koran verses you studied at the mosque as part of your conversion.
That's exactly what knowledgeable Israelis fear Kondor. You are celebrating the one-state solution. LOL

"At a speech to the Herzliya conference Herzog told the audience; “In about a decade, the Arabs between the Jordan and the Mediterranean will be a majority and the Jews a minority. The Jewish national home will become the Palestinian national home. We will be again, for the first time since 1948, a Jewish minority in an Arab state..."

The dark narrative of Israel's 'Rhodesia' fantasy
They already have a state. It's called Jordan.
Except that Jordan, similarly with the rest of the Arab world, wants no part of the financial and political burden of the Pal'istanians. Their sole purpose is to be used as cannon fodder for the Islamist promotion of Joooooooo hating.
Why do you think is the true cause of Joooooooo hating in the ME?
Why don't you recite the Koran verses you studied at the mosque as part of your conversion.
You are just a creepy zionut always appealing to jooooo hate when you have nothing, always the hollow Hollie blowing air. pehfttt!!!!!!!!!!!
That's exactly what knowledgeable Israelis fear Kondor. You are celebrating the one-state solution. LOL

"At a speech to the Herzliya conference Herzog told the audience; “In about a decade, the Arabs between the Jordan and the Mediterranean will be a majority and the Jews a minority. The Jewish national home will become the Palestinian national home. We will be again, for the first time since 1948, a Jewish minority in an Arab state..."

The dark narrative of Israel's 'Rhodesia' fantasy
They already have a state. It's called Jordan.
Except that Jordan, similarly with the rest of the Arab world, wants no part of the financial and political burden of the Pal'istanians. Their sole purpose is to be used as cannon fodder for the Islamist promotion of Joooooooo hating.
Why do you think is the true cause of Joooooooo hating in the ME?
Why don't you recite the Koran verses you studied at the mosque as part of your conversion.
You are just a creepy zionut always appealing to jooooo hate when you have nothing, always the hollow Hollie blowing air. pehfttt!!!!!!!!!!!
If you're looking for some islamo street cred with your silly histrionics, you're going to be disappointed.
They already have a state. It's called Jordan.
Except that Jordan, similarly with the rest of the Arab world, wants no part of the financial and political burden of the Pal'istanians. Their sole purpose is to be used as cannon fodder for the Islamist promotion of Joooooooo hating.
Why do you think is the true cause of Joooooooo hating in the ME?
Why don't you recite the Koran verses you studied at the mosque as part of your conversion.
You are just a creepy zionut always appealing to jooooo hate when you have nothing, always the hollow Hollie blowing air. pehfttt!!!!!!!!!!!
If you're looking for some islamo street cred with your silly histrionics, you're going to be disappointed.
No I'm looking for your jooooooo hate explaination or one so that you might educate us to the real cause of this jooooo hate you perceive?
Except that Jordan, similarly with the rest of the Arab world, wants no part of the financial and political burden of the Pal'istanians. Their sole purpose is to be used as cannon fodder for the Islamist promotion of Joooooooo hating.
Why do you think is the true cause of Joooooooo hating in the ME?
Why don't you recite the Koran verses you studied at the mosque as part of your conversion.
You are just a creepy zionut always appealing to jooooo hate when you have nothing, always the hollow Hollie blowing air. pehfttt!!!!!!!!!!!
If you're looking for some islamo street cred with your silly histrionics, you're going to be disappointed.
No I'm looking for your jooooooo hate explaination or one so that you might educate us to the real cause of this jooooo hate you perceive?
Yes, you can recite you Koran lessons. Come on. Thrill us with what you have learned as part of your conversion to Islamo-fascism.
Why do you think is the true cause of Joooooooo hating in the ME?
Why don't you recite the Koran verses you studied at the mosque as part of your conversion.
You are just a creepy zionut always appealing to jooooo hate when you have nothing, always the hollow Hollie blowing air. pehfttt!!!!!!!!!!!
If you're looking for some islamo street cred with your silly histrionics, you're going to be disappointed.
No I'm looking for your jooooooo hate explaination or one so that you might educate us to the real cause of this jooooo hate you perceive?
Yes, you can recite you Koran lessons. Come on. Thrill us with what you have learned as part of your conversion to Islamo-fascism.
You're really a poor hollow shill and whore for Zionism...In fact you're so kooky with claiming recitations in fantasy mosques that I need to add little to my comments...Perhaps your hollow Hollie-Wood production of hate might be great in your Synagogue, but here in the outside world you sound and act like a nut-cake.
Why don't you recite the Koran verses you studied at the mosque as part of your conversion.
You are just a creepy zionut always appealing to jooooo hate when you have nothing, always the hollow Hollie blowing air. pehfttt!!!!!!!!!!!
If you're looking for some islamo street cred with your silly histrionics, you're going to be disappointed.
No I'm looking for your jooooooo hate explaination or one so that you might educate us to the real cause of this jooooo hate you perceive?
Yes, you can recite you Koran lessons. Come on. Thrill us with what you have learned as part of your conversion to Islamo-fascism.
You're really a poor hollow shill and whore for Zionism...In fact you're so kooky with claiming recitations in fantasy mosques that I need to add little to my comments...Perhaps your hollow Hollie-Wood production of hate might be great in your Synagogue, but here in the outside world you sound and act like a nut-cake.
More of your pointless name-calling and silly cliches'.
Lipush, et al,

Yes, a very good question.

What will Jordan achieve from cancelling the peace? I hope King Abdullah is wiser than this ignorant angry mob. When did cancelling peace treaty ever do good to anyone?
What is the advantage or the objective? Under Article 29 of the Treaty, "Disputes arising out of the application or interpretation of this Treaty shall be resolved by negotiations." What is the nature of the dispute revolving on this treaty?
What do the Jordanians expect to gain by unilaterally abdicating the Treaty? Is this a prelude to War?
Most Respectfully,
Verdict: palistanians are trouble whenever they are, of course.
Lipush, et al,

Yes, a very good question.

What will Jordan achieve from cancelling the peace? I hope King Abdullah is wiser than this ignorant angry mob. When did cancelling peace treaty ever do good to anyone?
What is the advantage or the objective? Under Article 29 of the Treaty, "Disputes arising out of the application or interpretation of this Treaty shall be resolved by negotiations." What is the nature of the dispute revolving on this treaty?
What do the Jordanians expect to gain by unilaterally abdicating the Treaty? Is this a prelude to War?
Most Respectfully,
Verdict: palistanians are trouble whenever they are, of course.

Less trouble now.

Two Palestinians who tried to stab Jews shot dead

Two Palestinians who tried to stab Jews shot dead

Israeli soldiers and a settler shot dead two Palestinians who tried to stab Jews in separate incidents in annexed east Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank on Saturday, the army and police said.
The Israelis and their supporters just don't get it...They think that Israel just needs to kill all the Palestinians and the War of attrition will be over, they do not understand that they have turned a Land War to a Religious war with their ungodly greed for Palestinian lands and blood.

They will never have peace!

Jordanians urge Amman to scrap peace treaty with Israel
Jordanians urge Amman to scrap peace treaty with Israel
Protesters rally in sympathy with Palestinians as death toll rises amid outrage over Israel's Al-Aqsa Mosque clampdown.

16 Oct 2015 16:19 GMT | War & Conflict, Middle East, Jordan

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  • They demanded the cancellation of the 1994 Jordan-Israel peace treaty, carrying signs that said "scrapping the Wadi Araba treaty is the response" to Israeli "violations" against Palestinians in Jerusalem.

    "The land is ours, Jerusalem is ours and Allah is with us," read another banner.

    Anti-Israeli protests were also held in the northern cities of Zarqa and Irbid, in Mafraq in the east, Jerash in the northwest and in the southern port of Aqaba.

    Jordan has custodian rights over the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, Muslims' third holiest site.

    Over the past two weeks, violence has gripped other parts of Jerusalem, Israel, the occupied West Bank and the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip.

    Israeli forces have killed at least 37 Palestinians and wounded hundreds more in clashes. At least seven Israelis have died.

OH LOOK another islamonazi propaganda piece straight out of pallywood that our resident islamonazi terrorist supporters club believe to be true.

If it is true it wont make any difference to Israel as the arab musims don't hit the target of 1 trillion to 1 odds in their favour.
What will Jordan achieve from cancelling the peace? I hope King Abdullah is wiser than this ignorant angry mob. When did cancelling peace treaty ever do good to anyone?:dunno:

When did occupation and oppression ever do good to anyone?

When it stops their enemies from mass murdering children, as the evidence of Israel's occupation shows.
What will Jordan achieve from cancelling the peace? I hope King Abdullah is wiser than this ignorant angry mob. When did cancelling peace treaty ever do good to anyone?:dunno:

When did occupation and oppression ever do good to anyone?

Never. Which makes you wonder if the war they started back in 1948 was a clever move on their part.
It ain't over yet!

And every time Israel comes out on op and with more infrastructure, while the palestinians keep losing
What will Jordan achieve from cancelling the peace? I hope King Abdullah is wiser than this ignorant angry mob. When did cancelling peace treaty ever do good to anyone?:dunno:

When did occupation and oppression ever do good to anyone?

Never. Which makes you wonder if the war they started back in 1948 was a clever move on their part.

War is NEVER a clever move on ANYONES part!

Tell that to your hero's who are the ones instigating war all the time.
Israel will fall like white ruled South Africa and Rhodesia fell. They, like Israel, were militarily far too powerful compared to the other African states to defeat militarily.

Off topic spamming and trolling again
Israel will fall like white ruled South Africa and Rhodesia fell. They, like Israel, were militarily far too powerful compared to the other African states to defeat militarily.
Does that come with a jingle?

Here's a jingle they sung today in the news...Iran getting ready to counter Israel's might to protect itself and hit back.

Guess for Who?

Iran just tested
a nuke mobile
and then

guess who is
the target,
oh no

oh no, it can
carry a nuke or
two, guess

for who?

And here you are pushing for nuclear war in the M.E. again and inciting violence and racism. Guess who would come out the worst if your dreams came true, none other than the Palestinians who would lose everything and then you would be next

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