Jordanians urge Amman to scrap peace treaty with Israel

The Romans never conquered Israel, there was no Israel for the Romans to conquer. Israel, if it existed, had disappeared 7 or so centuries before the Romans arrived.

Revisionist history! I KNEW IT!
Tell that to those, including every Christian on Earth, who believe in The Prophets, The Writings, The Mishnah, The Talmud, The Rishonim, The Achronim, and The Gaonim.
Judea was a complete Roman puppet Province led by an appointed King Herod who was conveniently a Jewish covert hated by his people even though he built the second Temple and Mount with Roman engineering and money.

You owe us big time!
The Romans never conquered Israel, there was no Israel for the Romans to conquer. Israel, if it existed, had disappeared 7 or so centuries before the Romans arrived.

Revisionist history! I KNEW IT!
Tell that to those, including every Christian on Earth, who believe in The Prophets, The Writings, The Mishnah, The Talmud, The Rishonim, The Achronim, and The Gaonim.
Judea was a complete Roman puppet Province led by an appointed King Herod who was conveniently a Jewish covert hated by his people even though he built the second Temple and Mount with Roman engineering and money.

You owe us big time!

And the Arabs were so worthless then, as they remain to this day, that the Romans wanted NOTHING to do with them except to extract tribute.
The Jews are back and hopefully will soon be West Bank Jordanian free.
Arabic was not spoken in Palestine during Roman times. The people spoke Aramaic and they were Jews who converted to Roman religions and Christianity for the most part until the Arabs armies arrived and then most converted to Islam. If they were worthless, they were worthless converted Jews. You really haven't a clue about history, do you. You are a moron.
Arabic was not spoken in Palestine during Roman times. The people spoke Aramaic and they were Jews who converted to Roman religions and Christianity for the most part until the Arabs armies arrived and then most converted to Islam. If they were worthless, they were worthless converted Jews. You really haven't a clue about history, do you. You are a moron.

More Revisionist History...
Few Jews, if any, converted to other religions; if anything, the Romans hated the Jews because Romans were Converting to Judaism.
Constantine had to invoke the Council of Nicea and invent a new Humanistic religion BASED on Judaism to stop the flood of conversions to Judaism.
Can you imagine a Roman Catholic Empire without Slavery and being allowed to butcher those would not give tribute to Rome?
The Israelis and their supporters just don't get it...They think that Israel just needs to kill all the Palestinians and the War of attrition will be over, they do not understand that they have turned a Land War to a Religious war with their ungodly greed for Palestinian lands and blood.

They will never have peace!

Jordanians urge Amman to scrap peace treaty with Israel
Jordanians urge Amman to scrap peace treaty with Israel
Protesters rally in sympathy with Palestinians as death toll rises amid outrage over Israel's Al-Aqsa Mosque clampdown.

16 Oct 2015 16:19 GMT | War & Conflict, Middle East, Jordan

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  • They demanded the cancellation of the 1994 Jordan-Israel peace treaty, carrying signs that said "scrapping the Wadi Araba treaty is the response" to Israeli "violations" against Palestinians in Jerusalem.

    "The land is ours, Jerusalem is ours and Allah is with us," read another banner.

    Anti-Israeli protests were also held in the northern cities of Zarqa and Irbid, in Mafraq in the east, Jerash in the northwest and in the southern port of Aqaba.

    Jordan has custodian rights over the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, Muslims' third holiest site.

    Over the past two weeks, violence has gripped other parts of Jerusalem, Israel, the occupied West Bank and the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip.

    Israeli forces have killed at least 37 Palestinians and wounded hundreds more in clashes. At least seven Israelis have died.

Now that would be great, then Israel can ship back the Arab invaders to where they came from in the first place.

“Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”
“We did not particularly mind Jordanian rule. The teaching of the destruction of Israel was a definite part of the curriculum, but we considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians - they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all at once we had a Palestinian flag”.
“When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out”.

-ex PLO terrorist

Israel will fall like white ruled South Africa and Rhodesia fell. They, like Israel, were militarily far too powerful compared to the other African states to defeat militarily.

Yeah, well you keep jerking yourself off to that, but the truth is the one that are carrying "apartheid" that is closest to S Africans are you Muslims! That's a fact Achmed.
Israel will fall like white ruled South Africa and Rhodesia fell. They, like Israel, were militarily far too powerful compared to the other African states to defeat militarily.
Does that come with a jingle?

No it usually ends with a few grunts and then an "Allah Akbar", and sometimes followed by a big KABOOM.
Except that Jordan, similarly with the rest of the Arab world, wants no part of the financial and political burden of the Pal'istanians. Their sole purpose is to be used as cannon fodder for the Islamist promotion of Joooooooo hating.
Why do you think is the true cause of Joooooooo hating in the ME?

The teachings of islam that says all the Jews are to be killed
You are a lying Lunatic...prove that with a Link of an un-biased source!

Read the koran and hadiths much do you as it is in them for all to see
Provide links to the exact words Phoney...

Like this do you mean ?

Qur'an 59:2 : He it is Who caused those who disbelieved of the followers of the Book (Jews) to go forth from their homes (leave their exile) till the first gathering (Li awalil hashr) you did not think that they would go forth, while they were certain that their fortresses would defend them against Allah; but Allah came to them whence they did not expect, and cast terror into their hearts; they demolished their houses with their own hands and the hands of the believers; therefore take a lesson, O you who have eyes!

O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends. [Surah V, v. 51]

Fight against such of those [Jews and Christians] ... until they pay for the tribute readily, being brought low.[Surah IX, v. 29]

Later Hadiths (appearing in the 1930s and 1940s under the influence of Hajj Amin Husseini) indicated the Messiah that all Jews wait for is the Dajjal, and "The resurrection of the dead will not come until the Muslims will war with the Jews and the Muslims will kill (exterminate) them."

'The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour (Kitab Al-Fitan wa Ashrat As-Sa`ah)' of Sahih Muslim.


Ibn 'Umar reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: You will fight against the Jews and you will kill them until even a stone would say: Come here, Muslim, there is a Jew (hiding himself behind me) ; kill him.


Abdullah b. 'Umar reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: You and the Jews would fight against one another until a stone would say: Muslim, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill him.


Abdullah b. 'Umar reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: The Jews will fight against you and you will gain victory over them until the stone would say: Muslim, here is a Jew behind me; kill him.

Enough for you or do you want more

Now about your links that are not produced will you do so any time soon ?
Never. Which makes you wonder if the war they started back in 1948 was a clever move on their part.

War is NEVER a clever move on ANYONES part!

Tell that to your hero's who are the ones instigating war all the time.

Open your eyes dumbass...

You zionut illness is blinding you to what is really happening in the world...

See once again you resort to TROLLING because you cant respond to the points raised. Who called for the violence to start as it certainly wasn't Israel.
Raise a valid point and I will respond....

Until then you have to accept zionut status

About those links I asked for, having trouble finding them. This is a valid point that you don't seem to get so how about a response or be seen as an ISLAMOMORON for the rest of time
The Israelis and their supporters just don't get it...They think that Israel just needs to kill all the Palestinians and the War of attrition will be over, they do not understand that they have turned a Land War to a Religious war with their ungodly greed for Palestinian lands and blood.

They will never have peace!

Jordanians urge Amman to scrap peace treaty with Israel
Jordanians urge Amman to scrap peace treaty with Israel
Protesters rally in sympathy with Palestinians as death toll rises amid outrage over Israel's Al-Aqsa Mosque clampdown.

16 Oct 2015 16:19 GMT | War & Conflict, Middle East, Jordan

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  • They demanded the cancellation of the 1994 Jordan-Israel peace treaty, carrying signs that said "scrapping the Wadi Araba treaty is the response" to Israeli "violations" against Palestinians in Jerusalem.

    "The land is ours, Jerusalem is ours and Allah is with us," read another banner.

    Anti-Israeli protests were also held in the northern cities of Zarqa and Irbid, in Mafraq in the east, Jerash in the northwest and in the southern port of Aqaba.

    Jordan has custodian rights over the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, Muslims' third holiest site.

    Over the past two weeks, violence has gripped other parts of Jerusalem, Israel, the occupied West Bank and the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip.

    Israeli forces have killed at least 37 Palestinians and wounded hundreds more in clashes. At least seven Israelis have died.

OH LOOK another islamonazi propaganda piece straight out of pallywood that our resident islamonazi terrorist supporters club believe to be true.

If it is true it wont make any difference to Israel as the arab musims don't hit the target of 1 trillion to 1 odds in their favour.
Let's face Phoney, you can't tell your ass from your elbow as they say in these parts...The illegal occupation needs to end for any chance of peace...The Arabs in this are have reached a tipping point and Israel has created more enemies not less.

You keep claiming the occupation is illegal yet you fail to provide any evidence to show your claim is correct. So will you produce some any time soon ?
Israel destroys homes, businesses, water systems, and civilian government infrastructures. Israel uproots trees and bulldozes crops. Israel moves its own people into occupied territory. And more.

All of this is illegal under the rules of occupation.

Which rules of occupation as the last I saw said they were allowed if the place was used as a military installation. So either the Palestinians are not resistance fighters and so their property is not used as rocket launch sites or they are terrorists and their property is a valid military target. It is all in the Geneva conventions
The Israelis and their supporters just don't get it...They think that Israel just needs to kill all the Palestinians and the War of attrition will be over, they do not understand that they have turned a Land War to a Religious war with their ungodly greed for Palestinian lands and blood.

They will never have peace!

Over the past two weeks, violence has gripped other parts of Jerusalem, Israel, the occupied West Bank and the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip.

Israeli forces have killed at least 37 Palestinians and wounded hundreds more in clashes. At least seven Israelis have died.

Your premise, as usual, is groundless. There is no belief among Israelis that all Palestinians must be killed and no such gov't policy.

It is no surprise that there would be pro-Palestinian protests in Jordan. Over half of Jordan's population is Palestinian - concentrated in the central and northern part of the country - and only Jordan has fully assimilated their Palestinians. Of course, they are generally 2nd class citizens with limited rights in a monarchy ruled by the minority Hashemite king.

The recent surge in violence, while tragic, is no greater than that of Chicago during the same period.

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — The latest developments in ongoing violence between Palestinians and Israelis (all times local):

Related Stories
  1. 4 Palestinians killed by Israeli fire in unrest, stabbing Associated Press
  2. Israel opposes international presence on Jerusalem's Temple Mount Reuters
  3. The Latest: US condemns rash of Palestinian attacks Associated Press
  4. Six killed in Gaza as Israeli-Palestinian violence widens Reuters
  5. Palestinians stab Israelis in 2 Jerusalem attacks Associated Press
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Palestinian men pray in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Wadi Joz near Jerusalem's Old City du …
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An Israeli soldier grabs a Palestinian's hand holding a knife after he stabbed another Israeli s …
View gallery

Israeli soldiers treat a wounded comrade after he was stabbed by a Palestinian, seen on the ground, …
10:45 p.m...

The articles you link expose the cause of the recent deaths - Palestinian violence - and the pics show not only a knife-wielding perp, but the remarkable FACT that even in Judaism's holiest city, Jerusalem, Muslims are free to worship as they will and where they will.

Imagine the reaction of those "peaceful" Muslims should Jews or Christians do the same in Mecca. The differences between the cultures is obvious yet you alternately ignore and defend them.
Your premise, as usual, is groundless. There is no belief among Israelis that all Palestinians must be killed and no such gov't policy.​

That is true. They have always stated that ethnic cleansing is their preferred method of getting rid of the Palestinians.

Of course killing those who prefer to stay is fine.

So when will this ethnic cleansing take place, toy know like the Palestinian ethnic cleansing of Christians oer the last 10 years. Now down to just 10% of their numbers in 2007.
"Israeli official (Moshe Feiglin, Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset and member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party)
calls for concentration camps in Gaza and 'the conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters'

He lays out a detailed plan for the destruction of Gaza - which includes shipping its residents across the world - in a letter he addressed to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Read more: Israeli official calls for concentration camps in Gaza

So not official government policy at all just one persons views that they wrote on facebook. WHY DO YOU LIE

From you lik

"Moshe Feiglin, Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset and member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party, posted the inflammatory message on his Facebook page at the weekend.

He lays out a detailed plan for the destruction of Gaza - which includes shipping its residents across the world - in a letter he addressed to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "
I just posted the plans for the ethnic cleansing and annihilation of the Palestinians as elaborated by the Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Parliament. What part of that did you not understand.

Just pointing out an inconvenient fact. All of your protestations and blathering doesn't change the facts.

So where does it say in your link that this is official Israeli government policy.

I just posted the plans for the ethnic cleansing and annihilation of the Palestinians as elaborated by the Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Parliament. What part of that did you not understand.

Just pointing out an inconvenient fact. All of your protestations and blathering doesn't change the facts.

It's not a gov't policy or plan and Israelis - even under threat of another bloody intifada - would not support the Deputy Speaker.

There's is nothing factual about the lies you idiots post.

It is plain fact you. That's what the Deputy Speaker of the Knesset proposed. So it is a plan. Why can't you get that through your thick skull.

Besides, the official Zionist plans are well known and have been written about.

"The Zionist policy of displacing the Palestinians from Palestine is very much an active policy, but is pursued more forcefully in times of conflict, such as in the 1947-1948 war and in the 1967 war. An appendix entitled ”Israel Talks of a New Exodus” is included in this publication to demonstrate past Zionist dispersals of Palestinians from their homeland and to show, besides the main Zionist document we present, other Zionist planning for the de-Palestinization of Palestine."

"Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

So does this mean that everything posted on facebook by any palestinian is now official P.A. policy It was not an official plan it was one persons thoughts.
Are you defleting now because you have been found out LYING to incite RACIAL HATRED
OH LOOK another islamonazi propaganda piece straight out of pallywood that our resident islamonazi terrorist supporters club believe to be true.

If it is true it wont make any difference to Israel as the arab musims don't hit the target of 1 trillion to 1 odds in their favour.
Let's face Phoney, you can't tell your ass from your elbow as they say in these parts...The illegal occupation needs to end for any chance of peace...The Arabs in this are have reached a tipping point and Israel has created more enemies not less.

You keep claiming the occupation is illegal yet you fail to provide any evidence to show your claim is correct. So will you produce some any time soon ?

When it is ONLY the occupier who considers the occupation legal... That is evidence enough!

Illegal Military Occupation

You do realise that this source is Palestinian don't you, and is heavily biased against Israel. So you lose again.

Look up palmedia

Now show one valid site that says the occupation is illegal, and not the separation barrier.
The truth is heavily biased against Israel.

only the islamonazi propaganda truth that is based on LIES

Now about the link, any time soon will do, or are you deflecting because you cant find any ?
The Christians and Muslims of Palestine are from Palestine, not Jordan. The Jews should go back to where they came from, Europe and stop occupying Palestine. Learn some history moron.

So should the Catholics then that colonised the New World and ethnically cleansed the indigenous peoples. or don't you think that this applies to you being one of gods children
If you're looking for some islamo street cred with your silly histrionics, you're going to be disappointed.
No I'm looking for your jooooooo hate explaination or one so that you might educate us to the real cause of this jooooo hate you perceive?
Yes, you can recite you Koran lessons. Come on. Thrill us with what you have learned as part of your conversion to Islamo-fascism.
You're really a poor hollow shill and whore for Zionism...In fact you're so kooky with claiming recitations in fantasy mosques that I need to add little to my comments...Perhaps your hollow Hollie-Wood production of hate might be great in your Synagogue, but here in the outside world you sound and act like a nut-cake.

Why don't you go to gaza and enlist with hamas so we can all party when the IDF put a bullet in your brain
Inciting harm on me because I call her out on her Joooo hate that everybody has if they oppose an illegal occupation, and you sick little sissy wants the IDF to put a bullet in my brain...Just like IDF you're a coward!

LINK to show it is an illegal occupation, you can start with the IHL and then the Geneva conventions if you like.............
The Israelis and their supporters just don't get it...They think that Israel just needs to kill all the Palestinians and the War of attrition will be over, they do not understand that they have turned a Land War to a Religious war with their ungodly greed for Palestinian lands and blood.

They will never have peace!

Over the past two weeks, violence has gripped other parts of Jerusalem, Israel, the occupied West Bank and the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip.

Israeli forces have killed at least 37 Palestinians and wounded hundreds more in clashes. At least seven Israelis have died.

Your premise, as usual, is groundless. There is no belief among Israelis that all Palestinians must be killed and no such gov't policy.

It is no surprise that there would be pro-Palestinian protests in Jordan. Over half of Jordan's population is Palestinian - concentrated in the central and northern part of the country - and only Jordan has fully assimilated their Palestinians. Of course, they are generally 2nd class citizens with limited rights in a monarchy ruled by the minority Hashemite king.

The recent surge in violence, while tragic, is no greater than that of Chicago during the same period.

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — The latest developments in ongoing violence between Palestinians and Israelis (all times local):

Related Stories
  1. 4 Palestinians killed by Israeli fire in unrest, stabbing Associated Press
  2. Israel opposes international presence on Jerusalem's Temple Mount Reuters
  3. The Latest: US condemns rash of Palestinian attacks Associated Press
  4. Six killed in Gaza as Israeli-Palestinian violence widens Reuters
  5. Palestinians stab Israelis in 2 Jerusalem attacks Associated Press
View gallery

Palestinian men pray in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Wadi Joz near Jerusalem's Old City du …
View gallery

An Israeli soldier grabs a Palestinian's hand holding a knife after he stabbed another Israeli s …
View gallery

Israeli soldiers treat a wounded comrade after he was stabbed by a Palestinian, seen on the ground, …
10:45 p.m...

The articles you link expose the cause of the recent deaths - Palestinian violence - and the pics show not only a knife-wielding perp, but the remarkable FACT that even in Judaism's holiest city, Jerusalem, Muslims are free to worship as they will and where they will.

Imagine the reaction of those "peaceful" Muslims should Jews or Christians do the same in Mecca. The differences between the cultures is obvious yet you alternately ignore and defend them.
Some good points Sniffer, I don't defend the Muslims for Muslims sake. I defend what I perceive as human justice, that is the basic justice we all possess as human beings.

That what's wrong with this conflict, the Jews got some justice wth their-own state while the Palestinians lost theirs

How could they lose what they never had, and still don't have because they cant afford to stand alone

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