Josh Hawley announces he will object on Jan 6th, first Senator to join in objections, will force debate & vote on each objection

Great. Get them all on the record with their votes. Then expel them from Congress and prosecute for sedition.

Is what they're doing unconstitutional?
No it is not unconstitutional. It is in fact very constitutional. I will give you that much. In fact it is not illegal in any way. HOWEVER, I will ask you this. Is what they are doing in the best interest of the American people, in the best interest of democracy ? It is irresponsible because I will gaurantee you that most if not all know that this fraud claim is bullshit. Hawley knows that it's bullshit. Anyone with a functioning brain knows that it's bullshit. They are doing this to curry favor with Trump and his moronic minions in order to further their own political ambisions. But they are doing it at the expennse of the publics confidence in the integrity of the election system . They should be ashamed as you should be for supporting this insanity
Some of those republicans are going with the trump/anti-trump winds, depending on direction and opportunity.
But Hawley is genuine.
I would take a tandem of him and that SD gov in either order for potus.
WHAT??!! Give me a fucking break!
I gave specifics. Now specify reasons for your objection.
You did not specify shit! This is just more proof that you people are grasping at straws. And whatnthe fuck does this mean? "I would take a tandem of him and that SD gov in either order for potus." Incoherant!
It speaks for itself. Hawley is a genuine pro-American and the SD governor has not catered to lockdowns. As a potus tandem,
I’d support them in either order. Pretty clear.
Now it’s your job to respond as an insulting pointless democrat.
No it does not speak for itself . You are just being a lazy, inarticulate jerk who cannot muster the brain cells to actually make your case and explain your position with FACTS
You just made me a prophet.
Great. Get them all on the record with their votes. Then expel them from Congress and prosecute for sedition.

Is what they're doing unconstitutional?
No it is not unconstitutional. It is in fact very constitutional. I will give you that much. In fact it is not illegal in any way. HOWEVER, I will ask you this. Is what they are doing in the best interest of the American people, in the best interest of democracy ? It is irresponsible because I will gaurantee you that most if not all know that this fraud claim is bullshit. Hawley knows that it's bullshit. Anyone with a functioning brain knows that it's bullshit. They are doing this to curry favor with Trump and his moronic minions in order to further their own political ambisions. But they are doing it at the expennse of the publics confidence in the integrity of the election system . They should be ashamed as you should be for supporting this insanity
Some of those republicans are going with the trump/anti-trump winds, depending on direction and opportunity.
But Hawley is genuine.
I would take a tandem of him and that SD gov in either order for potus.
WHAT??!! Give me a fucking break!
I gave specifics. Now specify reasons for your objection.
You did not specify shit! This is just more proof that you people are grasping at straws. And whatnthe fuck does this mean? "I would take a tandem of him and that SD gov in either order for potus." Incoherant!
It speaks for itself. Hawley is a genuine pro-American and the SD governor has not catered to lockdowns. As a potus tandem,
I’d support them in either order. Pretty clear.
Now it’s your job to respond as an insulting pointless democrat.
No it does not speak for itself . You are just being a lazy, inarticulate jerk who cannot muster the brain cells to actually make your case and explain your position with FACTS
You just made me a prophet.
I just made you an idiot
Could the difference be this time there will be 7 states with alternate slates ?
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Love it!

Make all Republicans stand up and declare.......I AM STUPID!
Seriously with Biden the head of the dems and AOC in the same party and you wanna to talk about the republicans iq?

Ummmm...You elected a birther Reality TV Star

That defines low IQ
Yeah we did---and under Trump most everything immensely improved. We saw the same chit happen when we elected a former actor called Reagan to run the country. It's almost normal washington insiders are all doing a chitty job but when we get anyone from outside the beltway in ------that they do a better job than the normal corrupt politicians who have never done anything else (AOC stealing from her fellow wait staff doesn't count as a positive) their whole lives other than make money off the government by hook or crook.
Ehhh NO. Dear Leader was endorsed by Putin. He knew he didn't need to lift a finger in this election because idiots such as yourself and Dear Donald were repeating Russian and Q propaganda. He smiles and thanks you - BIGLY
NO indeed. Putin congratulates Biden, says he's "ready for collaboration and contacts"
Putin is eager to collaborate with Biden just as some of his Russian oligarchs have collaborated with crack head son, Hunter Biden.

If you believe Vlad wanted Biden over Trump when Trump did everything in his power to cast down on our democracy, divide us like never before and destroy our institutions? Then I really can't help.
If you believe Vlad wanted Biden over Trump when Trump did everything in his power to cast down on our democracy, divide us like never before and destroy our institutions? Then I really can't help.
No. You can't. Nor do I want "help" like yours. And your post is a lie, what's new, as it's the left that has
been rioting in the streets, chasing conservatives out of public places and turning schools into Soviet-style
indoctrination centers.

The left is like the bratty child that punches and then blames the victim for his attack.

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