Josh Hawley announces he will object on Jan 6th, first Senator to join in objections, will force debate & vote on each objection

So who is he? Lawley or Hawley? :auiqs.jpg:
If you are talking about Josh Hawley, then he's just blowing gas. The election is over.
Biden won. Trump lost. This is just wasting everyone's time as there's no chance the election will be overturned.
He should be held accountable for his participation in a seditious act.

You throw the word sedition around like the Stalinist Commie that you are, comrade.
Stalin was a lousy commie in fact hit's like he wasn't a commie at all...
ROFL! So you believe you could do communism better?

I wake up every day laughing at idiots like you, who thought pussygrabber had a chance to win, jaaaa ja ja... Biden is president and pussygrabber going to jail...

View attachment 435593View attachment 435594
Biden is a pussy grabber. And you are right that trump didn't have a chance to beat this swindle election. That's not something I would boast about.

Um...I think El Prez has actually stated on the record that you could do this. Yes, I'm sure he has. Except for alt-right, conspiracy theory minded idiots, Biden hasn't been accused of that.
The election was free and fair. Trump lost. Biden won. Get over it. Move on. Scream at the sky if you must. But Trump is gone on 1/20/2021. Hawley is going to regret pulling this stunt.
It'll be fun to watch. :)
So who is he? Lawley or Hawley? :auiqs.jpg:
If you are talking about Josh Hawley, then he's just blowing gas. The election is over.
Biden won. Trump lost. This is just wasting everyone's time as there's no chance the election will be overturned.
He should be held accountable for his participation in a seditious act.

You throw the word sedition around like the Stalinist Commie that you are, comrade.
Stalin was a lousy commie in fact hit's like he wasn't a commie at all...
ROFL! So you believe you could do communism better?

I wake up every day laughing at idiots like you, who thought pussygrabber had a chance to win, jaaaa ja ja... Biden is president and pussygrabber going to jail...

View attachment 435593View attachment 435594
Biden is a pussy grabber. And you are right that trump didn't have a chance to beat this swindle election. That's not something I would boast about.

Major swing states cities had Dominion, N-rigger workers, and ghost ballots delivered during the witching hour. A fair and free election hadn't a snowball's chance in hell!
(Besides other irregularities.).
i'm betting on Trump winning just like Charles bet on the Blazers!

COMPETITIVE ELECTION? Trump doesn't know the meaning of the word "competitive"...because he's a natural born winner!
GOD Bless Senator Hawley and all Patriots like him! :clap:

He is absolutely right!:thup:

“I cannot vote to certify the electoral college results on January 6 without raising the fact that some states, particularly Pennsylvania, failed to follow their own state election laws," Hawley said in a statement.

"And I cannot vote to certify without pointing out the unprecedented effort of mega corporations, including Facebook and Twitter, to interfere in this election, in support of Joe Biden. At the very least, Congress should investigate allegations of voter fraud and adopt measures to secure the integrity of our elections. But Congress has so far failed to act," Hawley added."

i hope you and i agree Hawley is Handsome! (the 1st time we ever agree)
So who is he? Lawley or Hawley? :auiqs.jpg:
If you are talking about Josh Hawley, then he's just blowing gas. The election is over.
Biden won. Trump lost. This is just wasting everyone's time as there's no chance the election will be overturned.
He should be held accountable for his participation in a seditious act.

You throw the word sedition around like the Stalinist Commie that you are, comrade.
Stalin was a lousy commie in fact it's like he wasn't a commie at all...

Communist is what produces fascist or Stalinist if you will. For the life of me I'll never understand why so many scholars object to the definition of Stalin as a communist as if the very inference somehow besmirches the reputation of communism??!!! The Historical records of communist regimes in neighboring cultures are all pretty consistent in their recording of heinous and unconscionable existence under the ideology as a main economic driver and the subsequent loss of life...far and away the most costly of all ideologies to date...IMO one would have to be a drug addicted apologist for the cause to make such an objection. It's mentally vacant.

So who is he? Lawley or Hawley? :auiqs.jpg:
If you are talking about Josh Hawley, then he's just blowing gas. The election is over.
Biden won. Trump lost. This is just wasting everyone's time as there's no chance the election will be overturned.
He should be held accountable for his participation in a seditious act.

You throw the word sedition around like the Stalinist Commie that you are, comrade.
Stalin was a lousy commie in fact it's like he wasn't a commie at all...

Communist is what produces fascist or Stalinist if you will. For the life of me I'll never understand why so many scholars object to the definition of Stalin as a communist as if the very inference somehow besmirches the reputation of communism??!!! The Historical records of communist regimes in neighboring cultures are all pretty consistent in their recording of heinous and unconscionable existence under the ideology as a main economic driver and the subsequent loss of life...far and away the most costly of all ideologies to date...IMO one would have to be a drug addicted apologist for the cause to make such an objection. It's mentally vacant.

And this incoherant Gish Gallop has what, exactly to do with the theatrics over the election that Republicans are perpetrating?
So who is he? Lawley or Hawley? :auiqs.jpg:
If you are talking about Josh Hawley, then he's just blowing gas. The election is over.
Biden won. Trump lost. This is just wasting everyone's time as there's no chance the election will be overturned.
He should be held accountable for his participation in a seditious act.

You throw the word sedition around like the Stalinist Commie that you are, comrade.
Stalin was a lousy commie in fact it's like he wasn't a commie at all...

Communist is what produces fascist or Stalinist if you will. For the life of me I'll never understand why so many scholars object to the definition of Stalin as a communist as if the very inference somehow besmirches the reputation of communism??!!! The Historical records of communist regimes in neighboring cultures are all pretty consistent in their recording of heinous and unconscionable existence under the ideology as a main economic driver and the subsequent loss of life...far and away the most costly of all ideologies to date...IMO one would have to be a drug addicted apologist for the cause to make such an objection. It's mentally vacant.

And this incoherant Gish Gallop has what, exactly to do with the theatrics over the election that Republicans are perpetrating?

Sorry if it's over your is neither incoherent nor is it is an old debate that is better handled by those who actually have some facts of the debate. I take it that MG has an opinion about it and so do I in fact. off I guess.
So who is he? Lawley or Hawley? :auiqs.jpg:
If you are talking about Josh Hawley, then he's just blowing gas. The election is over.
Biden won. Trump lost. This is just wasting everyone's time as there's no chance the election will be overturned.
He should be held accountable for his participation in a seditious act.

You throw the word sedition around like the Stalinist Commie that you are, comrade.
Stalin was a lousy commie in fact it's like he wasn't a commie at all...

Communist is what produces fascist or Stalinist if you will. For the life of me I'll never understand why so many scholars object to the definition of Stalin as a communist as if the very inference somehow besmirches the reputation of communism??!!! The Historical records of communist regimes in neighboring cultures are all pretty consistent in their recording of heinous and unconscionable existence under the ideology as a main economic driver and the subsequent loss of life...far and away the most costly of all ideologies to date...IMO one would have to be a drug addicted apologist for the cause to make such an objection. It's mentally vacant.

And this incoherant Gish Gallop has what, exactly to do with the theatrics over the election that Republicans are perpetrating?

Sorry if it's over your is neither incoherent nor is it is an old debate that is better handled by those who actually have some facts of the debate. I take it that MG has an opinion about it and so do I in fact. off I guess.
So who is he? Lawley or Hawley? :auiqs.jpg:
If you are talking about Josh Hawley, then he's just blowing gas. The election is over.
Biden won. Trump lost. This is just wasting everyone's time as there's no chance the election will be overturned.
He should be held accountable for his participation in a seditious act.
It takes a lot of guts and personal unawareness to steal the presidency and then whine about someone else's "seditious act".
Roast in hell, traitor!
Good fucking God! :boo_hoo14::boo_hoo14::boo_hoo14:
What exactly do you disagree with Kid?..... B. Kidd | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum Show us the evidence or shut up.

The truth be out there.
I disagree with Grand Theft Presidential election.
And no, I won't shut up!
Do you expect unity under Joe, or sumthin'?
It ain't happening, comrade.
Pathetic bullshit. Where the fuck is the evidenceNo i ? That was what I asked and this is what I get? No I dod not expect unity with Biden just like there was not unity with Obama because of far right assholes like you. Democrates want unity and you jackasses just want to bleat about socialism and your percieved erosion of freedom while ignoring the very real issues effecting American, and the planet. Insinuating that I am a communist doe not change that reality

The evidence is there. No Courts granted an evidentiary hearing, dotard. That is because our Courts, including SCOTUS, are more committed to protecting statist Gov't then they are upholding our Constitution!
The evidence is there and you've read about it, so don't play dumb like our Courts do, comrade.
Same horsheshit, different post. Get the fuck overn it. That is no evidence. You said that there is. WAHT THE FUCK IS IT?

Are you this unaware? Hire a researcher, cuz I ain't it.
BTW, you are a progressive, but have never been nor will ever be a Patriot!

You deserve one :fu:for the New Year.
Happy New Year.
I don't need to hire a researcher. I do my own research . You seem to be the one who needs help with research. Otherwise you would not be posting this inane horseshit. And do not dare to tell me that I am not a patriot. You are not the sole arbitor of what a patriot is. Read my signiture line and my bio and try to learn something if you can. I will have a happy new year since Trump will no longer be a stain on the fabric of America. You might also have a happy new year if you can break free of the cult of Trump and embrase the idea that government should actually serve the best interest of the country and the American pople, rather than a narsisstic and self obsorbed individual.
So who is he? Lawley or Hawley? :auiqs.jpg:
If you are talking about Josh Hawley, then he's just blowing gas. The election is over.
Biden won. Trump lost. This is just wasting everyone's time as there's no chance the election will be overturned.
He should be held accountable for his participation in a seditious act.

You throw the word sedition around like the Stalinist Commie that you are, comrade.
Stalin was a lousy commie in fact it's like he wasn't a commie at all...

Communist is what produces fascist or Stalinist if you will. For the life of me I'll never understand why so many scholars object to the definition of Stalin as a communist as if the very inference somehow besmirches the reputation of communism??!!! The Historical records of communist regimes in neighboring cultures are all pretty consistent in their recording of heinous and unconscionable existence under the ideology as a main economic driver and the subsequent loss of life...far and away the most costly of all ideologies to date...IMO one would have to be a drug addicted apologist for the cause to make such an objection. It's mentally vacant.

And this incoherant Gish Gallop has what, exactly to do with the theatrics over the election that Republicans are perpetrating?

Sorry if it's over your is neither incoherent nor is it is an old debate that is better handled by those who actually have some facts of the debate. I take it that MG has an opinion about it and so do I in fact. off I guess.

Hahahahahaha.........lolol......that's hilarious.
The government is literally arguing about how much of our own money to give back to us. Let that sink in

Here’s a better plan: suspend filing taxes for 2020 and 2021 until further notice. I’d enjoy that most than a measly $600. Of my own money I might add.
Awesome. Finally a senator with a set of balls on them! I can't wait to see what traitors make the list to primary in 2022 and 2024. President Trump IS the GOP and we his base will do our damn best to insure all traitors get removed.
This is a big deal. Hawley is the first Senator to defy Mcconnell's demand, and confirm that he will indeed object on January 6th, joining several members of the House of Representatives. Because this satisfies the requiremenent of one member from each chamber of Congress joining the objection, it will force the debate and vote provisions under the Electoral Count Act.

Big deal, yet a shitty deal completely. It undermines trust and faith in our entire voting and democratic systems that always ensure fair, safe, and secure elections, and have for decades.

FYI: Trump and those who are lock-step with him have lost 59 of 60 major court challenges and two USSC rulings (one 9-0) against his crazy wild-ass fraud claims.
The government is literally arguing about how much of our own money to give back to us. Let that sink in

Here’s a better plan: suspend filing taxes for 2020 and 2021 until further notice. I’d enjoy that most than a measly $600. Of my own money I might add.

Once "your/our" money hits DC it's no longer yours/ours... but it does come back in various beneficial forms: Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, GI Bill, SNAP program, Headstart, and tons of other public service programs.
Sen. Hawley wants to be president one day and knows he won't get elected if he doesn't have the support of President Trump's most ardent sycophants.

The threat he poses should be taken seriously. He's just as authoritarian as Trump, but he's younger, better looking and smarter.
This is a big deal. Hawley is the first Senator to defy Mcconnell's demand, and confirm that he will indeed object on January 6th, joining several members of the House of Representatives. Because this satisfies the requiremenent of one member from each chamber of Congress joining the objection, it will force the debate and vote provisions under the Electoral Count Act.

Everyone better pack a sandwich then, unless Pence reads all the votes before adjourning them to chambers for debate on the objections. We know the arguments, they'll all be pretty much the same. 2 hours is plenty.
Apparently it will be 2 hours per objection. Pence will read each state in alphabetical order. Like when Arizona comes up, if there is an objection, they suspend the JSC for 2 hours to debate and then come back and resume. Then when Georgia comes around...another objection...another suspension. While it will be great to see the blob lose six more times in one afternoon, I am hoping they do all of the objections at once.
Great. Get them all on the record with their votes. Then expel them from Congress and prosecute for sedition.
I was kind of hoping Kamala would be the one to second the objection myself. It would be Machiavellian.
So who is he? Lawley or Hawley? :auiqs.jpg:
If you are talking about Josh Hawley, then he's just blowing gas. The election is over.
Biden won. Trump lost. This is just wasting everyone's time as there's no chance the election will be overturned.
He should be held accountable for his participation in a seditious act.
It takes a lot of guts and personal unawareness to steal the presidency and then whine about someone else's "seditious act".
Roast in hell, traitor!
Good fucking God! :boo_hoo14::boo_hoo14::boo_hoo14:
Their misery is making the end of this gloomy year brighter.
Senator Tommy Tuberville has announced that he will also be joining in the objection.
Of course. He's a quitter football coach, not a patriot. He couldn't even name the 3 branches of government. A Senator!

It's the dumbing down of America that so-called "conservatives" have been sowing for the past 40 years.

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