Josh Hawley goes after Disney's copyrights on their characters. As they punish Disney for freedom of speech. Tyranny at its best.

So if you are a company the right wing will go after you for speaking out against legislation.
They do in Florida why not in Missouri. Hawley probably is still bitter from the time he visited as a kid and Minnie wouldn't let him see under her dress.
How long to copyrights last? Isn't it fair to let other corporate entities to make a buck while Disney still makes billions?

How does Disney having a copyright on Mickey Mouse prevent other corporate entities from making money?
What's the point then?


Hawley is interested in continually punishing Disney because, as a business, Disney had the audacity to express an opinion.

As someone who owns and operates two businesses, I find this extremely troublesome...

So if you are a company the right wing will go after you for speaking out against legislation.
Disney LIED about the bill they were protesting.

Aside from that, in my opinion, ANY corporation is stupid for getting into politics. Now Disney is promoting a gay agenda. How is that good for them?

So if you are a company the right wing will go after you for speaking out against legislation.
So what.

If you're just an ordinary person, the left wing will go after you for just about anything

Eat the wrong brand of hot dog, next thing you know you've been doxxed and defriended on social media, and when you go to work everyone looks at you funny...
Sorry 'bout that...

So then it was ok for Dems to do it or is it ok now that your side is doing it? Not being consistent is the epitome of hypocrisy.

Next time, look up the meaning of the words you use. Thanks for playing. :itsok:

No, it wasn't. However, you assholes have no limits on how low you will go. So, guess what. When we finally decide to fight back, we are going to use YOUR tactics against you.

Enjoy the suck.
Disney LIED about the bill they were protesting.

Aside from that, in my opinion, ANY corporation is stupid for getting into politics. Now Disney is promoting a gay agenda. How is that good for them?

What are your thoughts on the actual topic?

That actually makes sense, but not for the social component. It would be a smart business decision. Chick-Fil-A is closed on Sundays. That'd be an awful lot of revenue lost every month...
The right wing got woke the second Disney wasn't supporting their narrative. 😂😂😂
Disney has been woke for decades. The upper management got full of themselves and to self important. They already are overpaid as we all know. This corporate woke crap has to end.
No, it wasn't. However, you assholes have no limits on how low you will go. So, guess what. When we finally decide to fight back, we are going to use YOUR tactics against you.

Enjoy the suck.
Against me? You retard, you think I own Disney? :laughing0301:

Go against Disney or IBM. I could care less. As usual this is another Repub red-meat promise to the mouth-breathing morons that is never going to be kept or one that will lose in court.

So knock yourself out.
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So you are for attack company's because they disagree with your policies and speak out.

You guys said corporation are people and now your acting woke
What country are you from? It appears English is not your first language, but it almost seems like you're using Google translate to write your posts.

It's also clear you either don't understand the definition of the word "woke" or you're intentionally misusing it in an effort to advance some kind of tortured narrative which escapes me.
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