Journalist Attacked and Mugged by ANTIFA

If Trump incited violence against Assange...if...that's wrong.
I see. So freedom of the press is not actually an American value that you hold dear.

LOL! Our lamestream Operation Mockingbird media has been a joke for decades, Recall the Church Committee hearings of the mid 70's? Funny, I seem to recall leftards screaming for Assange's scalp for releasing the incriminating e-mails provided to Assange from Seth leftards are singing a different tune? I agree that Assange should be released but he isn't' currently being held in USA.INC's custody.

BTW, alternative media is the only REAL source for news and information which is why it is being attacked like it is......
I read independent media.
I never believed the Russian hoax.
I didn't say he was in American custody. I said he is under indictment.
Any more fallacies I can clear up for ya?

And that is Trump's fault how, exactly?????
It's his Justice Department!

Don't tell me you are a personality cultist too?

Fuck off, dipshit...leftards would claim that he was obstructing (snicker) "justice" and here we go all over again. BTW, dumb ass, I didn't vote for Trump because our country has become an unmitigated joke but I am grateful that I have been spared of that luciferian witch aka the Hildebeast...after eight years of the commie clown obamamonkey? I don't know how I would have fared. Frankly, I have enjoyed the respite and have taken great pleasure in the angst of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies. If Trump accomplishes nothing else? He has validated what I have saying about a deep state and a shadow "gubermint" that pulls the strings along with a compliant media.

I know more than you.....I have a PHD in how things really work. You are on the other end of the spectrum.....a short bus riding, shit smearing Down's Syndrome victim....don't get pissed at me. I didn't raise ya.
I see. So freedom of the press is not actually an American value that you hold dear.

LOL! Our lamestream Operation Mockingbird media has been a joke for decades, Recall the Church Committee hearings of the mid 70's? Funny, I seem to recall leftards screaming for Assange's scalp for releasing the incriminating e-mails provided to Assange from Seth leftards are singing a different tune? I agree that Assange should be released but he isn't' currently being held in USA.INC's custody.

BTW, alternative media is the only REAL source for news and information which is why it is being attacked like it is......
I read independent media.
I never believed the Russian hoax.
I didn't say he was in American custody. I said he is under indictment.
Any more fallacies I can clear up for ya?

And that is Trump's fault how, exactly?????
It's his Justice Department!

Don't tell me you are a personality cultist too?

Fuck off, dipshit...leftards would claim that he was obstructing (snicker) "justice" and here we go all over again. BTW, dumb ass, I didn't vote for Trump because our country has become an unmitigated joke but I am grateful that I have been spared of that luciferian witch aka the Hildebeast...after eight years of the commie clown obamamonkey? I don't know how I would have fared. Frankly, I have enjoyed the respite and have taken great pleasure in the angst of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies. If Trump accomplishes nothing else? He has validated what I have saying about a deep state and a shadow "gubermint" that pulls the strings along with a compliant media.

I know more than you.....I have a PHD in how things really work. You are on the other end of the spectrum.....a short bus riding, shit smearing Down's Syndrome victim....don't get pissed at me. I didn't raise ya.
You need to get a new shtick, bro. That one is stale.

The fact remains that the Trump administration is conducting a war on journalism via his assault on Assange and you are silently consenting to it. Trump is handing the deep state a huge victory in their efforts to remain in the shadows dumbass. Wake the fuck up, moron. Fucking cultists!
LOL! Our lamestream Operation Mockingbird media has been a joke for decades, Recall the Church Committee hearings of the mid 70's? Funny, I seem to recall leftards screaming for Assange's scalp for releasing the incriminating e-mails provided to Assange from Seth leftards are singing a different tune? I agree that Assange should be released but he isn't' currently being held in USA.INC's custody.

BTW, alternative media is the only REAL source for news and information which is why it is being attacked like it is......
I read independent media.
I never believed the Russian hoax.
I didn't say he was in American custody. I said he is under indictment.
Any more fallacies I can clear up for ya?

And that is Trump's fault how, exactly?????
It's his Justice Department!

Don't tell me you are a personality cultist too?

Fuck off, dipshit...leftards would claim that he was obstructing (snicker) "justice" and here we go all over again. BTW, dumb ass, I didn't vote for Trump because our country has become an unmitigated joke but I am grateful that I have been spared of that luciferian witch aka the Hildebeast...after eight years of the commie clown obamamonkey? I don't know how I would have fared. Frankly, I have enjoyed the respite and have taken great pleasure in the angst of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies. If Trump accomplishes nothing else? He has validated what I have saying about a deep state and a shadow "gubermint" that pulls the strings along with a compliant media.

I know more than you.....I have a PHD in how things really work. You are on the other end of the spectrum.....a short bus riding, shit smearing Down's Syndrome victim....don't get pissed at me. I didn't raise ya.
You need to get a new shtick, bro. That one is stale.

The fact remains that the Trump administration is conducting a war on journalism via his assault on Assange and you are silently consenting to it. Trump is handing the deep state a huge victory in their efforts to remain in the shadows dumbass. Wake the fuck up, moron. Fucking cultists!

LMAO!!!!!!! I will burn that bridge when I get to it......the Hildebeast wanted drone strikes on the Ecuadoran Embassy and leftards here were fucking LIVID with Assange. Our media is a fucking joke. The same media that gave the Barrypuppet a pass and tried to carry the Hildebeast over the finish line where journalists actually sent their write-ups to the Hildebeast campaign for approval before print to the relentless "TRUMP AND THE ROOSKIES CHEATED!!!!" bullshit. I hate having to defend Trump on anything or any issue. Bolton and Pompeo are deep state swamp rats. Barr is CIA and a serious deep stater. It's like rooting for which poison to kill you and is less painful. Don't EVEN attempt to presume that we are contemporaries. because you are flattering yourself as you post with feces smeared fingers.

Are we clear, punkinpuss? Too many multi-syllable words? I guess I could try and simplify my me, help you.
Go back & read the threads; many (here) were in agreement with Khashoggi's assassination. Go look ..........
The dumbass was Muslim killed by Muslims, blame it on Muslims you fucking retard.

Khasshogi was was a US resident, employed by a US news agency; I know that type of info is above your pay grade & we ALL know U hate 'Muslims' & you don't mind seeing Muslims being murdered & dismembered.

You must be a really swell guy.
You do realize Muslims killed the asshat?
Not Americans

yes; I knew that
Go back & read the threads; many (here) were in agreement with Khashoggi's assassination. Go look ..........
The dumbass was Muslim killed by Muslims, blame it on Muslims you fucking retard.

Khasshogi was was a US resident, employed by a US news agency; I know that type of info is above your pay grade & we ALL know U hate 'Muslims' & you don't mind seeing Muslims being murdered & dismembered.

You must be a really swell guy.
You do realize Muslims killed the asshat?
Not Americans

yes; I knew that

Caddo kid SEZ?????" I just KNOW that Trump and the ROOSKIES cheated because they conspired to reveal the cheating of our beloved Hitlery and my beloved DNC and that's cheating!!!"

Again, it's not the fact that the criminality and corruption of the Hildebeast and the DNC was revealed and leftards are not upset with the revelations via the's the fact that they were revealed at all.

Just a head's up, lil fella, the Hildebeast couldn't draw flies to her infrequent appearances on the campaign trail. She gave speeches with blue screen technology to make it appear that she didn't have the sparse crowds that even bothered to show up and that was before the data dump. Leftards just don't "get it" that the Hildebeast didn't connect with people like Trump did and this field is even weaker than 2016....and I don't even participate in the bogus election process of this banana republic that is actually a corporate entity......but I sure LOVE watching leftards like you go so "batshit crazy" with indignant outrage that you lost "braggin' rights". I doubt you will ever see yourself for the utter joke of a poster that you certainly are.


sorry, I thought the thread was about journalist being attacked by ass holes; my bad ........
I read independent media.
I never believed the Russian hoax.
I didn't say he was in American custody. I said he is under indictment.
Any more fallacies I can clear up for ya?

And that is Trump's fault how, exactly?????
It's his Justice Department!

Don't tell me you are a personality cultist too?

Fuck off, dipshit...leftards would claim that he was obstructing (snicker) "justice" and here we go all over again. BTW, dumb ass, I didn't vote for Trump because our country has become an unmitigated joke but I am grateful that I have been spared of that luciferian witch aka the Hildebeast...after eight years of the commie clown obamamonkey? I don't know how I would have fared. Frankly, I have enjoyed the respite and have taken great pleasure in the angst of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies. If Trump accomplishes nothing else? He has validated what I have saying about a deep state and a shadow "gubermint" that pulls the strings along with a compliant media.

I know more than you.....I have a PHD in how things really work. You are on the other end of the spectrum.....a short bus riding, shit smearing Down's Syndrome victim....don't get pissed at me. I didn't raise ya.
You need to get a new shtick, bro. That one is stale.

The fact remains that the Trump administration is conducting a war on journalism via his assault on Assange and you are silently consenting to it. Trump is handing the deep state a huge victory in their efforts to remain in the shadows dumbass. Wake the fuck up, moron. Fucking cultists!

LMAO!!!!!!! I will burn that bridge when I get to it......the Hildebeast wanted drone strikes on the Ecuadoran Embassy and leftards here were fucking LIVID with Assange. Our media is a fucking joke. The same media that gave the Barrypuppet a pass and tried to carry the Hildebeast over the finish line where journalists actually sent their write-ups to the Hildebeast campaign for approval before print to the relentless "TRUMP AND THE ROOSKIES CHEATED!!!!" bullshit. I hate having to defend Trump on anything or any issue. Bolton and Pompeo are deep state swamp rats. Barr is CIA and a serious deep stater. It's like rooting for which poison to kill you and is less painful. Don't EVEN attempt to presume that we are contemporaries. because you are flattering yourself as you post with feces smeared fingers.

Are we clear, punkinpuss? Too many multi-syllable words? I guess I could try and simplify my me, help you.
You don't think we are contemporaries dumb ass? I don't think I'm the one that has a problem with the multi syllable words.

Get a life, jack ass.
The dumbass was Muslim killed by Muslims, blame it on Muslims you fucking retard.

Khasshogi was was a US resident, employed by a US news agency; I know that type of info is above your pay grade & we ALL know U hate 'Muslims' & you don't mind seeing Muslims being murdered & dismembered.

You must be a really swell guy.
You do realize Muslims killed the asshat?
Not Americans

yes; I knew that
The dumbass was Muslim killed by Muslims, blame it on Muslims you fucking retard.

Khasshogi was was a US resident, employed by a US news agency; I know that type of info is above your pay grade & we ALL know U hate 'Muslims' & you don't mind seeing Muslims being murdered & dismembered.

You must be a really swell guy.
You do realize Muslims killed the asshat?
Not Americans

yes; I knew that

Caddo kid SEZ?????" I just KNOW that Trump and the ROOSKIES cheated because they conspired to reveal the cheating of our beloved Hitlery and my beloved DNC and that's cheating!!!"

Again, it's not the fact that the criminality and corruption of the Hildebeast and the DNC was revealed and leftards are not upset with the revelations via the's the fact that they were revealed at all.

Just a head's up, lil fella, the Hildebeast couldn't draw flies to her infrequent appearances on the campaign trail. She gave speeches with blue screen technology to make it appear that she didn't have the sparse crowds that even bothered to show up and that was before the data dump. Leftards just don't "get it" that the Hildebeast didn't connect with people like Trump did and this field is even weaker than 2016....and I don't even participate in the bogus election process of this banana republic that is actually a corporate entity......but I sure LOVE watching leftards like you go so "batshit crazy" with indignant outrage that you lost "braggin' rights". I doubt you will ever see yourself for the utter joke of a poster that you certainly are.


sorry, I thought the thread was about journalist being attacked by ass holes; my bad ........
And that is Trump's fault how, exactly?????
It's his Justice Department!

Don't tell me you are a personality cultist too?

Fuck off, dipshit...leftards would claim that he was obstructing (snicker) "justice" and here we go all over again. BTW, dumb ass, I didn't vote for Trump because our country has become an unmitigated joke but I am grateful that I have been spared of that luciferian witch aka the Hildebeast...after eight years of the commie clown obamamonkey? I don't know how I would have fared. Frankly, I have enjoyed the respite and have taken great pleasure in the angst of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies. If Trump accomplishes nothing else? He has validated what I have saying about a deep state and a shadow "gubermint" that pulls the strings along with a compliant media.

I know more than you.....I have a PHD in how things really work. You are on the other end of the spectrum.....a short bus riding, shit smearing Down's Syndrome victim....don't get pissed at me. I didn't raise ya.
You need to get a new shtick, bro. That one is stale.

The fact remains that the Trump administration is conducting a war on journalism via his assault on Assange and you are silently consenting to it. Trump is handing the deep state a huge victory in their efforts to remain in the shadows dumbass. Wake the fuck up, moron. Fucking cultists!

LMAO!!!!!!! I will burn that bridge when I get to it......the Hildebeast wanted drone strikes on the Ecuadoran Embassy and leftards here were fucking LIVID with Assange. Our media is a fucking joke. The same media that gave the Barrypuppet a pass and tried to carry the Hildebeast over the finish line where journalists actually sent their write-ups to the Hildebeast campaign for approval before print to the relentless "TRUMP AND THE ROOSKIES CHEATED!!!!" bullshit. I hate having to defend Trump on anything or any issue. Bolton and Pompeo are deep state swamp rats. Barr is CIA and a serious deep stater. It's like rooting for which poison to kill you and is less painful. Don't EVEN attempt to presume that we are contemporaries. because you are flattering yourself as you post with feces smeared fingers.

Are we clear, punkinpuss? Too many multi-syllable words? I guess I could try and simplify my me, help you.
You don't think we are contemporaries dumb ass? I don't think I'm the one that has a problem with the multi syllable words.

Get a life, jack ass.

"You don't think we are contemporaries dumb ass?

You definitely have an issue with correct punctuation, dumb ass.

Learn, grow, evolve............

Khasshogi was was a US resident, employed by a US news agency; I know that type of info is above your pay grade & we ALL know U hate 'Muslims' & you don't mind seeing Muslims being murdered & dismembered.

You must be a really swell guy.
You do realize Muslims killed the asshat?
Not Americans

yes; I knew that
Khasshogi was was a US resident, employed by a US news agency; I know that type of info is above your pay grade & we ALL know U hate 'Muslims' & you don't mind seeing Muslims being murdered & dismembered.

You must be a really swell guy.
You do realize Muslims killed the asshat?
Not Americans

yes; I knew that

Caddo kid SEZ?????" I just KNOW that Trump and the ROOSKIES cheated because they conspired to reveal the cheating of our beloved Hitlery and my beloved DNC and that's cheating!!!"

Again, it's not the fact that the criminality and corruption of the Hildebeast and the DNC was revealed and leftards are not upset with the revelations via the's the fact that they were revealed at all.

Just a head's up, lil fella, the Hildebeast couldn't draw flies to her infrequent appearances on the campaign trail. She gave speeches with blue screen technology to make it appear that she didn't have the sparse crowds that even bothered to show up and that was before the data dump. Leftards just don't "get it" that the Hildebeast didn't connect with people like Trump did and this field is even weaker than 2016....and I don't even participate in the bogus election process of this banana republic that is actually a corporate entity......but I sure LOVE watching leftards like you go so "batshit crazy" with indignant outrage that you lost "braggin' rights". I doubt you will ever see yourself for the utter joke of a poster that you certainly are.


sorry, I thought the thread was about journalist being attacked by ass holes; my bad ........
It's his Justice Department!

Don't tell me you are a personality cultist too?

Fuck off, dipshit...leftards would claim that he was obstructing (snicker) "justice" and here we go all over again. BTW, dumb ass, I didn't vote for Trump because our country has become an unmitigated joke but I am grateful that I have been spared of that luciferian witch aka the Hildebeast...after eight years of the commie clown obamamonkey? I don't know how I would have fared. Frankly, I have enjoyed the respite and have taken great pleasure in the angst of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies. If Trump accomplishes nothing else? He has validated what I have saying about a deep state and a shadow "gubermint" that pulls the strings along with a compliant media.

I know more than you.....I have a PHD in how things really work. You are on the other end of the spectrum.....a short bus riding, shit smearing Down's Syndrome victim....don't get pissed at me. I didn't raise ya.
You need to get a new shtick, bro. That one is stale.

The fact remains that the Trump administration is conducting a war on journalism via his assault on Assange and you are silently consenting to it. Trump is handing the deep state a huge victory in their efforts to remain in the shadows dumbass. Wake the fuck up, moron. Fucking cultists!

LMAO!!!!!!! I will burn that bridge when I get to it......the Hildebeast wanted drone strikes on the Ecuadoran Embassy and leftards here were fucking LIVID with Assange. Our media is a fucking joke. The same media that gave the Barrypuppet a pass and tried to carry the Hildebeast over the finish line where journalists actually sent their write-ups to the Hildebeast campaign for approval before print to the relentless "TRUMP AND THE ROOSKIES CHEATED!!!!" bullshit. I hate having to defend Trump on anything or any issue. Bolton and Pompeo are deep state swamp rats. Barr is CIA and a serious deep stater. It's like rooting for which poison to kill you and is less painful. Don't EVEN attempt to presume that we are contemporaries. because you are flattering yourself as you post with feces smeared fingers.

Are we clear, punkinpuss? Too many multi-syllable words? I guess I could try and simplify my me, help you.
You don't think we are contemporaries dumb ass? I don't think I'm the one that has a problem with the multi syllable words.

Get a life, jack ass.

"You don't think we are contemporaries dumb ass?

You definitely have an issue with correct punctuation, dumb ass.

Learn, grow, evolve............

You're such a disappointment, on many levels.
What happened to journalist Andy Ngo is disgraceful!

Shame on the perpetrators!

Antifa should be declared a terrorist group from today on! They are thugs and criminals!

Where is MSNBC and CNN now screaming for journalistic rights?

Total hypocrites!
LOL! Our lamestream Operation Mockingbird media has been a joke for decades, Recall the Church Committee hearings of the mid 70's? Funny, I seem to recall leftards screaming for Assange's scalp for releasing the incriminating e-mails provided to Assange from Seth leftards are singing a different tune? I agree that Assange should be released but he isn't' currently being held in USA.INC's custody.

BTW, alternative media is the only REAL source for news and information which is why it is being attacked like it is......
I read independent media.
I never believed the Russian hoax.
I didn't say he was in American custody. I said he is under indictment.
Any more fallacies I can clear up for ya?

And that is Trump's fault how, exactly?????
It's his Justice Department!

Don't tell me you are a personality cultist too?

Fuck off, dipshit...leftards would claim that he was obstructing (snicker) "justice" and here we go all over again. BTW, dumb ass, I didn't vote for Trump because our country has become an unmitigated joke but I am grateful that I have been spared of that luciferian witch aka the Hildebeast...after eight years of the commie clown obamamonkey? I don't know how I would have fared. Frankly, I have enjoyed the respite and have taken great pleasure in the angst of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies. If Trump accomplishes nothing else? He has validated what I have saying about a deep state and a shadow "gubermint" that pulls the strings along with a compliant media.

I know more than you.....I have a PHD in how things really work. You are on the other end of the spectrum.....a short bus riding, shit smearing Down's Syndrome victim....don't get pissed at me. I didn't raise ya.
You need to get a new shtick, bro. That one is stale.

The fact remains that the Trump administration is conducting a war on journalism via his assault on Assange and you are silently consenting to it. Trump is handing the deep state a huge victory in their efforts to remain in the shadows dumbass. Wake the fuck up, moron. Fucking cultists!

You are a moron.

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Charged in 18-Count Superseding Indictment

A Grand Jury indicted him, not Trump.
If you aren’t familiar with Andy Ngo, he’s a journalist in Portland who has been covering ANTIFA’s rallies and very fascist attacks and bullying on the public for sometime

Andy Ngo on Twitter

Portland? Antifa Libtard capital of the west? As Caddo Kid would say, if Ngo went there and went there alone, he was asking for it.

Libtards aren't ashamed of their hate, intolerance and violence, they merely justify it.
They don't even bother justifying or rationalizing their hate, intolerance, and violence. They revel in it.

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

The acts of one individual are not ‘representative’ of an entire class of persons.

And yet you make these generalizations all the time when talking about conservatives
nice swastikas and national government health care your left winger NAZI brothers want gay cricket


it was left wing nazis running over a different strain of left wing nazi

Charlottesville suit against the NSM
After the August riot and violence rising from the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, two lawsuits targeting 21 racist "alt-right" and hate group leaders, including the NSM and leader Jeff Schoep, were filed in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia and another in Virginia Circuit Court. Organizations named in both suits were the National Socialist Movement; Traditionalist Workers Party (TWP); League of the South (LOS), and Vanguard America, a two-year-old white supremacy group claiming 12 U.S. chapters. Two Ku Klux Klan groups, the Loyal White Knights and the East Coast Knights of the KKK, were named defendants in the federal suit.

Alt right my ass
wtf does that even mean
syke, I Googled the Portland Police Chief's name assuming that was a joke. :p The name is very appropriate. Like most Americans, I am so sick of Affirmative Action police chiefs and district attorneys. It only empowers outlaws, rioters and assorted savage criminals.

The Portland mayor is a sad, limp wristed douchebag who lets savages scream obscenities at him at town meetings. So bizarre. Portland was a descent, safe place when I visited in the early 90's on the way to Hood River to windsurf.

Last edited:
If you aren’t familiar with Andy Ngo, he’s a journalist in Portland who has been covering ANTIFA’s rallies and very fascist attacks and bullying on the public for sometime

Andy Ngo on Twitter
That's incredibly messed up. Send them motherfuckers in front of me for a week.

I'll either ventilate them, or they'll be a useful member of society by the time I get through. :dunno:
I'm all for swinging a bushaxe all day and things like that. I'd do it myself.
and this piece of shit Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler should resign NOW!

He is a criminal!


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