Journalist Attacked and Mugged by ANTIFA

How soon we forget

I'm not a follower of new tard terminology. What 5he hell is "cis white male"????
ANTIFA playbook leaked
I thought Trump Humpers loved seeing the media being attacked.

that's because you are a terrible person. We're not. Sorry to disappoint.

………..Trump Humpers are terrible folks, you definitely don't disappoint.

Says the person that is shocked we don't support violence against the media.

I am shocked that you are lying about it, wait that is what Trump Humpers do is lie.

You most certainly do disappoint... likely everyone, including those related to you.

Sounds like you are that son that didn't amount to shit, probably still lives at home with the parents.

Nope, own my own condo. Good try at insulting me, but I'd have to care what you thought first, to be really insulted.

Regardless, no one on the right wants reporters being attacked. No one. We hate violent people. We don't support them, which is why you don't see a violent right-wing version of Antifa being supported by the right-wing. We're the good people.

It's you on the left that are openly supporting a violent group like Antifa. That's all you need to know, to figure out which between the two of us, are the morally good.
I thought Trump Humpers loved seeing the media being attacked.

that's because you are a terrible person. We're not. Sorry to disappoint.

………..Trump Humpers are terrible folks, you definitely don't disappoint.

Says the person that is shocked we don't support violence against the media.

I am shocked that you are lying about it, wait that is what Trump Humpers do is lie.

You most certainly do disappoint... likely everyone, including those related to you.

Sounds like you are that son that didn't amount to shit, probably still lives at home with the parents.

Nope, own my own condo. Good try at insulting me, but I'd have to care what you thought first, to be really insulted.

Regardless, no one on the right wants reporters being attacked. No one. We hate violent people. We don't support them, which is why you don't see a violent right-wing version of Antifa being supported by the right-wing. We're the good people.

It's you on the left that are openly supporting a violent group like Antifa. That's all you need to know, to figure out which between the two of us, are the morally good.

First of all you need to know someone on the left that advocates violence against others, 2 both sides are to blame for the violence and lastly if you voted for Trump you have NO moral ground to stand on.
I thought Trump Humpers loved seeing the media being attacked.

that's because you are a terrible person. We're not. Sorry to disappoint.

………..Trump Humpers are terrible folks, you definitely don't disappoint.

Says the person that is shocked we don't support violence against the media.

I am shocked that you are lying about it, wait that is what Trump Humpers do is lie.

You most certainly do disappoint... likely everyone, including those related to you.

Sounds like you are that son that didn't amount to shit, probably still lives at home with the parents.

Nope, own my own condo. Good try at insulting me, but I'd have to care what you thought first, to be really insulted.

Regardless, no one on the right wants reporters being attacked. No one. We hate violent people. We don't support them, which is why you don't see a violent right-wing version of Antifa being supported by the right-wing. We're the good people.

It's you on the left that are openly supporting a violent group like Antifa. That's all you need to know, to figure out which between the two of us, are the morally good.

Right-Wing Extremism Linked to Every 2018 Extremist Murder in the U.S., ADL Finds

that's because you are a terrible person. We're not. Sorry to disappoint.

………..Trump Humpers are terrible folks, you definitely don't disappoint.

Says the person that is shocked we don't support violence against the media.

I am shocked that you are lying about it, wait that is what Trump Humpers do is lie.

You most certainly do disappoint... likely everyone, including those related to you.

Sounds like you are that son that didn't amount to shit, probably still lives at home with the parents.

Nope, own my own condo. Good try at insulting me, but I'd have to care what you thought first, to be really insulted.

Regardless, no one on the right wants reporters being attacked. No one. We hate violent people. We don't support them, which is why you don't see a violent right-wing version of Antifa being supported by the right-wing. We're the good people.

It's you on the left that are openly supporting a violent group like Antifa. That's all you need to know, to figure out which between the two of us, are the morally good.

Right-Wing Extremism Linked to Every 2018 Extremist Murder in the U.S., ADL Finds

it lie asshole

BREAKING: New Angle Shows Antifa Thugs Who Battered Reporter Andy Ngo Were PREPARED FOR BATTLE -- WORE ASSAULT GLOVES during Beating

These COCK suckers will be identified and will be told on
What’s the lesson here. Violence perpetrated by a group does not necessarily follow a particular ideology. Reactionaries and radicals are going to take turns acting like reprobates.
I thought Trump Humpers loved seeing the media being attacked.

Yeah, but I would pay good money to see some ANTIFA member shot through his guts bleeding out in the gutter crying for their mommy. Bunch of bored, rich white boys playing big. Nothing more.
What’s the lesson here. Violence perpetrated by a group does not necessarily follow a particular ideology. Reactionaries and radicals are going to take turns acting like reprobates.

Not an excuse. You show up in the uniform you are part of it period.

And I can provide more. What is your point? That conservatives are uniquely victimized?

And I can provide more. What is your point? That conservatives are uniquely victimized?

Grow up an own your own side's violence. How pathetic.

Griw up an own your own side's violence. How pathetic.

the dmocrats own the kkk, not sure what planet you're from. sounds like you have issues with ownership. ain't you a proud puppy
QUOTE="mudwhistle, post: 22635979, member: 20102"]
I thought Trump Humpers loved seeing the media being attacked.
When was this?
We just have issues with advocacy by journalists.
The media's job is to report the news......not sell the Democrat's fucked up policies to the public or decide who wins elections.[/QUOTE]

He's not a journalist, he's a rwnj blogger who regularly posts hate speech and bigotry.

And he got milkshake poured on him, not a beating.

sure and those uppity blacks sitting at the lunch counter got milk poured over their head and told to leave the diner... not a beating.

thats funny though, if you look at the pictures he has a bruised face, so why do you say he didnt get a beating?
Do we have any proof this actually took place?

I.mean besides daily Caller?
Do we have any proof that you have a brain, or that you even use the one brain cell you have?

5) the term "domestic terrorism" means activities that—

(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;

(B) appear to be intended—

(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and

(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States

[USC04] 18 USC Ch. 113B: TERRORISM

Time for the feds to start putting these LWNJs in federal prison on domestic terrorism charges.
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Even an idiot like you must acknowledge that saying things is different from hitting someone in the head with a rock.

Unless I'm wildly overestimating your abilities, and I certainly admit that's a possibility.
I think you already know that I don't condone antifa's actions.
And I'm not referring to Trump's verbal barrage against the press. I'm talking about the indictment against Julian Assange for disseminating truthful information.
If Trump incited violence against Assange...if...that's wrong.
I see. So freedom of the press is not actually an American value that you hold dear.

LOL! Our lamestream Operation Mockingbird media has been a joke for decades, Recall the Church Committee hearings of the mid 70's? Funny, I seem to recall leftards screaming for Assange's scalp for releasing the incriminating e-mails provided to Assange from Seth leftards are singing a different tune? I agree that Assange should be released but he isn't' currently being held in USA.INC's custody.

BTW, alternative media is the only REAL source for news and information which is why it is being attacked like it is......

alternative media now dayz = Trump on Twitter, because that isn't 'fake nuwz' :26: right? :21:
You think Twitter is alternative media? You obviously do not pay attention, swilling down only what your lame-stream media vomits into your trough for you.

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