Journalist Attacked and Mugged by ANTIFA



Total turds, that crap would not fly in FL. We do not play that here.

New Orleans criminals? They're all in FSP because Louisiana doesn't handle their business right. We'll keep them here. They came here and fucked up. It ain't all soft like it is in LA, boy.

FSP=Florida State Prison. To my state's grace, they do not play around with criminals.
Oh yeah..FL bust your ass! My advice is to not mess around.
The prison system likes assholes here, I'm not even kidding.

Go ahead and be an asshole. You'll be there, I guarantee it.
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Dayem, just did some quick Googling of "Police Chief Danielle Outlaw" who apparently is a total, Europhobic racist POS idiot hired by a douchebag moron only because Outlaw was a Black female (apparently - who knows nowadays) who does not support Portland police officers. Portland basically has an "AOC" type moron as police chief, so is the lawlessness a surprise?

After Portland cops vent to police chief, she suggests: ‘Let’s reset’
I read independent media.
I never believed the Russian hoax.
I didn't say he was in American custody. I said he is under indictment.
Any more fallacies I can clear up for ya?

And that is Trump's fault how, exactly?????
It's his Justice Department!

Don't tell me you are a personality cultist too?

Fuck off, dipshit...leftards would claim that he was obstructing (snicker) "justice" and here we go all over again. BTW, dumb ass, I didn't vote for Trump because our country has become an unmitigated joke but I am grateful that I have been spared of that luciferian witch aka the Hildebeast...after eight years of the commie clown obamamonkey? I don't know how I would have fared. Frankly, I have enjoyed the respite and have taken great pleasure in the angst of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies. If Trump accomplishes nothing else? He has validated what I have saying about a deep state and a shadow "gubermint" that pulls the strings along with a compliant media.

I know more than you.....I have a PHD in how things really work. You are on the other end of the spectrum.....a short bus riding, shit smearing Down's Syndrome victim....don't get pissed at me. I didn't raise ya.
You need to get a new shtick, bro. That one is stale.

The fact remains that the Trump administration is conducting a war on journalism via his assault on Assange and you are silently consenting to it. Trump is handing the deep state a huge victory in their efforts to remain in the shadows dumbass. Wake the fuck up, moron. Fucking cultists!

You are a moron.

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Charged in 18-Count Superseding Indictment

A Grand Jury indicted him, not Trump.
Yeah, and the grand jury drew up the charges too, right, asshole?
I thought Trump Humpers loved seeing the media being attacked.

that's because you are a terrible person. We're not. Sorry to disappoint.

………..Trump Humpers are terrible folks, you definitely don't disappoint.

Says the person that is shocked we don't support violence against the media.

I am shocked that you are lying about it, wait that is what Trump Humpers do is lie.

You most certainly do disappoint... likely everyone, including those related to you.

Sounds like you are that son that didn't amount to shit, probably still lives at home with the parents.
Dayem, just did some quick Googling of "Police Chief Danielle Outlaw" who apparently is a total, Europhobic racist POS idiot hired by a douchebag moron only because Outlaw was a Black female (apparently - who knows nowadays) who does not support Portland police officers. Portland basically has an "AOC" type moron as police chief, so is the lawlessness a surprise?

After Portland cops vent to police chief, she suggests: ‘Let’s reset’

There are a lot of cops that are a part of the Globalist's army. I don't care if the Mayor told them to stand down. It is Law enforcement responsibility, on duty or off duty, that if they see a crime being committed. That they are held responsible to do something about it. That is why they can carry a gun with them while being off duty. This was all planned beforehand. ANTIFA knew that the cops were going to stand down that day and knew who all were conservative reporters. And these attacks only goes on in Liberal states. The Globalist has infiltrated many of their people into public officials positions. That is how they funds their army. By letting Tax payers pay their salaries. That is why the city officials never can get things done. It is because, that it isn't their job. If the Globalist wants to start a race war. They just tell one of their members that is working in law enforcement to shoot an unarmed Black man. Then nothing will happen to that cop. Not all cop shootings are justified.

Cruz also said Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler should have charges brought against him for telling police to stand down during these protests, instead of protecting citizens from "domestic terrorists."
Sen. Cruz Wants Multiple People Held Accountable For Antifa Attacks On Conservative Journalist

This cop's behavior was kind of a weird behavior. He acted like he was just going along with the script.

"if we cant throw milkshakes let's go back to throwing bricks" - blue check mark twitter

ANTIFA even wear uniforms of fascists (all black)
Antifa isnt a real enforcement laughs at those folks. I mean c'mon now....walking around tith their little faggy batons. These people dont understand real violence....almost all have never taken a beating. Most of the males never competed against other males in violent physical competition when the were young. Almost none have the balls to stand toe to toe alone.

Not a threat.
You guys are clowns. Violence should be condemned but if you want to worry about political movements I submit:

Right-Wing Extremism Linked to Every 2018 Extremist Murder in the U.S., ADL Finds
Right-Wing Extremism Linked to Every 2018 Extremist Murder in the U.S., ADL Finds
Right-wing extremists killed more people last year than in any year since 1995

New York, NY, January 23, 2019 … Right-wing extremists were linked to at least 50 extremist-related murders in the United States in 2018, making them responsible for more deaths than in any year since 1995, according to new data from the ADL.
You guys are clowns. Violence should be condemned but if you want to worry about political movements I submit:

Right-Wing Extremism Linked to Every 2018 Extremist Murder in the U.S., ADL Finds
Right-Wing Extremism Linked to Every 2018 Extremist Murder in the U.S., ADL Finds
Right-wing extremists killed more people last year than in any year since 1995

New York, NY, January 23, 2019 … Right-wing extremists were linked to at least 50 extremist-related murders in the United States in 2018, making them responsible for more deaths than in any year since 1995, according to new data from the ADL.


Nobody is worried about right wing extremist groups except the hyper-k00ks on the left. Doy....that's why the whole painting Trump as a nazi crashed and flamed out. Only the uber fringe think that.....
I will say this.....if leading up to the election, antifa gets st00pid, they could be confronted by some on the right. And it'll be a fucking slaughter too!:113::113:. And 70 million people will be laughing their balls off.
You guys are clowns. Violence should be condemned but if you want to worry about political movements I submit:

Right-Wing Extremism Linked to Every 2018 Extremist Murder in the U.S., ADL Finds
Right-Wing Extremism Linked to Every 2018 Extremist Murder in the U.S., ADL Finds
Right-wing extremists killed more people last year than in any year since 1995

New York, NY, January 23, 2019 … Right-wing extremists were linked to at least 50 extremist-related murders in the United States in 2018, making them responsible for more deaths than in any year since 1995, according to new data from the ADL.


Nobody is worried about right wing extremist groups except the hyper-k00ks on the left. Doy....that's why the whole painting Trump as a nazi crashed and flamed out. Only the uber fringe think that.....
Thanks for proving my point with a sledgehammer. By any measure other than righty opinions, statistically speaking, the left extremists won’t kill anyone this year and the right will break another record. That’s based on last year’s factual information. Thanks again for playing.
You guys are clowns. Violence should be condemned but if you want to worry about political movements I submit:

Right-Wing Extremism Linked to Every 2018 Extremist Murder in the U.S., ADL Finds
Right-Wing Extremism Linked to Every 2018 Extremist Murder in the U.S., ADL Finds
Right-wing extremists killed more people last year than in any year since 1995

New York, NY, January 23, 2019 … Right-wing extremists were linked to at least 50 extremist-related murders in the United States in 2018, making them responsible for more deaths than in any year since 1995, according to new data from the ADL.
And that report is a pure joke. They called the Parkland shooter a right extremist. Bullsh*it
They called a guy that hated women a right wing extremist. Again, bull.
They called Tierra Guthrie, a black separatist, a right wing extremist. Again, bull.

The report is a farce from beginning to end.
Did you ever wonder WHY antifa wears masks, even in cities like Portland where they KNOW they will face no consequences?

It is the same reason the Democrat KKK did. It is the same reason ISIS does.

It is not because they fear getting caught, it is so they can blend back into civilized society and you will never know that it was your tard neighbor who threw that bottle/brick at you.

They need to start arresting anyone who wears a mask in public.

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