Journalist Says Underage Girls Were on "Many" of Clinton's Trips on Epstein Plane

The FAA has all the flight logs WITH the names of the passengers!
Someone at the FAA is going to leak the flight logs sooner of later. It would not surprise me if someone working at the FAA or a former employee has a certified copy of the flight logs sitting in a safe or a safety deposit box.
They are very likely concerned if they leak the logs they will decide to commit suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head a few times.
After HRC and "put some ice on it " Bill have croaked and gone to hell the FAA logs will be leaked.
Great, let's see your evidence Clinton was on the plane to Epstein's island....
You clearly don’t get the point.
Well now the point is you're just making shit up to support your nonsense. The reason I asked you to present evidence that Clinton flew 27 times to pedophile isle is because I know there is no evidence of such. Which is the reason your post was void of such evidence. Thanks for playin' though.
Again you’re missing the point. But this is why they call liberalism a mental disorder.
You're not making a point when you're not posting reality.
You told me there’s no proof that Clinton was ever on the plane and then claimed trump was on the plane. Hello? :dunno:
Cool, now you lose the argument a second time for lying about what I said. I never denied Clinton was on the plane. What I challenged you to prove, and you failed to prove because you made it up, was your bullshit that Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 27 times to pedophile isle.

So you lied about Clinton flying 27 times to pedophile isle; and

you lied about what I said; and

You think it's Liberalism that's a mental disorder.

This story only comes up at top on a search engine, my new default browser. Uncensored.

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known

But it gets worse. Conchita Sarnoff, who has dedicated years to interviewing insiders, maybe Epstein pilots, for her book, says

“I have read too much information and I have spoken to too many people on the inside” to take Clinton’s statement at its word, Sarnoff said.

“I actually attempted to interview Clinton but he would not, he did not agree to do so.”

“I know from the pilot logs — and these are pilot logs that you know were written by different pilots and at different times — that Clinton went, he was a guest of Epstein’s 27 times,” she told host Shannon Bream. “Many of those times Clinton had his Secret Service with him, and many times he did not.

“Almost every time that Clinton’s name is on the pilot’s logs, there are underage girls. There are initials and there are names of many, many girls on that private plane.”

She is now is now the executive director of the advocacy group Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking in DC.


People who watch real news instead of fake news knew about this stuff for years.
I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’ " said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.

Speaking of Trump.
From the script given to her. There are men all over back stage. Including many fathers of the contestants.

A waste of time arguing it but they do not have men where the Miss Teen contestants dress. Some of these girls are 15-16. It doesn't happen.

Now one of those fathers should have knocked Trump's teeth down his throat.
You stupid loons have put men in girls locker rooms and stand up for them. So shut up.

These kinds of replies are lame. I now have been accused of being old fashioned and then supporting the idea of men in girls locker rooms.

Please address what I say, not the voices in your head.
Clinton is a well-known ornithologist. I'm sure he was just there for the bird watching. Lot of exotic species on the islands.
I think it's cute how the right thinks Clinton was on that plane for reasons different than trump.
What the hell are you talking about? I’ve only ever seen Clinton’s name mentioned being on the flight logs. I know it’s hard to have to come to terms with the fact that the darling of the Democrat party rapes underage girls but it’s basically unavoidable at this point.
What a pity you have no proof of that other than your hallucinations.
I got my proof from the same place you got yours about trump being on the plane: the internet
And being on a plane does not equate to raping underaged girls. If you think it does, then you're also convicting trump.

There is something going on. At least that is what I see. You have (D)'s now arguing that #metoo went too far. IMO they are getting prepared for something they believe is going to come out. Is it about Clinton? Maybe, maybe not but this is one reason I refuse to belong to either party.
You clearly don’t get the point.
Well now the point is you're just making shit up to support your nonsense. The reason I asked you to present evidence that Clinton flew 27 times to pedophile isle is because I know there is no evidence of such. Which is the reason your post was void of such evidence. Thanks for playin' though.
Again you’re missing the point. But this is why they call liberalism a mental disorder.
You're not making a point when you're not posting reality.
You told me there’s no proof that Clinton was ever on the plane and then claimed trump was on the plane. Hello? :dunno:
Cool, now you lose the argument a second time for lying about what I said. I never denied Clinton was on the plane. What I challenged you to prove, and you failed to prove because you made it up, was your bullshit that Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 27 times to pedophile isle.

So you lied about Clinton flying 27 times to pedophile isle; and

you lied about what I said; and

You think it's Liberalism that's a mental disorder.


IMO, Bill knows who Jeffrey Epstein is. Knowing who he is, would you even set foot in the same room with him, let alone take all those plane rides with him?
You clearly don’t get the point.
Well now the point is you're just making shit up to support your nonsense. The reason I asked you to present evidence that Clinton flew 27 times to pedophile isle is because I know there is no evidence of such. Which is the reason your post was void of such evidence. Thanks for playin' though.
Again you’re missing the point. But this is why they call liberalism a mental disorder.
You're not making a point when you're not posting reality.
You told me there’s no proof that Clinton was ever on the plane and then claimed trump was on the plane. Hello? :dunno:
Cool, now you lose the argument a second time for lying about what I said. I never denied Clinton was on the plane. What I challenged you to prove, and you failed to prove because you made it up, was your bullshit that Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 27 times to pedophile isle.

So you lied about Clinton flying 27 times to pedophile isle; and

you lied about what I said; and

You think it's Liberalism that's a mental disorder.

I’m not claiming a single fucking thing. There’s reports of his name being on the log 27 times. There’s a report of trump being on the plane one time. There’s reports of all kinds of different people being on the plane once, one time doesn’t have to mean anything bad. If Clinton was on the plane 27 times it would be really hard to believe he didn’t know of and endorse the behaviors that went on. It would be really EASY to prove he wasn’t though, with a simple release of the flight logs wouldn’t you agree?
Well now the point is you're just making shit up to support your nonsense. The reason I asked you to present evidence that Clinton flew 27 times to pedophile isle is because I know there is no evidence of such. Which is the reason your post was void of such evidence. Thanks for playin' though.
Again you’re missing the point. But this is why they call liberalism a mental disorder.
You're not making a point when you're not posting reality.
You told me there’s no proof that Clinton was ever on the plane and then claimed trump was on the plane. Hello? :dunno:
Cool, now you lose the argument a second time for lying about what I said. I never denied Clinton was on the plane. What I challenged you to prove, and you failed to prove because you made it up, was your bullshit that Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 27 times to pedophile isle.

So you lied about Clinton flying 27 times to pedophile isle; and

you lied about what I said; and

You think it's Liberalism that's a mental disorder.


IMO, Bill knows who Jeffrey Epstein is. Knowing who he is, would you even set foot in the same room with him, let alone take all those plane rides with him?
You’re talking to someone who doesn’t want to believe Clinton was on that plane 27 times. I’m realizing it myself and I’m moving on. You can’t debate with people like that.
Again you’re missing the point. But this is why they call liberalism a mental disorder.
You're not making a point when you're not posting reality.
You told me there’s no proof that Clinton was ever on the plane and then claimed trump was on the plane. Hello? :dunno:
Cool, now you lose the argument a second time for lying about what I said. I never denied Clinton was on the plane. What I challenged you to prove, and you failed to prove because you made it up, was your bullshit that Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 27 times to pedophile isle.

So you lied about Clinton flying 27 times to pedophile isle; and

you lied about what I said; and

You think it's Liberalism that's a mental disorder.


IMO, Bill knows who Jeffrey Epstein is. Knowing who he is, would you even set foot in the same room with him, let alone take all those plane rides with him?
You’re talking to someone who doesn’t want to believe Clinton was on that plane 27 times. I’m realizing it myself and I’m moving on. You can’t debate with people like that.

Knowing who he is and what went down, I wouldn't have wanted Alex Acosta on my cabinet either.
Well now the point is you're just making shit up to support your nonsense. The reason I asked you to present evidence that Clinton flew 27 times to pedophile isle is because I know there is no evidence of such. Which is the reason your post was void of such evidence. Thanks for playin' though.
Again you’re missing the point. But this is why they call liberalism a mental disorder.
You're not making a point when you're not posting reality.
You told me there’s no proof that Clinton was ever on the plane and then claimed trump was on the plane. Hello? :dunno:
Cool, now you lose the argument a second time for lying about what I said. I never denied Clinton was on the plane. What I challenged you to prove, and you failed to prove because you made it up, was your bullshit that Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 27 times to pedophile isle.

So you lied about Clinton flying 27 times to pedophile isle; and

you lied about what I said; and

You think it's Liberalism that's a mental disorder.

I’m not claiming a single fucking thing. There’s reports of his name being on the log 27 times. There’s a report of trump being on the plane one time. There’s reports of all kinds of different people being on the plane once, one time doesn’t have to mean anything bad. If Clinton was on the plane 27 times it would be really hard to believe he didn’t know of and endorse the behaviors that went on. It would be really EASY to prove he wasn’t though, with a simple release of the flight logs wouldn’t you agree?
"There’s reports of his name being on the log 27 times."

Now let's compare that to what you said earlier; with your lie highlighted...

"Clinton on the other hand is, if we’re assuming the amount of times is true, was on it 27 times to the island. So 1 time not to the island, or 27 times to the island."

How many times can you lose this same argument? :lmao:
Again you’re missing the point. But this is why they call liberalism a mental disorder.
You're not making a point when you're not posting reality.
You told me there’s no proof that Clinton was ever on the plane and then claimed trump was on the plane. Hello? :dunno:
Cool, now you lose the argument a second time for lying about what I said. I never denied Clinton was on the plane. What I challenged you to prove, and you failed to prove because you made it up, was your bullshit that Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 27 times to pedophile isle.

So you lied about Clinton flying 27 times to pedophile isle; and

you lied about what I said; and

You think it's Liberalism that's a mental disorder.


IMO, Bill knows who Jeffrey Epstein is. Knowing who he is, would you even set foot in the same room with him, let alone take all those plane rides with him?
You’re talking to someone who doesn’t want to believe Clinton was on that plane 27 times. I’m realizing it myself and I’m moving on. You can’t debate with people like that.
"You’re talking to someone who doesn’t want to believe Clinton was on that plane 27 times."

Aww, you poor thing. Bless your heart, you just can't stop lying. I never said Clinton wasn't on that plane some 27 times. Seems you're a pathological liar. No wonder you're so eager to defend trump. Birds of a feather...
You're not making a point when you're not posting reality.
You told me there’s no proof that Clinton was ever on the plane and then claimed trump was on the plane. Hello? :dunno:
Cool, now you lose the argument a second time for lying about what I said. I never denied Clinton was on the plane. What I challenged you to prove, and you failed to prove because you made it up, was your bullshit that Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 27 times to pedophile isle.

So you lied about Clinton flying 27 times to pedophile isle; and

you lied about what I said; and

You think it's Liberalism that's a mental disorder.


IMO, Bill knows who Jeffrey Epstein is. Knowing who he is, would you even set foot in the same room with him, let alone take all those plane rides with him?
You’re talking to someone who doesn’t want to believe Clinton was on that plane 27 times. I’m realizing it myself and I’m moving on. You can’t debate with people like that.
"You’re talking to someone who doesn’t want to believe Clinton was on that plane 27 times."

Aww, you poor thing. Bless your heart, you just can't stop lying. I never said Clinton wasn't on that plane some 27 times. Seems you're a pathological liar. No wonder you're so eager to defend trump. Birds of a feather...

If you knew Epstein and who he was, and I believe Clinton did, would you even get on his airplane?
I think this thread needs a poll added and some betting action on whether Clinton preyed only on young interns or on kids as well.
You're not making a point when you're not posting reality.
You told me there’s no proof that Clinton was ever on the plane and then claimed trump was on the plane. Hello? :dunno:
Cool, now you lose the argument a second time for lying about what I said. I never denied Clinton was on the plane. What I challenged you to prove, and you failed to prove because you made it up, was your bullshit that Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 27 times to pedophile isle.

So you lied about Clinton flying 27 times to pedophile isle; and

you lied about what I said; and

You think it's Liberalism that's a mental disorder.


IMO, Bill knows who Jeffrey Epstein is. Knowing who he is, would you even set foot in the same room with him, let alone take all those plane rides with him?
You’re talking to someone who doesn’t want to believe Clinton was on that plane 27 times. I’m realizing it myself and I’m moving on. You can’t debate with people like that.

Knowing who he is and what went down, I wouldn't have wanted Alex Acosta on my cabinet either.
I’m not going to pretend I don’t like trump. I do. I’m a free market capitalist and I think he’s the best person we’ve had in that office for the cause off free market capitalism since I’ve been alive, probably much longer. Sorry but I don’t see Reagan as this savior of the free market that most of the right does. He was an actor for crying out loud, which is basically what a politician is anyway. But I’m definitely keeping my eye on this Epstein situation and if anything comes out that seems as damning as the connection between him and Clinton I’m out on trump without losing a second of sleep.
You told me there’s no proof that Clinton was ever on the plane and then claimed trump was on the plane. Hello? :dunno:
Cool, now you lose the argument a second time for lying about what I said. I never denied Clinton was on the plane. What I challenged you to prove, and you failed to prove because you made it up, was your bullshit that Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 27 times to pedophile isle.

So you lied about Clinton flying 27 times to pedophile isle; and

you lied about what I said; and

You think it's Liberalism that's a mental disorder.


IMO, Bill knows who Jeffrey Epstein is. Knowing who he is, would you even set foot in the same room with him, let alone take all those plane rides with him?
You’re talking to someone who doesn’t want to believe Clinton was on that plane 27 times. I’m realizing it myself and I’m moving on. You can’t debate with people like that.
"You’re talking to someone who doesn’t want to believe Clinton was on that plane 27 times."

Aww, you poor thing. Bless your heart, you just can't stop lying. I never said Clinton wasn't on that plane some 27 times. Seems you're a pathological liar. No wonder you're so eager to defend trump. Birds of a feather...

If you knew Epstein and who he was, and I believe Clinton did, would you even get on his airplane?
If I knew, no. If I didn't know, yes. Clinton stopped flying on there in 2003 according to flight logs. Perhaps that's when he determined how sick Epstein was? Epstein got caught 2 years later.
You told me there’s no proof that Clinton was ever on the plane and then claimed trump was on the plane. Hello? :dunno:
Cool, now you lose the argument a second time for lying about what I said. I never denied Clinton was on the plane. What I challenged you to prove, and you failed to prove because you made it up, was your bullshit that Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 27 times to pedophile isle.

So you lied about Clinton flying 27 times to pedophile isle; and

you lied about what I said; and

You think it's Liberalism that's a mental disorder.


IMO, Bill knows who Jeffrey Epstein is. Knowing who he is, would you even set foot in the same room with him, let alone take all those plane rides with him?
You’re talking to someone who doesn’t want to believe Clinton was on that plane 27 times. I’m realizing it myself and I’m moving on. You can’t debate with people like that.

Knowing who he is and what went down, I wouldn't have wanted Alex Acosta on my cabinet either.
I’m not going to pretend I don’t like trump. I do. I’m a free market capitalist and I think he’s the best person we’ve had in that office for the cause off free market capitalism since I’ve been alive, probably much longer. Sorry but I don’t see Reagan as this savior of the free market that most of the right does. He was an actor for crying out loud, which is basically what a politician is anyway. But I’m definitely keeping my eye on this Epstein situation and if anything comes out that seems as damning as the connection between him and Clinton I’m out on trump without losing a second of sleep.

Just to note.......Trump is an actor also.
Again you’re missing the point. But this is why they call liberalism a mental disorder.
You're not making a point when you're not posting reality.
You told me there’s no proof that Clinton was ever on the plane and then claimed trump was on the plane. Hello? :dunno:
Cool, now you lose the argument a second time for lying about what I said. I never denied Clinton was on the plane. What I challenged you to prove, and you failed to prove because you made it up, was your bullshit that Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 27 times to pedophile isle.

So you lied about Clinton flying 27 times to pedophile isle; and

you lied about what I said; and

You think it's Liberalism that's a mental disorder.

I’m not claiming a single fucking thing. There’s reports of his name being on the log 27 times. There’s a report of trump being on the plane one time. There’s reports of all kinds of different people being on the plane once, one time doesn’t have to mean anything bad. If Clinton was on the plane 27 times it would be really hard to believe he didn’t know of and endorse the behaviors that went on. It would be really EASY to prove he wasn’t though, with a simple release of the flight logs wouldn’t you agree?
"There’s reports of his name being on the log 27 times."

Now let's compare that to what you said earlier; with your lie highlighted...

"Clinton on the other hand is, if we’re assuming the amount of times is true, was on it 27 times to the island. So 1 time not to the island, or 27 times to the island."

How many times can you lose this same argument? :lmao:
Holy fucking shit you whack job, your claim is that he was never even on the plane. You don’t know that anymore than I know he WAS on the plane so how in the name of every single fuck in existence could you or I know where the actual destination was if we don’t even know for sure he was on the plane? The claim is that he was on the plane and the destination was the island. I don’t even care if the island wasn’t the destination. Being on that man’s plane 27 times, IF TRUE, is extremely troubling. Neither you or I have “lied” about anything because neither you nor I knows the truth to begin with. That all being said I would prefer my president of choice not have 27 different flights on a known pedophile’s plane, IF THATS WHAT THE TRUTH IS.

Do you get it yet or is liberalism destroying your ability read with comprehension and think critically?
Cool, now you lose the argument a second time for lying about what I said. I never denied Clinton was on the plane. What I challenged you to prove, and you failed to prove because you made it up, was your bullshit that Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 27 times to pedophile isle.

So you lied about Clinton flying 27 times to pedophile isle; and

you lied about what I said; and

You think it's Liberalism that's a mental disorder.


IMO, Bill knows who Jeffrey Epstein is. Knowing who he is, would you even set foot in the same room with him, let alone take all those plane rides with him?
You’re talking to someone who doesn’t want to believe Clinton was on that plane 27 times. I’m realizing it myself and I’m moving on. You can’t debate with people like that.

Knowing who he is and what went down, I wouldn't have wanted Alex Acosta on my cabinet either.
I’m not going to pretend I don’t like trump. I do. I’m a free market capitalist and I think he’s the best person we’ve had in that office for the cause off free market capitalism since I’ve been alive, probably much longer. Sorry but I don’t see Reagan as this savior of the free market that most of the right does. He was an actor for crying out loud, which is basically what a politician is anyway. But I’m definitely keeping my eye on this Epstein situation and if anything comes out that seems as damning as the connection between him and Clinton I’m out on trump without losing a second of sleep.

Just to note.......Trump is an actor also.
Trump is a businessman that has never been involved in any political office before this and has been on a reality tv show. He has never played roles where he was given a script and asked to pretend to be somebody else that he isn’t. And even on his reality show he clearly wasn’t acting he was literally being the same Donald trump that everyone had always known. That’s the difference here.
Cool, now you lose the argument a second time for lying about what I said. I never denied Clinton was on the plane. What I challenged you to prove, and you failed to prove because you made it up, was your bullshit that Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 27 times to pedophile isle.

So you lied about Clinton flying 27 times to pedophile isle; and

you lied about what I said; and

You think it's Liberalism that's a mental disorder.


IMO, Bill knows who Jeffrey Epstein is. Knowing who he is, would you even set foot in the same room with him, let alone take all those plane rides with him?
You’re talking to someone who doesn’t want to believe Clinton was on that plane 27 times. I’m realizing it myself and I’m moving on. You can’t debate with people like that.
"You’re talking to someone who doesn’t want to believe Clinton was on that plane 27 times."

Aww, you poor thing. Bless your heart, you just can't stop lying. I never said Clinton wasn't on that plane some 27 times. Seems you're a pathological liar. No wonder you're so eager to defend trump. Birds of a feather...

If you knew Epstein and who he was, and I believe Clinton did, would you even get on his airplane?
If I knew, no. If I didn't know, yes. Clinton stopped flying on there in 2003 according to flight logs. Perhaps that's when he determined how sick Epstein was? Epstein got caught 2 years later.
Wait, what? Did Clinton fly on the man’s plane or not? Holy shit :lol:
You're not making a point when you're not posting reality.
You told me there’s no proof that Clinton was ever on the plane and then claimed trump was on the plane. Hello? :dunno:
Cool, now you lose the argument a second time for lying about what I said. I never denied Clinton was on the plane. What I challenged you to prove, and you failed to prove because you made it up, was your bullshit that Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 27 times to pedophile isle.

So you lied about Clinton flying 27 times to pedophile isle; and

you lied about what I said; and

You think it's Liberalism that's a mental disorder.


IMO, Bill knows who Jeffrey Epstein is. Knowing who he is, would you even set foot in the same room with him, let alone take all those plane rides with him?
You’re talking to someone who doesn’t want to believe Clinton was on that plane 27 times. I’m realizing it myself and I’m moving on. You can’t debate with people like that.
"You’re talking to someone who doesn’t want to believe Clinton was on that plane 27 times."

Aww, you poor thing. Bless your heart, you just can't stop lying. I never said Clinton wasn't on that plane some 27 times. Seems you're a pathological liar. No wonder you're so eager to defend trump. Birds of a feather...
I can’t wrap around how stupid you are so I’m going to agree to disagree with you and move on with my life.

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