Journalist Says Underage Girls Were on "Many" of Clinton's Trips on Epstein Plane

You are quaint.

It's not about me.
Of course not. You have adopted an ineffective mantle of puritianism. Fact is just like every other beauty contest, play, musical or entertainment the girls are meat on the hoof. There is no room for the shy or sensitive.

Epstein's girls might be under age but those 15 and 16 year old girls were sexually active long before Epstein came along. He just paid better.

Wow. The 12 year old abused by her step father is sexually active.

Not an excuse out of any of them.
Which one was 12? Not one. Which one had been abused by a step father? No one. These girls were mostly 15 and 16 with an occasional 14 year old. He had already been paying them $300 a session. Before they ever got on the plane. When seen getting on the plane they had been shopping. Epstein paid better than the boyfriend that barely had a doobie to share.

Epstein is never getting out of prison so there must be a difference.
Well. He is a pimp at best. With a female procurer!
Any updates as to how Epstein obtained billions of dollars? Or Soros, another billionaire of similar ethnicity? Epstein was apparently a college drop out. NOBODY got a job in Manhattan for a management job in the 80's without an MBA or tremendous experience. Epstein had neither. Is his money actually derived from US taxpayers delivering billions each year to the ethnic state he and Soros share? Similar ethnic real estate moguls are famous for pooling money from their people to essentially become landlords over the citizens.
That’s the point I’m trying to make though, I don’t see why it’s “believable” with trump. It’s definitely believable that he’s a womanizer and probably isn’t actually in love with melanoma and vice versa. That’s a believable thing about him because his MO has always been to bang hot women. I wouldn’t put it past him to make questionable advances towards women in general either. But I say WOMEN because I see no other connection between trunk and anything that indicates he crosses the line into underage. I would’ve said the same thing about bill Clinton until I saw that he spent quite a lot of his free time with Epstein on a plane known for carrying underage girls to epstein’s Island. That’s the difference here. The Clinton/Epstein connection is troubling and strange. I don’t see that either trump but if anyone has anything as damning as the flight logs showing Clinton’s name 27 different times I’d love to have a peek at it

I can't link yet but we have credible information that Trump did indeed walk into a dressing room with naked teen age girls. That's simply not something a decent person does.

Being a creep does not make you a pedophile. My argument is it wouldn't be surprising. My argument is that we can and should do better. are the president. He knows what Epstein did. Knowing what Epstein did, could you have nominated Acosta for your cabinet?
And Epstein brought young girls for trump to party with at Mar-a-Lago.
You mean young women, Faun.
No pedophilia was going on so try not to conflate the two.
They were not "young women." They were, "young girls." One of Epstein's girls was a 16 year old he lured away from Mar-a-Lago. 16 year olds are not "young women." "young women" implies adults.

At 16 she was a young woman who had already started her menses. Was she paid? Did she go on any of those shopping trips?

Not to burst your bubble by back stage at a pageant, play or musical is a crowed place with plenty of decent people going back and forth. Crew, stage hands, make up people hair stylists, all milling around. Where did you get the idea that these were real dressing rooms? The star gets a dressing room.
You don't get to make up your own definitions. A young woman is a young adult woman. A 16 year old is still a minor.

young woman

Noun 1. young woman - a young womanyoung woman - a young woman; "a young lady of 18"
Answer one question please. Do you believe bill clinton was involved in sexual encounters with underage girls?

I do not. He is a sexual predator that has forced himself on women but has no history of doing so with underage girls.

I do not think it has any more validity than the stories that have come out about Trump and the 13 year old.
Ok I’ll take your word at face value. If you could just answer one more question. What do you think his intentions were every time he flew to an island with a guy who brings underage girls there for sex?

Clinton is a well-known ornithologist. I'm sure he was just there for the bird watching. Lot of exotic species on the islands.
I think it's cute how the right thinks Clinton was on that plane for reasons different than trump.
Trump wasn't on the plane, shit for brains.
Fucking moron.

Records showed that Trump apparently flew on the jet at least once. ~ Jeffrey Epstein's alleged sex trafficking involved locations in NY, Virgin Islands, Florida, NM ranch: attorney
I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’ " said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.

Speaking of Trump.
From the script given to her. There are men all over back stage. Including many fathers of the contestants.
Utter bullshit. Now you're just making shit up. My daughter has been in a few of those and there are NO men allowed in, not even fathers. Women only.
Amazing how willing people are to believe a book that tells them what they think is true but every other book is just someone trying to make a buck.

The difference being the claims about trump have universally been proven to be lies and Epstein is a convice6sex offender.

Yet again you demonstrate your progressive, statist, child rapist supporting self.

Amazing how willing people are to believe a boom that tells them what they think is true but every other book is just someone trying to make a buck.
Do you always marginalize the rape of young girls?
Statutory rape almost begs to be marginalized. Epstein is a seriously evil man using these young girl's dreams and desires against them. He made little prostitutes of them. He didn't tie these girls up. He took them shopping. He gave them money. They weren't fearful and cowering in the corner. They were laughing into their shopping bags.
A typical pimp. i.e a person who procures prostitutes.

Not all pimps are gorillas.
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Amazing how willing people are to believe a book that tells them what they think is true but every other book is just someone trying to make a buck.

The difference being the claims about trump have universally been proven to be lies and Epstein is a convice6sex offender.

The discussion is about Clinton, not Epstien, do try and keep up...
Any updates as to how Epstein obtained billions of dollars? Or Soros, another billionaire of similar ethnicity? Epstein was apparently a college drop out. NOBODY got a job in Manhattan for a management job in the 80's without an MBA or tremendous experience. Epstein had neither. Is his money actually derived from US taxpayers delivering billions each year to the ethnic state he and Soros share? Similar ethnic real estate moguls are famous for pooling money from their people to essentially become landlords over the citizens.
Yes, how he became enormously wealthy is questionable. He just might be a deep state operative. What better way to blackmail powerful people, than sex with underage girls.
Any updates as to how Epstein obtained billions of dollars? Or Soros, another billionaire of similar ethnicity? Epstein was apparently a college drop out. NOBODY got a job in Manhattan for a management job in the 80's without an MBA or tremendous experience. Epstein had neither. Is his money actually derived from US taxpayers delivering billions each year to the ethnic state he and Soros share? Similar ethnic real estate moguls are famous for pooling money from their people to essentially become landlords over the citizens.
Yes, how he became enormously wealthy is questionable. He just might be a deep state operative. What better way to blackmail powerful people, than sex with underage girls.

The mind of the conspiracy nut is a thing to behold.
Any updates as to how Epstein obtained billions of dollars? Or Soros, another billionaire of similar ethnicity? Epstein was apparently a college drop out. NOBODY got a job in Manhattan for a management job in the 80's without an MBA or tremendous experience. Epstein had neither. Is his money actually derived from US taxpayers delivering billions each year to the ethnic state he and Soros share? Similar ethnic real estate moguls are famous for pooling money from their people to essentially become landlords over the citizens.
Yes, how he became enormously wealthy is questionable. He just might be a deep state operative. What better way to blackmail powerful people, than sex with underage girls.

The mind of the conspiracy nut is a thing to behold.

Please don’t be ignorant. Get informed. Then, when you read my posts you will learn.....

Who Was Epstein Working For?
The Swamp Gets Deeper
By Eric S. Margolis

July 20, 2019

A respected former CIA official, Phil Giraldi has come right out and accused Epstein of being an Israeli agent of influence. Epstein was let off with a slap on the wrist on his first child abuse charge, says Giraldi, because of his powerful Israel connections. To Giraldi and this writer, the Epstein ‘massage’ operation was a classic intelligence operation designed to blackmail men of influence into doing Israel’s bidding. Clinton had reportedly already fallen into this trap years earlier while still president.

Now watch this stinking pile of corruption be hurriedly covered up. Talk about draining the swamp.

Who Was Epstein Working for? - LewRockwell
I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’ " said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.

Speaking of Trump.
From the script given to her. There are men all over back stage. Including many fathers of the contestants.

A waste of time arguing it but they do not have men where the Miss Teen contestants dress. Some of these girls are 15-16. It doesn't happen.

Now one of those fathers should have knocked Trump's teeth down his throat.
You stupid loons have put men in girls locker rooms and stand up for them. So shut up.
I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’ " said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.

Speaking of Trump.
From the script given to her. There are men all over back stage. Including many fathers of the contestants.
Utter bullshit. Now you're just making shit up. My daughter has been in a few of those and there are NO men allowed in, not even fathers. Women only.
Lol, men are in girls locker rooms. All you have to do is say your a woman. So shut up.
I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’ " said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.

Speaking of Trump.
From the script given to her. There are men all over back stage. Including many fathers of the contestants.
Utter bullshit. Now you're just making shit up. My daughter has been in a few of those and there are NO men allowed in, not even fathers. Women only.
Lol, men are in girls locker rooms. All you have to do is say your a woman. So shut up.
^^^ a rightard who thinks we're talking about "locker rooms."
Amazing how willing people are to believe a book that tells them what they think is true but every other book is just someone trying to make a buck.
This isn't over. "Put some ice on it" Clinton WILL end up being charged with committing multiple crimes against underage girls.
Amazing how willing people are to believe a boom that tells them what they think is true but every other book is just someone trying to make a buck.
Answer one question please. Do you believe bill clinton was involved in sexual encounters with underage girls?

I do not. He is a sexual predator that has forced himself on women but has no history of doing so with underage girls.

I do not think it has any more validity than the stories that have come out about Trump and the 13 year old.
Ok I’ll take your word at face value. If you could just answer one more question. What do you think his intentions were every time he flew to an island with a guy who brings underage girls there for sex?

Clinton is a well-known ornithologist. I'm sure he was just there for the bird watching. Lot of exotic species on the islands.
I think it's cute how the right thinks Clinton was on that plane for reasons different than trump.
What the hell are you talking about? I’ve only ever seen Clinton’s name mentioned being on the flight logs. I know it’s hard to have to come to terms with the fact that the darling of the Democrat party rapes underage girls but it’s basically unavoidable at this point.
Amazing how willing people are to believe a book that tells them what they think is true but every other book is just someone trying to make a buck.
This isn't over. "Put some ice on it" Clinton WILL end up being charged with committing multiple crimes against underage girls.
No he won’t. How long have you been living in this country? There’s no way the clintons are going to let this be their downfall. The media is going to protect them. They’re already downplaying the whole thing as just “underage girls” as it is and completely ignoring the younger children that have been a part of this. This isn’t just 16 year old girls were talking about here, we’re getting what the intelligence community calls limited hangout.. they give us a small portion of what appears to be justice to appease the public while the worst of the crimes goes unreported and kept out of the public narrative. Classic counterintelligence.
Amazing how willing people are to believe a book that tells them what they think is true but every other book is just someone trying to make a buck.
This isn't over. "Put some ice on it" Clinton WILL end up being charged with committing multiple crimes against underage girls.
Oh? How's that gonna happen with no proof?
Answer one question please. Do you believe bill clinton was involved in sexual encounters with underage girls?

I do not. He is a sexual predator that has forced himself on women but has no history of doing so with underage girls.

I do not think it has any more validity than the stories that have come out about Trump and the 13 year old.
Ok I’ll take your word at face value. If you could just answer one more question. What do you think his intentions were every time he flew to an island with a guy who brings underage girls there for sex?

Clinton is a well-known ornithologist. I'm sure he was just there for the bird watching. Lot of exotic species on the islands.
I think it's cute how the right thinks Clinton was on that plane for reasons different than trump.
What the hell are you talking about? I’ve only ever seen Clinton’s name mentioned being on the flight logs. I know it’s hard to have to come to terms with the fact that the darling of the Democrat party rapes underage girls but it’s basically unavoidable at this point.
What a pity you have no proof of that other than your hallucinations.
I do not. He is a sexual predator that has forced himself on women but has no history of doing so with underage girls.

I do not think it has any more validity than the stories that have come out about Trump and the 13 year old.
Ok I’ll take your word at face value. If you could just answer one more question. What do you think his intentions were every time he flew to an island with a guy who brings underage girls there for sex?

Clinton is a well-known ornithologist. I'm sure he was just there for the bird watching. Lot of exotic species on the islands.
I think it's cute how the right thinks Clinton was on that plane for reasons different than trump.
What the hell are you talking about? I’ve only ever seen Clinton’s name mentioned being on the flight logs. I know it’s hard to have to come to terms with the fact that the darling of the Democrat party rapes underage girls but it’s basically unavoidable at this point.
What a pity you have no proof of that other than your hallucinations.
I got my proof from the same place you got yours about trump being on the plane: the internet

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