Journalist Says Underage Girls Were on "Many" of Clinton's Trips on Epstein Plane

I can't link yet but we have credible information that Trump did indeed walk into a dressing room with naked teen age girls. That's simply not something a decent person does.

Being a creep does not make you a pedophile. My argument is it wouldn't be surprising. My argument is that we can and should do better. are the president. He knows what Epstein did. Knowing what Epstein did, could you have nominated Acosta for your cabinet?
And Epstein brought young girls for trump to party with at Mar-a-Lago.
You mean young women, Faun.
No pedophilia was going on so try not to conflate the two.
They were not "young women." They were, "young girls." One of Epstein's girls was a 16 year old he lured away from Mar-a-Lago. 16 year olds are not "young women." "young women" implies adults.

At 16 she was a young woman who had already started her menses. Was she paid? Did she go on any of those shopping trips?

Not to burst your bubble by back stage at a pageant, play or musical is a crowed place with plenty of decent people going back and forth. Crew, stage hands, make up people hair stylists, all milling around. Where did you get the idea that these were real dressing rooms? The star gets a dressing room.

As far as the dressing rooms go, Trump bragged they were naked and quite a few of the girls have stated that they were.

Yep. That's backstage for you. Some girls have dressing screens. Most of them just change. The grips got to see them, the stage hands, the lighting guys, bunches of people. Public appearances like this are not for the shy or the sensitive.
Ok I’ll take your word at face value. If you could just answer one more question. What do you think his intentions were every time he flew to an island with a guy who brings underage girls there for sex?

Clinton is a well-known ornithologist. I'm sure he was just there for the bird watching. Lot of exotic species on the islands.
I think it's cute how the right thinks Clinton was on that plane for reasons different than trump.
That means everyone else was on the plane for the same reasons.
Yes, it does.
Then there is a long list of people. All of them pedophiles.

So far, there hasn't been any allegation that anyone was a pedophile.
And Epstein brought young girls for trump to party with at Mar-a-Lago.
You mean young women, Faun.
No pedophilia was going on so try not to conflate the two.
They were not "young women." They were, "young girls." One of Epstein's girls was a 16 year old he lured away from Mar-a-Lago. 16 year olds are not "young women." "young women" implies adults.

At 16 she was a young woman who had already started her menses. Was she paid? Did she go on any of those shopping trips?

Not to burst your bubble by back stage at a pageant, play or musical is a crowed place with plenty of decent people going back and forth. Crew, stage hands, make up people hair stylists, all milling around. Where did you get the idea that these were real dressing rooms? The star gets a dressing room.

As far as the dressing rooms go, Trump bragged they were naked and quite a few of the girls have stated that they were.

Yep. That's backstage for you. Some girls have dressing screens. Most of them just change. The grips got to see them, the stage hands, the lighting guys, bunches of people. Public appearances like this are not for the shy or the sensitive.

That's not how they described it.
Sorry but being at a party with a bunch of people does not mean trips on a private plane to a private island.

Seriously. All you have is a picture taken in 1992.

Wait for it

yeah it is circumstantial

but so is most of Trump claims about his opponents and our really misinterpretations but he still puts it out there

So lets have fun

Number of woman who claim that Trump forced himself on them

Paying off the two woman who claimed to have had an affair with him and one being his mistress

Trumps first divorce where the grounds for the divorce was infidelity

The tape comment that Trump made using the "grab that P"

Trump own a beauty pageant and girls complain that he would walk into the dressing room unannounced. For what reason is there to walk into the woman's dressing room even if you owned the pageant

Still Epstein associated with many known famous people from government to entertainment

Trump obvious knew him

Is it a stretch to think that Trump was aware of these flight and the island
Trumps MO: oh he’s rich and famous and likes young girls: early 2000s; he’s a great guy and we’re buds... present day: I hardly knew him.

You stupid motherfuckers that blindly believe this charlatan scumbag, seriously need to check yourselves; you’re nuts.
There isn't a shred of evidence that Trump ever molested anyone who was underage. And you talk about us believing "this shit." The "shit" is the stuff you are your scumbag friends are spewing. Trump distanced himself from Epstein years before the later's antics became public knowledge. No matter how desperately you try, you simply can't tie Trump to any of Epstein's scandals.
Amazing how willing people are to believe a boom that tells them what they think is true but every other book is just someone trying to make a buck.
Answer one question please. Do you believe bill clinton was involved in sexual encounters with underage girls?

(New here) I'll quit noting that soon enough.

Here is the problem. There are many names tied to Epstein. I have no idea if Clinton or Trump ever did anything illegal but the problem is, it's believable with both of them that they did.

We wouldn't be having these conversations about Jimmy Carter.
It’s definitely believable that either Clinton or trump are womanizers. They’re wealthy men and they live that life and I don’t really care whether or not they’re faithful to their wives. Clinton clearly only has a wife because he ran for various high office most of his adult life and bachelors don’t get to be president. I’m not sure why trump ever got married but it’s none of my business what he and another adult choose to do sexually. But Clinton has the most direct, recent, and frequent ties to Epstein and is known for being on his plane with underage girls. Trump doesn’t have that same connection and it affords him the benefit of the doubt in this case. That is the difference.

In 2002 Trumps own words in the New Yorker article

And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys
his social life.”
Epstein wasn't arrested until 2008, so that reference is absolutely meaningless and proof of nothing.
Amazing how willing people are to believe a boom that tells them what they think is true but every other book is just someone trying to make a buck.
Answer one question please. Do you believe bill clinton was involved in sexual encounters with underage girls?

I do not. He is a sexual predator that has forced himself on women but has no history of doing so with underage girls.

I do not think it has any more validity than the stories that have come out about Trump and the 13 year old.
Ok I’ll take your word at face value. If you could just answer one more question. What do you think his intentions were every time he flew to an island with a guy who brings underage girls there for sex?

Clinton is a well-known ornithologist. I'm sure he was just there for the bird watching. Lot of exotic species on the islands.
I think it's cute how the right thinks Clinton was on that plane for reasons different than trump.
Trump wasn't on the plane, shit for brains.
You mean young women, Faun.
No pedophilia was going on so try not to conflate the two.
They were not "young women." They were, "young girls." One of Epstein's girls was a 16 year old he lured away from Mar-a-Lago. 16 year olds are not "young women." "young women" implies adults.

At 16 she was a young woman who had already started her menses. Was she paid? Did she go on any of those shopping trips?

Not to burst your bubble by back stage at a pageant, play or musical is a crowed place with plenty of decent people going back and forth. Crew, stage hands, make up people hair stylists, all milling around. Where did you get the idea that these were real dressing rooms? The star gets a dressing room.

As far as the dressing rooms go, Trump bragged they were naked and quite a few of the girls have stated that they were.

Yep. That's backstage for you. Some girls have dressing screens. Most of them just change. The grips got to see them, the stage hands, the lighting guys, bunches of people. Public appearances like this are not for the shy or the sensitive.

That's not how they described it.
That's how it is though. There are no dressing rooms except for the stars, the host. Guests.
They were not "young women." They were, "young girls." One of Epstein's girls was a 16 year old he lured away from Mar-a-Lago. 16 year olds are not "young women." "young women" implies adults.

At 16 she was a young woman who had already started her menses. Was she paid? Did she go on any of those shopping trips?

Not to burst your bubble by back stage at a pageant, play or musical is a crowed place with plenty of decent people going back and forth. Crew, stage hands, make up people hair stylists, all milling around. Where did you get the idea that these were real dressing rooms? The star gets a dressing room.

As far as the dressing rooms go, Trump bragged they were naked and quite a few of the girls have stated that they were.

Yep. That's backstage for you. Some girls have dressing screens. Most of them just change. The grips got to see them, the stage hands, the lighting guys, bunches of people. Public appearances like this are not for the shy or the sensitive.

That's not how they described it.
That's how it is though. There are no dressing rooms except for the stars, the host. Guests.

It isn't how it is for the Miss Teen Pageant.
I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’ " said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.

Speaking of Trump.
I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’ " said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.

Speaking of Trump.
From the script given to her. There are men all over back stage. Including many fathers of the contestants.
I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’ " said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.

Speaking of Trump.
From the script given to her. There are men all over back stage. Including many fathers of the contestants.

A waste of time arguing it but they do not have men where the Miss Teen contestants dress. Some of these girls are 15-16. It doesn't happen.

Now one of those fathers should have knocked Trump's teeth down his throat.
I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’ " said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.

Speaking of Trump.
From the script given to her. There are men all over back stage. Including many fathers of the contestants.

A waste of time arguing it but they do not have men where the Miss Teen contestants dress. Some of these girls are 15-16. It doesn't happen.

Now one of those fathers should have knocked Trump's teeth down his throat.
You are quaint.
I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’ " said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.

Speaking of Trump.
From the script given to her. There are men all over back stage. Including many fathers of the contestants.

A waste of time arguing it but they do not have men where the Miss Teen contestants dress. Some of these girls are 15-16. It doesn't happen.

Now one of those fathers should have knocked Trump's teeth down his throat.
You are quaint.

It's not about me.
I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’ " said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.

Speaking of Trump.
From the script given to her. There are men all over back stage. Including many fathers of the contestants.

A waste of time arguing it but they do not have men where the Miss Teen contestants dress. Some of these girls are 15-16. It doesn't happen.

Now one of those fathers should have knocked Trump's teeth down his throat.
You are quaint.

It's not about me.
Of course not. You have adopted an ineffective mantle of puritianism. Fact is just like every other beauty contest, play, musical or entertainment the girls are meat on the hoof. There is no room for the shy or sensitive.

Epstein's girls might be under age but those 15 and 16 year old girls were sexually active long before Epstein came along. He just paid better.
I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’ " said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.

Speaking of Trump.
All that proves is that she's a good loyal Democrat. They don't hesitate to lie if it means the Dims will gain power.
I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’ " said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.

Speaking of Trump.
From the script given to her. There are men all over back stage. Including many fathers of the contestants.

A waste of time arguing it but they do not have men where the Miss Teen contestants dress. Some of these girls are 15-16. It doesn't happen.

Now one of those fathers should have knocked Trump's teeth down his throat.
You are quaint.

It's not about me.
Of course not. You have adopted an ineffective mantle of puritianism. Fact is just like every other beauty contest, play, musical or entertainment the girls are meat on the hoof. There is no room for the shy or sensitive.

Epstein's girls might be under age but those 15 and 16 year old girls were sexually active long before Epstein came along. He just paid better.

Wow. The 12 year old abused by her step father is sexually active.

Not an excuse out of any of them.
From the script given to her. There are men all over back stage. Including many fathers of the contestants.

A waste of time arguing it but they do not have men where the Miss Teen contestants dress. Some of these girls are 15-16. It doesn't happen.

Now one of those fathers should have knocked Trump's teeth down his throat.
You are quaint.

It's not about me.
Of course not. You have adopted an ineffective mantle of puritianism. Fact is just like every other beauty contest, play, musical or entertainment the girls are meat on the hoof. There is no room for the shy or sensitive.

Epstein's girls might be under age but those 15 and 16 year old girls were sexually active long before Epstein came along. He just paid better.

Wow. The 12 year old abused by her step father is sexually active.

Not an excuse out of any of them.
Which one was 12? Not one. Which one had been abused by a step father? No one. These girls were mostly 15 and 16 with an occasional 14 year old. He had already been paying them $300 a session. Before they ever got on the plane. When seen getting on the plane they had been shopping. Epstein paid better than the boyfriend that barely had a doobie to share.
A waste of time arguing it but they do not have men where the Miss Teen contestants dress. Some of these girls are 15-16. It doesn't happen.

Now one of those fathers should have knocked Trump's teeth down his throat.
You are quaint.

It's not about me.
Of course not. You have adopted an ineffective mantle of puritianism. Fact is just like every other beauty contest, play, musical or entertainment the girls are meat on the hoof. There is no room for the shy or sensitive.

Epstein's girls might be under age but those 15 and 16 year old girls were sexually active long before Epstein came along. He just paid better.

Wow. The 12 year old abused by her step father is sexually active.

Not an excuse out of any of them.
Which one was 12? Not one. Which one had been abused by a step father? No one. These girls were mostly 15 and 16 with an occasional 14 year old. He had already been paying them $300 a session. Before they ever got on the plane. When seen getting on the plane they had been shopping. Epstein paid better than the boyfriend that barely had a doobie to share.

Epstein is never getting out of prison so there must be a difference.

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