Journalist Says Underage Girls Were on "Many" of Clinton's Trips on Epstein Plane

Amazing how willing people are to believe a boom that tells them what they think is true but every other book is just someone trying to make a buck.
Answer one question please. Do you believe bill clinton was involved in sexual encounters with underage girls?

I do not. He is a sexual predator that has forced himself on women but has no history of doing so with underage girls.

I do not think it has any more validity than the stories that have come out about Trump and the 13 year old.
Ok I’ll take your word at face value. If you could just answer one more question. What do you think his intentions were every time he flew to an island with a guy who brings underage girls there for sex?

I have not seen any evidence he has been to the island, just that he flew on his plane.

All the stories about him being to the island are from far right conspiracy theory websites.
Bwaaaahhhhhaaaaaa. So when Epsteins plane landed, Slick Willie just stayed on the plane? Oh you are just as funny as a jackass.

Let's see your evidence Clintin was on that plane when it went to Epstein's island...?
It’s definitely believable that either Clinton or trump are womanizers. They’re wealthy men and they live that life and I don’t really care whether or not they’re faithful to their wives. Clinton clearly only has a wife because he ran for various high office most of his adult life and bachelors don’t get to be president. I’m not sure why trump ever got married but it’s none of my business what he and another adult choose to do sexually. But Clinton has the most direct, recent, and frequent ties to Epstein and is known for being on his plane with underage girls. Trump doesn’t have that same connection and it affords him the benefit of the doubt in this case. That is the difference.

I don't disagree that Clinton is tied closer to this but that really is not my argument. My argument is that it's a sad state of affairs that it's believable concerning both of them.

We should demand better.
That’s the point I’m trying to make though, I don’t see why it’s “believable” with trump. It’s definitely believable that he’s a womanizer and probably isn’t actually in love with melanoma and vice versa. That’s a believable thing about him because his MO has always been to bang hot women. I wouldn’t put it past him to make questionable advances towards women in general either. But I say WOMEN because I see no other connection between trunk and anything that indicates he crosses the line into underage. I would’ve said the same thing about bill Clinton until I saw that he spent quite a lot of his free time with Epstein on a plane known for carrying underage girls to epstein’s Island. That’s the difference here. The Clinton/Epstein connection is troubling and strange. I don’t see that either trump but if anyone has anything as damning as the flight logs showing Clinton’s name 27 different times I’d love to have a peek at it

I can't link yet but we have credible information that Trump did indeed walk into a dressing room with naked teen age girls. That's simply not something a decent person does.

Being a creep does not make you a pedophile. My argument is it wouldn't be surprising. My argument is that we can and should do better. are the president. He knows what Epstein did. Knowing what Epstein did, could you have nominated Acosta for your cabinet?
I don’t give trump much credit on who he surrounds himself with in the White House. He doesn’t seem to be a very good judge of character and he doesn’t seem to know who the real deep state is, but I believe his overall intentions are for the good of the country. I don’t know why he picked Acosta. But I don’t know why he picked kavanaugh either when there’s such better judges to choose from.

So your argument seems to be that he is not a very good judge of character. I won't argue that.
He put John Bolton in his administration. Clearly he’s not great at picking people. He’s probably not great at picking people to associate with in his private life either, hence the once apparent connection to him and Epstein. But I see trump distancing himself from Epstein a long time ago whereas Clinton never did.
Answer one question please. Do you believe bill clinton was involved in sexual encounters with underage girls?

(New here) I'll quit noting that soon enough.

Here is the problem. There are many names tied to Epstein. I have no idea if Clinton or Trump ever did anything illegal but the problem is, it's believable with both of them that they did.

We wouldn't be having these conversations about Jimmy Carter.
It’s definitely believable that either Clinton or trump are womanizers. They’re wealthy men and they live that life and I don’t really care whether or not they’re faithful to their wives. Clinton clearly only has a wife because he ran for various high office most of his adult life and bachelors don’t get to be president. I’m not sure why trump ever got married but it’s none of my business what he and another adult choose to do sexually. But Clinton has the most direct, recent, and frequent ties to Epstein and is known for being on his plane with underage girls. Trump doesn’t have that same connection and it affords him the benefit of the doubt in this case. That is the difference.

I don't disagree that Clinton is tied closer to this but that really is not my argument. My argument is that it's a sad state of affairs that it's believable concerning both of them.

We should demand better.
That’s the point I’m trying to make though, I don’t see why it’s “believable” with trump. It’s definitely believable that he’s a womanizer and probably isn’t actually in love with melanoma and vice versa. That’s a believable thing about him because his MO has always been to bang hot women. I wouldn’t put it past him to make questionable advances towards women in general either. But I say WOMEN because I see no other connection between trunk and anything that indicates he crosses the line into underage. I would’ve said the same thing about bill Clinton until I saw that he spent quite a lot of his free time with Epstein on a plane known for carrying underage girls to epstein’s Island. That’s the difference here. The Clinton/Epstein connection is troubling and strange. I don’t see that either trump but if anyone has anything as damning as the flight logs showing Clinton’s name 27 different times I’d love to have a peek at it

I can't link yet but we have credible information that Trump did indeed walk into a dressing room with naked teen age girls. That's simply not something a decent person does.

Being a creep does not make you a pedophile. My argument is it wouldn't be surprising. My argument is that we can and should do better. are the president. He knows what Epstein did. Knowing what Epstein did, could you have nominated Acosta for your cabinet?
in 1991 Donald Trump was a Democrat. He wasn't married to Melania either. Like the liberals did with the KKK member Robert Byrd(who Obama spoke at his funeral) supposedly if someone change their heart and becomes a better person cause of it, we should forgive his/her transgressions, unless they continue to transgress.
I don't disagree that Clinton is tied closer to this but that really is not my argument. My argument is that it's a sad state of affairs that it's believable concerning both of them.

We should demand better.
That’s the point I’m trying to make though, I don’t see why it’s “believable” with trump. It’s definitely believable that he’s a womanizer and probably isn’t actually in love with melanoma and vice versa. That’s a believable thing about him because his MO has always been to bang hot women. I wouldn’t put it past him to make questionable advances towards women in general either. But I say WOMEN because I see no other connection between trunk and anything that indicates he crosses the line into underage. I would’ve said the same thing about bill Clinton until I saw that he spent quite a lot of his free time with Epstein on a plane known for carrying underage girls to epstein’s Island. That’s the difference here. The Clinton/Epstein connection is troubling and strange. I don’t see that either trump but if anyone has anything as damning as the flight logs showing Clinton’s name 27 different times I’d love to have a peek at it

I can't link yet but we have credible information that Trump did indeed walk into a dressing room with naked teen age girls. That's simply not something a decent person does.

Being a creep does not make you a pedophile. My argument is it wouldn't be surprising. My argument is that we can and should do better. are the president. He knows what Epstein did. Knowing what Epstein did, could you have nominated Acosta for your cabinet?
I don’t give trump much credit on who he surrounds himself with in the White House. He doesn’t seem to be a very good judge of character and he doesn’t seem to know who the real deep state is, but I believe his overall intentions are for the good of the country. I don’t know why he picked Acosta. But I don’t know why he picked kavanaugh either when there’s such better judges to choose from.

So your argument seems to be that he is not a very good judge of character. I won't argue that.
He put John Bolton in his administration. Clearly he’s not great at picking people. He’s probably not great at picking people to associate with in his private life either, hence the once apparent connection to him and Epstein. But I see trump distancing himself from Epstein a long time ago whereas Clinton never did.

No disagreement there. I am in no way trying to defend Clinton.
Im not exactly shocked that 2 New York billionaires crossed paths with each other before. I’m also not shocked that it’s clintons name that appears on those flight menifests and not trumps.
(New here) I'll quit noting that soon enough.

Here is the problem. There are many names tied to Epstein. I have no idea if Clinton or Trump ever did anything illegal but the problem is, it's believable with both of them that they did.

We wouldn't be having these conversations about Jimmy Carter.
It’s definitely believable that either Clinton or trump are womanizers. They’re wealthy men and they live that life and I don’t really care whether or not they’re faithful to their wives. Clinton clearly only has a wife because he ran for various high office most of his adult life and bachelors don’t get to be president. I’m not sure why trump ever got married but it’s none of my business what he and another adult choose to do sexually. But Clinton has the most direct, recent, and frequent ties to Epstein and is known for being on his plane with underage girls. Trump doesn’t have that same connection and it affords him the benefit of the doubt in this case. That is the difference.

I don't disagree that Clinton is tied closer to this but that really is not my argument. My argument is that it's a sad state of affairs that it's believable concerning both of them.

We should demand better.
That’s the point I’m trying to make though, I don’t see why it’s “believable” with trump. It’s definitely believable that he’s a womanizer and probably isn’t actually in love with melanoma and vice versa. That’s a believable thing about him because his MO has always been to bang hot women. I wouldn’t put it past him to make questionable advances towards women in general either. But I say WOMEN because I see no other connection between trunk and anything that indicates he crosses the line into underage. I would’ve said the same thing about bill Clinton until I saw that he spent quite a lot of his free time with Epstein on a plane known for carrying underage girls to epstein’s Island. That’s the difference here. The Clinton/Epstein connection is troubling and strange. I don’t see that either trump but if anyone has anything as damning as the flight logs showing Clinton’s name 27 different times I’d love to have a peek at it

I can't link yet but we have credible information that Trump did indeed walk into a dressing room with naked teen age girls. That's simply not something a decent person does.

Being a creep does not make you a pedophile. My argument is it wouldn't be surprising. My argument is that we can and should do better. are the president. He knows what Epstein did. Knowing what Epstein did, could you have nominated Acosta for your cabinet?
in 1991 Donald Trump was a Democrat. He wasn't married to Melania either. Like the liberals did with the KKK member Robert Byrd(who Obama spoke at his funeral) supposedly if someone change their heart and becomes a better person cause of it, we should forgive his/her transgressions, unless they continue to transgress.

Forgive? Sure. Elect as president? That's another matter. Granted the choices were lousy, I understand that but that plays into my bigger picture argument. We can and should do better.
I have not seen any evidence he has been to the island, just that he flew on his plane.

All the stories about him being to the island are from far right conspiracy theory websites.
Bwaaaahhhhhaaaaaa. So when Epsteins plane landed, Slick Willie just stayed on the plane? Oh you are just as funny as a jackass.

The plane goes to more than one location.

So what you are saying is that instead of using Air Force one for Slick Willies trips out of the US, he chummed up with Epstein and used his jet to get around?

Even the fucked up CT sites do not say that he flew on that plane while he was POTUS. The former POTUS no longer gets to use AF1

Dipshit, it was in the 1990's that Bill Clinton was jetting around with Epstein, dont yah think it would look bad if Bill had fucked under age girls on that plane? Of course but when you can use a buddies plane to get away with it, then as typical of liberals do what feels good.

Great, then you should be able to post a flight log from the 90's with Clinton's name on it. Let's see it.....
That’s the point I’m trying to make though, I don’t see why it’s “believable” with trump. It’s definitely believable that he’s a womanizer and probably isn’t actually in love with melanoma and vice versa. That’s a believable thing about him because his MO has always been to bang hot women. I wouldn’t put it past him to make questionable advances towards women in general either. But I say WOMEN because I see no other connection between trunk and anything that indicates he crosses the line into underage. I would’ve said the same thing about bill Clinton until I saw that he spent quite a lot of his free time with Epstein on a plane known for carrying underage girls to epstein’s Island. That’s the difference here. The Clinton/Epstein connection is troubling and strange. I don’t see that either trump but if anyone has anything as damning as the flight logs showing Clinton’s name 27 different times I’d love to have a peek at it

I can't link yet but we have credible information that Trump did indeed walk into a dressing room with naked teen age girls. That's simply not something a decent person does.

Being a creep does not make you a pedophile. My argument is it wouldn't be surprising. My argument is that we can and should do better. are the president. He knows what Epstein did. Knowing what Epstein did, could you have nominated Acosta for your cabinet?
I don’t give trump much credit on who he surrounds himself with in the White House. He doesn’t seem to be a very good judge of character and he doesn’t seem to know who the real deep state is, but I believe his overall intentions are for the good of the country. I don’t know why he picked Acosta. But I don’t know why he picked kavanaugh either when there’s such better judges to choose from.

So your argument seems to be that he is not a very good judge of character. I won't argue that.
He put John Bolton in his administration. Clearly he’s not great at picking people. He’s probably not great at picking people to associate with in his private life either, hence the once apparent connection to him and Epstein. But I see trump distancing himself from Epstein a long time ago whereas Clinton never did.

No disagreement there. I am in no way trying to defend Clinton.
I know. I’m just pointing out where I see mitigating and or aggravating information. Trump to me is just a rich guy who uses that to get laid. Good for him, there’s not a man on this forum who wouldn’t give in to the temptation at some point in that situation. I know you think we deserve better regardless and maybe you’re right but One of these 2 presidents is clearly a much worse human being.
I can't link yet but we have credible information that Trump did indeed walk into a dressing room with naked teen age girls. That's simply not something a decent person does.

Being a creep does not make you a pedophile. My argument is it wouldn't be surprising. My argument is that we can and should do better. are the president. He knows what Epstein did. Knowing what Epstein did, could you have nominated Acosta for your cabinet?
I don’t give trump much credit on who he surrounds himself with in the White House. He doesn’t seem to be a very good judge of character and he doesn’t seem to know who the real deep state is, but I believe his overall intentions are for the good of the country. I don’t know why he picked Acosta. But I don’t know why he picked kavanaugh either when there’s such better judges to choose from.

So your argument seems to be that he is not a very good judge of character. I won't argue that.
He put John Bolton in his administration. Clearly he’s not great at picking people. He’s probably not great at picking people to associate with in his private life either, hence the once apparent connection to him and Epstein. But I see trump distancing himself from Epstein a long time ago whereas Clinton never did.

No disagreement there. I am in no way trying to defend Clinton.
I know. I’m just pointing out where I see mitigating and or aggravating information. Trump to me is just a rich guy who uses that to get laid. Good for him, there’s not a man on this forum who wouldn’t give in to the temptation at some point in that situation. I know you think we deserve better regardless and maybe you’re right but One of these 2 presidents is clearly a much worse human being.

Again, is that the conversation we should be having? Which is worse? And no, I would not walk into the Miss Teen dressing room regardless of how much money I had.
Answer one question please. Do you believe bill clinton was involved in sexual encounters with underage girls?

(New here) I'll quit noting that soon enough.

Here is the problem. There are many names tied to Epstein. I have no idea if Clinton or Trump ever did anything illegal but the problem is, it's believable with both of them that they did.

We wouldn't be having these conversations about Jimmy Carter.
It’s definitely believable that either Clinton or trump are womanizers. They’re wealthy men and they live that life and I don’t really care whether or not they’re faithful to their wives. Clinton clearly only has a wife because he ran for various high office most of his adult life and bachelors don’t get to be president. I’m not sure why trump ever got married but it’s none of my business what he and another adult choose to do sexually. But Clinton has the most direct, recent, and frequent ties to Epstein and is known for being on his plane with underage girls. Trump doesn’t have that same connection and it affords him the benefit of the doubt in this case. That is the difference.

I don't disagree that Clinton is tied closer to this but that really is not my argument. My argument is that it's a sad state of affairs that it's believable concerning both of them.

We should demand better.
That’s the point I’m trying to make though, I don’t see why it’s “believable” with trump. It’s definitely believable that he’s a womanizer and probably isn’t actually in love with melanoma and vice versa. That’s a believable thing about him because his MO has always been to bang hot women. I wouldn’t put it past him to make questionable advances towards women in general either. But I say WOMEN because I see no other connection between trunk and anything that indicates he crosses the line into underage. I would’ve said the same thing about bill Clinton until I saw that he spent quite a lot of his free time with Epstein on a plane known for carrying underage girls to epstein’s Island. That’s the difference here. The Clinton/Epstein connection is troubling and strange. I don’t see that either trump but if anyone has anything as damning as the flight logs showing Clinton’s name 27 different times I’d love to have a peek at it

I can't link yet but we have credible information that Trump did indeed walk into a dressing room with naked teen age girls. That's simply not something a decent person does.

Being a creep does not make you a pedophile. My argument is it wouldn't be surprising. My argument is that we can and should do better. are the president. He knows what Epstein did. Knowing what Epstein did, could you have nominated Acosta for your cabinet?
And Epstein brought young girls for trump to party with at Mar-a-Lago.
Bill Clinton has a history of not being able to control his dick. In fact, there are probably more strangers (victims) who can describe the visual abnormalities of his dick than any other politician who ever lived. I'm sure he's going crazy trying to figure out where his victims are now so he can persuade them not to testify. I hope that Black book comes out and EVERYONE involved has the truth squeezed out of them.
Last edited:
Trump and Epstein
Amazing how willing people are to believe a boom that tells them what they think is true but every other book is just someone trying to make a buck.
Answer one question please. Do you believe bill clinton was involved in sexual encounters with underage girls?

(New here) I'll quit noting that soon enough.

Here is the problem. There are many names tied to Epstein. I have no idea if Clinton or Trump ever did anything illegal but the problem is, it's believable with both of them that they did.

We wouldn't be having these conversations about Jimmy Carter.
It’s definitely believable that either Clinton or trump are womanizers. They’re wealthy men and they live that life and I don’t really care whether or not they’re faithful to their wives. Clinton clearly only has a wife because he ran for various high office most of his adult life and bachelors don’t get to be president. I’m not sure why trump ever got married but it’s none of my business what he and another adult choose to do sexually. But Clinton has the most direct, recent, and frequent ties to Epstein and is known for being on his plane with underage girls. Trump doesn’t have that same connection and it affords him the benefit of the doubt in this case. That is the difference.

I don't disagree that Clinton is tied closer to this but that really is not my argument. My argument is that it's a sad state of affairs that it's believable concerning both of them.

We should demand better.
That’s the point I’m trying to make though, I don’t see why it’s “believable” with trump. It’s definitely believable that he’s a womanizer and probably isn’t actually in love with melania and vice versa. That’s a believable thing about him because his MO has always been to bang hot women. I wouldn’t put it past him to make questionable advances towards women in general either. But I say WOMEN because I see no other connection between trump and anything that indicates he crosses the line into underage. I would’ve said the same thing about bill Clinton until I saw that he spent quite a lot of his free time with Epstein on a plane known for carrying underage girls to epstein’s Island. That’s the difference here. The Clinton/Epstein connection is troubling and strange. I don’t see that with trump but if anyone has anything as damning as the flight logs showing Clinton’s name 27 different times I’d love to have a peek at it

in a article written in New Yorker in 2002

And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Directly from Trump

Now Trump say I barely know him

Article delves into his relationship with Clinton and the Trip to Africa nothing outrageous so it may be boring to many

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery
Sorry but being at a party with a bunch of people does not mean trips on a private plane to a private island.

Seriously. All you have is a picture taken in 1992.

Wait for it

yeah it is circumstantial

but so is most of Trump claims about his opponents and our really misinterpretations but he still puts it out there

So lets have fun

Number of woman who claim that Trump forced himself on them

Paying off the two woman who claimed to have had an affair with him and one being his mistress

Trumps first divorce where the grounds for the divorce was infidelity

The tape comment that Trump made using the "grab that P"

Trump own a beauty pageant and girls complain that he would walk into the dressing room unannounced. For what reason is there to walk into the woman's dressing room even if you owned the pageant

Still Epstein associated with many known famous people from government to entertainment

Trump obvious knew him

Is it a stretch to think that Trump was aware of these flight and the island
Trumps MO: oh he’s rich and famous and likes young girls: early 2000s; he’s a great guy and we’re buds... present day: I hardly knew him.

You stupid motherfuckers that blindly believe this charlatan scumbag, seriously need to check yourselves; you’re nuts.
Amazing how willing people are to believe a boom that tells them what they think is true but every other book is just someone trying to make a buck.
Answer one question please. Do you believe bill clinton was involved in sexual encounters with underage girls?

(New here) I'll quit noting that soon enough.

Here is the problem. There are many names tied to Epstein. I have no idea if Clinton or Trump ever did anything illegal but the problem is, it's believable with both of them that they did.

We wouldn't be having these conversations about Jimmy Carter.
It’s definitely believable that either Clinton or trump are womanizers. They’re wealthy men and they live that life and I don’t really care whether or not they’re faithful to their wives. Clinton clearly only has a wife because he ran for various high office most of his adult life and bachelors don’t get to be president. I’m not sure why trump ever got married but it’s none of my business what he and another adult choose to do sexually. But Clinton has the most direct, recent, and frequent ties to Epstein and is known for being on his plane with underage girls. Trump doesn’t have that same connection and it affords him the benefit of the doubt in this case. That is the difference.

In 2002 Trumps own words in the New Yorker article

And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys
his social life.”
Amazing how willing people are to believe a book that tells them what they think is true but every other book is just someone trying to make a buck.

Yea, I mean what behavior has Clinton exhibited around young women all these years? Why would he have interest??
It’s definitely believable that either Clinton or trump are womanizers. They’re wealthy men and they live that life and I don’t really care whether or not they’re faithful to their wives. Clinton clearly only has a wife because he ran for various high office most of his adult life and bachelors don’t get to be president. I’m not sure why trump ever got married but it’s none of my business what he and another adult choose to do sexually. But Clinton has the most direct, recent, and frequent ties to Epstein and is known for being on his plane with underage girls. Trump doesn’t have that same connection and it affords him the benefit of the doubt in this case. That is the difference.

I don't disagree that Clinton is tied closer to this but that really is not my argument. My argument is that it's a sad state of affairs that it's believable concerning both of them.

We should demand better.
That’s the point I’m trying to make though, I don’t see why it’s “believable” with trump. It’s definitely believable that he’s a womanizer and probably isn’t actually in love with melanoma and vice versa. That’s a believable thing about him because his MO has always been to bang hot women. I wouldn’t put it past him to make questionable advances towards women in general either. But I say WOMEN because I see no other connection between trunk and anything that indicates he crosses the line into underage. I would’ve said the same thing about bill Clinton until I saw that he spent quite a lot of his free time with Epstein on a plane known for carrying underage girls to epstein’s Island. That’s the difference here. The Clinton/Epstein connection is troubling and strange. I don’t see that either trump but if anyone has anything as damning as the flight logs showing Clinton’s name 27 different times I’d love to have a peek at it

I can't link yet but we have credible information that Trump did indeed walk into a dressing room with naked teen age girls. That's simply not something a decent person does.

Being a creep does not make you a pedophile. My argument is it wouldn't be surprising. My argument is that we can and should do better. are the president. He knows what Epstein did. Knowing what Epstein did, could you have nominated Acosta for your cabinet?
in 1991 Donald Trump was a Democrat. He wasn't married to Melania either. Like the liberals did with the KKK member Robert Byrd(who Obama spoke at his funeral) supposedly if someone change their heart and becomes a better person cause of it, we should forgive his/her transgressions, unless they continue to transgress.

Forgive? Sure. Elect as president? That's another matter. Granted the choices were lousy, I understand that but that plays into my bigger picture argument. We can and should do better.
Obama honored KKK Robert Byrd at his funeral, was it appropriate?

I don't disagree that Clinton is tied closer to this but that really is not my argument. My argument is that it's a sad state of affairs that it's believable concerning both of them.

We should demand better.
That’s the point I’m trying to make though, I don’t see why it’s “believable” with trump. It’s definitely believable that he’s a womanizer and probably isn’t actually in love with melanoma and vice versa. That’s a believable thing about him because his MO has always been to bang hot women. I wouldn’t put it past him to make questionable advances towards women in general either. But I say WOMEN because I see no other connection between trunk and anything that indicates he crosses the line into underage. I would’ve said the same thing about bill Clinton until I saw that he spent quite a lot of his free time with Epstein on a plane known for carrying underage girls to epstein’s Island. That’s the difference here. The Clinton/Epstein connection is troubling and strange. I don’t see that either trump but if anyone has anything as damning as the flight logs showing Clinton’s name 27 different times I’d love to have a peek at it

I can't link yet but we have credible information that Trump did indeed walk into a dressing room with naked teen age girls. That's simply not something a decent person does.

Being a creep does not make you a pedophile. My argument is it wouldn't be surprising. My argument is that we can and should do better. are the president. He knows what Epstein did. Knowing what Epstein did, could you have nominated Acosta for your cabinet?
in 1991 Donald Trump was a Democrat. He wasn't married to Melania either. Like the liberals did with the KKK member Robert Byrd(who Obama spoke at his funeral) supposedly if someone change their heart and becomes a better person cause of it, we should forgive his/her transgressions, unless they continue to transgress.

Forgive? Sure. Elect as president? That's another matter. Granted the choices were lousy, I understand that but that plays into my bigger picture argument. We can and should do better.
Obama honored KKK Robert Byrd at his funeral, was it appropriate?

I don't know. I was no fan of Obama so I feel no obligation to defend him.
Bill Clinton has a history of not being able to control his dick. In fact, there are probably more strangers (victims) who can describe the visual abnormalities of his dick than any other politician who ever lived. I'm sure he's going crazy trying to figure out where his victims are now so he can persuade them not to testify. I hope that Black book comes out and EVERYONE involved has the truth squeezed out of them.
I believe it.
Trump said that Epstein like younger girls just like he (Trump) did.
Epstein, Clinton and Trump are all slime balls in the first degree.
Obama honored KKK Robert Byrd at his funeral, was it appropriate?

At his funeral demo's spoke

Clinton was the only speaker to mention Byrd’s early KKK affiliation directly. Obama alluded to it.
“We know there are things he said and things he did that he came to regret,” Obama said. “I remember talking about that the first time I visited with him. He said: ‘There are things I regretted in my youth; you may – you may know that.’ And I said: None of us are absent some regrets, senator. That's why we enjoy and seek the grace of God.”

Now compare that with McCain

Whereas OB. Bush and Biden spoke but Trump did not

To forgive and forget in the eye of God seems like a good thing

but maybe some are not up to the task
(New here) I'll quit noting that soon enough.

Here is the problem. There are many names tied to Epstein. I have no idea if Clinton or Trump ever did anything illegal but the problem is, it's believable with both of them that they did.

We wouldn't be having these conversations about Jimmy Carter.
It’s definitely believable that either Clinton or trump are womanizers. They’re wealthy men and they live that life and I don’t really care whether or not they’re faithful to their wives. Clinton clearly only has a wife because he ran for various high office most of his adult life and bachelors don’t get to be president. I’m not sure why trump ever got married but it’s none of my business what he and another adult choose to do sexually. But Clinton has the most direct, recent, and frequent ties to Epstein and is known for being on his plane with underage girls. Trump doesn’t have that same connection and it affords him the benefit of the doubt in this case. That is the difference.

I don't disagree that Clinton is tied closer to this but that really is not my argument. My argument is that it's a sad state of affairs that it's believable concerning both of them.

We should demand better.
That’s the point I’m trying to make though, I don’t see why it’s “believable” with trump. It’s definitely believable that he’s a womanizer and probably isn’t actually in love with melanoma and vice versa. That’s a believable thing about him because his MO has always been to bang hot women. I wouldn’t put it past him to make questionable advances towards women in general either. But I say WOMEN because I see no other connection between trunk and anything that indicates he crosses the line into underage. I would’ve said the same thing about bill Clinton until I saw that he spent quite a lot of his free time with Epstein on a plane known for carrying underage girls to epstein’s Island. That’s the difference here. The Clinton/Epstein connection is troubling and strange. I don’t see that either trump but if anyone has anything as damning as the flight logs showing Clinton’s name 27 different times I’d love to have a peek at it

I can't link yet but we have credible information that Trump did indeed walk into a dressing room with naked teen age girls. That's simply not something a decent person does.

Being a creep does not make you a pedophile. My argument is it wouldn't be surprising. My argument is that we can and should do better. are the president. He knows what Epstein did. Knowing what Epstein did, could you have nominated Acosta for your cabinet?
And Epstein brought young girls for trump to party with at Mar-a-Lago.
You mean young women, Faun.
No pedophilia was going on so try not to conflate the two.

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