Journalists Dumbfounded As There Were No Previous Signs Of Biden Declining Whatsoever


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

NEW YORK, NY — Journalists from media outlets around the country are reeling from shock after Biden's performance in the presidential debate, caught completely off guard by the President's steep mental decline.

"There were no warning signs. None," said MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough. "Up until the very moment the debate started, President Biden has been the picture of vitality and intelligence. He has never before lost his train of thought, stared into the abyss with his mouth gaping, mumbled incoherently for extended periods, or made nonsensical statements like 'We beat Medicare.' It's all so shocking - shocking, I tell you."

Members of the White House Press Corps, having never reported a single instance of Biden faltering in the past four years, were equally stunned. "Biden's debate performance was entirely out of the blue," explained Tyler Page of the Washington Post. "There were no pointers that his mental capacity was impaired in the slightest before the debate. I mean, I'm just thinking back over the past few months…D-Day…the G7 Summit…the Juneteenth concert…yeah, there's really just nothing that would indicate that he wasn't at tip-top performance leading into the debate. It was just so unlike Joe Biden."

At publishing time, journalists had been further flabbergasted to hear that the President had told several egregious lies during the debate, as he had always been completely honest up until that point.

It's like Gutfeld said - "The media aren't suddenly talking about this because they see it. They're talking about it because YOU saw it."

NEW YORK, NY — Journalists from media outlets around the country are reeling from shock after Biden's performance in the presidential debate, caught completely off guard by the President's steep mental decline.

"There were no warning signs. None," said MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough. "Up until the very moment the debate started, President Biden has been the picture of vitality and intelligence. He has never before lost his train of thought, stared into the abyss with his mouth gaping, mumbled incoherently for extended periods, or made nonsensical statements like 'We beat Medicare.' It's all so shocking - shocking, I tell you."

Members of the White House Press Corps, having never reported a single instance of Biden faltering in the past four years, were equally stunned. "Biden's debate performance was entirely out of the blue," explained Tyler Page of the Washington Post. "There were no pointers that his mental capacity was impaired in the slightest before the debate. I mean, I'm just thinking back over the past few months…D-Day…the G7 Summit…the Juneteenth concert…yeah, there's really just nothing that would indicate that he wasn't at tip-top performance leading into the debate. It was just so unlike Joe Biden."

At publishing time, journalists had been further flabbergasted to hear that the President had told several egregious lies during the debate, as he had always been completely honest up until that point.

It's like Gutfeld said - "The media aren't suddenly talking about this because they see it. They're talking about it because YOU saw it."

His team and his policies are better than the felons.

NEW YORK, NY — Journalists from media outlets around the country are reeling from shock after Biden's performance in the presidential debate, caught completely off guard by the President's steep mental decline.

"There were no warning signs. None," said MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough. "Up until the very moment the debate started, President Biden has been the picture of vitality and intelligence. He has never before lost his train of thought, stared into the abyss with his mouth gaping, mumbled incoherently for extended periods, or made nonsensical statements like 'We beat Medicare.' It's all so shocking - shocking, I tell you."

Members of the White House Press Corps, having never reported a single instance of Biden faltering in the past four years, were equally stunned. "Biden's debate performance was entirely out of the blue," explained Tyler Page of the Washington Post. "There were no pointers that his mental capacity was impaired in the slightest before the debate. I mean, I'm just thinking back over the past few months…D-Day…the G7 Summit…the Juneteenth concert…yeah, there's really just nothing that would indicate that he wasn't at tip-top performance leading into the debate. It was just so unlike Joe Biden."

At publishing time, journalists had been further flabbergasted to hear that the President had told several egregious lies during the debate, as he had always been completely honest up until that point.

It's like Gutfeld said - "The media aren't suddenly talking about this because they see it. They're talking about it because YOU saw it."

Hell to the fuck no.

They knew all about it and have lied since 2020 until now.

Their lies have now caught up with them.

And most people can see that. The media's credibility is beyond shot.

NEW YORK, NY — Journalists from media outlets around the country are reeling from shock after Biden's performance in the presidential debate, caught completely off guard by the President's steep mental decline.

"There were no warning signs. None," said MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough. "Up until the very moment the debate started, President Biden has been the picture of vitality and intelligence. He has never before lost his train of thought, stared into the abyss with his mouth gaping, mumbled incoherently for extended periods, or made nonsensical statements like 'We beat Medicare.' It's all so shocking - shocking, I tell you."

Members of the White House Press Corps, having never reported a single instance of Biden faltering in the past four years, were equally stunned. "Biden's debate performance was entirely out of the blue," explained Tyler Page of the Washington Post. "There were no pointers that his mental capacity was impaired in the slightest before the debate. I mean, I'm just thinking back over the past few months…D-Day…the G7 Summit…the Juneteenth concert…yeah, there's really just nothing that would indicate that he wasn't at tip-top performance leading into the debate. It was just so unlike Joe Biden."

At publishing time, journalists had been further flabbergasted to hear that the President had told several egregious lies during the debate, as he had always been completely honest up until that point.

It's like Gutfeld said - "The media aren't suddenly talking about this because they see it. They're talking about it because YOU saw it."

They must have been under a rock. It was obvious 4 years ago

NEW YORK, NY — Journalists from media outlets around the country are reeling from shock after Biden's performance in the presidential debate, caught completely off guard by the President's steep mental decline.

"There were no warning signs. None," said MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough. "Up until the very moment the debate started, President Biden has been the picture of vitality and intelligence. He has never before lost his train of thought, stared into the abyss with his mouth gaping, mumbled incoherently for extended periods, or made nonsensical statements like 'We beat Medicare.' It's all so shocking - shocking, I tell you."

Members of the White House Press Corps, having never reported a single instance of Biden faltering in the past four years, were equally stunned. "Biden's debate performance was entirely out of the blue," explained Tyler Page of the Washington Post. "There were no pointers that his mental capacity was impaired in the slightest before the debate. I mean, I'm just thinking back over the past few months…D-Day…the G7 Summit…the Juneteenth concert…yeah, there's really just nothing that would indicate that he wasn't at tip-top performance leading into the debate. It was just so unlike Joe Biden."

At publishing time, journalists had been further flabbergasted to hear that the President had told several egregious lies during the debate, as he had always been completely honest up until that point.

It's like Gutfeld said - "The media aren't suddenly talking about this because they see it. They're talking about it because YOU saw it."
Your side should be careful of bringing a resolution forward to upset the situation that exists.

Biden will eventually be dumped but the longer they take, the better for Trump.

In a perfect world for you and Magas, Gretchen would get the nomination a day before the election.

But of course it's not going to be perfect. Don't shoot your toes off in July!
Your side should be careful of bringing a resolution forward to upset the situation that exists.

Biden will eventually be dumped but the longer they take, the better for Trump.

In a perfect world for you and Magas, Gretchen would get the nomination a day before the election.

But of course it's not going to be perfect. Don't shoot your toes off in July!
ChiCom turd says what?

When I think of you, all that comes to mind is 180 grains. :dunno:
STFU you lying leftist shitliarfuck!
These guys have good days and bad days. Trump clearly had a good day. And he was fighting for his life. So I suspect Trump was on something that day. He is at all his rallies. Just like Hitler was secretly on drugs.

A week ago you guys said Biden was going to show up all hyped up. What happened? He had a bad day. Like the day Trump said Saudi Arabia and Russia ARUPIDO. Or when he thanked his IQ doctor but called him the wrong name. How embarrassing.

Would you tell us if Trump was in mental decline? Would you believe anyone if they told you he was losing it?
He still has his wits and he's not a liar. Do you like it that Trump lied constantly debating Biden?
Politicians lie. You think 50 years of Biden has been 50 years of constant truths?

I recall people saying he had to drop out of one of his presidential runs many decades ago (wtf?) because he was caught lying.

Being president shouldn't be an anointment. If Biden somehow won, how would his health be in three years?

I think this is the Cali Dems wanting Harris as president.
Politicians lie. You think 50 years of Biden has been 50 years of constant truths?

I recall people saying he had to drop out of one of his presidential runs many decades ago (wtf?) because he was caught lying.

Being president shouldn't be an anointment. If Biden somehow won, how would his health be in three years?

I think this is the Cali Dems wanting Harris as president.
Trump has been almost constant lies. Big difference. See, you're a stupid person. You've been brainwashed. When Trump lies you are programmed to say "they all lie" and move on. Sad pathetic pos. IMO
Trump has been almost constant lies. Big difference. See, you're a stupid person. You've been brainwashed. When Trump lies you are programmed to say "they all lie" and move on. Sad pathetic pos. IMO

His lies are primarily exaggerations. That has always been his Showman attitude.

Deal with facts. When Trump was in power there were no wars or terror attacks in the M.E. When Trump was in power the border was secure. When Trump was in power inflation was very low and that was after he dealt with Covid. When Trump was in power energy was flowing, gas was far cheaper as was housing and cost of living.

Don't blame those who like Trumps policies for having to support a guy who has personality issues. Blame the elite Establishment who have stolen and watched America go from sole super power to lawless nation in 30 years. THEIR policies are responsible for this decline. Haley or Romney wouldn't have changed course, Trump does.

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