Joy Reid condemns Trumps Iowa supporters

lol, “white nationalist Christian” is a category that THE LEFT made up. It has no meaning beyond that. It’s basically a “I hate white people, I hate Christian’s, and I hate people who love their country” all rolled in to one.
Nope. I’m white. I love me
I’m (nominally) Christian. I love me.

I’m not a nationalist but I do love my country

But white Christian nationalists are religio racist assholes.
Nope. I’m white. I love me
I’m (nominally) Christian. I love me.

I’m not a nationalist but I do love my country

But white Christian nationalists are religio racist assholes.

But that’s my point, “white Christian nationalist” is a label the left made up. It’s just another attack method used by the left wing party to demonize anyone they hate.

You falsely attribute all of these things to white Christian’s because you saw some story on the news that made you think that and now “white Christian nationalist” was born.

Most Christian’s are good people, there are some who are not so good, but most, that I know of, just keep to themselves. Like anything, the news puts a few of the more “out there” ones in tv, and then you lefty’s believe that’s “all of them”. It’s kinda like when the news puts the most hillbilly person in the trailer park on tv after the tornado goes through and the world thinks that’s how all of the south is.
But that’s my point, “white Christian nationalist” is a label the left made up. It’s just another attack method used by the left wing party to demonize anyone they hate.

You falsely attribute all of these things to white Christian’s because you saw some story on the news that made you think that and now “white Christian nationalist” was born.

Most Christian’s are good people, there are some who are not so good, but most, that I know of, just keep to themselves. Like anything, the news puts a few of the more “out there” ones in tv, and then you lefty’s believe that’s “all of them”. It’s kinda like when the news puts the most hillbilly person in the trailer park on tv after the tornado goes through and the world thinks that’s how all of the south is.
Most Christian’s are good people

White Christian nationalists are not
Nope. I’m white. I love me
I’m (nominally) Christian. I love me.

I’m not a nationalist but I do love my country

But white Christian nationalists are religio racist assholes.
yep some real zealous religious people can be asses.....they can carry what they believe just a little to far...
At this point 90% of racism in this country is due to people like her. People like her keep the racism home fires burning.

She should be thanking white Christians, they are the very reason were in a free country right now. Everything she has is because white Christians built it for her.

I'm grateful for what the white Christians did because I know I live in America because of them.
Ok, so Christian’s want to spread the gospel, that’s nothing new.

I used to go to church every week, I never recall ever hearing anyone there say anything remotely like what this article is spewing.

First off, there’s this:

We want there to be a deeper and clearer understanding of what white Christian nationalism is,” Gorski said

Oh..I’m sure you do…I’m sure you’ll tell everyone exactly what YOU think it is.

His next line says it all:

It’s a term that even five years ago you wouldn’t hear outside of a seminar room, but since the January 6th attack on the Capitol, it’s started to circulate in national newscasts, sometimes applying to any set of ideas people don’t like

That’s exactly right. 5 years ago, the term was pretty much unknown…until lefty news sites started drilling it into your head, now it’s everywhere, exactly as I said. It’s a term of attack made up by the left. And it’s still applied to people who’s ideas you don’t like.

We want to be clear that it’s not all Christians, not all white people.”

Sure, you say that in THIS article…but in the public sphere, you don’t make that distinction. You all love your blanket statements, and like them, when you talk about these things, you mold everyone together.

I’m sure there are SOME people who think like this, but by and large, most don’t.

This is just your boogeyman that you are trying to unleash on the world to try and convince people that everyone on the right are “white Christian nationalists” and all that.
Ok, so Christian’s want to spread the gospel, that’s nothing new.

I used to go to church every week, I never recall ever hearing anyone there say anything remotely like what this article is spewing.

First off, there’s this:

Oh..I’m sure you do…I’m sure you’ll tell everyone exactly what YOU think it is.

His next line says it all:

That’s exactly right. 5 years ago, the term was pretty much unknown…until lefty news sites started drilling it into your head, now it’s everywhere, exactly as I said. It’s a term of attack made up by the left. And it’s still applied to people who’s ideas you don’t like.

Sure, you say that in THIS article…but in the public sphere, you don’t make that distinction. You all love your blanket statements, and like them, when you talk about these things, you mold everyone together.

I’m sure there are SOME people who think like this, but by and large, most don’t.

This is just your boogeyman that you are trying to unleash on the world to try and convince people that everyone on the right are “white Christian nationalists” and all that.
You seem to be a master of word salad and “Gish Gallup”

So you went to a church that supposedly didn’t have nutjobs WCNs in it. Big deal

MSNBC host Joy Reid responded to former President Trump’s victory at the Iowa Caucuses Monday by condemning "White Christians" who support him.

As the results came in, Reid told the panel of hosts she wished to discuss a specific data point about "White Christians," one she had discussed with Robert "Robbie" Jones, the president and founder of Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) and author of "The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy."

She recounted that he had told her that Iowa is about 61% White Christian, whereas the country as a whole is approximately 41% White Christian.

Joy Reid is very clearly articulating what the Democrat Party has devolved to being about.
The Democrats are about primitive racial and religious tribalism.
She is telling us that she votes Democrat because she hates White Christians.
She is telling us that White folks and Christians are the problem in America and that they are not welcomed in the Democrat Party.
The Radical Left has been warning people about those dangerous "white christian nationalist"
Reid's demographic statistics are dubious.
MSNBC should be ashamed for being a platform for racist cretins such as Joy Reid.

View attachment 888697
"Christians" will never get the stench of Trump off
You seem to be a master of word salad and “Gish Gallup”

So you went to a church that supposedly didn’t have nutjobs WCNs in it. Big deal
I don’t know what “gish Gallup” is so…

So you went to a church that supposedly didn’t have nutjobs WCNs in it. Big deal

Yeah, and I can’t recall ever hearing anything on the news about these white Christian’s trying to “take over the world!”

Also, you know what’s missing from that article? Any mention of racism…so I’m curious where they come up with then’white’ in “white Christian nationalism”? If it’s Christian nationalism, then it would apply to anyone who subscribed to that, brown, yellow, white? Right?
I don’t know what “gish Gallup” is so…

Yeah, and I can’t recall ever hearing anything on the news about these white Christian’s trying to “take over the world!”

Also, you know what’s missing from that article? Any mention of racism…so I’m curious where they come up with then’white’ in “white Christian nationalism”? If it’s Christian nationalism, then it would apply to anyone who subscribed to that, brown, yellow, white? Right?
Gee… did someone say those creeps were trying to take over the world or is it that you just can’t make a post that isn’t dishonest…

MSNBC host Joy Reid responded to former President Trump’s victory at the Iowa Caucuses Monday by condemning "White Christians" who support him.

As the results came in, Reid told the panel of hosts she wished to discuss a specific data point about "White Christians," one she had discussed with Robert "Robbie" Jones, the president and founder of Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) and author of "The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy."

She recounted that he had told her that Iowa is about 61% White Christian, whereas the country as a whole is approximately 41% White Christian.

Joy Reid is very clearly articulating what the Democrat Party has devolved to being about.
The Democrats are about primitive racial and religious tribalism.
She is telling us that she votes Democrat because she hates White Christians.
She is telling us that White folks and Christians are the problem in America and that they are not welcomed in the Democrat Party.
The Radical Left has been warning people about those dangerous "white christian nationalist"
Reid's demographic statistics are dubious.
MSNBC should be ashamed for being a platform for racist cretins such as Joy Reid.

View attachment 888697

That race baiter is a few fries short of a happy meal. According to her, whites are the reason for all ills in the world.

Gee… did someone say those creeps were trying to take over the world or is it that you just can’t make a post that isn’t dishonest…
It was sarcasm, point is, I don’t see these people doing the things you all claim they are doing. I’m sure it can happen but it’s not like you all say it is.
How in the world does Joy Reid's opinion of Trump voters rise to the level of a political discussion?

MSNBC host Joy Reid responded to former President Trump’s victory at the Iowa Caucuses Monday by condemning "White Christians" who support him.

As the results came in, Reid told the panel of hosts she wished to discuss a specific data point about "White Christians," one she had discussed with Robert "Robbie" Jones, the president and founder of Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) and author of "The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy."

She recounted that he had told her that Iowa is about 61% White Christian, whereas the country as a whole is approximately 41% White Christian.

Joy Reid is very clearly articulating what the Democrat Party has devolved to being about.
The Democrats are about primitive racial and religious tribalism.
She is telling us that she votes Democrat because she hates White Christians.
She is telling us that White folks and Christians are the problem in America and that they are not welcomed in the Democrat Party.
The Radical Left has been warning people about those dangerous "white christian nationalist"
Reid's demographic statistics are dubious.
MSNBC should be ashamed for being a platform for racist cretins such as Joy Reid.

View attachment 888697
These racist Trump supporters aren't real Christians.

Joy Reid is 100% correct what she says about these fuckholes.

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